Exemple #1
def generate_keys():
   Supplicant Mode - Key Generation

    # Select an elliptic curve [it is defined in ecc.py]
    ec = ecc.ECcurve()

    # a = r <- {0, ..., Q - 1} [Alice calculates the private key.]
    print("*  Generating an a random number. (Private Key)")
    a = Crypto.Util.number.getRandomRange(0, (q - 1))
    a = 1742413906660797398263574261320583321084828220183690165741

    # v = -a.G(modP) [Alice calculates the public key v (a point in the elliptic curve).]
    # v = (-a*ec_G) % p

    # atencao a coordenada y! G = (xi, xf)
    print("*  Generating an elliptic curve point. (Public Key)")
    pbp = ecc.ECPoint(ec.xi, ec.yi)
    pbp = pbp.multiplyPointByScalar(a)
    pbp = pbp.simmetric()

    print("--- BEGIN PRIVATE KEY ---")
    print("--- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY ---")
    print("v(x,-) = ", pbp.x)
    print("v(-,y) = ", pbp.y)

    return [a, pbp.x, pbp.y]
Exemple #2
def generate_keys():
	Supplicant Mode - Key Generation

    # Select an elliptic curve [it is defined in ecc.py]
    ec = ecc.ECcurve()

    # a = r <- {0, ..., Q − 1} [Alice calculates the private key.]
    print "*  Generating an a random number. (Private Key)"
    a = Crypto.Util.number.getRandomRange(0, (q - 1))

    # v = −a.G(modP) [Alice calculates the public key v (a point in the elliptic curve).]
    # v = (-a*ec_G) % p

    # atenção à coordenada y! G = (xi, xf)
    print "*  Generating an elliptic curve point. (Public Key)"
    pbp = ecc.ECPoint(ec.xi, ec.yi)
    pbp = pbp.multiplyPointByScalar(a)
    pbp = pbp.simmetric()

    print "--- BEGIN PRIVATE KEY ---"
    print a
    print "--- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY ---"
    print "v(x,-) = " + str(pbp.x)
    print "v(-,y) = " + str(pbp.y)

    return [a, pbp.x, pbp.y]
Exemple #3
def verify(message, x_y, public_key):
    px, py = _hex2ele(public_key)
    v = ecc.ECPoint(px, py)
    e = int.from_bytes(sha224(message).digest(), 'big') % dataSize
    v = v.multiplyPointByScalar(e)

    # calculate z
    ec = ecc.ECcurve()
    z = ecc.ECPoint(ec.xi, ec.yi)
    z = z.multiplyPointByScalar(_hex2int(x_y[byte * 4:]))
    z = z.sum(v)

    # verify z e x
    xx, xy = _hex2ele(x_y[:byte * 4])
    if z.x == xx and z.y == xy:
        return True
        return False
Exemple #4
def sign(message, private_key):
    ec = ecc.ECcurve()
    r = Crypto.Util.number.getRandomRange(0, (q - 1))
    x = ecc.ECPoint(ec.xi, ec.yi)
    x = x.multiplyPointByScalar(r)

    # generates e
    # e = Crypto.Util.number.getRandomRange(0, 2**80)
    e = int.from_bytes(sha224(message).digest(), 'big') % dataSize
    """ calculate Y """
    y = _hex2int(private_key) * e + r

    return _ele2hex(x) + _int2hex(y, b=34)
Exemple #5
def main():

    if (("--generate-keys" in sys.argv) or
        ("-gk") in sys.argv) and (len(sys.argv) == 2):
        # call generate_keys()
        print "*  Key Generation Mode Activated"
        keys = generate_keys()

    elif (("--supplicant" in sys.argv) or
          ("-s" in sys.argv)) and (len(sys.argv) == 3):
        # chamar supplicant()
        a = int(sys.argv[2])
        print "*  Alice Mode Activated (Supplicant Mode)"
        print "*  a = " + str(a)

    elif (("--authenticator" in sys.argv) or
          ("-a" in sys.argv)) and (len(sys.argv) == 4):
        # call authenticator()
        print "*  Bob Mode Activated (Authenticator Mode)"
        print "*  This will be the public key used in the authentication:"
        vx = int(sys.argv[2])
        vy = int(sys.argv[3])
        v = ecc.ECPoint(vx, vy)
        print "  v(x,-) = " + str(v.x)
        print "  v(-,y) = " + str(v.y)
        print "*  Trying to listen to Alice."

