# locations = pd.read_csv('locations_remedy.csv')
locations = pd.read_csv('world_locations.csv', header=None)

# county_region = ee.FeatureCollection('ft:18Ayj5e7JxxtTPm1BdMnnzWbZMrxMB49eqGDTsaSp')
world_region = ee.FeatureCollection(

imgcoll = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/MOD09A1') \
    .filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-106.5, 50,-64, 23))\

img = imgcoll.iterate(appendBand_6)
img = ee.Image(img)

img_0 = ee.Image(ee.Number(0))
img_5000 = ee.Image(ee.Number(5000))

img = img.min(img_5000)
img = img.max(img_0)

# img=ee.Image(ee.Number(100))
# img=ee.ImageCollection('LC8_L1T').mosaic()

for country, index in locations.values:
    fname = 'index' + '{}'.format(int(index))

    # offset = 0.11
    scale = 500
    crs = 'EPSG:4326'
    def ozone(geom, date):
    returns ozone measurement from merged TOMS/OMI dataset
    uses our fill value (which is mean value for that latlon and day-of-year)

        # Point geometry required
        centroid = geom.centroid()

        def ozone_measurement(centroid, O3_date):

            # filtered ozone collection
            ozone_ic = ee.ImageCollection('TOMS/MERGED').filterDate(
                O3_date, O3_date.advance(1, 'month'))

            # ozone image
            ozone_img = ee.Image(ozone_ic.first())

            # ozone value IF TOMS/OMI image exists ELSE use fill value
            ozone = ee.Algorithms.If(ozone_img,\
            ozone_img.reduceRegion(reducer=ee.Reducer.mean(), geometry=centroid).get('ozone'),\

            return ozone

        def ozone_fill(centroid, O3_date):
      Gets our ozone fill value (i.e. mean value for that doy and latlon)
      you can see it
      1) compared to LEDAPS: https://code.earthengine.google.com/8e62a5a66e4920e701813e43c0ecb83e
      2) as a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgqwvMRVguI&feature=youtu.be

            # ozone fills (i.e. one band per doy)
            ozone_fills = ee.ImageCollection(

            # day of year index
            jan01 = ee.Date.fromYMD(O3_date.get('year'), 1, 1)
            doy_index = date.difference(jan01, 'day').toInt(
            )  # (NB. index is one less than doy, so no need to +1)

            # day of year image
            fill_image = ee.Image(ozone_fills.get(doy_index))

            # return scalar fill value
            return fill_image.reduceRegion(reducer=ee.Reducer.mean(),

        # O3 datetime in 24 hour intervals
        O3_date = Atmospheric.round_date(date, 24)

        # TOMS temporal gap
        TOMS_gap = ee.DateRange('1994-11-01', '1996-08-01')

        # avoid TOMS gap entirely
        ozone = ee.Algorithms.If(TOMS_gap.contains(O3_date),
                                 ozone_fill(centroid, O3_date),
                                 ozone_measurement(centroid, O3_date))

        # fix other data gaps (e.g. spatial, missing images, etc..)
        ozone = ee.Algorithms.If(ozone, ozone, ozone_fill(centroid, O3_date))

        #convert to Py6S units
        ozone_Py6S_units = ee.Number(ozone).divide(
            1000)  # (i.e. Dobson units are milli-atm-cm )

        return ozone_Py6S_units
Exemple #3
    return feature.set('diff', diff.pow(2))

# Load watersheds from a data table and filter to the continental US.
sheds = ee.FeatureCollection('USGS/WBD/2017/HUC06') \
  .filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-127.18, 19.39, -62.75, 51.29))

# This function computes the squared difference between an area property
# and area computed directly from the feature's geometry.
# areaDiff = function(feature) {
#   # Compute area in sq. km directly from the geometry.
#   area = feature.geometry().area().divide(1000 * 1000)
#   # Compute the differece between computed area and the area property.
#   diff = area.subtract(ee.Number.parse(feature.get('areasqkm')))
#   # Return the feature with the squared difference set to the 'diff' property.
#   return feature.set('diff', diff.pow(2))
# }

# Calculate RMSE for population of difference pairs.
rmse = ee.Number(
    # Map the difference function over the collection.
    # Reduce to get the mean squared difference. \
    .reduceColumns(ee.Reducer.mean(), ['diff']) \
) \

