def generate(self, P): # generate environment and populate with ecosystems # for i in range(0, P.grid_size): # x coords self.grid.append([]) # build the rows for j in range(0, P.grid_size): # y coords eco = Ecosystem(P, (i, j)) # create an ecosystem at the plot eco.connect(P.grid_size) # connect the ecosystem to its neighbors self.grid[i].append(eco) # put ecosystem into environment grid if( i == 0 and j == 0): # this is the initial founder square with the initial 500 inds eco.populate(P)
class Game(arcade.Window): """ Main application class. """ def __init__(self, width, height): super().__init__(width, height, 'Ecosystem Simulation') self.sprite_list = None self.ecosystem = None arcade.set_background_color(arcade.color.BLACK) def setup(self): self.sprite_list = arcade.SpriteList() self.ecosystem = Ecosystem(int(SCREEN_WIDTH / CELL_WIDTH), int(SCREEN_HEIGHT / CELL_HEIGHT)) def on_draw(self): """ Render the screen. """ arcade.start_render() self.sprite_list.draw() def update(self, delta_time): """ All the logic to move, and the game logic goes here. """ self.sprite_list = arcade.SpriteList() ecosystem_organisms = for organism in ecosystem_organisms: sprite = arcade.Sprite(organism.get_image(), 1) sprite.center_x = organism.x * CELL_WIDTH + CELL_WIDTH / 2 sprite.center_y = organism.y * CELL_HEIGHT + CELL_HEIGHT / 2 self.sprite_list.append(sprite)
def simulate(i): genList = ['power', 'velocity', 'intelligence', 'fertility', 'hostility'] numLives = 30 print(f"init start. numlives: {numLives}") ecosystem = Ecosystem(numLives=numLives, genList=genList, MAP_WIDTH=c.MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT=c.MAP_HEIGHT) print(f"init finished: {i}-----------------------------------------") while ecosystem.time < 500: ecosystem.nextEpoch() # 선택(내부에 evaluation(싸우는거) 포함) selectedCreatures = ecosystem.selection(ecosystem.lives) # 교차 crossOveredCreature = ecosystem.crossover(selectedCreatures[0], selectedCreatures[1]) # 변이 crossOveredCreature = ecosystem.mutation(crossOveredCreature, c.MUTATION_RATE) ecosystem.lives.append(crossOveredCreature) ecosystem.created.append(crossOveredCreature) ecosystem.time += 1 ecosystem.numLives += 1 # print(f'epoch {ecosystem.time}: numLives: {ecosystem.numLives}') print(f"simulation finished: {i}---------------------------------------") ''' print(f"numlives: {ecosystem.numLives}") print(f"lenoflives: {len(ecosystem.lives)}") for cr in ecosystem.lives: print(cr) ''' return ecosystem.numLives, ecosystem.lives
def generate_data_structure(self, code_directory, output_file): files = self.get_class_files(code_directory) self.ecosystem = Ecosystem() self.parse_files(files) f = open(output_file, "w") f.write(self.ecosystem.serialize()) f.close() return self.ecosystem
def main(argv): for i in range(len(argv)): if argv[i] == "-g": if len(argv)-i == 1: # last argument graphic_output.graphics_init("f") else: graphic_output.graphics_init(argv[i+1]) simMins, width, height = inputCreatures() ecosystem = Ecosystem(simMins, width, height) ecosystem.loadCreatures(num_and_what_creatures, creature_funcs, creatures) ecosystem.startSimulation()
def generate(self, P): # generate environment and populate with ecosystems # for i in range(0, P.grid_size): # x coords self.grid.append([]) # build the rows for j in range(0, P.grid_size): # y coords eco = Ecosystem(P, (i, j)) # create an ecosystem at the plot eco.connect( P.grid_size) # connect the ecosystem to its neighbors self.grid[i].append(eco) # put ecosystem into environment grid if ( i == 0 and j == 0 ): # this is the initial founder square with the initial 500 inds eco.populate(P)