    elif (("--generate-keys" in sys.argv) or ("-gk") in sys.argv) and (
        ("--supplicant" in sys.argv) or ("-s" in sys.argv)) or (
            (("--generate-keys" in sys.argv) or ("-gk") in sys.argv) and
            (("--authenticator" in sys.argv) or
             ("-a" in sys.argv))) or ((("--supplicant" in sys.argv) or
                                       ("-s" in sys.argv)) and
                                      (("--authenticator" in sys.argv) or
                                       ("-a" in sys.argv))):
        print usage
        print "\n\n Use only one of the modes, please."
        # otherwise show usage.
        print usage
Exemple #6
def supplicant(a):
	Alice / Supplicant / Client Mode

    #host = 'localhost'
    #port = 8888
    #dataSize = 1024
    print "*  Opening socket"
    print "*   - host: " + str(host)
    print "*   - port: " + str(port)

    aChannel = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    aChannel.connect((host, port))

    print "\n*  Connected to Bob (Authenticator)."

    #Generate a number R to use in  [ x=r.G(modP) ] to calculate a point on the elliptic curve
    print "*  Generating a r random number."
    ec = ecc.ECcurve()
    r = Crypto.Util.number.getRandomRange(0, (q - 1))
    print "*  Number r generated."
    print "\tr = " + str(r)
    print "*  Getting point X on the elliptic curve."
    x = ecc.ECPoint(ec.xi, ec.yi)
    x = x.multiplyPointByScalar(r)

    # enviar V
    #print "\nVx: " + hex(x.x)
    #print "Vy: " + hex(x.y)

    # send x
    # print "\n<- sending X."
    print "\tXx: " + hex(x.x)
    print "\tXy: " + hex(x.y)
    print "\n<- X sent."

    # receive e
    #print "\n-> Receiving e."
    e = aChannel.recv(dataSize)
    e = int(e)
    print "\n-> e received."
    print "\te: " + hex(e)

    if e < 2**80:
        print "*  e is valid."
        print "*  e is not valid."

    # Alice verifies that the value [e] is in the appropriate interval

    # calculate Y
    #print "\n*  Calculating y."
    y = a * e + r
    print "\n*  y was calculed."
    print "\ty: " + hex(y)

    # send  y
    # print "\n<- sending y."
    print "\n<- y sent."

    print "*  Connection closed.\n"
Exemple #7
def authenticator(v):
	Bob / Authenticator / Server Mode

    #host = ''
    #port = 8888
    nClients = 5
    #dataSize = 1024
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.bind((host, port))
    bChannel, address = s.accept()

    print "*  Alice is connected."

    # receive v
    #vx = bChannel.recv(dataSize)
    #vy = bChannel.recv(dataSize)
    #v  = ecc.ECPoint(int(vx), int(vy))
    #print "\n-> V received with the following values: "
    #print "\tVx: " + hex(v.x)
    #print "\tVy: " + hex(v.y)

    # receives x
    xx = bChannel.recv(dataSize)
    xy = bChannel.recv(dataSize)
    x = ecc.ECPoint(int(xx), int(xy))
    print "\n-> x received with the following values: "
    print "\txx: " + hex(x.x)
    print "\txy: " + hex(x.y)

    # generates e
    e = Crypto.Util.number.getRandomRange(0, 2**80)
    print "\n*  e generated.\n\t e: " + hex(e)
    # send e
    print "\n<- e sent."

    # receive y
    y = bChannel.recv(dataSize)
    y = int(y)
    print "\n-> y received with the following value: "
    print "\ty: " + hex(y)

    # calculate z
    ec = ecc.ECcurve()
    z = ecc.ECPoint(ec.xi, ec.yi)
    z = z.multiplyPointByScalar(y)
    v = v.multiplyPointByScalar(e)

    z = z.sum(v)

    # verify z e x
    print "\n\n*  Final Result: \n"
    if z.x == x.x and z.y == x.y:
        print "\t\tSuccess!"
        print "\t\tFail!"
    print "\n"

    print "*  Connection closed\n"
Exemple #8
def get_public_key(private_key):
    ec = ecc.ECcurve()
    pbp = ecc.ECPoint(ec.xi, ec.yi)
    pbp = pbp.multiplyPointByScalar(_hex2int(private_key))
    pbp = pbp.simmetric()
    return _ele2hex(pbp)