Exemple #1
 def remove_artifacts(self):
     """Tries to remove the artifacts. 
     Uses mixture of mean-subtraction and OBS-PCA-Subtraction
     Needs self.slcs to be set.
     Saves example data in self.examples to make evaluation of filter quality possible"""
     def obs_fit_error(p,y,x):
         err = n.zeros((x.shape[0]),"d")
         err += p[0]
         for i in range(self.obs_size):
             err += y[:,i]*p[i+1]
         err -= x
         return abs(err**2).sum()
     def obs_fit_error_lsq(p,y,x):
         err = n.zeros((x.shape[0]),"d")
         err += p[0]
         for i in range(self.obs_size):
             err += y[:,i]*p[i+1]
         err -= x
         return err
     def las_fit_error_lsq(p,y,x):
         """Local artifact subtraction"""
         err = p[0]*y
         err -= x
         return err
     eeg = self.eeg
     slcs = self.slcs_ups
     sw = self._new_slice_width *10
     k = self.num_neighbors
     #Loop over channels
     if show_progressbar:
         pbar = ProgressBar().start()
     for i_ch in range(eeg.num_channels):
         #Make Highpass-Version of channel
         #ch = eeg[:,i_ch].copy()
         y , fn = upsample_to_memmap(eeg[:,i_ch],10)
         y_hp,fn_hp = tmp_memmap(dtype=y.dtype,shape=y.shape,mode="w+")
         y_hp[:] = filtfilt_high(1, y, Fs=10000.0)
         y_out,fn_out = tmp_memmap(dtype=y.dtype,shape=y.shape,mode="w+")
         y_out[:] = y[:]
         #ch_hp = filtfilt_high(1.0,ch,Fs=eeg.Fs)
         neighbors = n.zeros((sw+2*self._pa_zeros,k))
         for i in range(k):
             #print neighbors[:,i].shape, eeg[slcs[i]-sw/2:slcs[i]+sw/2,i_ch].shape
             neighbors[:,i] = prepend_append_zeros( y_hp[slcs[i]-sw/2:slcs[i]+sw/2] , self._pa_zeros)
         #Loop over slices and filter
         next_subst = 0
         for i,t in enumerate(slcs):
                 if i>k/2 and i<len(slcs)-k/2:
                     neighbors[:,next_subst] = prepend_append_zeros( y_hp[slcs[i+k/2]-sw/2:slcs[i+k/2]+sw/2] , self._pa_zeros)
                 tmp = prepend_append_zeros( y[t-sw/2:t+sw/2] , self._pa_zeros)
                 #Shift/scale template
                 template = neighbors.mean(axis=1)
                 p = [1.0, 0]
                 p_las = leastsq(las_fit_error_lsq,p,args=(template,tmp))[0]
                 #print p_las[0],
                 tmp -= p_las[0]*template
                 #Beispieldaten speichern: Teil 1
                 if i_ch == self.ch_for_slice_alignment:
                     if i%(len(slcs)/num_examples)==(len(slcs)/num_examples)/2:
                         print "examples, Teil 1"
                         example = {}
                         example["raw"] = prepend_append_zeros(y[t-sw/2:t+sw/2].copy() , self._pa_zeros )
                         example["mean"] = p_las[0]*template
                 components = pcafilt.unmix(neighbors) #OBS will be first 5 components
                 components -= components.mean(axis=0).reshape(1,-1).repeat(components.shape[0],0) #demeaning column-wise
                 obs = components[:,:self.obs_size].copy()
                 #Fit OBS to artifact
                 p = [0]+[0]*self.obs_size
                 #p_lsq = fmin(obs_fit_error,p,args=(obs,eeg[t-sw/2:t+sw/2,i_ch]),maxiter=1e5,maxfun=1e5)#[0]
                 p_lsq = leastsq(obs_fit_error_lsq,p,args=(obs,tmp))[0]
                 #print i,t,"p_lsq", p_lsq
                 fit = n.zeros((obs.shape[0]),"d")
                 fit +=p_lsq[0]
                 for j in range(self.obs_size):
                     fit += obs[:,j]*p_lsq[j+1]
                 tmp -= fit
                     #eeg[t/10-sw/10/2:t/10+sw/10/2,i_ch] = tmp[self._pa_zeros:-self._pa_zeros][::10]
                     y_out[t-sw/2:t+sw/2] = tmp[self._pa_zeros:-self._pa_zeros][:]
                 except ValueError, ve:
                     print i_ch, i,t, eeg[t/10-sw/10/2:t/10+sw/10/2,i_ch].shape, tmp[self._pa_zeros:-self._pa_zeros][::10].shape
                 #Beispieldaten speichern: Teil 2
                 if i_ch == self.ch_for_slice_alignment:
                     if i%(len(slcs)/num_examples)==(len(slcs)/num_examples)/2:
                         print "examples, Teil 2"
                         #example["fit"] = n.zeros(example["raw"].shape) #fit.copy()
                         example["fit"] = fit.copy()
                         example["obs"] = obs.copy()
                         example["filt1"] = (tmp + fit).copy()
                         example["filt2"] = tmp.copy()
                 if show_progressbar:
             except Exception, e:
                 print "Error occurred at slice at t=",t,", ignored"
                 print e
Exemple #2
    def remove_artifacts(self):
        """Tries to remove the artifacts. 
        Uses mixture of mean-subtraction and OBS-PCA-Subtraction
        Needs self.slcs to be set.
        Saves example data in self.examples to make evaluation of filter quality possible"""
        def obs_fit_error(p, y, x):
            err = n.zeros((x.shape[0]), "d")
            err += p[0]
            for i in range(self.obs_size):
                err += y[:, i] * p[i + 1]
            err -= x
            return abs(err**2).sum()

