def addFileTab(self, file_path=None): if file_path in self.open_files: return if file_path: index = self.addTab(Editor(self, file_path), file_path.split("/")[-1]) else: index = self.addTab(Editor( self, file_path, ),"untitled")) self.open_files.append(file_path) self.setCurrentIndex(index)
def __init__(self, setting): """Constructor """ super(EditorApplication, self).__init__(setting) self.editor_settings = self.settings.getSettingsFromFile("fife-rpg") # For IDES if False: self.editor_gui = EditorGui(self) self.current_project_file = "" self.project = None self.project_source = None self.project_dir = None self.editor_gui = None self.changed_maps = [] self.project_changed = False self.entity_changed = False self._project_cleared_callbacks = [] self.add_map_load_callback(self.cb_map_loaded) self.map_entities = None self.entities = {} self._objects_imported_callbacks = [] self.selected_object = None self.editor = Editor(self.engine) self.editor_gui = EditorGui(self) self.current_dialog = None
def __init__(self, setting): """Constructor """ super(EditorApplication, self).__init__(setting) self.editor_settings = self.settings.getSettingsFromFile("fife-rpg") # For IDES if False: self.editor_gui = EditorGui(self) self.editor_gui = None self.changed_maps = [] self.add_map_load_callback(self.cb_map_loaded) self._objects_imported_callbacks = [] self.selected_object = None self.editor = Editor(self.engine) self.editor_gui = EditorGui(self) self.current_dialog = None
def __init__(self, app): Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title='ImEditor', application=app) self.set_default_size(700, 500) self.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER) grid = Gtk.Grid() self.add(grid) self.editor = Editor() self.editor.set_win(self) # Menubar: create_menubar(self, app.menu_info) # Toolbar: toolbar = create_toolbar(self) grid.attach(toolbar, 0, 0, 1, 1) # Tabs: self.notebook = Gtk.Notebook() grid.attach(self.notebook, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.root = self.get_root_window() self.default_cursor = Gdk.Cursor(Gdk.CursorType.ARROW) self.draw_cursor = Gdk.Cursor(Gdk.CursorType.PENCIL) self.move_cursor = Gdk.Cursor(Gdk.CursorType.FLEUR)
class Window(Gtk.ApplicationWindow): def __init__(self, app): Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title='ImEditor', application=app) self.set_default_size(700, 500) self.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER) grid = Gtk.Grid() self.add(grid) self.editor = Editor() self.editor.set_win(self) # Menubar: create_menubar(self, app.menu_info) # Toolbar: toolbar = create_toolbar(self) grid.attach(toolbar, 0, 0, 1, 1) # Tabs: self.notebook = Gtk.Notebook() grid.attach(self.notebook, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.root = self.get_root_window() self.default_cursor = Gdk.Cursor(Gdk.CursorType.ARROW) self.draw_cursor = Gdk.Cursor(Gdk.CursorType.PENCIL) self.move_cursor = Gdk.Cursor(Gdk.CursorType.FLEUR) def quit(self, action, parameter): self.root.set_cursor(self.default_cursor) sys.exit() def new_image(self, action, parameter): new_image_dialog = dialog.new_image_dialog(self) values = new_image_dialog.get_values() if values is not None: img ='RGB', values[0], values[1]) self.editor.add_image(img, 'sans-titre.png', 0, False, True) self.create_tab(img) def open_image(self, action, parameter): filename = dialog.file_dialog(self) if filename is not None: img = self.editor.add_image(img, filename, 0, True) self.create_tab(img, path.basename(filename)) def create_tab(self, img, title='Sans titre'): tab = Tab(self, img, title) page_num = self.notebook.get_current_page() + 1 self.notebook.insert_page(tab, tab.get_tab_label(), page_num) self.notebook.show_all() self.notebook.set_current_page(page_num) def on_close_tab_clicked(self, button, box): page_num = self.notebook.page_num(box) self.close_tab(page_num) def close_tab(self, page_num): if not self.editor.images[page_num].get_saved(): dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self, 0, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.YES_NO, 'Enregistrer les modifications du document ' + self.editor.images[page_num].get_filename() + ' avant la fermeture ?') dialog.format_secondary_text( 'Vos modifications seront perdues si vous ne les enregistrez pas.') response = if response == Gtk.ResponseType.YES: self.editor.file_save_as(None, None) self.notebook.remove_page(page_num) self.editor.close_image(page_num) elif response == Gtk.ResponseType.NO: self.notebook.remove_page(page_num) self.editor.close_image(page_num) dialog.destroy() else: self.notebook.remove_page(page_num) self.editor.close_image(page_num) def