def scrape(output_file, input_file=None): # if an argument is given, use that as the path for the json file if input_file: with open(input_file) as json_data: data = json.load(json_data) else: price_index = '' index = requests.get(price_index) data = index.json() rds_instances = {} instances = {} # region mapping, someone thought it was handy not to include the region id's :( regions = ec2.get_region_descriptions() # loop through products, and only fetch available instances for now for sku, product in six.iteritems(data['products']): if product.get('productFamily', None) == 'Database Instance': attributes = product['attributes'] # map the region location = attributes['location'] instance_type = attributes['instanceType'] try: region = regions[location] except KeyError as e: if location == 'Any': region = 'us-east-1' else: print( f"ERROR: No region data for location={location}. Ignoring instance with sku={sku}, type={instance_type}" ) continue # set the attributes in line with the ec2 index attributes['region'] = region attributes['memory'] = attributes['memory'].split(' ')[0] attributes['network_performance'] = attributes[ 'networkPerformance'] attributes['family'] = attributes['instanceFamily'] attributes['instance_type'] = instance_type attributes['database_engine'] = attributes['databaseEngine'] attributes['arch'] = attributes['processorArchitecture'] attributes['pricing'] = {} attributes['pricing'][region] = {} if attributes['engineCode'] not in ['210', '220']: rds_instances[sku] = attributes if instance_type not in instances.keys(): instances[instance_type] = attributes instances[instance_type]['pricing'] = {} # Parse ondemand pricing for sku, offers in six.iteritems(data['terms']['OnDemand']): for code, offer in six.iteritems(offers): for key, dimension in six.iteritems(offer['priceDimensions']): # skip these for now if any(descr in dimension['description'].lower() for descr in [ 'transfer', 'global', 'storage', 'iops', 'requests', 'multi-az' ]): continue instance = rds_instances.get(sku) if not instance: print( f"ERROR: Received on demand pricing info for unknown sku={sku}" ) continue if instance['region'] not in instances[ instance['instance_type']]['pricing']: instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing'][ instance['region']] = {} instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing'][ instance['region']][instance['database_engine']] = { 'ondemand': float(dimension['pricePerUnit']['USD']) } reserved_mapping = { '3yr Partial Upfront': 'yrTerm3.partialUpfront', '1yr Partial Upfront': 'yrTerm1.partialUpfront', '3yr All Upfront': 'yrTerm3.allUpfront', '1yr All Upfront': 'yrTerm1.allUpfront', '1yr No Upfront': 'yrTerm1.noUpfront', '3yr No Upfront': 'yrTerm3.noUpfront', } # Parse reserved pricing for sku, offers in six.iteritems(data['terms']['Reserved']): for code, offer in six.iteritems(offers): for key, dimension in six.iteritems(offer['priceDimensions']): instance = rds_instances.get(sku) if not instance: print( f"ERROR: Received reserved pricing info for unknown sku={sku}" ) continue # skip multi-az if instance['deploymentOption'] != 'Single-AZ': continue region = instance['region'] # create a regional hash if region not in instance['pricing']: instance['pricing'][region] = {} # create a database_engine hash if instance['database_engine'] not in instance['pricing'][ region]: instance['pricing'][region][ instance['database_engine']] = {} # create a reserved hash if 'reserved' not in instance['pricing'][region][ instance['database_engine']]: instance['pricing'][region][ instance['database_engine']]['reserved'] = {} # store the pricing in placeholder field reserved_type = "%s %s" % ( offer['termAttributes']['LeaseContractLength'], offer['termAttributes']['PurchaseOption']) instance['pricing'][region][ instance['database_engine']]['reserved'][ '%s-%s' % (reserved_mapping[reserved_type], dimension['unit'].lower())] = float( dimension['pricePerUnit']['USD']) # Calculate all reserved effective pricings (upfront hourly + hourly price) for instance_type, instance in six.iteritems(instances): for region, pricing in six.iteritems(instance['pricing']): for engine, prices in six.iteritems(pricing): if 'reserved' not in prices: continue try: # no multi-az here reserved_prices = { 'yrTerm3.partialUpfront': (prices['reserved']['yrTerm3.partialUpfront-quantity'] / (365 * 3) / 24) + prices['reserved']['yrTerm3.partialUpfront-hrs'], 'yrTerm1.partialUpfront': (prices['reserved']['yrTerm1.partialUpfront-quantity'] / 365 / 24) + prices['reserved']['yrTerm1.partialUpfront-hrs'], 'yrTerm3.allUpfront': (prices['reserved']['yrTerm3.allUpfront-quantity'] / (365 * 3) / 24) + prices['reserved']['yrTerm3.allUpfront-hrs'], 'yrTerm1.allUpfront': (prices['reserved']['yrTerm1.allUpfront-quantity'] / 365 / 24) + prices['reserved']['yrTerm1.allUpfront-hrs'], 'yrTerm1.noUpfront': prices['reserved']['yrTerm1.noUpfront-hrs'], } if 'yrTerm3.noUpfront-hrs' in prices['reserved']: reserved_prices['yrTerm3.noUpfront'] = prices[ 'reserved']['yrTerm3.noUpfront-hrs'] instances[instance_type]['pricing'][region][engine][ 'reserved'] = reserved_prices except Exception as e: print( "ERROR: Trouble generating RDS reserved price for {}: {!r}" .format(instance_type, e)) # print json.dumps(instances['db.m3.medium']['pricing']['eu-west-1']['MySQL'], indent=4) add_pretty_names(instances) # write output to file encoder.FLOAT_REPR = lambda o: format(o, '.5f') with open(output_file, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(list(instances.values()), outfile, indent=4)
def scrape(output_file, input_file=None): # if an argument is given, use that as the path for the json file if input_file: with open(input_file) as json_data: data = json.load(json_data) else: price_index = "" index = requests.get(price_index) data = index.json() rds_instances = {} instances = {} # region mapping, someone thought it was handy not to include the region id's :( regions = ec2.get_region_descriptions() # loop through products, and only fetch available instances for now for sku, product in six.iteritems(data["products"]): if product.get("productFamily", None) == "Database Instance": attributes = product["attributes"] # skip multi-az if attributes["deploymentOption"] != "Single-AZ": continue # map the region location = ec2.canonicalize_location(attributes["location"]) instance_type = attributes["instanceType"] try: region = regions[location] except KeyError as e: if location == "Any": region = "us-east-1" else: print( f"ERROR: No region data for location={location}. Ignoring instance with sku={sku}, type={instance_type}" ) continue # set the attributes in line with the ec2 index attributes["region"] = region attributes["memory"] = attributes["memory"].split(" ")[0] attributes["network_performance"] = attributes.get( "networkPerformance", None) attributes["family"] = attributes["instanceFamily"] attributes["instance_type"] = instance_type attributes["database_engine"] = attributes["databaseEngine"] attributes["arch"] = attributes.get("processorArchitecture", None) attributes["pricing"] = {} attributes["pricing"][region] = {} if attributes.get("engineCode", None) == None: print( f"No Engine Code found. Ignoring instance with sku={sku}") continue if attributes["engineCode"] not in ["210", "220"]: rds_instances[sku] = attributes if instance_type not in instances.keys(): # delete some attributes that are inconsistent among skus new_attributes = ( attributes.copy() ) # make copy so we can keep these attributes with the sku new_attributes.pop("databaseEdition", None) new_attributes.pop("databaseEngine", None) new_attributes.pop("database_engine", None) new_attributes.pop("deploymentOption", None) new_attributes.pop("engineCode", None) new_attributes.pop("licenseModel", None) new_attributes.pop("location", None) new_attributes.pop("locationType", None) new_attributes.pop("operation", None) new_attributes.pop("region", None) new_attributes.pop("usagetype", None) new_attributes["pricing"] = attributes["pricing"] instances[instance_type] = new_attributes # Parse ondemand pricing for sku, offers in six.iteritems(data["terms"]["OnDemand"]): for code, offer in six.iteritems(offers): for key, dimension in six.iteritems(offer["priceDimensions"]): # skip these for now if any(descr in dimension["description"].lower() for descr in [ "transfer", "global", "storage", "iops", "requests", "multi-az", ]): continue instance = rds_instances.get(sku) if not instance: # print(f"WARNING: Received on demand pricing info for unknown sku={sku}") continue if (instance["region"] not in instances[ instance["instance_type"]]["pricing"]): instances[instance["instance_type"]]["pricing"][ instance["region"]] = {} instances[instance["instance_type"]]["pricing"][ instance["region"]][instance["engineCode"]] = { "ondemand": float(dimension["pricePerUnit"]["USD"]) } # keep this for backwards compatibility, even though it's wrong # (database_engine is not unique, so multiple offerings overlap) instances[instance["instance_type"]]["pricing"][ instance["region"]][instance["database_engine"]] = { "ondemand": float(dimension["pricePerUnit"]["USD"]) } reserved_mapping = { "3yr Partial Upfront": "yrTerm3.partialUpfront", "1yr Partial Upfront": "yrTerm1.partialUpfront", "3yr All Upfront": "yrTerm3.allUpfront", "1yr All Upfront": "yrTerm1.allUpfront", "1yr No Upfront": "yrTerm1.noUpfront", "3yr No Upfront": "yrTerm3.noUpfront", } # Parse reserved pricing for sku, offers in six.iteritems(data["terms"]["Reserved"]): for code, offer in six.iteritems(offers): for key, dimension in six.iteritems(offer["priceDimensions"]): instance = rds_instances.get(sku) if not instance: # print(f"WARNING: Received reserved pricing info for unknown sku={sku}") continue # skip multi-az if instance["deploymentOption"] != "Single-AZ": continue region = instance["region"] # create a regional hash if region not in instance["pricing"]: instance["pricing"][region] = {} # create a database_engine hash if instance["database_engine"] not in instance["pricing"][ region]: instance["pricing"][region][ instance["database_engine"]] = {} if instance["engineCode"] not in instance["pricing"][region]: instance["pricing"][region][instance["engineCode"]] = {} # create a reserved hash if ("reserved" not in instances[instance["instance_type"]]["pricing"][ instance["region"]][instance["database_engine"]]): instances[instance["instance_type"]]["pricing"][ instance["region"]][ instance["database_engine"]]["reserved"] = {} if ("reserved" not in instances[instance["instance_type"]] ["pricing"][instance["region"]][instance["engineCode"]]): instances[instance["instance_type"]]["pricing"][instance[ "region"]][instance["engineCode"]]["reserved"] = {} reserved_type = "%s %s" % ( offer["termAttributes"]["LeaseContractLength"], offer["termAttributes"]["PurchaseOption"], ) instances[instance["instance_type"]]["pricing"][ instance["region"]][instance["engineCode"]]["reserved"][ "%s-%s" % (reserved_mapping[reserved_type], dimension["unit"].lower())] = float( dimension["pricePerUnit"]["USD"]) instances[instance["instance_type"]]["pricing"][instance[ "region"]][instance["database_engine"]]["reserved"][ "%s-%s" % (reserved_mapping[reserved_type], dimension["unit"].lower())] = float( dimension["pricePerUnit"]["USD"]) # Calculate all reserved effective pricings (upfront hourly + hourly price) for instance_type, instance in six.iteritems(instances): for region, pricing in six.iteritems(instance["pricing"]): for engine, prices in six.iteritems(pricing): if "reserved" not in prices: continue try: # no multi-az here reserved_prices = {} if "yrTerm3.partialUpfront-quantity" in prices["reserved"]: reserved_prices["yrTerm3Standard.partialUpfront"] = ( prices["reserved"] ["yrTerm3.partialUpfront-quantity"] / (365 * 3) / 24 ) + prices["reserved"]["yrTerm3.partialUpfront-hrs"] if "yrTerm1.partialUpfront-quantity" in prices["reserved"]: reserved_prices["yrTerm1Standard.partialUpfront"] = ( prices["reserved"] ["yrTerm1.partialUpfront-quantity"] / 365 / 24 ) + prices["reserved"]["yrTerm1.partialUpfront-hrs"] if "yrTerm3.allUpfront-quantity" in prices["reserved"]: reserved_prices["yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront"] = ( prices["reserved"]["yrTerm3.allUpfront-quantity"] / (365 * 3) / 24) + prices["reserved"]["yrTerm3.allUpfront-hrs"] if "yrTerm1.noUpfront-hrs" in prices["reserved"]: reserved_prices["yrTerm1Standard.noUpfront"] = prices[ "reserved"]["yrTerm1.noUpfront-hrs"] if "yrTerm3.noUpfront-hrs" in prices["reserved"]: reserved_prices["yrTerm3Standard.noUpfront"] = prices[ "reserved"]["yrTerm3.noUpfront-hrs"] instances[instance_type]["pricing"][region][engine][ "reserved"] = reserved_prices except Exception as e: print( "ERROR: Trouble generating RDS reserved price for {}: {!r}" .format(instance_type, e)) add_pretty_names(instances) # write output to file encoder.FLOAT_REPR = lambda o: format(o, ".5f") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_file), exist_ok=True) with open(output_file, "w+") as outfile: json.dump(list(instances.values()), outfile, indent=1)