# Print the result.
print('RMSE=', rmse.getInfo())
def AddAllLags(imgCollection, num_lags=1, filtering_property=None):
    Given a imgCollection it returns a list with the same number of images of the imageCollection
    where each image contains its bands together with the bands of num_lags images where filtering_property
    does NOT hold
    It also add to the metadata of the image the lagged time stamp ("system:time_start_lag_X")

    :param imgCollection: each img must have system:time_start property
    :param num_lags: number of lagged elements of each image
    :param filtering_property: if None no filtering will be done
    :return: list with images
    :rtype ee.List
    lags_client = range(1, num_lags + 1)
    bands_server = ee.Image(imgCollection.first()).bandNames()
    number_of_bands_server = ee.Number(bands_server.size())

    total_number_bands = number_of_bands_server.multiply(num_lags + 1)

    # create zero image with number_of_bands_server x num_lags + 1 bands
    zeros = ee.List.repeat(0, total_number_bands)
    bands_for_select = ee.List.sequence(0, total_number_bands.subtract(1))

    # sufix_lag_server = ["_lag_1",....,"_lag_n-1","_lag_n"]
    sufix_lag_server = ee.List(
        list(map(lambda lg: "_lag_" + str(lg), lags_client)))
    # sufix_lag_server_initial = ["","_lag_1",....,"_lag_n-1","_lag_n"]
    sufix_lag_server_initial = ee.List([ee.String("")]).cat(sufix_lag_server)
    # sufix_lag_server_shifted = ["","_lag_1",....,"_lag_n-1"]
    sufix_lag_server_shifted = sufix_lag_server_initial.slice(0, num_lags)

    all_bands = GenerateBandLags(bands_server, sufix_lag_server_initial)

    # Important constant otherwise doesn't work
    image_primera = ee.Image.constant(zeros).select(bands_for_select,

    # Set time property
    name_time_server = sufix_lag_server_initial.map(
        lambda sufix: ee.String("system:time_start").cat(ee.String(sufix)))
    zeros_time_start_server = ee.List.repeat(0, num_lags + 1)
    dictio = ee.Dictionary.fromLists(name_time_server, zeros_time_start_server)
    image_primera = image_primera.set(dictio)
    if filtering_property is not None:
        image_primera = image_primera.set(filtering_property, 1)

    # Create first element for iterate
    lista_ee = ee.List([image_primera])

    def accumulate(image, lista_rec):
        lista_recibida = ee.List(lista_rec)
        previous = ee.Image(lista_recibida.get(-1))
        bands_with_lags_server = GenerateBandLags(bands_server,
        sufix_lag_server_shifted_iteration = sufix_lag_server_shifted

        # if cloud > X bands_with_lags_shifted_server = bands_with_lags_server
        if filtering_property is not None:
            sufix_lag_server_shifted_iteration = ee.Algorithms.If(
                ee.Number(previous.get(filtering_property)), sufix_lag_server,
            sufix_lag_server_shifted_iteration = ee.List(

        bands_with_lags_shifted_server = GenerateBandLags(
            bands_server, sufix_lag_server_shifted_iteration)

        previous_add = previous.select(bands_with_lags_shifted_server,

        image = image.addBands(previous_add)

        name_time_server_shifted = sufix_lag_server_shifted_iteration.map(
            lambda sufix: ee.String("system:time_start").cat(ee.String(sufix)))

        values_time_server_select = name_time_server_shifted.map(
            lambda field: previous.get(field))
        name_time_server_select = sufix_lag_server.map(
            lambda sufix: ee.String("system:time_start").cat(ee.String(sufix)))
        dictio_set = ee.Dictionary.fromLists(name_time_server_select,
        image = image.set(dictio_set)

        return lista_recibida.add(image)

    lista_retorno = ee.List(imgCollection.iterate(accumulate,
    return lista_retorno
Exemple #5
 def ee_year(self, year):
     return ee.Number(year)
Exemple #6
 def toiterate(element, ini):
     ini = ee.Number(ini)
     bit = ee.Number(2).pow(ee.Number(element))
     return ini.add(bit)
Exemple #7
 def addCentroid(feat):
     feat = ee.Feature(feat)
     centroid = feat.centroid().geometry()
     coords = ee.List(centroid.coordinates())
     return feat.set('longitude', ee.Number(coords.get(0)),
                     'latitude', ee.Number(coords.get(1)))
Exemple #8
def filterby_pathrow(p, r, wrsfetcoll):
    p = ee.Number(p)
    r = ee.Number(r)
    f = ee.Filter.And(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_ROW', r), ee.Filter.eq('WRS_PATH', p))
    return wrsfetcoll.filter(f)
Exemple #9
def chi2cdf(chi2, df):
    ''' Chi square cumulative distribution function '''
    return ee.Image(chi2.divide(2)).gammainc(ee.Number(df).divide(2))
def get_region(feature):

    coll = LS_COLL.filterBounds(ee.Feature(feature).geometry())
    ncoll = coll.size().getInfo()

