Exemple #1
 def setup(view, syntax_control, get_syntax):
     ALL = object()
     edit_range = None
     highlighter = Highlighter(self.app.theme)
     highlighter.syntaxdef = get_syntax()
     view.highlighter = highlighter
     def coalesce_edit_ranges(rng=None):
         nonlocal edit_range
         rng_ = edit_range
         if rng is None or rng_ is ALL:
             rng = None
         elif rng_ is not None:
             rng = union_range(rng, rng_)
         edit_range = rng or ALL
         return (rng,), {}
     @debounce(0.05, coalesce_edit_ranges)
     def color_text(rng):
         nonlocal edit_range
         highlighter.color_text(view.text, rng, timeout=0.05)
         edit_range = None
     def text_changed(rng):
         if view.text.editedMask() == ak.NSTextStorageEditedAttributes:
             # break color text -> attribute change -> color text -> ...
     def change_syntax():
         syntaxdef = get_syntax()
         if highlighter.syntaxdef is not syntaxdef:
             highlighter.syntaxdef = syntaxdef
Exemple #2
 def edit(lang, string, expect, *pairs):
     hl = Highlighter(theme)
     hl.syntaxdef = get_syntax_definition(lang)
     assert len(pairs) % 2 == 0, "got odd number of edit/expect pairs"
     string = dedent(string) if string.startswith("\n") else string
     text = Text(string)
     yield test(hl, text, expect)
     for edit, expect in zip(islice(pairs, 0, None, 2), islice(pairs, 1, None, 2)):
         edit_text = dedent(edit[2]).lstrip() if edit[2].startswith("\n") else edit[2]
         edit = edit[0], edit[1], edit_text
         yield test(hl, text, expect, edit)
Exemple #3
 def test(lang, string, expect, edit=None):
     if isinstance(lang, Highlighter):
         hl = lang
         hl = Highlighter(theme)
         hl.syntaxdef = get_syntax_definition(lang)
     text = string if isinstance(string, Text) else Text(dedent(string))
     get_color = lambda value: value
     with replattr(editxt.theme, "get_color", get_color, sigcheck=False), CaptureLogging(mod) as log:
         if edit:
             start, length, insert = edit
             text[(start, length)] = Text(insert)
             hl.color_text(text, (start, len(insert)))
     errors = log.data.get("error")
     assert not errors, "Errors logged:\n" + "\n---\n\n".join(errors)
     a = list(chain.from_iterable(x.split("\n") for x in text.colors(hl)))
     b = dedent(expect).strip().split("\n") if expect else []
     assert a == b, "\n" + "\n".join(unified_diff(b, a, "expected", "actual", lineterm=""))
Exemple #4
def test_Highlighter_color_text():
    from objc import NULL
    from textwrap import dedent
    from editxt.platform.text import Text as BaseText
    from editxt.syntax import SYNTAX_RANGE, SYNTAX_TOKEN

    class Text(BaseText):
        def colors(self, highlighter):
            seen = set()
            lines = []
            length = len(self)
            full = rng = (0, length)
            fg_color = ak.NSForegroundColorAttributeName
            long_range = self.attribute_atIndex_longestEffectiveRange_inRange_
            while rng[1] > 0:
                key, xrng = long_range(SYNTAX_RANGE, rng[0], None, rng)
                lang = highlighter.langs[key].name if key else ""
                if lang == highlighter.syntaxdef.name:
                    lang = ""
                # print(lang.strip(), xrng)
                level = 1 if lang else 0
                xend = sum(xrng)
                while True:
                    attr, attr_rng = long_range(SYNTAX_TOKEN, xrng[0], None, full)
                    color, color_rng = long_range(fg_color, xrng[0], None, full)
                    if attr:
                        color_rng = attr_rng
                        color_rng = intersect_ranges(attr_rng, color_rng)
                    text = self[color_rng]
                    if attr or color and color != "text_color" and text.strip():
                        if attr:
                            attr_name = attr
                            # default text color, not a matched token
                            attr_name = "{} {} -".format(lang, color)
                        print(attr_name.ljust(30), (key or "").ljust(15), repr(text)[1:-1])
                        print_lang = lang and attr and attr.startswith(lang)
                        attr = attr.rsplit(" ", 1)[-1] if attr else color
                            "{}{} {}{}".format(
                                "  " * level,
                                attr if attr == color else "{} {}".format(attr, color),
                                (" " + lang) if print_lang else "",
                    start = sum(attr_rng)
                    if start >= xend:
                        xend = start
                    xrng = (start, xend - start)
                rng = (xend, length - xend)
            return lines