def scrape(output_file, input_file=None): # if an argument is given, use that as the path for the json file if input_file: with open(input_file) as json_data: data = json.load(json_data) else: price_index = '' index = requests.get(price_index) data = index.json() rds_instances = {} instances = {} # region mapping, someone thought it was handy not to include the region id's :( regions = ec2.get_region_descriptions() # loop through products, and only fetch available instances for now for sku, product in six.iteritems(data['products']): if product.get('productFamily', None) == 'Database Instance': # map the region try: region = regions[product['attributes']['location']] except KeyError as e: if product['attributes']['location'] == 'Any': region = 'us-east-1' else: raise # set the attributes in line with the ec2 index attributes = product['attributes'] attributes['region'] = region attributes['memory'] = attributes['memory'].split(' ')[0] attributes['network_performance'] = attributes['networkPerformance'] attributes['family'] = attributes['instanceFamily'] attributes['instance_type'] = attributes['instanceType'] attributes['database_engine'] = attributes['databaseEngine'] attributes['arch'] = attributes['processorArchitecture'] attributes['pricing'] = {} attributes['pricing'][region] = {} rds_instances[sku] = attributes if attributes['instance_type'] not in instances.keys(): instances[attributes['instance_type']] = attributes instances[attributes['instance_type']]['pricing'] = {} # Parse ondemand pricing for sku, offers in six.iteritems(data['terms']['OnDemand']): for code, offer in six.iteritems(offers): for key, dimension in six.iteritems(offer['priceDimensions']): # skip these for now if any(descr in dimension['description'].lower() for descr in ['transfer', 'global', 'storage', 'iops', 'requests', 'multi-az']): continue instance = rds_instances.get(sku) if not instance: print("ERROR: Instance type not found for sku={}".format(sku)) continue if instance['region'] not in instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing']: instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing'][instance['region']] = {} instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing'][instance['region']][instance['database_engine']] = { 'ondemand': float(dimension['pricePerUnit']['USD']) } reserved_mapping = { '3yr Partial Upfront': 'yrTerm3.partialUpfront', '1yr Partial Upfront': 'yrTerm1.partialUpfront', '3yr All Upfront': 'yrTerm3.allUpfront', '1yr All Upfront': 'yrTerm1.allUpfront', '1yr No Upfront': 'yrTerm1.noUpfront', '3yr No Upfront': 'yrTerm3.noUpfront', } # Parse reserved pricing for sku, offers in six.iteritems(data['terms']['Reserved']): for code, offer in six.iteritems(offers): for key, dimension in six.iteritems(offer['priceDimensions']): # skip multi-az if rds_instances[sku]['deploymentOption'] != 'Single-AZ': continue instance = rds_instances[sku] region = rds_instances[sku]['region'] # create a regional hash if region not in instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing']: instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing'][region] = {} # create a reserved hash if 'reserved' not in instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing'][region][instance['database_engine']]: instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing'][region][instance['database_engine']]['reserved'] = {} # store the pricing in placeholder field reserved_type = "%s %s" % (offer['termAttributes']['LeaseContractLength'], offer['termAttributes']['PurchaseOption']) instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing'][region][instance['database_engine']]['reserved']['%s-%s' % (reserved_mapping[reserved_type], dimension['unit'].lower())] = float(dimension['pricePerUnit']['USD']) # if instance['instance_type'] == 'db.m3.medium' and region == 'eu-west-1' and instance['database_engine'].lower() == 