update_image(self, new_img): page_num = self.notebook.get_current_page() tab = self.notebook.get_nth_page(page_num) tab.update_image(new_img) tab.tab_label.set_icon(new_img) self.notebook.show_all() def set_fullscreen(self, action, parameter): if not self.get_window().get_state() & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN != 0: self.fullscreen_button.set_icon_name('view-restore') self.fullscreen() else: self.fullscreen_button.set_icon_name('view-fullscreen') self.unfullscreen() def about(self, action, parameter): dialog = Gtk.AboutDialog(transient_for=self) dialog.set_logo(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file('assets/icons/imeditor.png')) dialog.set_program_name('ImEditor') dialog.set_version('0.1') dialog.set_website('') dialog.set_authors(['Nathan Seva', 'Hugo Posnic']) dialog.set_comments('GTK Linux Image Editor ') dialog.set_license('Distributed under the GNU GPL(v3) license. \n\n') dialog.destroy()
class EditorApplication(RPGApplicationCEGUI): """The application for the editor""" def __init__(self, setting): """Constructor """ super(EditorApplication, self).__init__(setting) self.editor_settings = self.settings.getSettingsFromFile("fife-rpg") # For IDES if False: self.editor_gui = EditorGui(self) self.current_project_file = "" self.project = None self.project_source = None self.project_dir = None self.editor_gui = None self.changed_maps = [] self.project_changed = False self.entity_changed = False self._project_cleared_callbacks = [] self.add_map_load_callback(self.cb_map_loaded) self.map_entities = None self.entities = {} self._objects_imported_callbacks = [] self.selected_object = None self.editor = Editor(self.engine) self.editor_gui = EditorGui(self) self.current_dialog = None def setup(self): """Actions that should to be done with an active mode""" self.editor_gui.create_menu() self.editor_gui.create_toolbars() self.clear() def edit_project_settings(self, project_dir, project): """Show a dialog to edit the settings of a project Args: project_filepath: Path to the project file project: The project to edit """ settings = project.getAllSettings("fife-rpg") if os.path.isfile(project_dir): project_dir = os.path.dirname(project_dir) dialog = ProjectSettings(self, settings, project_dir) values = dialog.show_modal(self.editor_gui.editor_window, self.engine.pump) if not dialog.return_value: return False update_settings(project, values) self.project_changed = True return True def convert_fife_project(self, project_filepath): """Converts a fife settings file to a fife-rpg project Args: Project_filepath: Path to the fife settings file """ project = SimpleXMLSerializer(project_filepath) bak_file = "%s.bak" % project_filepath settings = {} settings["ProjectName"] = project.get("FIFE", "WindowTitle", "") update_settings(project, settings) if not self.edit_project_settings(project_filepath, project): return None return bak_file def new_project(self, settings_path, values): """Create a mew project and load it Args: settings_path: The path to the new settings file values: The starting values of the project. """ import tkinter.messagebox settings_file = open(settings_path, "w") settings_file.write(BASIC_SETTINGS) settings_file.close() project = SimpleXMLSerializer(settings_path) project.load() update_settings(project, values) comp_file = project.get("fife-rpg", "ComponentsFile") act_file = comp_file or project.get("fife-rpg", "ActionsFile") syst_file = act_file or project.get("fife-rpg", "SystemsFile") beh_file = syst_file or project.get("fife-rpg", "BehavioursFile") comb_file = beh_file or project.get("fife-rpg", "CombinedFile") if not comb_file: dest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(settings_path), "combined.yaml") shutil.copy("combined.yaml.template", dest) self.try_load_project(settings_path) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(_("Project created"), _("Project successfully created")) self.editor_gui.enable_menus() self.project_changed = False self.entity_changed = False def switch_map(self, map_name): """Switches to the given map. Args: name: The name of the map """ if self.map_entities: self.show_map_entities( self.map_entities = None try: old_dir = os.getcwd() if self.project_dir is not None: os.chdir(self.project_dir) try: RPGApplicationCEGUI.switch_map(self, map_name) finally: os.chdir(old_dir) self.editor_gui.listbox.resetList() if self.current_map: self.editor_gui.update_layerlist() if self.project_dir is not None: if not self.editor_gui.show_agents_check.isSelected(): self.hide_map_entities( except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except import tkinter.messagebox tkinter.messagebox.showerror("Can't