    def test(lang, string, expect, edit=None):
        if isinstance(lang, Highlighter):
            hl = lang
            hl = Highlighter(theme)
            hl.syntaxdef = get_syntax_definition(lang)
        text = string if isinstance(string, Text) else Text(dedent(string))
        get_color = lambda value: value
        with replattr(editxt.theme, "get_color", get_color, sigcheck=False), CaptureLogging(mod) as log:
            if edit:
                start, length, insert = edit
                text[(start, length)] = Text(insert)
                hl.color_text(text, (start, len(insert)))
        errors = log.data.get("error")
        assert not errors, "Errors logged:\n" + "\n---\n\n".join(errors)
        a = list(chain.from_iterable(x.split("\n") for x in text.colors(hl)))
        b = dedent(expect).strip().split("\n") if expect else []
        assert a == b, "\n" + "\n".join(unified_diff(b, a, "expected", "actual", lineterm=""))

    def edit(lang, string, expect, *pairs):
        hl = Highlighter(theme)
        hl.syntaxdef = get_syntax_definition(lang)
        assert len(pairs) % 2 == 0, "got odd number of edit/expect pairs"
        string = dedent(string) if string.startswith("\n") else string
        text = Text(string)
        yield test(hl, text, expect)
        for edit, expect in zip(islice(pairs, 0, None, 2), islice(pairs, 1, None, 2)):
            edit_text = dedent(edit[2]).lstrip() if edit[2].startswith("\n") else edit[2]
            edit = edit[0], edit[1], edit_text
            yield test(hl, text, expect, edit)

    config = Config(
            "theme": {
                "text_color": String("text_color"),
                "syntax": {
                    "default": {
                        "attribute": String("attribute"),
                        "builtin": String("builtin"),
                        "comment": String("comment"),
                        "group": String("group"),
                        "header": String("header"),
                        "keyword": String("keyword"),
                        "name": String("name"),
                        "operator": String("operator"),
                        "punctuation": String("punctuation"),
                        "string": String("string"),
                        "string.multiline.single-quote": String("string.multiline.single-quote"),
                        "tag": String("tag"),
                        "value": String("value"),
                    "JavaScript": {"string": String("js.string")},
    theme = editxt.theme.Theme(config)

    text = Text("def f(self, x): x # TODO")
    hl = Highlighter(theme)
    hl.syntaxdef = get_syntax_definition("python")
    yield test(mod.PLAIN_TEXT, text, "")

