Exemple #1
def test_ttest_1samp():
    "Test testnd.ttest_1samp()"
    ds = datasets.get_uts(True)

    # no clusters
    res0 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', sub="A == 'a0'", ds=ds)
    assert_less(res0.p_uncorrected.min(), 0.05)
    repr0 = repr(res0)
    assert_in("'uts'", repr0)
    assert_not_in('clusters', repr0)
    assert_not_in('mintime', repr0)

    # clusters without resampling
    res1 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', sub="A == 'a0'", ds=ds, samples=0,
                              pmin=0.05, tstart=0, tstop=0.6, mintime=0.05)
    assert_equal(res1.clusters.n_cases, 1)
    assert_not_in('p', res1.clusters)
    repr1 = repr(res1)
    assert_in('clusters', repr1)
    assert_in('samples', repr1)
    assert_in('mintime', repr1)

    # persistence
    string = pickle.dumps(res1, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    res1_ = pickle.loads(string)
    assert_equal(repr(res1_), repr1)
    assert_dataobj_equal(res1.p_uncorrected, res1_.p_uncorrected)

    # clusters with resampling
    res2 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', sub="A == 'a0'", ds=ds, samples=10,
                              pmin=0.05, tstart=0, tstop=0.6, mintime=0.05)
    assert_equal(res2.clusters.n_cases, 1)
    assert_equal(res2.samples, 10)
    assert_in('p', res2.clusters)
    repr2 = repr(res2)
    assert_in('samples', repr2)

    # clusters with permutations
    dss = ds.sub("logical_and(A=='a0', B=='b0')")[:8]
    res3 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', sub="A == 'a0'", ds=dss, samples=10000,
                              pmin=0.05, tstart=0, tstop=0.6, mintime=0.05)
    assert_equal(res3.clusters.n_cases, 2)
    assert_equal(res3.samples, -1)
    assert_less(res3.clusters['p'].x.min(), 0.05)
    repr3 = repr(res3)
    assert_in('samples', repr3)

    # TFCE properties
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', sub="A == 'a0'", ds=ds, samples=1)
    string = pickle.dumps(res, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    res = pickle.loads(string)
    tfce_clusters = res.find_clusters(pmin=0.05)
    peaks = res.find_peaks()
    assert_equal(tfce_clusters.eval("p.min()"), peaks.eval("p.min()"))
    masked = res.masked_parameter_map(pmin=0.05)
    assert_array_equal(masked.abs().x <= res.t.abs().x, True)
Exemple #2
def test_merged_temporal_cluster_dist():
    "Test use of _MergedTemporalClusterDist with testnd test results"
    ds1 = datasets.get_uts()
    ds2 = datasets.get_uts(seed=42)

    anova_kw = dict(Y='uts', X='A*B*rm', pmin=0.05, samples=10)
    ttest_kw = dict(Y='uts', X='A', c1='a1', c0='a0', pmin=0.05, samples=10)
    contrast_kw = dict(Y='uts', X='A', contrast='a1>a0', pmin=0.05, samples=10)

    def test_merged(res1, res2):
        merged_dist = _MergedTemporalClusterDist([res1._cdist, res2._cdist])
        if isinstance(res1, testnd.anova):
            assert_equal(len(merged_dist.dist), len(res1.effects))
            for effect, dist in merged_dist.dist.iteritems():
                assert_in(effect, res1.effects)
                assert_equal(len(dist), res1.samples)
            assert_equal(len(merged_dist.dist), res1.samples)
        res1_clusters = merged_dist.correct_cluster_p(res1)
        res2_clusters = merged_dist.correct_cluster_p(res2)
        for clusters in [res1_clusters, res2_clusters]:
            assert_in('p_parc', clusters)
            for cl in clusters.itercases():
                assert_greater_equal(cl['p_parc'], cl['p'])

    # multi-effect
    res1 = testnd.anova(ds=ds1, **anova_kw)
    res2 = testnd.anova(ds=ds2, **anova_kw)
    test_merged(res1, res2)

    # ttest_rel
    res1 = testnd.ttest_rel(ds=ds1, match='rm', **ttest_kw)
    res2 = testnd.ttest_rel(ds=ds2, match='rm', **ttest_kw)
    test_merged(res1, res2)

    # ttest_ind
    res1 = testnd.ttest_ind(ds=ds1, **ttest_kw)
    res2 = testnd.ttest_ind(ds=ds2, **ttest_kw)
    test_merged(res1, res2)

    # ttest_1samp
    res1 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', ds=ds1, pmin=0.05, samples=10)
    res2 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', ds=ds2, pmin=0.05, samples=10)
    test_merged(res1, res2)