class CodeParser: def get_directory_files(self, path): entries = os.listdir(path) files = [] for entry in entries: if isfile(join(path, entry)): files.append(join(path, entry)) elif isdir(join(path, entry)): files.extend(self.get_directory_files(join(path, entry))) return files def get_class_files(self, code_directory): files = self.get_directory_files(code_directory) return filter(lambda path: path.endswith(".h"), files) def parse_class_file(self, input_lines, include_path): current_class = None current_type = '' for line in input_lines: matches = { 'component': re.match(ENGINE_COMPONENT_REGEX, line), 'object': re.match(ENGINE_OBJECT_REGEX, line), 'field': re.match(ENGINE_FIELD_REGEX, line) } if matches['component']: self.ecosystem.add_class_description(copy.copy(current_class)) component_name = matches['component'].group('componentName') current_class = EngineComponentDescription(component_name, include_path) elif matches['object']: self.ecosystem.add_class_description(copy.copy(current_class)) component_name = matches['object'].group('objectName') current_class = EngineObjectDescription(component_name, include_path) elif matches['field']: field_type = matches['field'].group('fieldType') field_name = matches['field'].group('fieldName') isArray = False arrayMatch = re.match(ARRAY_TYPE_REGEX, field_type) if arrayMatch: isArray = True field_type ="type") current_class.add_field(FieldDescription(field_name, field_type, isArray)) self.ecosystem.add_class_description(copy.copy(current_class)) def parse_files(self, files): for path in files: f = open(path, "r") lines = [] for line in f: lines.append(line) self.parse_class_file(lines, path) f.close() def generate_data_structure(self, code_directory, output_file): files = self.get_class_files(code_directory) self.ecosystem = Ecosystem() self.parse_files(files) f = open(output_file, "w") f.write(self.ecosystem.serialize()) f.close() return self.ecosystem
tls = net.get_trophic_levels() top, top_preds = net.top_predators() basal, basal_sps = net.basal() for u, v in net.edges(): if u in basal_sps and v in top_preds and tls[v] == 3: net.remove_edge(u, v) print 'new connectance = ', net.connectance() else: net = obtain_interactions_network() net_to_save = net.copy() nx.write_graphml(net_to_save, network_file) ecosystem = Ecosystem(net, drawing=False) ecosystem.initialise_world(True) #ecosystem.draw_species_distribution() out_row = get_out_row(0, net, '', 0, '', '') out.writerow(out_row) # iteration_to_reset = (int) (math.ceil(ITERATIONS*NETWORK_RESET)) out_row_eco = get_eco_state_row(0, ecosystem) out_eco.writerow(out_row_eco) # print ecosystem.get_groups_counts() # plot_series = [] # plot_prods = [] # plot_mut_prods = []
def plot(steps): populations = { 'rabbit': [], 'bee': [], 'fox': [], 'flower': [], 'grass': [] } genetics_factors = {'rabbit': [], 'fox': []} ecosystem = Ecosystem(int(SCREEN_WIDTH / CELL_WIDTH), int(SCREEN_HEIGHT / CELL_HEIGHT)) # Iterate over time actual_steps = steps for i in range(steps): ecosystem_organisms = rabbits = 0 foxes = 0 bees = 0 flowers = 0 grass = 0 rabbit_genetics_factor = 0 fox_genetics_factor = 0 for organism in ecosystem_organisms: # Observe animal populations if organism.type == Type.RABBIT: rabbits += 1 rabbit_genetics_factor += organism.genetics_factor elif organism.type == Type.FOX: foxes += 1 fox_genetics_factor += organism.genetics_factor elif organism.type == Type.BEE: bees += 1 elif organism.type == Type.FLOWER: flowers += 1 elif organism.type == Type.GRASS: grass += 1 populations['rabbit'].append(rabbits) populations['fox'].append(foxes) populations['bee'].append(bees) populations['flower'].append(flowers) populations['grass'].append(grass) if not i % 100: print('Iteration ' + str(i) + ':') print(' ' + str(foxes) + ' foxes') print(' ' + str(rabbits) + ' rabbits') print(' ' + str(bees) + ' bees') print(' ' + str(flowers) + ' flowers') if rabbits != 0: genetics_factors['rabbit'].append(rabbit_genetics_factor / rabbits) else: actual_steps = i break if foxes != 0: genetics_factors['fox'].append(fox_genetics_factor / foxes) else: actual_steps = i break if actual_steps >= 25000: # Plot the results plt.plot(populations['rabbit'], label='Rabbits') plt.plot(populations['fox'], label='Foxes') plt.plot(populations['bee'], label='Bees') plt.plot(populations['flower'], label='Flowers') plt.plot(populations['grass'], label='Grass') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.ylabel('Population amount') plt.plot(genetics_factors['rabbit'], label='Rabbits') plt.plot(genetics_factors['fox'], label='Foxes') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.ylabel('Genetics factor') return True, actual_steps else: return False, actual_steps