    # feature to be extracted
    feat = ee.Algorithms.If(
        ee.Feature(feature).buffer(BUFFER_DIST).bounds(), ee.Feature(feature))

    feat_dict = feat.getInfo()
    feat_props = feat_dict['properties']

    pt_list = list()

    if ncoll > 0:

        # list of properties of each image in the collection as dictionary
        coll_dicts = get_coll_dict(coll).getInfo()

        # extract pixel values from the collection
        # the output is a list or lists with the first row as column names
        temp_list = coll.getRegion(ee.Feature(feat).geometry(),
        n = len(temp_list)

        elem_names = temp_list[0]
        id_column = elem_names.index('id')

        for j in range(1, n):
            pt_dict = dict()
            for k in range(0, len(elem_names)):
                pt_dict[elem_names[k]] = temp_list[j][k]
                id = temp_list[j][id_column]

                scene_prop_list = list(coll_dict for coll_dict in coll_dicts
                                       if coll_dict['id'] == id)
                scene_prop = scene_prop_list[0]

                for prop in scene_properties:
                    pt_dict[prop] = scene_prop[prop]

                for prop in feat_properties:
                    pt_dict[prop] = feat_props[prop]


        pt_dict = dict()
        pt_dict['id'] = NULL_VALUE
        pt_dict['time'] = NULL_VALUE

        for prop in feat_properties:
            pt_dict[prop] = feat_props[prop]

        for prop in scene_properties:
            pt_dict[prop] = NULL_VALUE

        for band in bands:
            pt_dict[band] = NULL_VALUE


    return pt_list
Exemple #11
def _get_mean_corrfactor(refimg, destimg, interspoly):
    refmean = _get_mean(ee.Image(refimg), interspoly)
    destmean = _get_mean(ee.Image(destimg), interspoly)
    deltamean = ee.Algorithms.If(
        refmean, ee.Algorithms.If(destmean, refmean.subtract(destmean), 0), 0)
    return ee.Number(deltamean)
Exemple #12
 def iter_cols(i):
     i = ee.String(i)
     v = ee.Number(feature.get(i))
     minv = ee.Number(min_max_dict.get(i.cat("_min")))
     maxv = ee.Number(min_max_dict.get(i.cat("_max")))
     return v.subtract(minv).divide(maxv.subtract(minv))
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self,
        Class which implements linear and kernel models on Google Earth Engine
        for image forecasting as described in XXX paper

        :param img: to apply the model
        :type img: ee.Image
        :param bands: list with the names of the bands
        :type bands: list[str]
        :param cloud_mask: cloud_mask image to mask pixels for "estimation"
        :type cloud_mask: ee.Image
        :param max_lags: number of lags of the model
        :param beta: beta of the model (ponderate estimation vs prediction)
        :param region: geom to fit the model (model will be fitted only with pixels of this geom)

        :type region: ee.Geometry
        self.img = img
        self.bands = bands
        self.cloud_mask = cloud_mask
        self.max_lags = max_lags
        self.region = region
        bands_modeling_estimation = list(self.bands)
        for lag in range(1, self.max_lags):
            bands_lag = list(map(lambda x: x + "_lag_" + str(lag), self.bands))
        self.bands_modeling_estimation = bands_modeling_estimation

        bands_modeling_prediction = []
        for lag in range(1, self.max_lags + 1):
            bands_lag = list(map(lambda x: x + "_lag_" + str(lag), self.bands))

        self.bands_modeling_prediction = bands_modeling_prediction
        self.bands_modeling_estimation_input = list(
            filter(lambda band: band.find("lag") != -1,
        self.bands_modeling_estimation_output = list(
            filter(lambda band: band.find("lag") == -1,

        self.bands_modeling_prediction_input = list(
            filter(lambda band: band.find("lag_1") == -1,
        self.bands_modeling_prediction_output = list(
            filter(lambda band: band.find("lag_1") != -1,
        if seed is None:
            self.seed = random.randint(0, 36000)
            self.seed = seed