        def obs_fit_error_lsq(p, y, x):
            err = n.zeros((x.shape[0]), "d")
            err += p[0]
            for i in range(self.obs_size):
                err += y[:, i] * p[i + 1]
            err -= x
            return err

        def las_fit_error_lsq(p, y, x):
            """Local artifact subtraction"""
            err = p[0] * y
            err -= x
            return err

        eeg = self.eeg
        slcs = self.slcs_ups
        sw = self._new_slice_width * 10
        k = self.num_neighbors
        self.examples = []

        num_examples = 10

        #Loop over channels
        if show_progressbar:
            pbar = ProgressBar().start()
        for i_ch in range(eeg.num_channels):
            #Make Highpass-Version of channel
            #ch = eeg[:,i_ch].copy()
            y, fn = upsample_to_memmap(eeg[:, i_ch], 10)
            y_hp, fn_hp = tmp_memmap(dtype=y.dtype, shape=y.shape, mode="w+")
            y_hp[:] = filtfilt_high(1, y, Fs=10000.0)
            y_out, fn_out = tmp_memmap(dtype=y.dtype, shape=y.shape, mode="w+")
            y_out[:] = y[:]
            #ch_hp = filtfilt_high(1.0,ch,Fs=eeg.Fs)
            neighbors = n.zeros((sw + 2 * self._pa_zeros, k))
            for i in range(k):
                #print neighbors[:,i].shape, eeg[slcs[i]-sw/2:slcs[i]+sw/2,i_ch].shape
                neighbors[:, i] = prepend_append_zeros(
                    y_hp[slcs[i] - sw / 2:slcs[i] + sw / 2], self._pa_zeros)
            #Loop over slices and filter
            next_subst = 0
            for i, t in enumerate(slcs):
                    if i > k / 2 and i < len(slcs) - k / 2:
                        neighbors[:, next_subst] = prepend_append_zeros(
                            y_hp[slcs[i + k / 2] - sw / 2:slcs[i + k / 2] +
                                 sw / 2], self._pa_zeros)
                        next_subst += 1
                        next_subst = next_subst % k
                    tmp = prepend_append_zeros(y[t - sw / 2:t + sw / 2],
                    #Shift/scale template
                    template = neighbors.mean(axis=1)
                    p = [1.0, 0]
                    p_las = leastsq(las_fit_error_lsq, p,
                                    args=(template, tmp))[0]
                    #print p_las[0],
                    tmp -= p_las[0] * template

                    #Beispieldaten speichern: Teil 1
                    if i_ch == self.ch_for_slice_alignment:
                        if i % (len(slcs) / num_examples) == (
                                len(slcs) / num_examples) / 2:
                            print "examples, Teil 1"
                            example = {}
                            example["raw"] = prepend_append_zeros(
                                y[t - sw / 2:t + sw / 2].copy(),
                            example["mean"] = p_las[0] * template
                    components = pcafilt.unmix(
                        neighbors)  #OBS will be first 5 components
                    components -= components.mean(axis=0).reshape(
                        1, -1).repeat(components.shape[0],
                                      0)  #demeaning column-wise
                    obs = components[:, :self.obs_size].copy()
                    #Fit OBS to artifact
                    p = [0] + [0] * self.obs_size
                    #p_lsq = fmin(obs_fit_error,p,args=(obs,eeg[t-sw/2:t+sw/2,i_ch]),maxiter=1e5,maxfun=1e5)#[0]
                    p_lsq = leastsq(obs_fit_error_lsq, p, args=(obs, tmp))[0]
                    #print i,t,"p_lsq", p_lsq
                    fit = n.zeros((obs.shape[0]), "d")
                    fit += p_lsq[0]
                    for j in range(self.obs_size):
                        fit += obs[:, j] * p_lsq[j + 1]
                    tmp -= fit
                        #eeg[t/10-sw/10/2:t/10+sw/10/2,i_ch] = tmp[self._pa_zeros:-self._pa_zeros][::10]
                        y_out[t - sw / 2:t +
                              sw / 2] = tmp[self._pa_zeros:-self._pa_zeros][:]
                    except ValueError, ve:
                        print i_ch, i, t, eeg[
                            t / 10 - sw / 10 / 2:t / 10 + sw / 10 / 2,
                            i_ch].shape, tmp[self._pa_zeros:-self.

