def service(name): try: return ecmwfapi.ECMWFService(name) except Exception as e: if ".ecmwfapirc" in str(e): MARSAPI().ask_user_and_save() return ecmwfapi.ECMWFService(name) raise
def __init__(self, key=None, email=None): """ Set up a connection to the MARS data service. """ import ecmwfapi if key is not None and email is not None: self.service = ecmwfapi.ECMWFService('mars', key=key, email=email) else: self.service = ecmwfapi.ECMWFService('mars')
def test_mars(): while True: try: c = ecmwfapi.ECMWFService("mars") c.execute({"date": "2000-01-01"}, "mars.grib") assert os.path.getsize("mars.grib") == 1238868 return except ecmwfapi.api.APIException as e: print(e) msg = str(e) if "USER_QUEUED_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" not in msg: raise time.sleep(120)
expver = 1, time = 00/12, step = 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12, type = fc, param = 228.128, grid = 0.1/0.1, format = netcdf, target = \"/g/data/fj4/ECMWF/HRES/precip_{2}.nc\"""".format( d0.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), d1.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), d0.strftime('%Y%m')) print(req) if "WEBMARS_TARGET" in os.environ: target = os.environ["WEBMARS_TARGET"] else: m = '\\btar(g(e(t)?)?)?\s*=\s*([^\'",\s]+|"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\')', req, re.I | re.M) if m is None: raise Exception("Cannot extract target") target = if target is None: raise Exception("Cannot extract target") if target[0] == target[-1]: if target[0] in ['"', "'"]: target = target[1:-1] c = ecmwfapi.ECMWFService('mars') c.execute(req, target)
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning) import pandas as pd import xarray as xr import pygrib from helper_functions import unitconversionfactors, agg_space, agg_time from observations import Clustering, EventClassification # Extended range has 50 perturbed members. and 1 control forecast. Steps: "0/to/1104/by/6" # Reforecasts have 11 members (stream = "enfh", number "1/to/10"). Probably some duplicates will arise. # Params: 228.128 : total precipitation (or 228172). 167.128 : T2m # Native grid O320 (but subsetting is not available for native) # Grids at the ecmwf are stored with decreasing latitude but increasing longitude. # Global variables server = ecmwfapi.ECMWFService( "mars" ) # Setup parallel requests by splitting the batches in multiple consoles. (total: max 3 active and 20 queued requests allowed) for_netcdf_encoding = { 't2m': { 'dtype': 'int16', 'scale_factor': 0.002, 'add_offset': 273, '_FillValue': -32767 }, 'mx2t6': { 'dtype': 'int16', 'scale_factor': 0.002, 'add_offset': 273, '_FillValue': -32767 }, 'tp': {
def test_mars(): c = ecmwfapi.ECMWFService("mars") c.execute({"date": "2000-01-01"}, "mars.grib")