        # Calculamos CC de la imagen actual
        dictio = self.cloud_mask.select([0], ["cloud"]).reduceRegion(
        self.cc_image = ee.Number(dictio.get("cloud")).getInfo()

        self.img_est = self.img.updateMask(self.cloud_mask.eq(0))
        self.img_est = self.img_est.select(self.bands_modeling_estimation)

        self.img_pred = self.img.select(self.bands_modeling_prediction)

        # Decrease beta linearly as the amount of cc_image increases
        if beta is None:
            self.beta = .5 - .5 * self.cc_image / CC_IMAGE_TOP
            self.beta = self.beta if self.beta > 0 else 0
            self.beta = beta

        self.alpha = None
        self.kernel_rbf = None
        self.gamma = None
        self.lmbda = None

        self.omega = None
        self.intercept = None
Exemple #14
    def _BuildDataSet(self, sampling_factor, normalize, numPixels=None):

        estimation_set = self.img_est.sample(region=self.region,

        prediction_set = self.img_pred.sample(region=self.region,
        # Add weights
        estimation_set_size = ee.Number(estimation_set.size())
        prediction_set_size = ee.Number(prediction_set.size())
        peso_estimacion = ee.Number(self.beta).divide(estimation_set_size)
        peso_prediccion = ee.Number(1 - self.beta).divide(prediction_set_size)

        bands_modeling_estimation_input_weight = list(
        bmp = list(self.bands_modeling_prediction)
        bme = list(self.bands_modeling_estimation)

        estimation_set = estimation_set.map(
            lambda ft: ee.Feature(ft).set("weight", peso_estimacion))
        prediction_set = prediction_set.map(
            lambda ft: ee.Feature(ft).set("weight", peso_prediccion))

        self.estimation_set = estimation_set
        self.prediction_set = prediction_set
        if (self.beta > 0) and (self.cc_image < CC_IMAGE_TOP):
            self.datos = estimation_set.merge(prediction_set.select(bmp, bme))
            logger.info("Using only prediction")
            self.datos = prediction_set.select(bmp, bme)
        if normalize:
            self.datos, self.inputs_mean, self.inputs_std = normalization.ComputeNormalizationFeatureCollection(
            self.datos, self.outputs_mean, self.outputs_std = normalization.ComputeNormalizationFeatureCollection(

            self.inputs_mean = self.inputs_mean.toArray(
            self.inputs_std = self.inputs_std.toArray(
            self.outputs_mean = self.outputs_mean.toArray(

            #if "B10" in self.bands_modeling_estimation_output:
            #    self.datos.select("B10").divide(100)
            #if "B11" in self.bands_modeling_estimation_output:
            #    output_dataset["B11"] /= 100

        self.inputs = self.datos.select(bands_modeling_estimation_input_weight)
        self.outputs = self.datos.select(self.bands_modeling_estimation_output)

Exemple #15
def compareIndexArray(indexArray, number, sequence):
    Bi_index = ee.Algorithms.If(
        ee.Number(sequence).eq(0), indexArray.gte(ee.Number(number)),
    return ee.Array(Bi_index)
# %%
Map = folium.Map(location=[40, -100], zoom_start=4)

# %%
## Add Earth Engine Python script 


# %%
p1 = ee.Geometry.Point([103.521, 13.028])
p2 = ee.Geometry.Point([105.622, 13.050])
Date_Start = ee.Date('2000-05-01')
Date_End = ee.Date('2007-12-01')
Date_window = ee.Number(30)

# Create list of dates for time series
n_months = Date_End.difference(Date_Start, 'month').round()
print("Number of months:", n_months.getInfo())
dates = ee.List.sequence(0, n_months, 1)

def make_datelist(n):
    return Date_Start.advance(n, 'month')

dates = dates.map(make_datelist)
Exemple #17
 def wrap(name, i):
     i = ee.Number(i)
     scale = ee.Number(image.select([name]).projection().nominalScale())
     condition = scale.lte(i)
     newscale = ee.Algorithms.If(condition, scale, i)
     return newscale
legger_classes = {
    'Water': 1,
    'Verhard oppervlak': 2,
    'Gras en Akker': 3,
    'Riet en Ruigte': 4,
    'Bos': 5,
    'Struweel': 6,
    '': 0

class_names = list(legger_classes.keys())

legger_classes = ee.Dictionary(legger_classes)