def setup(self): self.sprite_list = arcade.SpriteList() self.ecosystem = Ecosystem(int(SCREEN_WIDTH / CELL_WIDTH), int(SCREEN_HEIGHT / CELL_HEIGHT))
def main(): args= parse_args() file = args.file target_string = charset = args.charset random_crossover = args.random_crossover tournament_size = args.tournament_size population_size = args.population_size if not file and not target_string: print 'ERROR: Must pass either a file containing a target string or a target string' sys.exit(1) if file: with open(file) as f: target_string = f.readline() for char in target_string: if char not in charset: print 'ERROR: Characters does not contain all characters in target string' sys.exit(1) # set ideal target target_individual = Individual(list(target_string)) # set ecosystem ecosystem = Ecosystem(charset, target_individual, tournament_size) ecosystem.set_random_current_population(population_size) # evolve ecosystem until the fittest individual matches the target while ecosystem.get_current_fittest() != target_individual: ecosystem.print_results() ecosystem.evolve() ecosystem.print_results() # print success message ecosystem.print_success()
def build_ecosystem(ecosystem_type, directional): if ecosystem_type == '2_competitive': scenarios = [ CompetitiveScenario(agent_colors=['red', 'yellow'], directional=directional) ] populations = create_populations(2) assigned_pops = [populations] elif ecosystem_type == '2_cooperative': scenarios = [ CooperativeScenario(agent_colors=['green', 'blue'], directional=directional) ] populations = create_populations(2) assigned_pops = [populations] elif ecosystem_type == '3_mixed': scenarios = [ CompetitiveScenario(agent_colors=['red', 'yellow'], directional=directional), CooperativeScenario(agent_colors=['yellow', 'blue'], directional=directional) ] populations = create_populations(3) assigned_pops = [populations[0:2], populations[1:3]] elif ecosystem_type == '3_competitive': scenarios = [ CompetitiveScenario(agent_colors=['red', 'orange'], directional=directional), CompetitiveScenario(agent_colors=['orange', 'yellow'], directional=directional) ] populations = create_populations(3) assigned_pops = [populations[0:2], populations[1:3]] elif ecosystem_type == '4_mixed': scenarios = [ CooperativeScenario(agent_colors=['green', 'yellow'], directional=directional), CompetitiveScenario(agent_colors=['yellow', 'orange'], directional=directional), CooperativeScenario(agent_colors=['orange', 'blue'], directional=directional) ] populations = create_populations(4) assigned_pops = [populations[0:2], populations[1:3], populations[2:4]] elif ecosystem_type == '2_spread': scenarios = [SimpleSpreadScenario(num_agents=2)] populations = create_populations(2) assigned_pops = [populations] else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid ecosystem type {}".format(ecosystem_type)) environments = [] for scenario in scenarios: world = scenario.make_world() if directional: env = DirectionalMultiAgentEnv(world, scenario.reset_world, scenario.reward, scenario.observation_organism, done_callback=scenario.done) else: env = MultiAgentEnv(world, scenario.reset_world, scenario.reward, scenario.observation, done_callback=scenario.done) environments.append(env) ecosystem = Ecosystem(environments, populations, assigned_pops) return ecosystem