change map", "The following error was raised when " "trying to switch the map: %s" % error) self.switch_map(None) def objects_imported(self): """Should be called when an object was imported""" for callback in self._objects_imported_callbacks: callback() def clear(self): """Clears all data and restores saved settings""" self._maps = {} self._current_map = None self._components = {} self._actions = {} self._systems = {} self._behaviours = {} self.changed_maps = [] self.project_changed = False self.entity_changed = False self.editor_gui.reset_layerlist() self.map_entities = None self.set_selected_object(None) tmp_settings = list(self.settings.getSettingsFromFile("fife-rpg").keys()) for setting in tmp_settings: if setting in self.editor_settings: self.settings.set("fife-rpg", setting, self.editor_settings[setting]) else: self.settings.remove("fife-rpg", setting) ComponentManager.clear_components() ComponentManager.clear_checkers() ActionManager.clear_actions() ActionManager.clear_commands() SystemManager.clear_systems() BehaviourManager.clear_behaviours() self.editor.delete_maps() self.editor.delete_objects() if self.project_source is not None: self.engine.getVFS().removeSource(self.project_source) self.project_source = None if self.project_dir is not None: sys.path.remove(self.project_dir) self.project_dir = None self.project = None for callback in self._project_cleared_callbacks: callback() self.create_world() def load_project(self, filepath): """Tries to load a project Args: filepath: The path to the project file. Returns: True of the project was loaded. False if not.""" try: self.clear() except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except print(error) settings = SimpleXMLSerializer() try: settings.load(filepath) except (InvalidFormat, ET.ParseError): return False if "fife-rpg" in settings.getModuleNameList(): self.project = settings project_dir = str(os.path.normpath(os.path.split(filepath)[0])) self.engine.getVFS().addNewSource(project_dir) self.project_source = project_dir self.project_dir = project_dir self.load_project_settings() self.changed_maps = [] self.project_changed = False self.entity_changed = False try: old_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.project_dir) self.load_maps() os.chdir(old_dir) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except pass return True return False def load_project_settings(self): """Loads the settings file""" project_settings = self.project.getAllSettings("fife-rpg") del project_settings["ProjectName"] for setting, value in project_settings.items(): self.settings.set("fife-rpg", setting, value) def save_map(self, map_name=None): """Save the current state of the map Args: map_name: Name of the map to save """ self.editor_gui.current_toolbar.deactivate() if map_name: if map_name in self.maps: game_map = self.maps[map_name] else: return else: if self.current_map: game_map = self.current_map map_name = else: return if not isinstance(game_map, GameMap): return map_entities = game_map.entities.copy() for entity in map_entities: agent = getattr(entity, Agent.registered_as) agent.new_map = "" game_map.update_entities_fife() fife_map = game_map.fife_map filename = fife_map.getFilename() if not filename: if self.project_dir is not None: maps_path = self.settings.get( "fife-rpg", "MapsPath", "maps") filename = os.path.join(self.project_dir, maps_path, "%s.xml" % map_name) else: import tkinter.filedialog import tkinter.messagebox # Based on code from unknown-horizons try: filename = tkinter.filedialog.asksaveasfilename( filetypes=[("fife map", ".xml",)], title="Save Map") except ImportError: # tkinter may be missing5555 filename = "" fife_map.setFilename(filename) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) except os.error: pass old_dir = os.getcwd() if self.project_dir is not None: os.chdir(self.project_dir) import_list = [root_subfile(filename, i) for i in self.editor.get_import_list(fife_map.getId())] saver = MapSaver(), filename, import_list) os.chdir(old_dir) for entity in map_entities: agent = getattr(entity, Agent.registered_as) = map_name game_map.update_entities() self.update_agents(game_map) self.editor_gui.current_toolbar.activate() if map_name in self.changed_maps: self.changed_maps.remove(map_name) def add_project_clear_callback(self, callback): """Adds a callback function which gets called after the 'clear' method was called. Args: callback: The function to add """ if callback not in self._project_cleared_callbacks: self._project_cleared_callbacks.append(callback) def remove_project_clear_callback(self, callback): """Removes a callback function that got called after