                    #Beispieldaten speichern: Teil 2
                    if i_ch == self.ch_for_slice_alignment:
                        if i % (len(slcs) / num_examples) == (
                                len(slcs) / num_examples) / 2:
                            print "examples, Teil 2"
                            #example["fit"] = n.zeros(example["raw"].shape) #fit.copy()
                            example["fit"] = fit.copy()
                            example["obs"] = obs.copy()
                            example["filt1"] = (tmp + fit).copy()
                            example["filt2"] = tmp.copy()

                    if show_progressbar:
                            (i_ch + i / len(slcs)) * 100 / eeg.num_channels)
                except Exception, e:
                    print "Error occurred at slice at t=", t, ", ignored"
                    print e
Exemple #3
 def find_all_slice_artifacts(self):
     def update_pbar(num):
         """Callback for find_all_maxs"""
         if show_progressbar:
     eeg = self.eeg       
     #y = abs(smooth_windowed_eeg(eeg,[self.cfsa],self._slice_width))[:,0]
     #y = smooth_windowed_eeg_power(eeg,[self.cfsa],self._slice_width)[:,0]
     y = filtfilt_band(1,eeg.Fs/self._slice_width,eeg[:,self.cfsa])
     print y.shape, self._slice_width
     #import pylab
     slcs_raw = find_all_maxs(y[:1000],ratio=0.6) # First segment
     #print "t=", t
     while (t>0.4*self._slice_width or (y.shape[0]-offset)>10000) and (y.shape[0]-offset)>self._slice_width*2: 
         #print (y.shape[0]-offset)
         #print t, offset, "-",
         offset = slcs_raw[-1]+self._slice_width/2
         #print t, offset, "-",
         #print slcs_raw[-1], slcs_raw[-1]-slcs_raw[-2], " - ",
         #print t, offset
     print ""
     if show_progressbar:
         pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=eeg.shape[0]/self._slice_width).start()
     #slcs_raw = find_all_maxs(y[:,0],0.3,self._slice_width,20,callback=update_pbar)
     print "Raw slice-positions found", len(slcs_raw), np.mean(np.diff(slcs_raw)), np.min(slcs_raw), np.max(slcs_raw)
     slcs_raw_diff = np.diff(slcs_raw)
     print "slcs_raw_diff: ", scoreatpercentile(slcs_raw_diff,5), scoreatpercentile(slcs_raw_diff,50), scoreatpercentile(slcs_raw_diff,95)
     #raise Exception("Abbruch")
     y , fn = upsample_to_memmap(eeg[:,self.cfsa],10)
     slcs_raw_ups = [x*10 for x in slcs_raw]
     t = slcs_raw_ups[len(slcs_raw)/2]
     template = y[t-self._slice_width*10/2:t+self._slice_width*10/2]
     for i in range(5):
         t = slcs_raw_ups[len(slcs_raw)/2+i]
         template += y[t-self._slice_width*10/2:t+self._slice_width*10/2]
     template /= 6
     offsets = []
     for i,t in enumerate(slcs_raw_ups):
         #offset = find_max_overlap(template, eeg[t-self._slice_width/2:t+self._slice_width/2,self.cfsa], 100)
         offset = find_max_overlap(template, y[t-self._slice_width*10/2:t+self._slice_width*10/2], 100)
     self.slcs_ups = [slcs_raw_ups[i]+offsets[i]+self.slice_shift for i in range(len(slcs_raw_ups))]
     if show_progressbar:
     print "Refined slice-positions found. Finished.", len(offsets), np.mean(offsets), np.median(offsets), np.min(offsets), np.max(offsets)
     print "Percentile 0.5,5,95,99.5 of offsets: ", scoreatpercentile(offsets,0.5), scoreatpercentile(offsets,5), scoreatpercentile(offsets,95), scoreatpercentile(offsets,99.5)
     #Adjusting _slice_width...
     print "Old slice_width:", self._slice_width
     self._new_slice_width = int(n.ceil(n.mean(n.diff(self.slcs_ups))))/10
     self._new_slice_width += 3 # Make slice wider to have no zombie-timepoints
     self._new_slice_width = self._new_slice_width+self._new_slice_width%2
     #self._new_slice_width = (self._new_slice_width/2)*2 # make sw%2==0 (divisible by 2)
     print "New slice_width:", self._new_slice_width
     #raise Exception("Abbruch")
     return [x/10 for x in self.slcs_ups]
Exemple #4
    def find_all_slice_artifacts(self):
        def update_pbar(num):
            """Callback for find_all_maxs"""
            if show_progressbar:
                pbar.update(num / 2)