tls = net.get_trophic_levels() top, top_preds = net.top_predators() basal, basal_sps = net.basal() for u,v in net.edges(): if u in basal_sps and v in top_preds and tls[v] == 3: net.remove_edge(u,v) print 'new connectance = ', net.connectance() if not READ_FILE_NETWORK: net_to_save = net.copy() nx.write_graphml(net_to_save, network_file) ################################################################################################################## ecosystem = Ecosystem(net, drawing=False) ecosystem.initialise_world(True) out_row = get_out_row(0, net, '', 0, '', '') out.writerow(out_row) out_row_eco = get_eco_state_row(0, ecosystem) out_eco.writerow(out_row_eco) series_counts = dict() if SPATIAL_VARIATION: centroids_counts = dict() areas_counts = dict() ##this structure holds the numbers of immigration, birth and dead of individuals ##for each species during the last ITERATIONS_TO_RECORD iterations
def simulate2(i): genList = ['power', 'velocity', 'intelligence', 'fertility', 'hostility'] numLives = 30 print(f"init start. numlives: {numLives}") ecosystem = Ecosystem(numLives=numLives, genList=genList, MAP_WIDTH=c.MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT=c.MAP_HEIGHT) print(f"init finished: {i}-----------------------------------------") data = list() powerData = list() veloData = list() intelData = list() fertilData = list() hostilData = list() numLivesData = list() epochtime = 500 while ecosystem.time < epochtime: ecosystem.nextEpoch() # 선택(내부에 evaluation(싸우는거) 포함) selectedCreatures = ecosystem.selection(ecosystem.lives) # 교차 crossOveredCreature = ecosystem.crossover(selectedCreatures[0], selectedCreatures[1]) # 변이 crossOveredCreature = ecosystem.mutation(crossOveredCreature, c.MUTATION_RATE) ecosystem.lives.append(crossOveredCreature) ecosystem.created.append(crossOveredCreature) ecosystem.time += 1 ecosystem.numLives += 1 # print(f'epoch {ecosystem.time}: numLives: {ecosystem.numLives}') avgDict = { 'power': 0, 'velocity': 0, 'intelligence': 0, 'fertility': 0, 'hostility': 0, } if not ecosystem.numLives: data.append((0, avgDict)) print("numLives is 0") continue if ecosystem.numLives < 0: # data.append((0, avgDict)) print("numLives < 0") continue for creature in ecosystem.lives: infos = creature.getInfo() for geneName in avgDict.keys(): avgDict[geneName] += infos[geneName] for geneName in avgDict.keys(): avgDict[geneName] /= ecosystem.numLives data.append((ecosystem.numLives, avgDict)) print(f"simulation finished: {i}---------------------------------------") for numLives, d in data: powerData.append(d['power']) veloData.append(d['velocity']) intelData.append(d['intelligence']) fertilData.append(d['fertility']) hostilData.append(d['hostility']) numLivesData.append(numLives) f, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3) xrange = np.arange(epochtime) axes[0][0].set_title("power") axes[0][0].plot(xrange, powerData) axes[0][1].set_title("velocity") axes[0][1].plot(xrange, veloData) axes[0][2].set_title("intelligence") axes[0][2].plot(xrange, intelData) axes[1][0].set_title("fertility") axes[1][0].plot(xrange, fertilData) axes[1][1].set_title("hostility") axes[1][1].plot(xrange, hostilData) axes[1][2].set_title("numLives") axes[1][2].plot(xrange, numLivesData) return ecosystem.numLives, ecosystem.lives
def main(): setup_logger() logger.debug('DEBUG') print " *"*30, "\nWe start NOW!" # *** # all_gene_names = extract_all_gene_names(my_example_of_ecosystem_settings) # all_strings = extract_all_strings( # my_example_of_ecosystem_settings, # exceptions = No_effect_directives + All_action_names) # print 'ALL GENES:', all_gene_names # print 'ALL STRINGS:', all_strings # print 'DIFFERENCE:', [ # item # for item in all_strings # if not item in all_gene_names and \ # not item in All_allowed_directives_in_expression] enable_graphics = True make_sleeps = False time_lapse = 4 Total_time = 5000 ecosystem = Ecosystem(my_example_of_ecosystem_settings, elements_to_store) ecosystem.minimum_population_allowed = 200 """ *********************** TRIAL ZONE **************************** ecosystem.evolve() org = ecosystem.get_random_organisms(1)[0] print_dictionary( evaluate_functions_of_a_dictionary( org['offers