the 'clear' method was called. Args: callback: The function to remove """ if callback in self._project_cleared_callbacks: index = self._project_cleared_callbacks.index(callback) del self._project_cleared_callbacks[index] def add_objects_imported_callback(self, callback): """Adds a callback function which gets called after objects where imported. Args: callback: The function to add """ if callback not in self._objects_imported_callbacks: self._objects_imported_callbacks.append(callback) def remove_objects_imported_callback(self, callback): """Removes a callback function that got called after objects where imported. Args: callback: The function to remove """ if callback in self._objects_imported_callbacks: index = self._objects_imported_callbacks.index(callback) del self._objects_imported_callbacks[index] def entity_constructor(self, loader, node): """Constructs an Entity from a yaml node Args: loader: A yaml BaseConstructor node: The yaml node Returns: The created Entity """ entity_dict = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep=True) entity =, node) self.entities[entity.identifier] = entity_dict return entity def parse_entities(self, entities_file): """Parse the entities from a file Args: entities_file: A file object from where the entities are being loaded. """ yaml.add_constructor('!Entity', self.entity_constructor, yaml.SafeLoader) entities = yaml.safe_load_all(entities_file) try: while next(entities): next(entities) except StopIteration: pass def load_entities(self): """Load and store the entities of the current project""" if self.project is None: return entities_file_name = self.project.get("fife-rpg", "EntitiesFile", "objects/entities.yaml") vfs = self.engine.getVFS() entities_file = self.parse_entities(entities_file) def entity_representer(self, dumper, data): """Creates a yaml node representing an entity Args: dumper: A yaml BaseRepresenter data: The Entity Returns: The created node """ if data.identifier in self.entities: old_entity_dict = self.entities[data.identifier] template = None if "Template" in old_entity_dict: template = old_entity_dict["Template"] else: template = None entity_dict = if template is not None: components = entity_dict["Components"] entity_dict["Template"] = template template_dict = {}, template) for component, fields in template_dict.items(): if component not in components: continue for field, value in fields.items(): if field not in components[component]: continue if components[component][field] == value: del components[component][field] if not components[component]: del components[component] entity_dict["Components"] = components entity_node = dumper.represent_mapping(u"!Entity", entity_dict) return entity_node def dump_entities(self, entities_file): """Dumps the projects entities to a file Args: entities_file: A file object to where the entities are written. """ entities =[RPGEntity].entities yaml.add_representer(RPGEntity, self.entity_representer, yaml.SafeDumper) helpers.dump_entities(entities, entities_file) def save_entities(self): """Save all entities to the entity file""" entities_file_name = self.project.get("fife-rpg", "EntitiesFile", "objects/entities.yaml") old_wd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.project_dir) tmp_path = os.path.split(entities_file_name)[0] if not os.path.exists(tmp_path): os.makedirs(tmp_path) try: entities_file = open(entities_file_name, "w") self.dump_entities(entities_file) self.entity_changed = False finally: os.chdir(old_wd) def _pump(self): """ Application pump. Derived classes can specialize this for unique behavior. This is called every frame. """ self.editor_gui.update_toolbar_contents() if try: except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass def save_all_maps(self): """Save the edited status of all maps""" for map_name in self.changed_maps: self.save_map(map_name) def reset_world(self, entities_file=None): """Create a new world and set its values Args: entities_file: An optional file object to load entities from """ self.create_world() try: except: # pylint: disable=bare-except pass try: except: # pylint: disable=bare-except pass try: if entities_file is not None: self.parse_entities(entities_file) else: self.load_entities() except: # pylint: disable=bare-except pass def setup_project(self): """Sets up the project""" try: self.load_combined() except: # pylint: disable=bare-except self.load_combined("combined.yaml") try: self.register_components() except ValueError: pass try: self.register_actions() except ValueError: pass try: self.register_systems() except ValueError: pass try: self.register_behaviours() except ValueError: pass self.reset_world() def