    # t_contrast_rel
    res1 = testnd.t_contrast_rel(ds=ds1, match='rm', **contrast_kw)
    res2 = testnd.t_contrast_rel(ds=ds2, match='rm', **contrast_kw)
    test_merged(res1, res2)
Exemple #3
def test_merged_temporal_cluster_dist():
    "Test use of _MergedTemporalClusterDist with testnd test results"
    ds1 = datasets.get_uts()
    ds2 = datasets.get_uts(seed=42)

    anova_kw = dict(Y='uts', X='A*B*rm', pmin=0.05, samples=10)
    ttest_kw = dict(Y='uts', X='A', c1='a1', c0='a0', pmin=0.05, samples=10)
    contrast_kw = dict(Y='uts', X='A', contrast='a1>a0', pmin=0.05, samples=10)

    def test_merged(res1, res2):
        merged_dist = _MergedTemporalClusterDist([res1._cdist, res2._cdist])
        if isinstance(res1, testnd.anova):
            assert_equal(len(merged_dist.dist), len(res1.effects))
            for effect, dist in merged_dist.dist.iteritems():
                assert_in(effect, res1.effects)
                assert_equal(len(dist), res1.samples)
            assert_equal(len(merged_dist.dist), res1.samples)
        res1_clusters = merged_dist.correct_cluster_p(res1)
        res2_clusters = merged_dist.correct_cluster_p(res2)
        for clusters in [res1_clusters, res2_clusters]:
            assert_in('p_parc', clusters)
            for cl in clusters.itercases():
                assert_greater_equal(cl['p_parc'], cl['p'])

    # multi-effect
    res1 = testnd.anova(ds=ds1, **anova_kw)
    res2 = testnd.anova(ds=ds2, **anova_kw)
    test_merged(res1, res2)

    # ttest_rel
    res1 = testnd.ttest_rel(ds=ds1, match='rm', **ttest_kw)
    res2 = testnd.ttest_rel(ds=ds2, match='rm', **ttest_kw)
    test_merged(res1, res2)

    # ttest_ind
    res1 = testnd.ttest_ind(ds=ds1, **ttest_kw)
    res2 = testnd.ttest_ind(ds=ds2, **ttest_kw)
    test_merged(res1, res2)

    # ttest_1samp
    res1 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', ds=ds1, pmin=0.05, samples=10)
    res2 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', ds=ds2, pmin=0.05, samples=10)
    test_merged(res1, res2)

    # t_contrast_rel
    res1 = testnd.t_contrast_rel(ds=ds1, match='rm', **contrast_kw)
    res2 = testnd.t_contrast_rel(ds=ds2, match='rm', **contrast_kw)
    test_merged(res1, res2)
Exemple #4
def reg_clusters_t_src(mod, IV, factor=None, c1=None, c0=None):
    """ Cluster permutation (src x time) t-tests on regression coefficients.
    Example: mod='main-VerbGivenWord', IV='LogFre'

    dr = '/Volumes/Backup/sufAmb/regression/'
    f = dr+'ols_'+mod+'.pickled'
    data = load.unpickle(f)
    cond = "predictor=='%s'" % IV
    data = data.sub(cond)  # smaller ds with only the predictor of interest

    # cluster permutation parameters

    if factor is None:
        test = testnd.ttest_1samp(Y=Y, ds=data, match=match, samples=samples, pmin=pmin,
                                  tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop, mintime=mintime, minsource=minsource)
    elif factor == 'main':
        test = testnd.ttest_1samp(Y=Y, ds=data.sub("condition=='main'"), match=match, samples=samples, pmin=pmin,
                                  tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop, mintime=mintime, minsource=minsource)
        test = testnd.ttest_rel(Y=Y, ds=data, X=factor, c1=c1, c0=c0, match=match, samples=samples, pmin=pmin,
                                tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop,  mintime=mintime, minsource=minsource)

    print "Finished cluster test: mod=%s, IV=%s, factor=%s, c1=%s, c0=%s" % (mod, IV, factor, c1, c0)
    path = "/Volumes/BackUp/sufAmb/reg-cluster_time_src/ols_mod-%s_IV-%s_factor-%s_c1-%s_c0-%s.pickled" \
        % (mod, IV, factor, c1, c0)
    save.pickle(test, path)

    return test
Exemple #5
def test_result_report():
    "Test result_report function for different Results"
    ds = datasets.get_uts(True)
    sds = ds.sub("B == 'b0'")

    for y in (
            'uts',  # time
            "utsnd.summary(time=(0.25, 0.35))",  # sensor
            'utsnd',  # sensor x time
        dims = tuple(dim.name for dim in ds.eval(y).dims[1:])
        logging.info("y=%s %s", y, dims)
        kwargs = dict(pmin=0.1, samples=100)
        if 'time' in dims:
            kwargs['tstart'] = 0.2
            kwargs['tstop'] = 0.4

        for match in (None, 'rm'):
            logging.info("    match=%s", match)
            res = testnd.ttest_1samp(y, match=match, ds=sds, **kwargs)
            rep = result_report(res, ds)

        res = testnd.ttest_ind(y, 'A', ds=sds, **kwargs)
        rep = result_report(res, ds)

        res = testnd.ttest_rel(y, 'A', ds=sds, match='rm', **kwargs)
        rep = result_report(res, sds)

        res = testnd.anova(y, 'A * B', ds=ds, **kwargs)
        rep = result_report(res, ds)

        res = testnd.anova(y, 'A * rm', ds=sds, match='rm', **kwargs)
        rep = result_report(res, ds)
Exemple #6
def test_result_report():
    "Test result_report function for different Results"
    ds = datasets.get_uts(True)
    sds = ds.sub("B == 'b0'")
    ys = [
        'uts',  # time
        "utsnd.summary(time=(0.25, 0.35))",  # sensor
        'utsnd',  # sensor x time

    for y in ys:
        y_obj = sds.eval(y)
        kwargs = dict(pmin=0.1, samples=100)
        if y_obj.has_dim('time'):
            kwargs['tstart'] = 0.2
            kwargs['tstop'] = 0.4

        for match in (None, 'rm'):
            logging.info("    match=%s", match)
            res = testnd.ttest_1samp(y, match=match, ds=sds, **kwargs)
            rep = result_report(res, ds)