classes_legger = ee.Dictionary.fromLists(
    legger_classes.values().map(lambda o: ee.Number(o).format('%d')),

def to_date_time_string(millis):
    return ee.Date(millis).format('YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm')

def get_satellite_images(region, date_begin, date_end, cloud_filtering):
    images = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2') \
        .select(band_names['s2'], band_names['readable']) \

    if date_begin:
        if not date_end:
            date_end = date_begin.advance(1, 'day')
Exemple #19
def addField(feature):
  sum = ee.Number(feature.get('property1')).add(feature.get('property2'))
  return feature.set({'sum': sum})
def prepare_voorspel_data(image, ecotop_features, grass_pct, herb_pct,
                          willow_pct, feature, start_date, years):

    :param image:
    :param ecotop_features:
    :param grass_pct:
    :param herb_pct:
    :param willow_pct:
    :param feature:
    :param start_date:
    :param years:

    class_values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    class_roughness = [0.0, 0.15, 0.39, 1.45, 12.84, 24.41]

    # Convert image from classes to roughness
    image = image.remap(class_values, class_roughness)

    # Specify roughness value image for each class
    k_water = ee.Number(class_roughness[0])
    k_bare = ee.Number(class_roughness[1])
    k_grass = ee.Number(class_roughness[2])
    k_herbaceous = ee.Number(class_roughness[3])
    k_reed = ee.Number(20.73)
    k_forest = ee.Number(class_roughness[4])
    k_willow = ee.Number(class_roughness[5])

    k_water_im = ee.Image(k_water)
    k_bare_im = ee.Image(k_bare)
    k_grass_im = ee.Image(k_grass)
    k_herbaceous_im = ee.Image(k_herbaceous)
    k_reed_im = ee.Image(k_reed)
    k_forest_im = ee.Image(k_forest)
    k_willow_im = ee.Image(k_willow)

    # Rates for progression from one class to another.
    # All rates take 10 yr to change class
    bare_to_reed_rate = k_reed.subtract(k_bare).divide(5)
    grass_to_herb_rate = k_herbaceous.subtract(k_grass).divide(10)
    herb_to_willow_rate = k_willow.subtract(k_herbaceous).divide(10)
    willow_to_forest_rate = k_forest.subtract(k_willow).divide(10)

    # Shoreline roughness image @ t=0
    first_roughness_image = k_water_im.updateMask(image.eq(k_water)) \
        .addBands(k_bare_im.updateMask(image.eq(k_bare))) \
        .addBands(k_grass_im.updateMask(image.eq(k_grass))) \
        .addBands(k_herbaceous_im.updateMask(image.eq(k_herbaceous))) \
        .addBands(k_forest_im.updateMask(image.eq(k_forest))) \
        .addBands(k_willow_im.updateMask(image.eq(k_willow))) \
        .rename(['waterRoughness', 'bareRoughness', 'grassRoughness',
                 'herbaceousRoughness', 'forestRoughness', 'willowRoughness']) \
        .set('system:time_start', start_date)

    moisture_masks = wet_moist_masks(start_date, feature)
    wet_mask = moisture_masks.select('wetMask')
    moist_mask = moisture_masks.select('moistMask')

    # Mechanical dynamics from ecotoop layers
    mech_dyn_list = [
        'Onbekend', 'Gering dynamisch', 'Matig/gering dynamisch',
        'Sterk/matig dynamisch', 'Sterk dynamisch'
    ecotoop_mech_dyn = ecotop_features.remap(mech_dyn_list, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],

    mech_dyn_im = ee.Image().int().paint(ecotoop_mech_dyn, 'MECH_DYN')
    weak_dynamics = mech_dyn_im.lte(1)
    moderate_dynamics = mech_dyn_im.eq(2)
    strong_dynamics = mech_dyn_im.gte(3)

    # bare remain bare with strong dynamics
    remain_bare = image.eq(k_bare).multiply(strong_dynamics)
    # bare will change to reed in 2 yr if it is wet and weak dynamics
    bare_to_reed_mask = image.eq(k_bare).multiply(wet_mask).multiply(
    # bare will change to willow if moist and moderate dynamics
    bare_to_willow_mask = image.eq(k_bare).multiply(moist_mask).multiply(

    # Grazing/management will affect the rate at which bare progresses
    bare_grazing_im = bare_grazing_variables(ecotop_features,
    bare_to_reed_mask = bare_to_reed_mask.multiply(
    max_reed_im = k_reed_im.multiply(bare_to_reed_mask)