try_load_project(self, file_name): """Try to load the specified file as a project Args: file_name: The file to load """ loaded = self.load_project(file_name) if loaded: self.current_project_file = file_name self.editor_gui.reset_maps_menu() old_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.project_dir) sys.path.insert(0, self.project_dir) try: self.setup_project() finally: os.chdir(old_dir) return True return False def save_project(self): """Saves the current project""" maps = {} for game_map in self.maps.values(): if isinstance(game_map.fife_map, FifeMap): fife_map = game_map.fife_map filepath = os.path.split(fife_map.getFilename())[-1] else: filepath = os.path.split(game_map.fife_map)[-1] map_name = os.path.splitext(filepath)[0] maps[game_map.view_name] = map_name save_data = {"Maps": maps} maps_path = self.settings.get("fife-rpg", "MapsPath", "maps") maps_filename = os.path.join(self.project_dir, maps_path, "maps.yaml") maps_file = open(maps_filename, "w") yaml.dump(save_data, maps_file, default_flow_style=False) maps_file.close() combined_filename = self.settings.get("fife-rpg", "CombinedFile", None) comp_filename = self.settings.get("fife-rpg", "ComponentsFile", None) syst_filename = self.settings.get("fife-rpg", "ActionsFile", None) act_filename = self.settings.get("fife-rpg", "SystemsFile", None) beh_filename = self.settings.get("fife-rpg", "BehavioursFile", None) project_dir = self.project_dir if None in (comp_filename, syst_filename, act_filename, beh_filename): combined_filename = "combined.yaml" combined = {} if comp_filename is not None: data = {"Components": self._components} filename = os.path.join(project_dir, comp_filename) stream = open(filename, "w") yaml.dump(data, stream, dumper=helpers.FRPGDumper) stream.close() else: combined["Components"] = self._components if syst_filename is not None: data = {"Systems": self._systems} filename = os.path.join(project_dir, syst_filename) stream = open(filename, "w") yaml.dump(data, stream, dumper=helpers.FRPGDumper) stream.close() else: combined["Systems"] = self._systems if act_filename is not None: data = {"Actions": self._actions} filename = os.path.join(project_dir, act_filename) stream = open(filename, "w") yaml.dump(data, stream, dumper=helpers.FRPGDumper) stream.close() else: combined["Actions"] = self._actions if beh_filename is not None: data = {"Behaviours": self._behaviours} filename = os.path.join(project_dir, beh_filename) stream = open(filename, "w") yaml.dump(data, stream, dumper=helpers.FRPGDumper) stream.close() else: combined["Behaviours"] = self._behaviours if combined_filename is not None: filename = os.path.join(project_dir, combined_filename) stream = open(filename, "w") yaml.dump(combined, stream, Dumper=helpers.FRPGDumper) stream.close() self.project_changed = False def highlight_selected_object(self): """Adds an outline to the currently selected object""" if self.selected_object is None: return game_map = self.current_map if game_map: renderer = InstanceRenderer.getInstance( renderer.addOutlined(self.selected_object, 255, 255, 0, 1) def reset_selected_hightlight(self): """Removes the outline to the currently selected object""" if self.selected_object is None: return game_map = self.current_map if game_map: renderer = InstanceRenderer.getInstance( renderer.removeOutlined(self.selected_object) def set_selected_object(self, obj): """Sets the selected object of the editor Args: obj: The new object """ self.reset_selected_hightlight() self.selected_object = obj self.highlight_selected_object() self.editor_gui.update_property_editor() def cb_map_loaded(self, game_map): """Callback for when a map was loaded""" fife_map = game_map.fife_map for layer in self.editor.get_layers(fife_map): for instance in layer.getInstances(): filename = instance.getObject().getFilename() map_name = fife_map.getId() self.editor.increase_refcount(filename, map_name) def hide_map_entities(self, map_name): """Hides the entities of all maps Args: map_name: The name of the map """ game_map = self.maps[map_name] is_map_instance = isinstance(game_map, GameMap) if not is_map_instance: return map_entities = game_map.entities.copy() for entity in map_entities: agent = getattr(entity, Agent.registered_as) agent.new_map = "" self.map_entities = map_entities game_map.update_entities_fife() def show_map_entities(self, map_name): """Unhide the entities of the given map Args: map_name: The name of the map """ game_map = self.maps[map_name] is_map_instance = isinstance(game_map, GameMap) if not is_map_instance: return map_entities = self.map_entities for entity in map_entities: agent = getattr(entity, Agent.registered_as) = map_name