def handle(self, *args, **options):
        # First we download a bunch of zipfiles of TIGER data.
        HERE = os.getcwd()
        print "Working directory is", HERE
        OUTDIR = os.path.join(HERE, 'tiger_data')
        # 25 = MA; 25025 = Suffolk County, MA.
        ZIPS = ("PLACE/2010/",
        makedirs(OUTDIR) or die("couldn't create directory %s" % OUTDIR)
        for fname in ZIPS:
            wget('%s/%s' % (BASEURL, fname), cwd=OUTDIR) or die(
                "Could not download %s/%s" % (BASEURL, fname))

        import glob
        for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(OUTDIR, '*zip')):
            unzip(fname, cwd=OUTDIR) or die("Could not unzip %s" % fname)
        print "Shapefiles unzipped in %s" % OUTDIR

        # Now we load them into our blocks table.
        from ebpub.streets.blockimport.tiger import import_blocks
        from ebpub.utils.geodjango import get_default_bounds
        print "Importing blocks, this may take several minutes ..."

        # Passing --city means we skip features labeled for other cities.

        importer = import_blocks.TigerImporter(
            '%s/tl_2010_25025_edges.shp' % OUTDIR,
            '%s/tl_2010_25025_featnames.dbf' % OUTDIR,
            '%s/tl_2010_25025_faces.dbf' % OUTDIR,
            '%s/tl_2010_25_place10.shp' % OUTDIR,
        num_created =
        print "Created %d blocks" % num_created


        print "Populating streets and fixing addresses, these can take several minutes..."

        #cd $SOURCE_ROOT/ebpub/ebpub/streets/bin || die

        # Note these scripts should be run ONCE, in this order,
        # after you have imported *all* your blocks.

        from ebpub.streets.bin import populate_streets
        populate_streets.main(['-v', '-v', '-v', '-v', 'streets'])
        populate_streets.main(['-v', '-v', '-v', '-v', 'block_intersections'])
        populate_streets.main(['-v', '-v', '-v', '-v', 'intersections'])
        print "Done."