        res = testnd.ttest_ind(y, 'A', ds=sds, **kwargs)
        rep = result_report(res, ds)

        res = testnd.ttest_rel(y, 'A', ds=sds, match='rm', **kwargs)
        rep = result_report(res, sds)

        res = testnd.anova(y, 'A * B', ds=ds, **kwargs)
        rep = result_report(res, ds)

        res = testnd.anova(y, 'A * rm', ds=sds, match='rm', **kwargs)
        rep = result_report(res, ds)
Exemple #7
def test_result_report():
    "Test result_report function for different Results"
    ds = datasets.get_uts(True)
    sds = ds.sub("B == 'b0'")

    for y in ('uts',  # time
              "utsnd.summary(time=(0.25, 0.35))",  # sensor
              'utsnd',  # sensor x time
        dims = tuple(dim.name for dim in ds.eval(y).dims[1:])
        logging.info("y=%s %s", y, dims)
        kwargs = dict(pmin=0.1, samples=100)
        if 'time' in dims:
            kwargs['tstart'] = 0.2
            kwargs['tstop'] = 0.4

        for match in (None, 'rm'):
            logging.info("    match=%s", match)
            res = testnd.ttest_1samp(y, match=match, ds=sds, **kwargs)
            rep = result_report(res, ds)

        res = testnd.ttest_ind(y, 'A', ds=sds, **kwargs)
        rep = result_report(res, ds)

        res = testnd.ttest_rel(y, 'A',  ds=sds, match='rm', **kwargs)
        rep = result_report(res, sds)

        res = testnd.anova(y, 'A * B', ds=ds, **kwargs)
        rep = result_report(res, ds)

        res = testnd.anova(y, 'A * rm', ds=sds, match='rm', **kwargs)
        rep = result_report(res, ds)
Exemple #8
def test_ttest_1samp():
    "Test testnd.ttest_1samp()"
    ds = datasets.get_uts(True)

    # no clusters
    res0 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', sub="A == 'a0'", ds=ds)
    assert_less(res0.p_uncorrected.min(), 0.05)
    repr0 = repr(res0)
    assert_in("'uts'", repr0)
    assert_not_in('clusters', repr0)
    assert_not_in('mintime', repr0)

    # sub as array
    res1 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', sub=ds.eval("A == 'a0'"), ds=ds)
    repr1 = repr(res1)
    assert_not_equal(repr1, repr0)

    # clusters without resampling
    res1 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts',
                              sub="A == 'a0'",
    assert_equal(res1.clusters.n_cases, 1)
    assert_not_in('p', res1.clusters)
    repr1 = repr(res1)
    assert_in('clusters', repr1)
    assert_in('samples', repr1)
    assert_in('mintime', repr1)

    # persistence
    string = pickle.dumps(res1, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    res1_ = pickle.loads(string)
    assert_equal(repr(res1_), repr1)
    assert_dataobj_equal(res1.p_uncorrected, res1_.p_uncorrected)

    # clusters with resampling
    res2 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts',
                              sub="A == 'a0'",
    assert_equal(res2.clusters.n_cases, 1)
    assert_equal(res2.samples, 10)
    assert_in('p', res2.clusters)
    repr2 = repr(res2)
    assert_in('samples', repr2)

    # clusters with permutations
    dss = ds.sub("logical_and(A=='a0', B=='b0')")[:8]
    res3 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts',
                              sub="A == 'a0'",
    assert_equal(res3.clusters.n_cases, 2)
    assert_equal(res3.samples, -1)
    assert_less(res3.clusters['p'].x.min(), 0.05)
    repr3 = repr(res3)
    assert_in('samples', repr3)

    # nd
    dss = ds.sub("A == 'a0'")
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', ds=dss, samples=1)
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', ds=dss, pmin=0.05, samples=1)
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', ds=dss, tfce=True, samples=1)

    # TFCE properties
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', sub="A == 'a0'", ds=ds, samples=1)
    string = pickle.dumps(res, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    res = pickle.loads(string)
    tfce_clusters = res.find_clusters(pmin=0.05)
    peaks = res.find_peaks()
    assert_equal(tfce_clusters.eval("p.min()"), peaks.eval("p.min()"))
    masked = res.masked_parameter_map(pmin=0.05)
    assert_array_equal(masked.abs().x <= res.t.abs().x, True)

    # zero variance
    ds['utsnd'].x[:, 1, 10] = 0.
    ds['utsnd'].x[:, 2, 10] = 0.1
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', ds=ds)
    eq_(res.t.x[1, 10], 0.)
    assert_greater(res.t.x[2, 10], 1e10)
Exemple #9
def test_clusterdist():
    "Test _ClusterDist class"
    shape = (10, 6, 6, 4)
    locs = [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]
    x = np.random.normal(0, 1, shape)
    sensor = Sensor(locs, ['0', '1', '2', '3'])
    dims = ('case', UTS(-0.1, 0.1, 6), Scalar('dim2', range(6),
                                              'unit'), sensor)
    y = NDVar(x, dims)