game_map.update_entities() self.update_agents(game_map) self.map_entities = None def quit(self): """ Quit the application. Really! """ if self.current_dialog: return if self.editor_gui.ask_save_changed(): self.quitRequested = True def edit_components(self): """Show the dialog to edit components""" dialog = Components(self) values = dialog.show_modal(self.editor_gui.editor_window, self.engine.pump) if not dialog.return_value: return False entities_hidden = self.map_entities is not None entity = get_entity(, self.selected_object) tmp_entity_id = None if entity is not None: tmp_entity_id = entity.identifier if entities_hidden: self.show_map_entities( tmp_file = StringIO() self.dump_entities(tmp_file) for entity in tuple( entity.delete() ComponentManager.clear_components() ComponentManager.clear_checkers() current_items = list(values["current_items"]) self.project.set("fife-rpg", "Components", current_items) self.register_components(current_items) self.reset_world(tmp_file) for game_map in self.maps.values(): game_map.update_entities() self.update_agents(game_map) if tmp_entity_id is not None: tmp_entity = fife_agent = getattr(tmp_entity, FifeAgent.registered_as) self.set_selected_object(fife_agent.instance) if entities_hidden: self.hide_map_entities( self.project_changed = True def edit_available_components(self): """Show the dialog to edit components""" dialog = AvailableComponents(self) values = dialog.show_modal(self.editor_gui.editor_window, self.engine.pump) if not dialog.return_value: return False components = values["components"] self._components = components self.project_changed = True def edit_systems(self): """Show the dialog to edit systems""" dialog = Systems(self) values = dialog.show_modal(self.editor_gui.editor_window, self.engine.pump) if not dialog.return_value: return False SystemManager.clear_systems() current_items = list(values["current_items"]) self.project.set("fife-rpg", "Systems", current_items) self.register_systems(current_items) self.project_changed = True def edit_available_systems(self): """Show the dialog to edit systems""" dialog = AvailableSystems(self) values = dialog.show_modal(self.editor_gui.editor_window, self.engine.pump) if not dialog.return_value: return False systems = values["systems"] self._systems = systems self.project_changed = True def edit_actions(self): """Show the dialog to edit actions""" dialog = Actions(self) values = dialog.show_modal(self.editor_gui.editor_window, self.engine.pump) if not dialog.return_value: return False ActionManager.clear_actions() current_items = list(values["current_items"]) self.project.set("fife-rpg", "Actions", current_items) self.register_actions(current_items) self.project_changed = True def edit_available_actions(self): """Show the dialog to edit actions""" dialog = AvailableActions(self) values = dialog.show_modal(self.editor_gui.editor_window, self.engine.pump) if not dialog.return_value: return False actions = values["actions"] self._actions = actions self.project_changed = True def edit_behaviours(self): """Show the dialog to edit behaviours""" dialog = Behaviours(self) values = dialog.show_modal(self.editor_gui.editor_window, self.engine.pump) if not dialog.return_value: return False BehaviourManager.clear_behaviours() current_items = list(values["current_items"]) self.project.set("fife-rpg", "Behaviours", current_items) self.register_behaviours(current_items) self.project_changed = True def edit_available_behaviours(self): """Show the dialog to edit behaviours""" dialog = AvailableBehaviours(self) values = dialog.show_modal(self.editor_gui.editor_window, self.engine.pump) if not dialog.return_value: return False behaviours = values["behaviours"] self._behaviours = behaviours self.project_changed = True
class Window(Gtk.ApplicationWindow): def __init__(self, app): Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title='ImEditor', application=app) self.set_default_size(700, 500) self.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER) grid = Gtk.Grid() self.add(grid) self.editor = Editor() self.editor.set_win(self) # Menubar: create_menubar(self, app.menu_info) # Toolbar: toolbar = create_toolbar(self) grid.attach(toolbar, 0, 0, 1, 1) # Tabs: self.notebook = Gtk.Notebook() grid.attach(self.notebook, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.root = self.get_root_window() self.default_cursor = Gdk.Cursor(Gdk.CursorType.ARROW) self.draw_cursor = Gdk.Cursor(Gdk.CursorType.PENCIL) self.move_cursor = Gdk.Cursor(Gdk.CursorType.FLEUR) def quit(self, action, parameter): self.root.set_cursor(self.default_cursor) sys.exit() def new_image(self, action, parameter): new_image_dialog = dialog.new_image_dialog(self) values = new_image_dialog.get_values() if values is not None: img ='RGB', values[0], values[1]) self.editor.add_image(img, 'sans-titre.png', 0, False, True) self.create_tab(img) def open_image(self, action, parameter): filename = dialog.file_dialog(self) if filename is not None: img = self.editor.add_image(img, filename, 0, True) self.create_tab(img, path.basename(filename)) def create_tab(self, img, title='Sans titre'): tab = Tab(self, img, title) page_num = self.notebook.get_current_page() + 1 self.notebook.insert_page(tab, tab.get_tab_label(), page_num) self.notebook.show_all() self.notebook.set_current_page(page_num) def on_close_tab_clicked(self, button, box): page_num = self.notebook.page_num(box) self.close_tab(page_num) def close_tab(self, page_num): if not self.editor.images[page_num].get_saved(): dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog( self, 0, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.YES_NO, 'Enregistrer les modifications du document ' + self.editor.images[page_num].get_filename() + ' avant la fermeture ?') dialog.format_secondary_text( 'Vos modifications seront perdues si vous ne les enregistrez pas.' ) response = if response == Gtk.ResponseType.YES: self.editor.file_save_as(None, None) self.notebook.remove_page(page_num) self.editor.close_image(page_num) elif response == Gtk.ResponseType.NO: self.notebook.remove_page(page_num) self.editor.close_image(page_num) dialog.destroy() else: self.notebook.remove_page(page_num) self.editor.close_image(page_num) def update_image(self, new_img): page_num = self.notebook.get_current_page() tab = self.notebook.get_nth_page(page_num) tab.update_image(new_img) tab.tab_label.set_icon(new_img) self.notebook.show_all() def set_fullscreen(self, action, parameter): if not self.get_window().get_state() & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN != 0: self.fullscreen_button.set_icon_name('view-restore') self.fullscreen() else: self.fullscreen_button.set_icon_name('view-fullscreen') self.unfullscreen() def about(self, action, parameter): dialog = Gtk.AboutDialog(transient_for=self) dialog.set_logo( GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file('assets/icons/imeditor.png')) dialog.set_program_name('ImEditor') dialog.set_version('0.1') dialog.set_website('') dialog.set_authors(['Nathan Seva', 'Hugo Posnic']) dialog.set_comments('GTK Linux Image Editor ') dialog.set_license( 'Distributed under the GNU GPL(v3) license. \n\n' ) dialog.destroy()
from editor.editor import Editor e = Editor() e.showWindow()
class EditorApplication(RPGApplicationCEGUI): """The application for the editor""" def __init__(self, setting): """Constructor """ super(EditorApplication, self).__init__(setting) self.editor_settings = self.settings.getSettingsFromFile("fife-rpg") # For IDES if False: self.editor_gui = EditorGui(self) self.editor_gui = None self.changed_maps = [] self.add_map_load_callback(self.cb_map_loaded) self._objects_imported_callbacks = [] self.selected_object = None self.editor = Editor(self.engine) self.editor_gui = EditorGui(self) self.current_dialog = None def setup(self): """Actions that should to be done with an active mode""" self.editor_gui.create_menu() self.editor_gui.create_toolbars() self.clear() def switch_map(self, map_name): """Switches to the given map. Args: name: The name of the map """ try: old_dir = os.getcwd() try: RPGApplicationCEGUI.switch_map(self, map_name) finally: os.chdir(old_dir) self.editor_gui.listbox.resetList() if self.current_map: self.editor_gui.update_layerlist() except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except import tkinter.messagebox tkinter.messagebox.showerror( "Can't change map", "The following error was raised when " "trying to switch the map: %s" % error) self.switch_map(None) def objects_imported(self): """Should be called when an object was imported""" for callback in self._objects_imported_callbacks: callback() def clear(self): """Clears all data and restores saved settings""" self._maps = {} self._current_map = None self.changed_maps = [] self.editor_gui.reset_layerlist() self.set_selected_object(None) self.editor.delete_maps() self.editor.delete_objects() self.create_world() def close_map(self, map_name=None): """Close a map Args: map_name: Name of the map to close """ if map_name: if map_name in self.maps: game_map = self.maps[map_name] else: return else: if self.current_map: game_map = self.current_map map_name = else: return self.switch_map(None) self.editor.delete_map(game_map.fife_map) del self._maps[map_name] def save_map(self, map_name=None): """Save the current state of a map