def abstract(self, graph):
        graph = edengraphtools._edge_to_vertex_transform(graph)
        tmpgraph = edengraphtools._revert_edge_to_vertex_transform(graph)
        abstract_graph = make_abstract(tmpgraph)
        _abstract_graph = edengraphtools._edge_to_vertex_transform(abstract_graph)

        for n, d in _abstract_graph.nodes(data=True):
            if 'contracted' not in d:
                d['contracted'] = set()

        getabstr = {contra: node for node, d in _abstract_graph.nodes(data=True) for contra in d.get('contracted', [])}

        for n, d in graph.nodes(data=True):
            if 'edge' in d:
                # if we have found an edge node...
                # lets see whos left and right of it:
                n1, n2 = graph.neighbors(n)
                # case1: ok those belong to the same gang so we most likely also belong there.
                if getabstr[n1] == getabstr[n2]:

                # case2: neighbors belong to different gangs...
                    blub = set(_abstract_graph.neighbors(getabstr[n1])) & set(_abstract_graph.neighbors(getabstr[n2]))
                    for blob in blub:
                        if 'contracted' in _abstract_graph.node[blob]:
                            _abstract_graph.node[blob]['contracted'] = set([n])

        return _abstract_graph
def substitute_core(graph, cip, congruent_cip):

    # expand edges and remove old core
    graph = _edge_to_vertex(graph)

    # relabel the nodes in the congruent cip such that the interface node-ids match with the graph and the
    # core ids dont overlap
    interface_map = next(
        find_all_isomorphisms(congruent_cip.interface, cip.interface))
    if len(interface_map) != len(cip.interface):
        logger.log(10, "isomorphism failed, likely due to hash collision")
        return None

    maxid = max(
        graph.nodes())  # if we die here, likely the cip covers the whole graph
    core_rename = {
        c: i + maxid + 1
        for i, c in enumerate(congruent_cip.core_nodes)
    newcip = nx.relabel_nodes(congruent_cip.graph, interface_map, copy=True)

    # compose and undo edge expansion
    graph2 = nx.compose(graph, newcip)

    # if the reverserion fails, you use a wrong version of eden, where
    # expansion requires that edges are indexed by (0..n-1)
    return eg._revert_edge_to_vertex_transform(graph2)
Exemple #3
def core_substitution(graph, orig_cip, new_cip):
    graph is the whole graph..
    subgraph is the interface region in that we will transplant
    new_cip_graph which is the interface and the new core

    # preprocess
    graph = _edge_to_vertex(graph)
    assert (
    set(orig_cip.graph.nodes()) - set(graph.nodes()) == set([])), 'lsgg_compose_util orig_cip_graph not in graph'

    # get isomorphism
    iso = find_all_isomorphisms(orig_cip.interface_graph, new_cip.interface_graph).next()
    if len(iso) != len(orig_cip.interface_graph):
        logger.log(5, "lsgg_compose_util grammar hash collision, discovered in 'core_substution' ")
        return None

    # make graph union (the old graph and the new cip are now floating side by side)
    graph = nx.union(graph, new_cip.graph, rename=('', '-'))

    graph.remove_nodes_from(map(str, orig_cip.core_nodes))

    # merge interface nodes
    for k, v in iso.iteritems():
        merge(graph, str(k), '-' + str(v))

    graph = eg._revert_edge_to_vertex_transform(graph)
    re = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(graph)
    return re
        def base_cip(core,cip):

                res=  edengraphtools._revert_edge_to_vertex_transform(cip.graph)
                print ' failed to return base cip...'
                import structout as so

            return res
def make_abstract(graph):
    graph should be the same expanded graph that we will feed to extract_cips later...


    if isinstance(graph, nx.DiGraph):
        graph = graph.to_undirected()

    graph2 = edengraphtools._revert_edge_to_vertex_transform(graph)
    graph2 = edge_type_in_radius_abstraction(graph2)
    graph2 = edengraphtools._edge_to_vertex_transform(graph2)

    # find out to which abstract node the edges belong
    # finding out where the edge-nodes belong, because the contractor cant possibly do this
    getabstr = {contra: node for node, d in graph2.nodes(data=True) for contra in d.get('contracted', [])}

    for n, d in graph.nodes(data=True):
        if 'edge' in d:
            # if we have found an edge node...
            # lets see whos left and right of it:
            n1, n2 = graph.neighbors(n)
            # case1: ok those belong to the same gang so we most likely also belong there.
            if getabstr[n1] == getabstr[n2]:

            # case2: neighbors belong to different gangs...
                blub = set(graph2.neighbors(getabstr[n1])) & set(graph2.neighbors(getabstr[n2]))
                for blob in blub:
                    if 'contracted' in graph2.node[blob]:
                        graph2.node[blob]['contracted'] = set([n])
    return graph2
Exemple #6
def graph_to_molfile(graph):
    helper of nx_to_chem

    graph: nx.graph


    taken from eden. differences to eden:
    atom_line += d['label'].ljust(3) <- this is changed from eden.
    sdf_string += 'M  END' <- needs 2 spaces!
    symbols = {'1': 'H',
               '2': 'He',
               '3': 'Li',
               '4': 'Be',
               '5': 'B',
               '6': 'C',
               '7': 'N',
               '8': 'O',
               '9': 'F',
               '10': 'Ne',
               '11': 'Na',
               '12': 'Mg',
               '13': 'Al',
               '14': 'Si',
               '15': 'P',
               '16': 'S',
               '17': 'Cl',
               '18': 'Ar',
               '19': 'K',
               '20': 'Ca',
               '21': 'Sc',
               '22': 'Ti',
               '23': 'V',
               '24': 'Cr',
               '25': 'Mn',
               '26': 'Fe',
               '27': 'Co',
               '28': 'Ni',
               '29': 'Cu',
               '30': 'Zn',
               '31': 'Ga',
               '32': 'Ge',
               '33': 'As',
               '34': 'Se',
               '35': 'Br',
               '36': 'Kr',
               '37': 'Rb',
               '38': 'Sr',
               '39': 'Y',
               '40': 'Zr',
               '41': 'Nb',
               '42': 'Mo',
               '43': 'Tc',
               '44': 'Ru',
               '45': 'Rh',
               '46': 'Pd',
               '47': 'Ag',
               '48': 'Cd',
               '49': 'In',
               '50': 'Sn',
               '51': 'Sb',
               '52': 'Te',
               '53': 'I',
               '54': 'Xe',
               '55': 'Cs',
               '56': 'Ba',
               '57': 'La',
               '58': 'Ce',
               '59': 'Pr',
               '60': 'Nd',
               '61': 'Pm',
               '62': 'Sm',
               '63': 'Eu',
               '64': 'Gd',
               '65': 'Tb',
               '66': 'Dy',
               '67': 'Ho',
               '68': 'Er',
               '69': 'Tm',
               '70': 'Yb',
               '71': 'Lu',
               '72': 'Hf',
               '73': 'Ta',
               '74': 'W',
               '75': 'Re',
               '76': 'Os',
               '77': 'Ir',
               '78': 'Pt',
               '79': 'Au',
               '80': 'Hg',
               '81': 'Tl',
               '82': 'Pb',
               '83': 'Bi',
               '84': 'Po',
               '85': 'At',
               '86': 'Rn',
               '87': 'Fr',
               '88': 'Ra',
               '89': 'Ac',
               '90': 'Th',
               '91': 'Pa',
               '92': 'U',
               '93': 'Np',
               '94': 'Pu',
               '95': 'Am',
               '96': 'Cm',
               '97': 'Bk',
               '98': 'Cf',
               '99': 'Es',
               '100': 'Fm',
               '101': 'Md',
               '102': 'No',
               '103': 'Lr',
               '104': 'Rf',
               '105': 'Db',
               '106': 'Sg',
               '107': 'Bh',
               '108': 'Hs',
               '109': 'Mt',
               '110': 'Ds',
               '111': 'Rg',
               '112': 'Uub',
               '113': 'Uut',
               '114': 'Uuq',
               '115': 'Uup',
               '116': 'Uuh',
               '117': 'Uus',
               '118': 'Uuo'}

    graph = edengraphtools._revert_edge_to_vertex_transform(graph)
    graph = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(graph, first_label=0, ordering='default', label_attribute=None)
    # creating an SDF file from graph:
    # The header block, i.e. the first three lines, may be empty:
    sdf_string = "Networkx graph to molfile\n\n\n"

    # After the header block comes the connection table:
    # First the counts line - step by step
    counts_line = ""
    # Number of atoms

    counts_line += str(len(graph.nodes())).rjust(3)
    # Number of bonds
    counts_line += str(len(graph.edges())).rjust(3)
    # Number of atom lists
    counts_line += '  0'
    # Three blank spaces, then the chirality flag
    counts_line += '     1'
    # Five identical blocks
    counts_line += '  0' * 5
    # Finish with 0999 V2000
    counts_line += '999 V2000\n'
    sdf_string += counts_line

    # Atom block - this contains one atom line per atom in the molecule
    for n, d in graph.nodes_iter(data=True):
        atom_line = ''
        # Set all coordinates to 0
        atom_line += '    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000 '
        # Atom symbol: it should be the entry from the periodic table, using
        # atom type for now
        # atom_line += symbols.get(d['discrete_label']).ljust(3)
        atom_line += d['label'].ljust(3)
        # Lots of unnecessary atomic information:
        atom_line += ' 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n'
        sdf_string += atom_line

    # Bond block
    for i, j, k in graph.edges_iter(data=True):
        edge_line = ''
        # Use the stored atom ids for the bonds, plus one
        edge_line += str(i + 1).rjust(3) + \
                     str(j + 1).rjust(3) + k['label'].rjust(3)
        # More information
        edge_line += '  0  0  0  0\n'
        sdf_string += edge_line

    sdf_string += 'M  END'
    # sdf_string += 'M END\n\n$$$$'
    return sdf_string
Exemple #7
def contract_graph(graph):
    '''convenience for graphlearn/eden'''
    import eden.graph as eg
    graph = eg._revert_edge_to_vertex_transform(graph)
    return graph
 def out(self):
     # copy and  if digraph make graph
     graph = nx.Graph(self._base_graph)
     graph = _revert_edge_to_vertex_transform(graph)
     graph.graph['score'] = self.__dict__.get("_score", "?")
     return graph