    # test connecting sensors
    logging.info("TEST:  connecting sensors")
    bin_map = np.zeros(shape[1:], dtype=np.bool8)
    bin_map[:3, :3, :2] = True
    pmap = np.random.normal(0, 1, shape[1:])
    np.clip(pmap, -1, 1, pmap)
    pmap[bin_map] = 2
    cdist = _ClusterDist(y, 0, 1.5)
    assert_equal(cdist.n_clusters, 1)
    assert_array_equal(cdist._original_cluster_map == cdist._cids[0],
                       cdist._crop(bin_map).swapaxes(0, cdist._nad_ax))
    assert_equal(cdist.parameter_map.dims, y.dims[1:])

    # test connecting many sensors
    logging.info("TEST:  connecting sensors")
    bin_map = np.zeros(shape[1:], dtype=np.bool8)
    bin_map[:3, :3] = True
    pmap = np.random.normal(0, 1, shape[1:])
    np.clip(pmap, -1, 1, pmap)
    pmap[bin_map] = 2
    cdist = _ClusterDist(y, 0, 1.5)
    assert_equal(cdist.n_clusters, 1)
    assert_array_equal(cdist._original_cluster_map == cdist._cids[0],
                       cdist._crop(bin_map).swapaxes(0, cdist._nad_ax))

    # test keeping sensors separate
    logging.info("TEST:  keeping sensors separate")
    bin_map = np.zeros(shape[1:], dtype=np.bool8)
    bin_map[:3, :3, 0] = True
    bin_map[:3, :3, 2] = True
    pmap = np.random.normal(0, 1, shape[1:])
    np.clip(pmap, -1, 1, pmap)
    pmap[bin_map] = 2
    cdist = _ClusterDist(y, 1, 1.5)
    assert_equal(cdist.n_clusters, 2)

    # criteria
    ds = datasets.get_uts(True)
    res = testnd.ttest_rel('utsnd',
    assert_less(res.clusters['duration'].min(), 0.01)
    eq_(res.clusters['n_sensors'].min(), 1)
    res = testnd.ttest_rel('utsnd',
    assert_greater_equal(res.clusters['duration'].min(), 0.02)
    eq_(res.clusters['n_sensors'].min(), 2)

    # 1d
    res1d = testnd.ttest_rel('utsnd.sub(time=0.1)',
    assert_dataobj_equal(res1d.p_uncorrected, res.p_uncorrected.sub(time=0.1))

    # TFCE
    logging.info("TEST:  TFCE")
    sensor = Sensor(locs, ['0', '1', '2', '3'])
    time = UTS(-0.1, 0.1, 4)
    scalar = Scalar('scalar', range(10), 'unit')
    dims = ('case', time, sensor, scalar)
    y = NDVar(np.random.normal(0, 1, (10, 4, 4, 10)), dims)
    cdist = _ClusterDist(y, 3, None)
    assert_equal(cdist.dist.shape, (3, ))
    # I/O
    string = pickle.dumps(cdist, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    cdist_ = pickle.loads(string)
    assert_equal(repr(cdist_), repr(cdist))
    # find peaks
    x = np.array([[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [7, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]],
                  [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [5, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]],
                  [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 5, 5, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]],
                  [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]])
    tgt = np.equal(x, 7)
    peaks = find_peaks(x, cdist._connectivity)
    logging.debug(' detected: \n%s' % (peaks.astype(int)))
    logging.debug(' target: \n%s' % (tgt.astype(int)))
    assert_array_equal(peaks, tgt)
    # testnd permutation result
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp(y, tfce=True, samples=3)
                    [77.5852307, 119.1976153, 217.6270428])

    # parc with TFCE on unconnected dimension
    x = np.random.normal(0, 1, (10, 5, 2, 4))
    time = UTS(-0.1, 0.1, 5)
    categorial = Categorial('categorial', ('a', 'b'))
    y = NDVar(x, ('case', time, categorial, sensor))
    y0 = NDVar(x[:, :, 0], ('case', time, sensor))
    y1 = NDVar(x[:, :, 1], ('case', time, sensor))
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp(y, tfce=True, samples=3)
    res_parc = testnd.ttest_1samp(y, tfce=True, samples=3, parc='categorial')
    res0 = testnd.ttest_1samp(y0, tfce=True, samples=3)
    res1 = testnd.ttest_1samp(y1, tfce=True, samples=3)
    # cdist
    eq_(res._cdist.shape, (4, 2, 5))
    # T-maps don't depend on connectivity
    assert_array_equal(res.t.x[:, 0], res0.t.x)
    assert_array_equal(res.t.x[:, 1], res1.t.x)
    assert_array_equal(res_parc.t.x[:, 0], res0.t.x)
    assert_array_equal(res_parc.t.x[:, 1], res1.t.x)
    # TFCE-maps should always be the same because they're unconnected
    assert_array_equal(res.tfce_map.x[:, 0], res0.tfce_map.x)
    assert_array_equal(res.tfce_map.x[:, 1], res1.tfce_map.x)
    assert_array_equal(res_parc.tfce_map.x[:, 0], res0.tfce_map.x)
    assert_array_equal(res_parc.tfce_map.x[:, 1], res1.tfce_map.x)
    # Probability-maps should depend on what is taken into account
    p_a = res0.compute_probability_map().x
    p_b = res1.compute_probability_map().x
    assert_array_equal(res_parc.compute_probability_map(categorial='a').x, p_a)
    assert_array_equal(res_parc.compute_probability_map(categorial='b').x, p_b)
    p_parc = res_parc.compute_probability_map()
    assert_array_equal(p_parc.x, res.compute_probability_map().x)
    ok_(np.all(p_parc.sub(categorial='a').x >= p_a))
    ok_(np.all(p_parc.sub(categorial='b').x >= p_b))
def test_vector():
    """Test vector tests"""
    # single vector
    ds = datasets.get_uv(vector=True)
    res = testnd.Vector('v[:40]', ds=ds, samples=10)
    assert res.p == 0.0
    res = testnd.Vector('v[40:]', ds=ds, samples=10)
    assert res.p == 1.0