Args: map_name: Name of the map to save """ self.editor_gui.current_toolbar.deactivate() if map_name: if map_name in self.maps: game_map = self.maps[map_name] else: return else: if self.current_map: game_map = self.current_map map_name = else: return if not isinstance(game_map, GameMap): return fife_map = game_map.fife_map filename = fife_map.getFilename() if not filename: import tkinter.filedialog import tkinter.messagebox # Based on code from unknown-horizons try: filename = tkinter.filedialog.asksaveasfilename( filetypes=[( "fife map", ".xml", )], title="Save Map") except ImportError: # tkinter may be missing5555 filename = "" fife_map.setFilename(filename) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) except os.error: pass old_dir = os.getcwd() import_list = [ root_subfile(filename, i) for i in self.editor.get_import_list(fife_map.getId()) ] saver = MapSaver(), filename, import_list) os.chdir(old_dir) self.editor_gui.current_toolbar.activate() if map_name in self.changed_maps: self.changed_maps.remove(map_name) def add_objects_imported_callback(self, callback): """Adds a callback function which gets called after objects where imported. Args: callback: The function to add """ if callback not in self._objects_imported_callbacks: self._objects_imported_callbacks.append(callback) def remove_objects_imported_callback(self, callback): """Removes a callback function that got called after objects where imported. Args: callback: The function to remove """ if callback in self._objects_imported_callbacks: index = self._objects_imported_callbacks.index(callback) del self._objects_imported_callbacks[index] def _pump(self): """ Application pump. Derived classes can specialize this for unique behavior. This is called every frame. """ self.editor_gui.update_toolbar_contents() if try: except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass def save_all_maps(self): """Save the edited status of all maps""" for map_name in self.changed_maps: self.save_map(map_name) def highlight_selected_object(self): """Adds an outline to the currently selected object""" if self.selected_object is None: return game_map = self.current_map if game_map: renderer = InstanceRenderer.getInstance( renderer.addOutlined(self.selected_object, 255, 255, 0, 1) def reset_selected_hightlight(self): """Removes the outline to the currently selected object""" if self.selected_object is None: return game_map = self.current_map if game_map: renderer = InstanceRenderer.getInstance( renderer.removeOutlined(self.selected_object) def set_selected_object(self, obj): """Sets the selected object of the editor Args: obj: The new object """ self.reset_selected_hightlight() self.selected_object = obj self.highlight_selected_object() self.editor_gui.update_property_editor() def cb_map_loaded(self, game_map): """Callback for when a map was loaded""" fife_map = game_map.fife_map for layer in self.editor.get_layers(fife_map): for instance in layer.getInstances(): filename = instance.getObject().getFilename() map_name = fife_map.getId() self.editor.increase_refcount(filename, map_name) def quit(self): """ Quit the application. Really! """ if self.current_dialog: return if self.editor_gui.ask_save_changed(): self.quitRequested = True
Level(2, '---_-_----_----!', ['Step', 'Jump'], (0, 192), unit_size), \ Level(3, '---__-_--------!', ['Step', 'Jump', 'Walk', 'Run'], (0, 192), unit_size), \ Level(4, '------^--^---_-!', ['Step', 'Jump', 'Walk', 'Run', 'Roll'], (0, 192), unit_size), \ Level(5, '---^^---__--^--!', ['Step', 'Jump', 'Walk', 'Run', 'Roll'], (0, 192), unit_size), \ Level(6, '---__---^^-_-_-!', ['Step', 'Jump', 'Walk', 'Run', 'Roll'], (0, 192), unit_size), \ Level(7, '--&-_---^^--_--!', ['Step', 'Jump', 'Walk', 'Run', 'Roll'], (0, 192), unit_size), \ Level(8, '-^---&&--^---^^!', ['Step', 'Jump', 'Walk', 'Run', 'Roll'], (0, 192), unit_size), \ Level(9, '---^^-^^-^^-^^-!', ['Step', 'Jump', 'Walk', 'Run', 'Roll'], (0, 192), unit_size), \ Level(10, '-_-^-_-&---__-!', ['Step', 'Jump', 'Walk', 'Run', 'Roll'], (0, 192), unit_size)] world_rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 1024, 384) world = World(canvas, world_rect, colors['white'], player, levels) game_over = GameOver(canvas, world_rect, world) world.set_bg(pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load("resources/background2.bmp"), (1024, 384))) editor = Editor(pygame.Rect(0, 384, 1024, 384), colors['white'], canvas, levels, world) children = [editor, game_over] while not done: clock.tick(framerate) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: delegate(children, event) if event.type == pygame.QUIT: done = True #sprites.update()