    yield test(
        "def f(self, x): x # TODO",
        def keyword
        self builtin
        # TODO comment.single-line comment
    yield test(
        "# \U0001f612 \U0001f34c\ndef f(self, x): x # TODO",
        # \U0001f612 \U0001f34c comment.single-line comment
        def keyword
        self builtin
        # TODO comment.single-line comment
    yield test(
        "'\nfor x",
        ' string.single-quote string
        for keyword
    yield test(
        '"\ndef f(',
        " string.double-quote string
        def keyword
    yield test(
        x = "\""
        y = "\\"
        z = "\\\""
        Q = "\\\\\""
        " string.double-quote string
        \" operator.escape operator
        " string.double-quote string
        " string.double-quote string
        \\ operator.escape operator
        " string.double-quote string
        " string.double-quote string
        \\\" operator.escape operator
        " string.double-quote string
        " string.double-quote string
        \\\\\" operator.escape operator
        " string.double-quote string
    yield test(
        x = r"\""
        y = r"\\"
        z = r"\\\""
        Q = r"\\\\\""
        r" string.double-quote string
          \" operator.escape operator Regular Expression
          " string.double-quote string
        r" string.double-quote string
          \\ operator.escape operator Regular Expression
          " string.double-quote string
        r" string.double-quote string
          \\\" operator.escape operator Regular Expression
          " string.double-quote string
        r" string.double-quote string
          \\\\\" operator.escape operator Regular Expression
          " string.double-quote string
    yield test(
        "'''    for x",
        ''' string.multiline.single-quote
            for x string.multiline.single-quote
    yield test(
        "'''    for x'''",
        ''' string.multiline.single-quote
            for x string.multiline.single-quote
        ''' string.multiline.single-quote
    yield test(
        ' string.single-quote string
        begin string
         operator.escape.continuation operator
        end string
        ' string.single-quote string
    yield test(
        '''"""A doc string\nWith multiple lines\n"""''',
        """ string.multiline.double-quote string
        A doc string
        With multiple lines
        """ string.multiline.double-quote string
    yield from edit(
        "\ndef f(",
        def keyword
        (0, 0, '"'),
        " string.double-quote string
        def keyword
        (1, 0, '"'),
        "" string.double-quote string
        def keyword
        (2, 0, '"'),
        """ string.multiline.double-quote string
        def f( string
        (2, 1, ""),
        "" string.double-quote string
        def keyword
    yield from edit(
        def keyword
        (0, 4, ""),  # bug: error on delete all content
    yield from edit(
        ' "word" ',
        " string.double-quote string
        word string
        " string.double-quote string
        (1, 0, "r"),
        r" string.double-quote string
          word string
          " string.double-quote string
        (1, 1, ""),
        " string.double-quote string
        word string
        " string.double-quote string
    yield from edit(
        r"""r"(?P<xyz>)" """,
        r" string.double-quote string
          (?P< group.named group Regular Expression
          xyz name Regular Expression
          > group.named group Regular Expression
          ) group Regular Expression
          " string.double-quote string
        (4, 0, " "),
        r" string.double-quote string
          ( string
          ? keyword Regular Expression
           P<xyz> string
          ) group Regular Expression
          " string.double-quote string
        (4, 1, ""),
        r" string.double-quote string
          (?P< group.named group Regular Expression
          xyz name Regular Expression
          > group.named group Regular Expression
          ) group Regular Expression
          " string.double-quote string
    yield from edit(
        r""" [\s] """
        ' """ """ '
        r""" string.multiline.double-quote string
          [ keyword.set keyword Regular Expression
          \s operator.class operator Regular Expression
          ] keyword.set keyword Regular Expression
          """ string.multiline.double-quote string
        ' string.single-quote string
         """ """  string
        ' string.single-quote string
        (9, 1, ""),
        r""" string.multiline.double-quote string
          [ keyword.set keyword Regular Expression
          \s operator.class operator Regular Expression
          """ string.multiline.double-quote string
        ' string.single-quote string
         """ """  string
        ' string.single-quote string
        (9, 0, "]"),
        r""" string.multiline.double-quote string
          [ keyword.set keyword Regular Expression
          \s operator.class operator Regular Expression
          ] keyword.set keyword Regular Expression
          """ string.multiline.double-quote string
        ' string.single-quote string
         """ """  string
        ' string.single-quote string
    yield from edit(
        """ string.multiline.double-quote string
        """ string.multiline.double-quote string
        def keyword
        (16, 0, "\n"),
        """ string.multiline.double-quote string
        """ string.multiline.double-quote string
        def keyword

    yield test(
        <div tag
    yield test(
        """<div <span>""",
        <div tag
        <span> tag
    yield test(
        """<div tal:wrap='<span>'""",
        <div tag
        tal:wrap attribute
        = tag.punctuation tag
        '<span>' value
    yield test(
        """<div class='ext' data id="xpr"> </div>""",
        <div tag
        class attribute
        = tag.punctuation tag
        'ext' value
        data attribute
        id attribute
        = tag.punctuation tag
        "xpr" value
        > tag
        </div> tag
    yield test(
        <!DOCTYPE> tag.doctype tag
        <div/> tag
    yield test(
        """<!DOCTYPE html encoding="utf-8">\n<div/>""",
        <!DOCTYPE tag.doctype tag
        html attribute
        encoding attribute
        = tag.punctuation tag
        "utf-8" value
        > tag.doctype tag
        <div/> tag
    yield test("markup", """<!---->""", """<!----> comment""")
    yield test("markup", """<!-- <head><style> -->""", """<!-- <head><style> --> comment""")
    yield test(
        """<div><![CDATA[ abc <xyz> 3&""",
        <div> tag
        <![CDATA[ tag.cdata tag
    yield test(
        """<div><![cdata[ abc <xyz> 3& ]]>""",
        <div> tag
        <![cdata[ tag.cdata tag
        ]]> tag.cdata tag
    yield test(
        "<style attr='value'></style>",
        <style tag
        attr attribute
        = tag.punctuation tag
        'value' value
        ></style> tag
    yield test(
        "<script>var x = 'y';</script>",
        <script> tag
          var keyword JavaScript
          'y' string.single-quote js.string JavaScript
          </script> tag
    yield test(
        "<style>.error { color: red; }</style>",
        <style> tag
          .error selector-class text_color CSS
          { text_color CSS
          color attribute CSS
          : text_color CSS
          ; text_color CSS
          } text_color CSS
          </style> tag

