def test_unknown_input_data_allowed(self): one = copy.deepcopy(_one_dict) one['foo'] = 'bar' addr = Nin(data = one, raise_on_unknown = False) out = addr.to_dict() self.assertIn('foo', out) self.assertEqual(out['foo'], one['foo'])
def test_create_oidcproofingstate(self): """ { 'eduPersonPrincipalName': 'foob-arra', 'nin': { 'created_ts': datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 16, 14, 47, 0, 379810), 'verified': False, 'number': '190101021234', 'created_by': 'eduid_oidc_proofing' }, 'state': '2c84fedd-a694-46f0-b235-7c4dd7982852' 'nonce': 'bbca50f6-5213-4784-b6e6-289bd1debda5', 'token': 'de5b3f2a-14e9-49b8-9c78-a15fcf60d119', } """ nin = Nin(number='200102034567', application='eduid_oidc_proofing', verified=False, primary=False) state = OidcProofingState({ 'eduPersonPrincipalName': EPPN, 'nin': nin.to_dict(), 'state': '2c84fedd-a694-46f0-b235-7c4dd7982852', 'nonce': 'bbca50f6-5213-4784-b6e6-289bd1debda5', 'token': 'de5b3f2a-14e9-49b8-9c78-a15fcf60d119' }) state_dict = state.to_dict() self.assertItemsEqual(state_dict.keys(), [ '_id', 'nin', 'eduPersonPrincipalName', 'state', 'nonce', 'token' ]) self.assertItemsEqual( state_dict['nin'].keys(), ['created_by', 'created_ts', 'number', 'verified'])
def proofing(user, nin): current_app.logger.debug('Getting state for user {!s}.'.format(user)) # TODO: Check if a user has a valid letter proofing # For now a user can just have one verified NIN if len(user.nins.to_list()) > 0: return {'_status': 'error', 'error': 'User is already verified'} proofing_state = current_app.proofing_statedb.get_state_by_eppn( user.eppn, raise_on_missing=False) if not proofing_state: current_app.logger.debug( 'No proofing state found for user {!s}. Initializing new proofing flow.' .format(user)) state = get_unique_hash() nonce = get_unique_hash() token = get_unique_hash() nin = Nin(number=nin, application='eduid_oidc_proofing', verified=False, primary=False) proofing_state = OidcProofingState({ 'eduPersonPrincipalName': user.eppn, 'nin': nin.to_dict(), 'state': state, 'nonce': nonce, 'token': token }) # Initiate proofing oidc_args = { 'client_id': current_app.oidc_client.client_id, 'response_type': 'code', 'scope': ['openid'], 'redirect_uri': url_for('oidc_proofing.authorization_response', _external=True), 'state': state, 'nonce': nonce, 'claims': ClaimsRequest(userinfo=Claims(identity=None)).to_json() } current_app.logger.debug('AuthenticationRequest args:') current_app.logger.debug(oidc_args) try: response = current_app.oidc_client.authorization_endpoint, data=oidc_args) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: msg = 'No connection to authorization endpoint: {!s}'.format(e) current_app.logger.error(msg) return {'_status': 'error', 'error': msg} # If authentication request went well save user state if response.status_code == 200: current_app.logger.debug( 'Authentication request delivered to provider {!s}'.format( current_app.config['PROVIDER_CONFIGURATION_INFO'] ['issuer'])) current_app.logger.debug( 'Proofing state {!s} for user {!s} saved'.format( proofing_state.state, user)) else: current_app.logger.error( 'Bad response from OP: {!s} {!s} {!s}'.format( response.status_code, response.reason, response.content)) return { '_status': 'error', 'error': 'Temporary technical problems' } # Return nonce and nonce as qr code current_app.logger.debug('Returning nonce for user {!s}'.format(user)) buf = StringIO() # The "1" below denotes the version of the data exchanged, right now only version 1 is supported. qr_code = '1' + json.dumps({ 'nonce': proofing_state.nonce, 'token': proofing_state.token }) qrcode.make(qr_code).save(buf) qr_b64 = buf.getvalue().encode('base64') return { 'qr_code': qr_code, 'qr_img': 'data:image/png;base64, {!s}'.format(qr_b64), }