        eeg = self.eeg
        #y = abs(smooth_windowed_eeg(eeg,[self.cfsa],self._slice_width))[:,0]
        #y = smooth_windowed_eeg_power(eeg,[self.cfsa],self._slice_width)[:,0]
        y = filtfilt_band(1, eeg.Fs / self._slice_width, eeg[:, self.cfsa])
        print y.shape, self._slice_width
        #import pylab
        slcs_raw = find_all_maxs(y[:1000], ratio=0.6)  # First segment
        #print "t=", t
        offset = 0
        t = int(0.5 * self._slice_width)
        while (t > 0.4 * self._slice_width or (y.shape[0] - offset) > 10000
               ) and (y.shape[0] - offset) > self._slice_width * 2:
            #print (y.shape[0]-offset)
            #print t, offset, "-",
            offset = slcs_raw[-1] + self._slice_width / 2
            #print t, offset, "-",
            t = y[offset:offset + self._slice_width].argmax()
            slcs_raw.append(offset + t)
            #print slcs_raw[-1], slcs_raw[-1]-slcs_raw[-2], " - ",
            #print t, offset
        print ""
        if show_progressbar:
            pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=eeg.shape[0] / self._slice_width).start()
        #slcs_raw = find_all_maxs(y[:,0],0.3,self._slice_width,20,callback=update_pbar)
        print "Raw slice-positions found", len(slcs_raw), np.mean(
            np.diff(slcs_raw)), np.min(slcs_raw), np.max(slcs_raw)
        slcs_raw_diff = np.diff(slcs_raw)
        print "slcs_raw_diff: ", scoreatpercentile(
            5), scoreatpercentile(slcs_raw_diff,
                                  50), scoreatpercentile(slcs_raw_diff, 95)
        #raise Exception("Abbruch")
        y, fn = upsample_to_memmap(eeg[:, self.cfsa], 10)
        slcs_raw_ups = [x * 10 for x in slcs_raw]
        t = slcs_raw_ups[len(slcs_raw) / 2]
        template = y[t - self._slice_width * 10 / 2:t +
                     self._slice_width * 10 / 2]
        for i in range(5):
            t = slcs_raw_ups[len(slcs_raw) / 2 + i]
            template += y[t - self._slice_width * 10 / 2:t +
                          self._slice_width * 10 / 2]
        template /= 6
        offsets = []
        for i, t in enumerate(slcs_raw_ups):
            #offset = find_max_overlap(template, eeg[t-self._slice_width/2:t+self._slice_width/2,self.cfsa], 100)
            offset = find_max_overlap(
                template, y[t - self._slice_width * 10 / 2:t +
                            self._slice_width * 10 / 2], 100)
        self.slcs_ups = [
            slcs_raw_ups[i] + offsets[i] + self.slice_shift
            for i in range(len(slcs_raw_ups))
        if show_progressbar:
        print "Refined slice-positions found. Finished.", len(
            offsets), np.mean(offsets), np.median(offsets), np.min(
                offsets), np.max(offsets)
        print "Percentile 0.5,5,95,99.5 of offsets: ", scoreatpercentile(
            offsets, 0.5), scoreatpercentile(offsets, 5), scoreatpercentile(
                offsets, 95), scoreatpercentile(offsets, 99.5)
        #Adjusting _slice_width...
        print "Old slice_width:", self._slice_width
        self._new_slice_width = int(n.ceil(n.mean(n.diff(self.slcs_ups)))) / 10
        self._new_slice_width += 3  # Make slice wider to have no zombie-timepoints
        self._new_slice_width = self._new_slice_width + self._new_slice_width % 2
        #self._new_slice_width = (self._new_slice_width/2)*2 # make sw%2==0 (divisible by 2)
        print "New slice_width:", self._new_slice_width
        #raise Exception("Abbruch")
        return [x / 10 for x in self.slcs_ups]