    yield test(
        def inc(arg):
            return arg + 1
        ``` code text_color
        Python tag
          def keyword Python
          return keyword Python
          ``` code text_color

    yield test(
        def inc(arg):
            return arg + 1
        ``` code text_color
        unknown-language-name text_color
        ``` code text_color

    yield test(
        *Clojure REPL*

        user=> (defn f [x y]
          #_=>   (+ x y))
        user=> (f 5 7)
        user=> nil

        *Clojure REPL* emphasis text_color
        ``` code text_color
        clojure-repl tag
          user=> meta text_color Clojure REPL
          ( text_color Clojure
          defn builtin-name text_color Clojure
          [ text_color Clojure
          ] text_color Clojure
            #_=> meta text_color Clojure REPL
          ( text_color Clojure
          + builtin-name text_color Clojure
          ) text_color Clojure
          user=> meta text_color Clojure REPL
          ( text_color Clojure
          f name Clojure
          5 number text_color Clojure
          7 number text_color Clojure
          ) text_color Clojure
          user=> meta text_color Clojure REPL
          nil literal text_color Clojure
          ``` code text_color
        *Clojure* emphasis text_color
    yield test(
        Want to see a image::images/tiger.png[Tiger]?
        [quote, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle]
        When you have eliminated all...
        not *strong*
        ``` code text_color
        asciidoc tag
          image::images/tiger.png link text_color AsciiDoc
          [ text_color AsciiDoc
          Tiger string
          ] text_color AsciiDoc
          *strong* strong text_color AsciiDoc
          [quote, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle] meta text_color AsciiDoc
        When you have eliminated all... quote text_color AsciiDoc
          ``` code text_color
        *strong* emphasis text_color
    yield test(
        ## YAML

        # comment
        string_1: "Bar"
        ## YAML section text_color
        ``` code text_color
        yaml tag
          --- meta text_color YAML
          # comment YAML
           comment comment
          string_1: attr text_color YAML
          " string YAML
          Bar string
          " string YAML

    yield test(
        "var x = 'y';",
        var keyword
        'y' string.single-quote js.string
    yield test(
        "var regex = /y*/ig;",
        var keyword
        / regexp text_color
          * keyword Regular Expression
          /ig regexp text_color
    yield test(
        "/[x-z/ig - var;",
        / regexp text_color
          [ keyword.set keyword Regular Expression
          - operator.range operator Regular Expression
          /ig regexp text_color
        var keyword

    yield test(
        ^ keyword
        ( group
        . keyword
        ) group
        $ keyword

    yield test(
        (?:( group
        . keyword
        )) group

    yield test(
        r" good (?# junk ) good (?=aft.r)(?!n.t)",
        (?# junk ) comment
        (?= group
        . keyword
        )(?! group
        . keyword
        ) group

    yield test(
        (?<= group
        . keyword
        )(?<! group
        . keyword
        ) group

    yield test(
        ( group
        . keyword
        ) group
        ? keyword
        (?(1) group
        .|$ keyword
        ) group

    yield test(
        r"\1 \01 \7654 \999",
        \1 group.ref group
        \01 operator.escape.char operator
        \765 operator.escape.char operator
        \99 group.ref group

    yield test(
        r"\A \b \B \w \W \Z \\ \. \u0a79 \U000167295",
        \A operator.class operator
        \b operator.class operator
        \B operator.class operator
        \w operator.class operator
        \W operator.class operator
        \Z operator.class operator
        \\ operator.escape operator
        \. operator.escape operator
        \u0a79 operator.escape.char operator
        \U00016729 operator.escape.char operator

    yield test(
        [ keyword.set keyword
        \w operator.class operator
        - operator.range operator
        \- operator.escape operator
        \S operator.class operator
        ] keyword.set keyword

    yield test(
        r" [^-\wa-z\-\S-] ",
        [^ keyword.set.inverse keyword
        \w operator.class operator
        - operator.range operator
        \- operator.escape operator
        \S operator.class operator
        ] keyword.set.inverse keyword