'mysql': # print offer # print instance['database_engine'] # print dimension # print reserved_type # print dimension['pricePerUnit']['USD'], float(dimension['pricePerUnit']['USD']) # print instances[instance['instance_type']]['pricing'][region][instance['database_engine']]['reserved'] # print json.dumps(instances['db.m3.medium']['pricing']['eu-west-1']['MySQL'], indent=4) # Calculate all reserved effective pricings (upfront hourly + hourly price) for instance_type, instance in six.iteritems(instances): for region, pricing in six.iteritems(instance['pricing']): for engine, prices in six.iteritems(pricing): if 'reserved' not in prices: continue try: # no multi-az here reserved_prices = { 'yrTerm3.partialUpfront': (prices['reserved']['yrTerm3.partialUpfront-quantity'] / (365 * 3) / 24) + prices['reserved']['yrTerm3.partialUpfront-hrs'], 'yrTerm1.partialUpfront': (prices['reserved']['yrTerm1.partialUpfront-quantity'] / 365 / 24) + prices['reserved']['yrTerm1.partialUpfront-hrs'], 'yrTerm3.allUpfront': (prices['reserved']['yrTerm3.allUpfront-quantity'] / (365 * 3) / 24) + prices['reserved']['yrTerm3.allUpfront-hrs'], 'yrTerm1.allUpfront': (prices['reserved']['yrTerm1.allUpfront-quantity'] / 365 / 24) + prices['reserved']['yrTerm1.allUpfront-hrs'], 'yrTerm1.noUpfront': prices['reserved']['yrTerm1.noUpfront-hrs'], } if 'yrTerm3.noUpfront-hrs' in prices['reserved']: reserved_prices['yrTerm3.noUpfront'] = prices['reserved']['yrTerm3.noUpfront-hrs'] instances[instance_type]['pricing'][region][engine]['reserved'] = reserved_prices except Exception as e: print("ERROR: Trouble generating RDS reserved price for {}: {!r}".format(instance_type, e)) # print json.dumps(instances['db.m3.medium']['pricing']['eu-west-1']['MySQL'], indent=4) add_pretty_names(instances) # write output to file encoder.FLOAT_REPR = lambda o: format(o, '.5f') with open(output_file, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(list(instances.values()), outfile, indent=4)
def scrape(output_file, input_file=None): # if an argument is given, use that as the path for the json file if input_file: with open(input_file) as json_data: data = json.load(json_data) else: price_index = "" index = requests.get(price_index) data = index.json() caches_instances = {} instances = {} # region mapping, someone thought it was handy not to include the region id's :( regions = ec2.get_region_descriptions() # loop through products, and only fetch available instances for now for sku, product in tqdm(six.iteritems(data["products"])): if product.get("productFamily", None) == "Cache Instance": attributes = product["attributes"] # map the region location = ec2.canonicalize_location(attributes["location"]) instance_type = attributes["instanceType"] try: region = regions[location] except KeyError as e: if location == "Any": region = "us-east-1" else: print( f"ERROR: No region data for location={location}. Ignoring instance with sku={sku}, type={instance_type}" ) continue # set the attributes in line with the ec2 index attributes["region"] = region attributes["memory"] = attributes["memory"].split(" ")[0] attributes["network_performance"] = attributes.get( "networkPerformance", None ) attributes["family"] = attributes["instanceFamily"] attributes["instance_type"] = instance_type attributes["cache_engine"] = attributes["cacheEngine"] attributes["pricing"] = {} attributes["pricing"][region] = {} caches_instances[sku] = attributes if instance_type not in instances.keys(): # delete some attributes that are inconsistent among skus new_attributes = ( attributes.copy() ) # make copy so we can keep these attributes with the sku new_attributes.pop("cache_engine", None) new_attributes.pop("location", None) new_attributes.pop("locationType", None) new_attributes.pop("operation", None) new_attributes.pop("region", None) new_attributes.pop("usagetype", None) new_attributes["pricing"] = attributes["pricing"] instances[instance_type] = new_attributes # Parse ondemand pricing for sku, offers in six.iteritems(data["terms"]["OnDemand"]): for code, offer in six.iteritems(offers): for key, dimension in six.iteritems(offer["priceDimensions"]): # skip these for now if any( descr in dimension["description"].lower() for descr in [ "transfer", "global", "storage", "iops", "requests", "multi-az", ] ): continue instance = caches_instances.get(sku) if not instance: # print(f"WARNING: Received on demand pricing info for unknown sku={sku}") continue region = instance["region"] instance_type = instance["instance_type"] cache_engine = instance["cache_engine"] if region not in instances[instance_type]["pricing"]: # Initialise pricing for the instance_type instances[instance_type]["pricing"][region] = {} instances[instance_type]["pricing"][region][cache_engine] = { "ondemand": float(dimension["pricePerUnit"]["USD"]) } reserved_mapping = { "1yr All Upfront": "yrTerm1.allUpfront", "1yr Partial Upfront": "yrTerm1.partialUpfront", "1yr No Upfront": "yrTerm1.noUpfront", "1yr Light Utilization": "yrTerm1.lightUtilization", "1yr Medium Utilization": "yrTerm1.mediumUtilization", "1yr Heavy Utilization": "yrTerm1.heavyUtilization", "3yr All Upfront": "yrTerm3.allUpfront", "3yr Partial Upfront": "yrTerm3.partialUpfront", "3yr No Upfront": "yrTerm3.noUpfront", "3yr Light Utilization": "yrTerm3.lightUtilization", "3yr Medium Utilization": "yrTerm3.mediumUtilization", "3yr Heavy Utilization": "yrTerm3.heavyUtilization", } # Parse reserved pricing for sku, offers in six.iteritems(data["terms"]["Reserved"]): for code, offer in six.iteritems(offers): for key, dimension in six.iteritems(offer["priceDimensions"]): instance = caches_instances.get(sku) if not instance: # print(f"WARNING: Received reserved pricing info for unknown sku={sku}") continue region = instance["region"] instance_type = instance["instance_type"] cache_engine = instance["cache_engine"] # create a regional hash if region not in instance["pricing"]: instance["pricing"][region] = {} # create a cache_engine hash if cache_engine not in instance["pricing"][region]: instance["pricing"][region][instance["cache_engine"]] = {} # create a reserved hash if ( "reserved" not in instances[instance_type]["pricing"][region][cache_engine] ): instances[instance_type]["pricing"][region][cache_engine][ "reserved" ] = {} reserved_type = f"%s %s" % ( offer["termAttributes"]["LeaseContractLength"], offer["termAttributes"]["PurchaseOption"], ) instances[instance_type]["pricing"][region][cache_engine]["reserved"][ "%s-%s" % (reserved_mapping[reserved_type], dimension["unit"].lower()) ] = float(dimension["pricePerUnit"]["USD"]) # Calculate all reserved effective pricings (upfront hourly + hourly price) # Since Light, Medium and Heavy utilization are from previous generations and are not available for choosing # anymore in AWS console, we are not calculating it for instance_type, instance in six.iteritems(instances): for region, pricing in six.iteritems(instance["pricing"]): for engine, prices in six.iteritems(pricing): if "reserved" not in prices: continue try: # no multi-az here reserved_prices = {} if "yrTerm3.partialUpfront-quantity" in prices["reserved"]: reserved_prices["yrTerm3Standard.partialUpfront"] = ( prices["reserved"]["yrTerm3.partialUpfront-quantity"] / (365 * 3) / 24 ) + prices["reserved"]["yrTerm3.partialUpfront-hrs"] if "yrTerm1.partialUpfront-quantity" in prices["reserved"]: reserved_prices["yrTerm1Standard.partialUpfront"] = ( prices["reserved"]["yrTerm1.partialUpfront-quantity"] / 365 / 24 ) + prices["reserved"]["yrTerm1.partialUpfront-hrs"] if "yrTerm3.allUpfront-quantity" in prices["reserved"]: reserved_prices["yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront"] = ( prices["reserved"]["yrTerm3.allUpfront-quantity"] / (365 * 3) / 24 ) + prices["reserved"]["yrTerm3.allUpfront-hrs"] if "yrTerm1.noUpfront-hrs" in prices["reserved"]: reserved_prices["yrTerm1Standard.noUpfront"] = prices[ "reserved" ]["yrTerm1.noUpfront-hrs"] if "yrTerm3.noUpfront-hrs" in prices["reserved"]: reserved_prices["yrTerm3Standard.noUpfront"] = prices[ "reserved" ]["yrTerm3.noUpfront-hrs"] instances[instance_type]["pricing"][region][engine][ "reserved" ] = reserved_prices except Exception as e: print( "ERROR: Trouble generating Cache reserved price for {}: {!r}".format( instance_type, e ) ) add_pretty_names(instances) # write output to file encoder.FLOAT_REPR = lambda o: format(o, ".5f") with open(output_file, "w+") as outfile: json.dump(list(instances.values()), outfile, indent=1)