    # single vector with norm stat
    res_t = testnd.Vector('v[:40]', ds=ds, samples=10, norm=True)
    assert res_t.p == 0.0
    res_t = testnd.Vector('v[40:]', ds=ds, samples=10, norm=True)
    assert res_t.p == 1.0

    # non-space tests should raise error
    with pytest.raises(WrongDimension):
        testnd.ttest_1samp('v', ds=ds)
    with pytest.raises(WrongDimension):
        testnd.ttest_rel('v', 'A', match='rm', ds=ds)
    with pytest.raises(WrongDimension):
        testnd.ttest_ind('v', 'A', ds=ds)
    with pytest.raises(WrongDimension):
        testnd.t_contrast_rel('v', 'A', 'a0 > a1', 'rm', ds=ds)
    with pytest.raises(WrongDimension):
        testnd.corr('v', 'fltvar', ds=ds)
    with pytest.raises(WrongDimension):
        testnd.anova('v', 'A * B', ds=ds)

    # vector in time
    ds = datasets.get_uts(vector3d=True)
    v1 = ds[30:, 'v3d']
    v2 = ds[:30, 'v3d']
    vd = v1 - v2
    res = testnd.Vector(vd, samples=10)
    assert res.p.min() == 0.2
    difference = res.masked_difference(0.5)
    assert difference.x.mask.sum() == 288
    # diff related
    resd = testnd.VectorDifferenceRelated(v1, v2, samples=10)
    assert_dataobj_equal(resd.p, res.p, name=False)
    assert_dataobj_equal(resd.t2, res.t2, name=False)
    # diff independent
    res = VectorDifferenceIndependent(v1, v2, samples=10, norm=True)
    assert_dataobj_equal(res.difference, v1.mean('case') - v2.mean('case'), name=False)
    assert res.p.max() == 1
    assert res.p.min() == 0
    # with mp
    res = testnd.Vector(v1, samples=10)
    assert res.p.min() == 0.4
    # without mp
    res0 = testnd.Vector(v1, samples=10)
    assert_array_equal(np.sort(res0._cdist.dist), np.sort(res._cdist.dist))
    # time window
    res = testnd.Vector(v2, samples=10, tstart=0.1, tstop=0.4)
    assert res.p.min() == 0.3
    difference = res.masked_difference(0.5)
    assert difference.x.mask.sum() == 294

    # vector in time with norm stat
    res = testnd.Vector(vd, samples=10, norm=True)
    assert res.p.min() == 0
    difference = res.masked_difference()
    assert difference.x.mask.sum() == 297
    resd = testnd.VectorDifferenceRelated(v1, v2, samples=10, norm=True)
    assert_dataobj_equal(resd.p, res.p, name=False)
    assert_dataobj_equal(resd.difference, res.difference, name=False)

    v_small = v2 / 100
    res = testnd.Vector(v_small, tfce=True, samples=10, norm=True)
    assert 'WARNING' in repr(res)
    res = testnd.Vector(v_small, tfce=0.1, samples=10)
    assert res.p.min() == 0.0
def test_ttest_1samp():
    "Test testnd.ttest_1samp()"
    ds = datasets.get_uts(True)

    # no clusters
    res0 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', sub="A == 'a0'", ds=ds)
    assert res0.p_uncorrected.min() < 0.05
    assert repr(res0) == "<ttest_1samp 'uts', sub=\"A == 'a0'\">"

    # sub as array
    res1 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', sub=ds.eval("A == 'a0'"), ds=ds)
    assert repr(res1) == "<ttest_1samp 'uts', sub=<array>>"

    # clusters without resampling
    res1 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', sub="A == 'a0'", ds=ds, samples=0, pmin=0.05, tstart=0, tstop=0.6, mintime=0.05)
    assert res1.clusters.n_cases == 1
    assert 'p' not in res1.clusters
    assert repr(res1) == "<ttest_1samp 'uts', sub=\"A == 'a0'\", samples=0, pmin=0.05, tstart=0, tstop=0.6, mintime=0.05, 1 clusters>"

    # persistence
    string = pickle.dumps(res1, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    res1_ = pickle.loads(string)
    assert repr(res1_) == repr(res1)
    assert_dataobj_equal(res1.p_uncorrected, res1_.p_uncorrected)

    # clusters with resampling
    res2 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', sub="A == 'a0'", ds=ds, samples=10, pmin=0.05, tstart=0, tstop=0.6, mintime=0.05)
    assert res2.clusters.n_cases == 1
    assert res2.samples == 10
    assert 'p' in res2.clusters
    assert repr(res2) == "<ttest_1samp 'uts', sub=\"A == 'a0'\", samples=10, pmin=0.05, tstart=0, tstop=0.6, mintime=0.05, 1 clusters, p < .001>"