    # Create random images
    random_a = ee.Image.random(0)
    random_b = ee.Image.random(1)
    random_c = ee.Image.random(2)

    # % grass will change into herb in 10 yr
    grass_to_herb_mask = image.eq(k_grass).And(random_a.lte(grass_pct))

    # % herbaceous veg will change to shrubs in 10 yr
    herb_to_willow_mask = image.eq(k_herbaceous).And(random_b.lte(herb_pct))

    # % of willows/shrubs will change into forest in 10 yr
    willow_to_forest_mask = image.eq(k_willow).And(random_c.lte(willow_pct))

    def accumulate_roughness(year, prev):
        # Get the previous calculated image
        date_now = start_date.advance(ee.Number(year), 'year')
        prev_im = ee.Image(ee.List(prev).get(-1))
        water_now = prev_im.select('waterRoughness')

        bare_to_willow_prev = prev_im.select('bareRoughness').multiply(

        bare_to_willow_now = k_willow_im.min(

        bare_now = prev_im.select('bareRoughness') \
            .add(max_reed_im.min(ee.Image(bare_to_reed_rate).multiply(bare_to_reed_mask)).unmask()) \

        grass_now = prev_im.select('grassRoughness') \

        herb_now = prev_im.select('herbaceousRoughness') \

        forest_now = prev_im.select('forestRoughness')

        willow_now = prev_im.select('willowRoughness') \

        image_now = water_now \
            .addBands(bare_now) \
            .addBands(grass_now) \
            .addBands(herb_now) \
            .addBands(forest_now) \
            .addBands(willow_now) \
            .rename(['waterRoughness', 'bareRoughness', 'grassRoughness',
                     'herbaceousRoughness', 'forestRoughness', 'willowRoughness']) \
            .set('system:time_start', date_now)

        # return ee.ImageCollection(prev_im).merge(ee.ImageCollection([image_now]))
        return ee.List(prev).add(image_now)

    year_array = ee.List.sequence(1, years, 1)
    # Create an ImageCollection of images by iterating.
    # blank_collection = ee.ImageCollection([first_roughness_image])
    blank_collection = ee.List([first_roughness_image])

    # cumulative_images = year_array.iterate(accumulate_roughness, blank_collection)
    cumulative_images = ee.ImageCollection(
        ee.List(year_array.iterate(accumulate_roughness, blank_collection)))
    return cumulative_images
Exemple #21
# coding=utf-8
''' Functions for calculation indices '''
from __future__ import print_function
import ee

import ee.data
if not ee.data._initialized: ee.Initialize()
EVI_EXP = "G*((NIR-RED)/(NIR+(C1*RED)-(C2*BLUE)+L))"

true = ee.Number(1)
false = ee.Number(0)

    'NDVI': '(NIR-RED)/(NIR+RED)',
    'EVI': 'G*((NIR-RED)/(NIR+(C1*RED)-(C2*BLUE)+L))',
    'NBR': '(NIR-SWIR2)/(NIR+SWIR2)',
    'NBR2': '(SWIR-SWIR2)/(SWIR+SWIR2)'


def compute(index, band_params, extra_params=None, addBand=True):
    if index not in AVAILABLE:
        raise ValueError('Index not available')

    addBandEE = true if addBand else false
def predict_roughness(region, start_date, num_years):
    # start_date = ee.Date(startYearString + '-11-01')
    feature = ee.FeatureCollection(region["features"]).first()
    ecotop_features = ee.FeatureCollection(
    classified_images = ee.ImageCollection(yearly_collections['landuse'])
    start_year = ee.Date(start_date).get('year')
    lookback = start_date.advance(-1, 'year')

    # Hydrology from ecotop layers
    ecotop_hydrology = ecotop_features.remap([
        'Onbekend', 'Overstromingsvrij', 'Periodiek tot zelden overstroomd',
        'Oever - vochtig', 'Oever - drassig/vochtig', 'Oever - drassig',
        'Oever - nat/drassig/vochtig', 'Oever - nat', 'Ondiep', 'Matig diep',
        'Diep', 'Zeer diep/diep'
    ], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], 'HYDROLOGIE')

    hydrologie_image = ee.Image().int().paint(ecotop_hydrology, 'HYDROLOGIE')
    shoreline = hydrologie_image.gte(3).And(hydrologie_image.lte(7))
    terrestrial = hydrologie_image.lte(2)
    no_succession = hydrologie_image.gte(8)

