Exemple #1
 def extract_state(status):
     state = status['state']
     task.state = state
     if state == 'FAILED':
         return throw(ee.EEException(status.get('error_message')))
         return of(state)
 def run(self, args, config):
   """Runs the asset update."""
   properties = _decode_property_flags(args)
   if not properties and args.time_start is None and args.time_end is None:
     raise ee.EEException('No properties specified.')
   if config.use_cloud_api:
     update_mask = [
         'properties.' + property_name for property_name in properties
     asset = {}
     if properties:
       asset['properties'] = {
           k: v for k, v in six.iteritems(properties) if v is not None
     # args.time_start and .time_end could have any of three falsy values, with
     # different meanings:
     # None: the --time_start flag was not provided at all
     # '': the --time_start flag was explicitly set to the empty string
     # 0: the --time_start flag was explicitly set to midnight 1 Jan 1970.
     # pylint:disable=g-explicit-bool-comparison
     if args.time_start is not None:
       if args.time_start != '':
         asset['start_time'] = _cloud_timestamp_for_timestamp_ms(
     if args.time_end is not None:
       if args.time_end != '':
         asset['end_time'] = _cloud_timestamp_for_timestamp_ms(args.time_end)
     # pylint:enable=g-explicit-bool-comparison
     ee.data.updateAsset(args.asset_id, asset, update_mask)
   ee.data.setAssetProperties(args.asset_id, properties)
def _decode_property_flags(args):
  """Decodes metadata properties from args as a name->value dict."""
  property_list = list(args.property or [])
  names = [name for name, _ in property_list]
  duplicates = [name for name, count in Counter(names).items() if count > 1]
  if duplicates:
    raise ee.EEException('Duplicate property name(s): %s.' % duplicates)
  return dict(property_list)
Exemple #4
 def run(self, args, config):
   info = ee.data.getInfo(args.asset_id)
   if info:
     raise ee.EEException(
         'Asset does not exist or is not accessible: %s' % args.asset_id)
def _upload(args, request, ingestion_function):
    if 0 <= args.wait < 10:
        raise ee.EEException('Wait time should be at least 10 seconds.')
    task_id = ee.data.newTaskId()[0]
    ingestion_function(task_id, request)
    print('Started upload task with ID: %s' % task_id)
    if args.wait >= 0:
        print('Waiting for the upload task to complete...')
        utils.wait_for_task(task_id, args.wait)
def filter_collection(collection, coords, period=None):
    filtered = collection
    if period is not None:
        filtered = filtered.filterDate(*period)  # filter time
    filtered = filtered.filterBounds(
        ee.Geometry.Point(coords))  # filter region
    if filtered.size().getInfo() == 0:
        raise ee.EEException(
            f'ImageCollection.filter: No suitable images found in ({coords[1]:.4f}, {coords[0]:.4f}) between {period[0]} and {period[1]}.'
    return filtered
Exemple #7
 def _parse_permissions(self, args):
   """Decodes and sanity-checks the permissions in the arguments."""
   # A dictionary mapping from user ids to one of 'R', 'W', or 'D'.
   permissions = {}
   if args.u:
     for grant in args.u:
       parts = grant.split(':')
       if len(parts) != 2 or parts[1] not in ['R', 'W']:
         raise ee.EEException('Invalid permission "%s".' % grant)
       user, role = parts
       if user in permissions:
         raise ee.EEException('Multiple permission settings for "%s".' % user)
       if user == ALL_USERS and role == 'W':
         raise ee.EEException('Cannot grant write permissions to AllUsers.')
       permissions[user] = role
   if args.d:
     for user in args.d:
       if user in permissions:
         raise ee.EEException('Multiple permission settings for "%s".' % user)
       permissions[user] = 'D'
   return permissions
def _decode_property_flags(args):
    """Decodes metadata properties from args as a list of (name,value) pairs."""
    property_list = list(args.property or [])
    if args.time_start:
        property_list.append((SYSTEM_TIME_START, args.time_start))
    if args.time_end:
        property_list.append((SYSTEM_TIME_END, args.time_end))
    names = [name for name, _ in property_list]
    duplicates = [name for name, count in Counter(names).items() if count > 1]
    if duplicates:
        raise ee.EEException('Duplicate property name(s): %s.' % duplicates)
    return dict(property_list)
def _get_size(asset):
    """Returns the size of the given asset in bytes."""
    size_parsers = {
        'Folder': _get_size_folder,
        'ImageCollection': _get_size_image_collection,

    if asset['type'] not in size_parsers:
        raise ee.EEException('Cannot get size for asset type "%s"' %

    return size_parsers[asset['type']](asset)
Exemple #10
 def get_credentials():
         tokens = json.load(open(credential_path))
         refresh_token = tokens['refresh_token']
         return Credentials(None,
     except IOError:
         raise ee.EEException(
             'Please authorize access to your Earth Engine account by '
             'running\n\nearthengine authenticate\n\nin your command line, and then '
Exemple #11
 def run(self, args, config):
   cancel_all = args.task_ids == ['all']
   if cancel_all:
     statuses = ee.data.getTaskList()
     statuses = ee.data.getTaskStatus(args.task_ids)
   for status in statuses:
     state = status['state']
     task_id = status['id']
     if state == 'UNKNOWN':
       raise ee.EEException('Unknown task id "%s"' % task_id)
     elif state == 'READY' or state == 'RUNNING':
       print('Canceling task "%s"' % task_id)
     elif not cancel_all:
       print('Task "%s" already in state "%s".' % (status['id'], state))
  def _get_size(self, asset):
    """Returns the size of the given asset in bytes."""
    size_parsers = {
        'Image': self._get_size_asset,
        'Folder': self._get_size_folder,
        'ImageCollection': self._get_size_image_collection,
        'Table': self._get_size_asset,
        'IMAGE': self._get_size_asset,
        'FOLDER': self._get_size_folder,
        'IMAGE_COLLECTION': self._get_size_image_collection,
        'TABLE': self._get_size_asset,