    # clusters with permutations
    dss = ds.sub("logical_and(A=='a0', B=='b0')")[:8]
    res3 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', sub="A == 'a0'", ds=dss, samples=10000, pmin=0.05, tstart=0, tstop=0.6, mintime=0.05)
    assert repr(res3) == "<ttest_1samp 'uts', sub=\"A == 'a0'\", samples=255, pmin=0.05, tstart=0, tstop=0.6, mintime=0.05, 2 clusters, p = .020>"
    assert res3.clusters.n_cases == 2
    assert res3.samples == -1
    assert str(res3.clusters) == (
        'id   tstart   tstop   duration   v        p          sig\n'
        '3    0.08     0.34    0.26       95.692   0.015686   *  \n'
        '4    0.35     0.56    0.21       81.819   0.019608   *  ')

    # nd
    dss = ds.sub("A == 'a0'")
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', ds=dss, samples=1)
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', ds=dss, pmin=0.05, samples=1)
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', ds=dss, tfce=True, samples=1)

    # TFCE properties
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', sub="A == 'a0'", ds=ds, samples=1)
    string = pickle.dumps(res, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    res = pickle.loads(string)
    tfce_clusters = res.find_clusters(pmin=0.05)
    peaks = res.find_peaks()
    assert tfce_clusters.eval("p.min()") == peaks.eval("p.min()")
    masked = res.masked_parameter_map(pmin=0.05)
    assert_array_equal(masked.abs().x <= res.t.abs().x, True)

    # zero variance
    ds['utsnd'].x[:, 1, 10] = 0.
    ds['utsnd'].x[:, 2, 10] = 0.1
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', ds=ds)
    assert res.t.x[1, 10] == 0.
    assert res.t.x[2, 10] > 1e10

    # argument length
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', sub="A[:-1] == 'a0'", ds=ds)
def test_clusterdist():
    "Test NDPermutationDistribution class"
    shape = (10, 6, 6, 4)
    locs = [[0, 0, 0],
            [1, 0, 0],
            [1, 1, 0],
            [0, 1, 0]]
    x = np.random.normal(0, 1, shape)
    sensor = Sensor(locs, ['0', '1', '2', '3'])
    dims = ('case', UTS(-0.1, 0.1, 6), Scalar('dim2', range(6), 'unit'),
    y = NDVar(x, dims)

    # test connecting sensors
    logging.info("TEST:  connecting sensors")
    bin_map = np.zeros(shape[1:], dtype=np.bool8)
    bin_map[:3, :3, :2] = True
    pmap = np.random.normal(0, 1, shape[1:])
    np.clip(pmap, -1, 1, pmap)
    pmap[bin_map] = 2
    cdist = NDPermutationDistribution(y, 0, 1.5)
    assert cdist.n_clusters == 1
    assert_array_equal(cdist._original_cluster_map == cdist._cids[0],
                       cdist._crop(bin_map).swapaxes(0, cdist._nad_ax))
    assert cdist.parameter_map.dims == y.dims[1:]

    # test connecting many sensors
    logging.info("TEST:  connecting sensors")
    bin_map = np.zeros(shape[1:], dtype=np.bool8)
    bin_map[:3, :3] = True
    pmap = np.random.normal(0, 1, shape[1:])
    np.clip(pmap, -1, 1, pmap)
    pmap[bin_map] = 2
    cdist = NDPermutationDistribution(y, 0, 1.5)
    assert cdist.n_clusters == 1
    assert_array_equal(cdist._original_cluster_map == cdist._cids[0],
                       cdist._crop(bin_map).swapaxes(0, cdist._nad_ax))

    # test keeping sensors separate
    logging.info("TEST:  keeping sensors separate")
    bin_map = np.zeros(shape[1:], dtype=np.bool8)
    bin_map[:3, :3, 0] = True
    bin_map[:3, :3, 2] = True
    pmap = np.random.normal(0, 1, shape[1:])
    np.clip(pmap, -1, 1, pmap)
    pmap[bin_map] = 2
    cdist = NDPermutationDistribution(y, 1, 1.5)
    assert cdist.n_clusters == 2

    # criteria
    ds = datasets.get_uts(True)
    res = testnd.ttest_rel('utsnd', 'A', match='rm', ds=ds, samples=0, pmin=0.05)
    assert res.clusters['duration'].min() < 0.01
    assert res.clusters['n_sensors'].min() == 1
    res = testnd.ttest_rel('utsnd', 'A', match='rm', ds=ds, samples=0, pmin=0.05,
                           mintime=0.02, minsensor=2)
    assert res.clusters['duration'].min() >= 0.02
    assert res.clusters['n_sensors'].min() == 2

    # 1d
    res1d = testnd.ttest_rel('utsnd.sub(time=0.1)', 'A', match='rm', ds=ds,
                             samples=0, pmin=0.05)
    assert_dataobj_equal(res1d.p_uncorrected, res.p_uncorrected.sub(time=0.1))

    # TFCE
    logging.info("TEST:  TFCE")
    sensor = Sensor(locs, ['0', '1', '2', '3'])
    time = UTS(-0.1, 0.1, 4)
    scalar = Scalar('scalar', range(10), 'unit')
    dims = ('case', time, sensor, scalar)
    y = NDVar(np.random.normal(0, 1, (10, 4, 4, 10)), dims)
    cdist = NDPermutationDistribution(y, 3, None)
    assert cdist.dist.shape == (3,)
    # I/O
    string = pickle.dumps(cdist, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    cdist_ = pickle.loads(string)
    assert repr(cdist_) == repr(cdist)
    # find peaks
    x = np.array([[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [7, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]],

                  [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [5, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]],

                  [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 5, 5, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]],