to sell'], org ) ) f_set = {'-': ('nutrient A reserve', 'minimum nutrient A reserve for procreating')} f = ecosystem.function_maker.read_function_settings( '#organism', f_set) print_organism(org, 'nutrient A reserve', 'minimum nutrient A reserve for procreating') print_organism(org, 'nutrient A surplus') print f(org) print org['value in next cycle']['nutrient A surplus'](org) exit() f_set = {'curve from 0 to 1': 'photosynthesis capacity'} f = ecosystem.function_maker.read_function_settings( 'output function #organism #input', f_set) for org in ecosystem.organisms_list: print f(org, 5) exit() f_set = {'extract #biotope sunlight (percentage)': ( 'normalized location x', 'normalized location y', 0.8 )} f_2_set = { '#biotope sunlight': ( 'normalized location x', 'normalized location y' ) } org = choice(ecosystem.organisms_list) print_dictionary(org) f = ecosystem.function_maker.read_function_settings('#organism', f_set) f_2 = ecosystem.function_maker.read_function_settings('#organism', f_2_set) print f(org), f_2(org) for i in range(10): org.act() print_dictionary(org) # f_set = ecosystem.settings['constraints']['can procreate'] # f_set = {'cost': 'procreate'} f_set = 'time' f = ecosystem.function_maker.read_function_settings('#organism', f_set) # print f(ecosystem) for org in ecosystem.organisms_list: print f(org) exit() *********************** (TRIAL ZONE) ************************** """ if enable_graphics: gui = GUI(ecosystem) # Loop print "LOOPING:" while ((len(ecosystem.organisms_list) > 0) and (ecosystem.time < Total_time)): # Print ecosystem status: if ecosystem.time % time_lapse == 0: print_ecosystem_status(ecosystem) # organism1, organism2 = ecosystem.get_random_organisms( # number_of_random_organisms = 2) if flag_store_data: ecosystem.data_storer.store_data() # Evolve: ecosystem.evolve() if enable_graphics: gui.handle_events() gui.draw_ecosystem() if make_sleeps: sleep(1.0) # To remove if ecosystem.population() < ecosystem.minimum_population_allowed: n = ecosystem.minimum_population_allowed - ecosystem.population() ecosystem.create_new_organisms(n) print n, "organisms created", print "Time:", ecosystem.time, "Number of organisms:", \ len(ecosystem.organisms_list) # *** if enable_graphics: gui.delete()
tls = net.get_trophic_levels() top, top_preds = net.top_predators() basal, basal_sps = net.basal() for u,v in net.edges(): if u in basal_sps and v in top_preds and tls[v] == 3: net.remove_edge(u,v) print 'new connectance = ', net.connectance() if not READ_FILE_NETWORK: net_to_save = net.copy() nx.write_graphml(net_to_save, network_file) ############################################## ecosystem = Ecosystem(net, drawing=False) ecosystem.initialise_world(True) # here it works out the inital populations series_counts = dict() dict_stats = get_eco_state_row(0, ecosystem) series_counts[0] = ecosystem.populations # we don't this to store data, just for its keys cumulative_sps_stats = dict.fromkeys(net.nodes(), None) ############################################## for i in range(1, ITERATIONS+1): print i ecosystem.update_world()
tls = net.get_trophic_levels() top, top_preds = net.top_predators() basal, basal_sps = net.basal() for u, v in net.edges(): if u in basal_sps and v in top_preds and tls[v] == 3: net.remove_edge(u, v) print "new connectance = ", net.connectance() else: net = obtain_interactions_network() net_to_save = net.copy() nx.write_graphml(net_to_save, network_file) ecosystem = Ecosystem(net, drawing=False) ecosystem.initialise_world(True) # here it works out the inital populations series_counts = dict() dict_stats = get_eco_state_row(0, ecosystem) series_counts[0] = ecosystem.populations # we don't this to store data, just for its keys! cumulative_sps_stats = dict.fromkeys(net.nodes(), None) for i in range(1, ITERATIONS + 1): print i ecosystem.update_world() # dict_stats = get_eco_state_row(ITERATIONS, ecosystem)