def test_running_main_error_in_parser_modifying(windows, monkeypatch): """Test starting the main app but encountering an issue while adding arguments. """ import ecpy.__main__ as em def false_iter(arg): class FalseEntryPoint(EntryPoint): def load(self, *args, **kwargs): def false_modifier(parser): raise Exception('Failed to add stupid argument to parser') return (false_modifier, 1) return [FalseEntryPoint('dummy', 'dummy')] monkeypatch.setattr(em, 'iter_entry_points', false_iter) def check_dialog(dial): assert 'modifying' in dial.text with pytest.raises(SystemExit): with handle_dialog('reject', check_dialog): main([])
def test_running_main_asking_for_help(app): """Test starting the main app and closing it. """ try: main(['-h']) # TODO make sure no window was opened ? except SystemExit as e: assert e.args == (0,)
def test_running_main_asking_for_help(app): """Test starting the main app and closing it. """ try: main(['-h']) # TODO make sure no window was opened ? except SystemExit as e: assert e.args == (0, )
def test_running_main_error_in_parsing(windows): """Test starting the main app but encountering an issue while adding arguments. """ def check_dialog(dial): assert 'cmd' in dial.text with pytest.raises(SystemExit): with handle_dialog('reject', check_dialog): main(['dummy'])
def test_running_main(app, app_dir, windows, monkeypatch): """Test starting the main app and closing it. """ from enaml.workbench.ui.ui_plugin import UIPlugin def wait_for_window(self): pass # Do not release the application def no_release(self): pass monkeypatch.setattr(UIPlugin, '_release_application', no_release) monkeypatch.setattr(UIPlugin, 'start_application', wait_for_window) main([])
def test_running_main_error_in_app_startup(windows, monkeypatch): """Test starting the main app but encountering an issue when running startups. """ from import AppPlugin def false_run_startup(self, args): raise Exception('Fail to run start up') monkeypatch.setattr(AppPlugin, 'run_app_startup', false_run_startup) def check_dialog(dial): assert 'starting' in dial.text with pytest.raises(SystemExit): with handle_dialog('reject', check_dialog): main([])
def test_running_main_error_in_loading(windows, monkeypatch): """Test starting the main app but encountering an error while loading modifier. """ import ecpy.__main__ as em def false_iter(arg): class FalseEntryPoint(EntryPoint): def load(self, *args, **kwargs): raise Exception("Can't load entry point") return [FalseEntryPoint('dummy', 'dummy')] monkeypatch.setattr(em, 'iter_entry_points', false_iter) def check_dialog(dial): assert 'extension' in dial.text with pytest.raises(SystemExit): with handle_dialog('reject', check_dialog): main([])