Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, chip_id, debug=False):
        rc = ecmd.ecmdLoadDll(os.environ['ECMD_DLL_FILE'], "ver13,ver14")
        if (rc):
            print("ERROR: problem on dll load")
        #setup chip target
        self.tgt = ecmd.ecmdChipTarget()
        self.tgt.chipType = "pu"
        self.tgt.cage = 0
        self.tgt.node = 0
        self.tgt.slot = 0
        self.tgt.pos = chip_id
        self.tgt.core = 0

        #self.looper = ecmd.ecmdLooperData();

        #rc = ecmd.ecmdConfigLooperInit(self.tgt, ecmd.ECMD_ALL_TARGETS_LOOP, self.looper)
        #if (rc):
        #    print("ERROR: problem calling ecmdConfigLooperInit")

        self.debug = debug
Exemple #2

import ecmd

tgts = ecmd.ecmdChipTargetList()
tgt = ecmd.ecmdChipTarget()

print("size: %d") % (tgts.size())

tgt.chipType = "chip 1"
tgt.chipType = "chip 2"

print("size: %d") % (tgts.size())

for tgt in tgts:
    print("name: %s") % (tgt.chipType)

for i in range(0, tgts.size()):
    print("name: %s") % (tgts[i].chipType)

tgt = tgts.pop()
print("name: %s") % (tgt.chipType)

for i in range(0, tgts.size()):
    print("name: %s") % (tgts[i].chipType)
Exemple #3
    print("ERROR: problem querying plugin")
print("some dll info:\n");
print("dllType        = %s" % dllInfo.dllType)
print("dllProduct     = %s" % dllInfo.dllProduct)
print("dllProductType = %s" % dllInfo.dllProductType)
print("dllEnv         = %s" % dllInfo.dllEnv)
print("dllBuildDate   = %s" % dllInfo.dllBuildDate)
print("dllCapiVersion = %s" % dllInfo.dllCapiVersion)
print("dllBuildInfo   = %s" % dllInfo.dllBuildInfo)

# Pulling this test for now
# It breaks builds where ring support isn't included, so some smarts would need to be put into it
# JTA 11/11/2014
if (0):
    testNum+=1; print("dll %02d) Query Ring Info" % testNum)
    tgt = ecmd.ecmdChipTarget()
    ringInfo = ecmd.ecmdRingDataList()
    rc = ecmd.ecmdQueryRing(tgt, ringInfo)
    print("size: %d" % ringInfo.size())
    for i in range(0, ringInfo.size()):
        for j in range(0, ringInfo[i].ringNames.size()):
            print("%s" % ringInfo[i].ringNames[j])
    for item in ringInfo:
        for itemName in item.ringNames:
            print("%s" % itemName)
    for item in ringInfo:
        print("ringNames: "),
        for itemName in item.ringNames:
            print("%s " % itemName),
Exemple #4
print("dllCapiVersion = %s" % dllInfo.dllCapiVersion)
print("dllBuildInfo   = %s" % dllInfo.dllBuildInfo)

testNum += 1
print("dll %02d) Python tuple return example" % testNum)
(rc, unitIdVer) = ecmd.ecmdGetUnitIdVersion()
if (rc):
    print("ERROR: problem getting unit id version")
    print("Unit Id Version: %08x" % unitIdVer)

# Make sure target hashing is working
# If it is working, we can setup two different targets with the same states
# The 2nd target should be able to access what was loaded for the 1st target
# If it breaks, the target2 access will throw a key error
target1 = ecmd.ecmdChipTarget()
target2 = ecmd.ecmdChipTarget()
target1.cageState = ecmd.ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID
target2.cageState = ecmd.ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID
targets = dict()
targets[target1] = "hi"

if (targets[target2] != "hi"):
    print("ERROR: target hashing broke!")

# A couple deepcopy tests to make sure the defined __deepcopy__ functions work
# If not, we'll take a traceback and the test will fail
edborig = ecmd.ecmdDataBuffer()
targetorig = ecmd.ecmdChipTarget()
edbcopy = copy.deepcopy(edborig)
targetcopy = copy.deepcopy(targetorig)