    # Prepare starting Image
    classified_image = ee.Image(
        classified_images.filterDate(ee.Date.fromYMD(start_year, 1, 1),
                                     ee.Date.fromYMD(start_year, 12,
    roughness_image = classified_image.remap(
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
        [0.0, 0.15, 0.39, 1.45, 12.84, 24.41]).rename("predicted")
    classified_image_shore = classified_image.updateMask(shoreline)
    classified_image_terrestrial = classified_image.updateMask(terrestrial)
    classified_image_no_succession = classified_image.updateMask(no_succession)
    roughness_no_succession = roughness_image.updateMask(no_succession)

    # Shoreline Evolution Rates
    # 10% grass will change into herb in 10 yr
    grass_to_herb = ee.Number(0.1)
    # 40% herbaceous veg will change to shrubs in 10 yr
    herb_to_willow = ee.Number(0.4)
    # 10% of shrubs will change into forest in 10 yr
    willow_to_forest = ee.Number(0.1)

    cumulative_shore = prepare_voorspel_data(classified_image_shore,
                                             ecotop_features, grass_to_herb,
                                             herb_to_willow, willow_to_forest,
                                             feature, start_date, num_years)

    # Terrestrial Evolution Rates
    # 10% grass will change into herb in 10 yr (same as shoreline)
    # 60% herbaceous veg will change to shrubs in 10 yr
    herb_to_willow = ee.Number(0.6)
    # 20% of shrubs will change into forest in 10 yr
    willow_to_forest = ee.Number(0.2)
    # Forrest remains forest

    cumulative_terrestrial = prepare_voorspel_data(
        classified_image_terrestrial, ecotop_features, grass_to_herb,
        herb_to_willow, willow_to_forest, feature, start_date, num_years)

    total_roughness_images = merge_roughness_regions(classified_image,
    return total_roughness_images
Exemple #23
 def last_day(self, year):
     return ee.Date.fromYMD(ee.Number(year - 1), 12, 31).getRelative(
         "day", "year")
Exemple #24
def TOC_Feature_coor(featurecollection_input: ee.FeatureCollection,
                     QCname: str,
                     Indexname: str,
                     thresholdList: ee.List,
                     Classname: str = None,
                     ClassList: dict = None,
                     exportCoor: str = False,
                     exportVariable: str = False) -> None:
    This function is to export the coordinates of the TOC curve. The input format is the ee.FeatureCollection.
    :param featurecollection_input: (ee.FeatureCollection) featurecollection that contains reference and index properties
    :param QCname: (string) The name of reference property
    :param Indexname: (string) The name of index property
    :param thresholdList: (ee.List/list) The list of thresholds. (from high to low or from low to high)
    :param Classname: (string) The name of class property when applying stratified sampling
    :param ClassList: (disctionary) The size of stratums {classname: classsize, classname: classsize ...}
    :param exportCoor: (string / default is False) The default parameter is False (not export the coordinates), string should be output path of coordinates. (extension should be txt)
    :param exportVariable: (string / default is False) The default parameter is False (not export the coordinates), string should be output of variables. (extension should be txt)
    :return: (ee.list) coordinates of the TOC curve. The first column is x, the second is y, the third is threshold of the point.

    featurecollection_list = featurecollection_input.toList(

    def getPropertyIndex(x):
        return ee.Feature(x).getNumber(Indexname)

    def getPropertyQC(x):
        return ee.Feature(x).getNumber(QCname)

    Index_1 = featurecollection_list.map(getPropertyIndex)
    Index_2 = ee.Array(Index_1)
    QC_1 = featurecollection_list.map(getPropertyQC)
    QC_2 = ee.Array(QC_1)

    if ((Classname is not None) and (ClassList is not None)):
        if (type(Classname) is not str):
            Classname = Classname.getInfo()
        if (type(ClassList) is not ee.Dictionary):
            ClassList = ee.Dictionary(ClassList)
        classProperty = featurecollection_input.aggregate_histogram(Classname)

        def classWeight(key, value):
            presenceInClass = classProperty.get(key)
            return ee.Number(value).divide(presenceInClass)