                  [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]])
    tgt = np.equal(x, 7)
    peaks = find_peaks(x, cdist._connectivity)
    logging.debug(' detected: \n%s' % (peaks.astype(int)))
    logging.debug(' target: \n%s' % (tgt.astype(int)))
    assert_array_equal(peaks, tgt)
    # testnd permutation result
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp(y, tfce=True, samples=3)
    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
        target = [96.84232967, 205.83207424, 425.65942084]
        target = [77.5852307, 119.1976153, 217.6270428]
    assert_allclose(np.sort(res._cdist.dist), target)

    # parc with TFCE on unconnected dimension
    x = np.random.normal(0, 1, (10, 5, 2, 4))
    time = UTS(-0.1, 0.1, 5)
    categorial = Categorial('categorial', ('a', 'b'))
    y = NDVar(x, ('case', time, categorial, sensor))
    y0 = NDVar(x[:, :, 0], ('case', time, sensor))
    y1 = NDVar(x[:, :, 1], ('case', time, sensor))
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp(y, tfce=True, samples=3)
    res_parc = testnd.ttest_1samp(y, tfce=True, samples=3, parc='categorial')
    res0 = testnd.ttest_1samp(y0, tfce=True, samples=3)
    res1 = testnd.ttest_1samp(y1, tfce=True, samples=3)
    # cdist
    assert res._cdist.shape == (4, 2, 5)
    # T-maps don't depend on connectivity
    assert_array_equal(res.t.x[:, 0], res0.t.x)
    assert_array_equal(res.t.x[:, 1], res1.t.x)
    assert_array_equal(res_parc.t.x[:, 0], res0.t.x)
    assert_array_equal(res_parc.t.x[:, 1], res1.t.x)
    # TFCE-maps should always be the same because they're unconnected
    assert_array_equal(res.tfce_map.x[:, 0], res0.tfce_map.x)
    assert_array_equal(res.tfce_map.x[:, 1], res1.tfce_map.x)
    assert_array_equal(res_parc.tfce_map.x[:, 0], res0.tfce_map.x)
    assert_array_equal(res_parc.tfce_map.x[:, 1], res1.tfce_map.x)
    # Probability-maps should depend on what is taken into account
    p_a = res0.compute_probability_map().x
    p_b = res1.compute_probability_map().x
    assert_array_equal(res_parc.compute_probability_map(categorial='a').x, p_a)
    assert_array_equal(res_parc.compute_probability_map(categorial='b').x, p_b)
    p_parc = res_parc.compute_probability_map()
    assert_array_equal(p_parc.x, res.compute_probability_map().x)
    assert np.all(p_parc.sub(categorial='a').x >= p_a)
    assert np.all(p_parc.sub(categorial='b').x >= p_b)
Exemple #13
def test_vector():
    """Test vector tests"""
    # single vector
    ds = datasets.get_uv(vector=True)
    res = testnd.Vector('v[:40]', ds=ds, samples=10)
    assert res.p == 0.0
    res = testnd.Vector('v[40:]', ds=ds, samples=10)
    assert res.p == 1.0

    # single vector with norm stat
    res_t = testnd.Vector('v[:40]', ds=ds, samples=10, norm=True)
    assert res_t.p == 0.0
    res_t = testnd.Vector('v[40:]', ds=ds, samples=10, norm=True)
    assert res_t.p == 1.0

    # non-space tests should raise error
    with pytest.raises(WrongDimension):
        testnd.ttest_1samp('v', ds=ds)
    with pytest.raises(WrongDimension):
        testnd.ttest_rel('v', 'A', match='rm', ds=ds)
    with pytest.raises(WrongDimension):
        testnd.ttest_ind('v', 'A', ds=ds)
    with pytest.raises(WrongDimension):
        testnd.t_contrast_rel('v', 'A', 'a0 > a1', 'rm', ds=ds)
    with pytest.raises(WrongDimension):
        testnd.corr('v', 'fltvar', ds=ds)
    with pytest.raises(WrongDimension):
        testnd.anova('v', 'A * B', ds=ds)

    # vector in time
    ds = datasets.get_uts(vector3d=True)
    v1 = ds[30:, 'v3d']
    v2 = ds[:30, 'v3d']
    vd = v1 - v2
    res = testnd.Vector(vd, samples=10)
    assert res.p.min() == 0.2
    difference = res.masked_difference(0.5)
    assert difference.x.mask.sum() == 288
    # diff related
    resd = testnd.VectorDifferenceRelated(v1, v2, samples=10)
    assert_dataobj_equal(resd.p, res.p, name=False)
    assert_dataobj_equal(resd.t2, res.t2, name=False)
    # diff independent
    res = VectorDifferenceIndependent(v1, v2, samples=10, norm=True)
                         v1.mean('case') - v2.mean('case'),
    assert res.p.max() == 1
    assert res.p.min() == 0
    # with mp
    res = testnd.Vector(v1, samples=10)
    assert res.p.min() == 0.4
    # without mp
    res0 = testnd.Vector(v1, samples=10)
    assert_array_equal(np.sort(res0._cdist.dist), np.sort(res._cdist.dist))
    # time window
    res = testnd.Vector(v2, samples=10, tstart=0.1, tstop=0.4)
    assert res.p.min() == 0.3
    difference = res.masked_difference(0.5)
    assert difference.x.mask.sum() == 294