    yield test(


        %% backwards compatibility
        -module keyword
        ( params text_color
        ) params text_color
        . text_color
        -behaviour keyword
        ( params text_color
        ) params text_color
        . text_color
        -include keyword
        ( params text_color
        " string
        ssh.hrl string
        " string
        ) params text_color
        . text_color
        % comment
        % backwards compatibility comment

    yield test(
        init([Shell, Exec]) ->
            {ok, #state{shell = Shell, exec = Exec}};
        init title text_color
        ( params text_color
        ) params text_color
        -> function text_color
        { text_color
        #state{ text_color
        }} text_color
        ; function text_color

    yield from edit(
        #    text_color: EFEFEF
        #    selection_color: 584848
        #    background_color: 101010

          face: Inconsolata
          size: 13
        # comment
        theme: comment
        # comment
            text_color: EFEFEF comment
        # comment
            selection_color: 584848 comment
        # comment
            background_color: 101010 comment
        font: attr text_color
          face: attr text_color
          size: attr text_color
        13 number text_color
          "Command+{": " doc  down"
          "Command+}": " doc  up"
        # comment
        theme: comment
        # comment
            text_color: EFEFEF comment
        # comment
            selection_color: 584848 comment
        # comment
            background_color: 101010 comment
        shortcuts: attr text_color
        " string
        Command+{ string
        " string
        " string
         doc  down string
        " string
        " string
        Command+} string
        " string
        " string
         doc  up string
        " string
        font: attr text_color
          face: attr text_color
          size: attr text_color
        13 number text_color

    class lang:
        class sub:
            rules = [("keyword", ["for"])]

        rules = [("keyword", ["for", "in"]), ("tag", "[", ["]"], sub)]

    lang = make_definition(lang)
    yield from edit(
        "for x in [y for y in z]:",
        for keyword
        in keyword
        [ tag
        for keyword
        ] tag
        (9, 1, ""),
        for keyword
        in keyword
        for keyword
        in keyword
    yield from edit(
        "for x in [y for y in z]:",
        for keyword
        in keyword
        [ tag
        for keyword
        ] tag
        (4, 6, "[x for "),
        for keyword
        [ tag
        for keyword
        for keyword
        ] tag

    class xkw:
        rules = [("name", ["x"])]

    class lang:
        name = "transition"

        class params:
            rules = [("group", "(", [")"], xkw)]

        class func_name:
            rules = [("name", [RE(r"[a-z]+")])]

        rules = [
            ("keyword", ["end"]),
            ("keyword", "def", [RE(r"$"), params], func_name),
            ("tag", RE(r"[a-z]+\("), [")"], xkw),

    lang = make_definition(lang)
    yield test(
        "def f(x) x + do(x + 1) end",
        def keyword
        f name
        ( group
        x name
        ) group
        do( tag
        x name
        ) tag
        end keyword

    class lang:
        name = "recursive"

        class call:
            rules = [("tag", ["do"])]

        rules = [("keyword", ["def"]), ("group", "(", [")"], call)]

    lang = make_definition(lang)
    yield test(
        "def (def do(do (def)))",
        def keyword
        ( group
        do tag
        ( group
        do tag
        ( group
        ))) group

    class lang:
        name = "start-end-lang-no-body"
        default_text = const.DELIMITER

        class _lparen:
            rules = [("_lparen", ["("])]

        class _rparen:
            rules = [("_rparen", [")"])]

        rules = [("keyword", ["def"]), ("group", _lparen, [_rparen])]

    lang = make_definition(lang)
    yield test(
        "def (do def) def",
        def keyword
        ( text_color
        do def group
        ) text_color
        def keyword

    def test_err(msg, *args):
        with CaptureLogging(mod) as log:
            eq_(log.data["exception"], [Regex(msg)])

    class lang:
        name = "non-advancing-range"
        rules = [("group", RE(r"(?=.)"), [RE(r"\b|\B")])]

    lang = make_definition(lang)
    yield test_err, "non-advancing range: index=0 ", lang, "a", ""

    class lang:
        name = "infinite-language-recursion"
        rules = []

    lang.rules.append(("group", RE(r"(?=.)"), [RE(r"x")], lang))
    lang = make_definition(lang)
    yield test_err, "max recursion exceeded", lang, "a", ""