        ClassWeights = ClassList.map(classWeight)

        def setWeight(x):
            x = ee.Feature(x)
            return ClassWeights.get(x.get(Classname))

        weight = ee.Array(featurecollection_list.map(setWeight))
        weight = ee.Array(ee.List.repeat(1, QC_1.size()))

    presenceInY = sumArray(QC_2.multiply(weight))
    totalNumber = sumArray(weight)
    sequence = ee.Algorithms.If(
        ee.Number(thresholdList.get(0)).lt(thresholdList.get(-1)), 1, 0)

    def coordinatelist(x):
        index1 = compareIndexArray(Index_2, x, sequence)
        index1_weight = index1.multiply(weight)
        index2 = ee.Array((index1.add(QC_2).gte(2)))
        index2_weight = index2.multiply(weight)
        x_1 = sumArray(index1_weight)
        y_1 = sumArray(index2_weight)
        coor = ee.List([x_1, y_1, ee.Number(x)])
        return coor

    result = thresholdList.map(coordinatelist)
    result_output = result
    if (exportCoor):
        result = np.array(result.getInfo()).transpose()
        exportCoorFunc(exportCoor, np.array([result[0].tolist()]),
                       np.array([result[1].tolist()]), result[2].tolist())
    if (exportVariable):
        pInY = presenceInY.getInfo()
        tNumber = totalNumber.getInfo()
        AUC = calculate_AUC(np.array([result[0].tolist()]),
                            np.array([result[1].tolist()]), pInY, tNumber)
        ccorner = correctCorner(np.array([result[0].tolist()]),
                                np.array([result[1].tolist()]), pInY)
        exportVariableFunc(exportVariable, tNumber, pInY, ccorner, AUC)
    return result_output
Exemple #25
 def create_number(value):
     if isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float):
         return ee.Number(int(value))
     elif isinstance(value, str):
         conversion = int(value)
         return ee.Number(conversion)
Exemple #26
 def classWeight(key, value):
     presenceInClass = classProperty.get(key)
     return ee.Number(value).divide(presenceInClass)
def conditional(image):
    return ee.Algorithms.If(
        ee.Number(image.get('SUN_ELEVATION')).gt(40), image, ee.Image(0))
Exemple #28
def sumArray(arr1):
    sumArr = arr1.reduce(**{'reducer': ee.Reducer.sum(), 'axes': [0]})
    value = sumArr.get([0])
    return ee.Number(value)
Exemple #29
 def testProfilePrinting(self):
     out = StringIO.StringIO()
     with ee.profilePrinting(destination=out):
         self.assertEquals('hooked=True getProfiles=False',
     self.assertEquals('hooked=False getProfiles=True', out.getvalue())
def main():

    # Load in the pre-processed GLAD alerts
    glad_alerts = ee.Image(

    # Get the projection that is needed for the study area
    projection = ee.Projection('EPSG:32648')

    # Define the username
    username = "******"

    # Define the output location
    output_dir = "SERVIR/real_time_monitoring"

    # Kernel size (# of pixels)
    kernel_size = 64

    # Compute the kernel radius
    kernel_radius = ee.Number(kernel_size).divide(2)

    # Get the study area
    study_area = ee.Geometry.Polygon(
        [[[104.0311, 14.3134], [104.0311, 12.5128], [106.0416, 12.5128],
          [106.0416, 14.3134]]], None, False)

    # Seperate the 2019 and 2020 glad data
    glad_2019 = glad_alerts.select(['alertBinary19', 'alertDate19']) \
        .addBands(ee.Image.constant(2019).rename('year')) \
        .select(["alertBinary19","alertDate19", "year"],["binary","alert_day", "alert_year"]) \
    glad_2020 = glad_alerts.select(['alertBinary20', 'alertDate20']) \
        .addBands(ee.Image.constant(2020).rename('year')) \
        .select(["alertBinary20","alertDate20", "year"],["binary","alert_day", "alert_year"]) \

    # Take a stratified random sample of the 2019 layer
    sample_2019 = get_sample_of_disturbances(glad_2019, projection, study_area)
    sample_2020 = get_sample_of_disturbances(glad_2020, projection, study_area)

    # Merge the two different samples
    combined_samples = sample_2019.merge(sample_2020)

    # Add the "start date" to each of the images
    # This represents the first pre-disturbance observation that was actually valid (uses Landsat QA bands)
    output = ee.FeatureCollection(add_start_date(combined_samples)) \

    # Apply a random displacement to each of the point locations
    output = apply_displacement(output, projection, kernel_radius)

    # Export the sample locations with the julian date of the disturbance to google drive
    task = ee.batch.Export.table.toAsset(collection=output,
                                         assetId="users/" + username + "/" +
                                         output_dir +

    return None