    # vector in time with norm stat
    res = testnd.Vector(vd, samples=10, norm=True)
    assert res.p.min() == 0
    difference = res.masked_difference()
    assert difference.x.mask.sum() == 297
    resd = testnd.VectorDifferenceRelated(v1, v2, samples=10, norm=True)
    assert_dataobj_equal(resd.p, res.p, name=False)
    assert_dataobj_equal(resd.difference, res.difference, name=False)

    v_small = v2 / 100
    res = testnd.Vector(v_small, tfce=True, samples=10, norm=True)
    assert 'WARNING' in repr(res)
    res = testnd.Vector(v_small, tfce=0.1, samples=10)
    assert res.p.min() == 0.0
Exemple #14
def test_ttest_1samp():
    "Test testnd.ttest_1samp()"
    ds = datasets.get_uts(True)

    # no clusters
    res0 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts', sub="A == 'a0'", ds=ds, samples=0)
    assert res0.p_uncorrected.min() < 0.05
    assert repr(res0) == "<ttest_1samp 'uts', sub=\"A == 'a0'\", samples=0>"

    # sub as array
    res1 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts',
                              sub=ds.eval("A == 'a0'"),
    assert repr(res1) == "<ttest_1samp 'uts', sub=<array>, samples=0>"

    # clusters without resampling
    res1 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts',
                              sub="A == 'a0'",
    assert res1.clusters.n_cases == 1
    assert 'p' not in res1.clusters
    assert repr(
    ) == "<ttest_1samp 'uts', sub=\"A == 'a0'\", samples=0, pmin=0.05, tstart=0, tstop=0.6, mintime=0.05, 1 clusters>"

    # persistence
    string = pickle.dumps(res1, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    res1_ = pickle.loads(string)
    assert repr(res1_) == repr(res1)
    assert_dataobj_equal(res1.p_uncorrected, res1_.p_uncorrected)

    # clusters with resampling
    res2 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts',
                              sub="A == 'a0'",
    assert res2.clusters.n_cases == 1
    assert res2.samples == 10
    assert 'p' in res2.clusters
    assert repr(
    ) == "<ttest_1samp 'uts', sub=\"A == 'a0'\", samples=10, pmin=0.05, tstart=0, tstop=0.6, mintime=0.05, 1 clusters, p < .001>"

    # clusters with permutations
    dss = ds.sub("logical_and(A=='a0', B=='b0')")[:8]
    res3 = testnd.ttest_1samp('uts',
                              sub="A == 'a0'",
    assert repr(
    ) == "<ttest_1samp 'uts', sub=\"A == 'a0'\", samples=255, pmin=0.05, tstart=0, tstop=0.6, mintime=0.05, 2 clusters, p = .020>"
    assert res3.clusters.n_cases == 2
    assert res3.samples == -1
    assert str(res3.clusters) == (
        'id   tstart   tstop   duration   v        p          sig\n'
        '3    0.08     0.34    0.26       95.692   0.015686   *  \n'
        '4    0.35     0.56    0.21       81.819   0.019608   *  ')

    # nd
    dss = ds.sub("A == 'a0'")
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', ds=dss, samples=1)
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', ds=dss, pmin=0.05, samples=1)
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', ds=dss, tfce=True, samples=1)

    # TFCE properties
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', sub="A == 'a0'", ds=ds, samples=1)
    string = pickle.dumps(res, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    res = pickle.loads(string)
    tfce_clusters = res.find_clusters(pmin=0.05)
    peaks = res.find_peaks()
    assert tfce_clusters.eval("p.min()") == peaks.eval("p.min()")
    masked = res.masked_parameter_map(pmin=0.05)
    assert_array_equal(masked.abs().x <= res.t.abs().x, True)

    # zero variance
    ds['utsnd'].x[:, 1, 10] = 0.
    ds['utsnd'].x[:, 2, 10] = 0.1
    res = testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', ds=ds, samples=0)
    assert res.t.x[1, 10] == 0.
    assert res.t.x[2, 10] > 1e10

    # argument length
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        testnd.ttest_1samp('utsnd', sub="A[:-1] == 'a0'", ds=ds, samples=0)
Exemple #15
X = 'Type'

tests = {}
for v in IVs:
    print v
    testsv = {}
    fil = dr+'corr_'+v+'.pickled'
    data = load.unpickle(fil)
    print 'main'
    testsv['main'] = testnd.ttest_1samp(Y=Y, ds=data.sub("Type=='all'"), match=match, samples=samples, pmin=pmin, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop, mintime=mintime, minsource=minsource)
    print 'test 1'
    testsv['stemVstemS'] = testnd.ttest_rel(Y=Y, ds=data, X=X, c1='stem', c0='stemS', match=match, samples=samples, pmin=pmin, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop,  mintime=mintime, minsource=minsource)
    print 'test 2'
    testsv['stemVstemEd'] = testnd.ttest_rel(Y=Y, ds=data, X=X, c1='stem', c0='stemEd', match=match, samples=samples, pmin=pmin, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop, mintime=mintime, minsource=minsource)
    print 'test 3'
    testsv['stemSVstemEd'] = testnd.ttest_rel(Y=Y, ds=data, X=X, c1='stemS', c0='stemEd', match=match, samples=samples, pmin=pmin, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop, mintime=mintime, minsource=minsource)
    for t in testsv:
        name = v+'_'+t
        path = '/Volumes/BackUp/sufAmb/corr_cluster_timespace/corr_%s.pickled' % name
        save.pickle(testsv[t], path)
    tests[v] = testsv