    if asset['type'] not in size_parsers:
      raise ee.EEException(
          'Cannot get size for asset type "%s"' % asset['type'])

    return size_parsers[asset['type']](asset)
    def run(self, args, config):
        """Waits on the given tasks to complete or for a timeout to pass."""
        task_ids = []
        if args.task_ids == ['all']:
            tasks = ee.data.getTaskList()
            for task in tasks:
                if task['state'] not in utils.TASK_FINISHED_STATES:
            statuses = ee.data.getTaskStatus(args.task_ids)
            for status in statuses:
                state = status['state']
                task_id = status['id']
                if state == 'UNKNOWN':
                    raise ee.EEException('Unknown task id "%s"' % task_id)

        utils.wait_for_tasks(task_ids, args.timeout, log_progress=args.verbose)
Exemple #14
def build_map(**kwargs):
    Creates a map in Google Earth Engine using the python api and returns the map id and token.
    :param kwargs:
    :return: mapid object

    reducer = getattr(ee.Reducer, kwargs.get('reducer', 'mode'))()

    if 'collection' in kwargs:
        collection = ee.ImageCollection(kwargs['collection'])
        collection = collection.select(kwargs.get('band', ['.*']))

        if 'id' in kwargs:
            collection = collection.filterMetadata('id', 'equals',
            vis_params = get_vis_params(None, collection, **kwargs)
            vis_params = get_vis_params(None, None, **kwargs)

        if 'year' in kwargs:
            collection = collection.filterMetadata('year', 'equals',

        image = ee.Image(collection.reduce(reducer))

    elif 'image' in kwargs:
        image = ee.Image(kwargs['image'])
        image = image.select(kwargs.get('band', ['.*']))
        vis_params = get_vis_params(image, None, **kwargs)

        raise ee.EEException("No image or collection specified")

    mapid = image.getMapId(vis_params=vis_params)

    del mapid['image']
    return mapid
 def run(self, args, config):
     properties = _decode_property_flags(args)
     if not properties:
         raise ee.EEException('No properties specified.')
     ee.data.setAssetProperties(args.asset_id, properties)
def _check_valid_files(filenames):
    """Returns true if the given filenames are valid upload file URIs."""
    for filename in filenames:
        if not filename.startswith('gs://'):
            raise ee.EEException('Invalid Cloud Storage URL: ' + filename)
  def manifest_from_args(self, args, config):
    """Constructs an upload manifest from the command-line flags."""

    if args.manifest:
      with open(args.manifest) as fh:
        return json.loads(fh.read())

    if not args.asset_id:
      raise ValueError('Flag --asset_id must be set.')

    source_files = list(utils.expand_gcs_wildcards(args.src_file))
    if len(source_files) != 1:
      raise ValueError('Exactly one file must be specified.')

    if config.use_cloud_api:
      properties = _decode_property_flags(args)
      args.asset_id = ee.data.convert_asset_id_to_asset_name(args.asset_id)
      source = {'uris': source_files}
      if args.max_error:
        source['maxErrorMeters'] = args.max_error
      if args.max_vertices:
        source['maxVertices'] = args.max_vertices
      if args.max_failed_features:
        raise ee.EEException(
            '--max_failed_features is not supported with the Cloud API')
      manifest = {
          'name': args.asset_id,
          'sources': [source],
          'properties': properties
      # pylint:disable=g-explicit-bool-comparison
      if args.time_start is not None and args.time_start != '':
        manifest['start_time'] = _cloud_timestamp_for_timestamp_ms(
      if args.time_end is not None and args.time_end != '':
        manifest['end_time'] = _cloud_timestamp_for_timestamp_ms(args.time_end)
      # pylint:enable=g-explicit-bool-comparison
      return manifest

    # non-cloud API section
    source = {'primaryPath': source_files[0]}
    if args.max_error:
      source['max_error'] = args.max_error
    if args.max_vertices:
      source['max_vertices'] = args.max_vertices
    if args.max_failed_features:
      source['max_failed_features'] = args.max_failed_features
    if args.crs:
      source['crs'] = args.crs
    if args.geodesic:
      source['geodesic'] = args.geodesic
    if args.primary_geometry_column:
      source['primary_geometry_column'] = args.primary_geometry_column
    if args.x_column:
      source['x_column'] = args.x_column
    if args.y_column:
      source['y_column'] = args.y_column
    if args.date_format:
      source['date_format'] = args.date_format
    if args.csv_delimiter:
      source['csv_delimiter'] = args.csv_delimiter
    if args.csv_qualifier:
      source['csv_qualifier'] = args.csv_qualifier

    return {
        'id': args.asset_id,
        'sources': [source]