def test_boosting_epochs():
    """Test boosting with epoched data"""
    ds = datasets.get_uts(True, vector3d=True)
    p1 = epoch_impulse_predictor('uts', 'A=="a1"', name='a1', ds=ds)
    p0 = epoch_impulse_predictor('uts', 'A=="a0"', name='a0', ds=ds)
    p1 = p1.smooth('time', .05, 'hamming')
    p0 = p0.smooth('time', .05, 'hamming')
    # 1d
    for tstart, basis in product((-0.1, 0.1, 0), (0, 0.05)):
        print(f"tstart={tstart}, basis={basis}")
        res = boosting('uts', [p0, p1], tstart, 0.6, model='A', ds=ds, basis=basis, partitions=10, debug=True)
        y = convolve(res.h_scaled, [p0, p1])
        assert correlation_coefficient(y, res.y_pred) > .999
        r = correlation_coefficient(y, ds['uts'])
        assert res.r == approx(r, abs=1e-3)
        assert res.partitions == 10
    # 2d
    res = boosting('utsnd', [p0, p1], 0, 0.6, model='A', ds=ds, partitions=10)
    assert len(res.h) == 2
    assert res.h[0].shape == (5, 60)
    assert res.h[1].shape == (5, 60)
    y = convolve(res.h_scaled, [p0, p1])
    r = correlation_coefficient(y, ds['utsnd'], ('case', 'time'))
    assert_dataobj_equal(res.r, r, decimal=3, name=False)
    # vector
    res = boosting('v3d', [p0, p1], 0, 0.6, error='l1', model='A', ds=ds, partitions=10)
    assert res.residual.ndim == 0
Exemple #2
def test_boosting_epochs():
    """Test boosting with epoched data"""
    ds = datasets.get_uts(True, vector3d=True)
    p1 = epoch_impulse_predictor('uts', 'A=="a1"', name='a1', ds=ds)
    p0 = epoch_impulse_predictor('uts', 'A=="a0"', name='a0', ds=ds)
    p1 = p1.smooth('time', .05, 'hamming')
    p0 = p0.smooth('time', .05, 'hamming')
    # 1d
    for tstart, basis in product((-0.1, 0.1, 0), (0, 0.05)):
        print(f"tstart={tstart}, basis={basis}")
        res = boosting('uts', [p0, p1],
        y = convolve(res.h_scaled, [p0, p1])
        assert correlation_coefficient(y, res.y_pred) > .999
        r = correlation_coefficient(y, ds['uts'])
        assert res.r == approx(r, abs=1e-3)
        assert res.partitions == 10
    # prefit
    res1 = boosting('uts', p1, 0, 0.6, model='A', ds=ds, partitions=10)
    res0 = boosting('uts', p0, 0, 0.6, model='A', ds=ds, partitions=10)
    res01 = boosting('uts', [p0, p1],
    # 2d
    res = boosting('utsnd', [p0, p1], 0, 0.6, model='A', ds=ds, partitions=10)
    assert len(res.h) == 2
    assert res.h[0].shape == (5, 60)
    assert res.h[1].shape == (5, 60)
    y = convolve(res.h_scaled, [p0, p1])
    r = correlation_coefficient(y, ds['utsnd'], ('case', 'time'))
    assert_dataobj_equal(res.r, r, decimal=3, name=False)
    # vector
    res = boosting('v3d', [p0, p1],
    assert res.residual.ndim == 0
Exemple #3
def test_correlation_coefficient():
    ds = datasets.get_uts()
    uts = ds['uts']
    uts2 = uts.copy()
    uts2.x += np.random.normal(0, 1, uts2.shape)

    assert correlation_coefficient(uts, uts2) == pytest.approx(
        np.corrcoef(uts.x.ravel(), uts2.x.ravel())[0, 1])
        correlation_coefficient(uts[:10], uts2[:10], 'time').x,
        [np.corrcoef(uts.x[i], uts2.x[i])[0, 1] for i in range(10)])
        correlation_coefficient(uts[:, :-.1], uts2[:, :-.1], 'case').x,
        [np.corrcoef(uts.x[:, i], uts2.x[:, i])[0, 1] for i in range(10)])
def test_correlation_coefficient():
    ds = datasets.get_uts()
    uts = ds['uts']
    uts2 = uts.copy()
    uts2.x += np.random.normal(0, 1, uts2.shape)

        correlation_coefficient(uts, uts2),
        np.corrcoef(uts.x.ravel(), uts2.x.ravel())[0, 1])
        correlation_coefficient(uts[:10], uts2[:10], 'time').x,
        [np.corrcoef(uts.x[i], uts2.x[i])[0, 1] for i in range(10)])
        correlation_coefficient(uts[:, :-.1], uts2[:, :-.1], 'case').x,
        [np.corrcoef(uts.x[:, i], uts2.x[:, i])[0, 1] for i in range(10)])
Exemple #5
def test_result():
    "Test boosting results"
    ds = datasets._get_continuous()
    x1 = ds['x1']

    # convolve function
    y = convolve([ds['h1'], ds['h2']], [ds['x1'], ds['x2']])
    assert_dataobj_equal(y, ds['y'], name=False)

    # test prediction with res.h and res.h_scaled
    res = boosting(ds['y'], ds['x1'], 0, 1)
    y1 = convolve(res.h_scaled, ds['x1'])
    x_scaled = ds['x1'] / res.x_scale
    y2 = convolve(res.h, x_scaled)
    y2 *= res.y_scale
    y2 += y1.mean() - y2.mean()  # mean can't be reconstructed
    assert_dataobj_equal(y1, y2, decimal=12)
    # reconstruction
    res = boosting(x1, y, -1, 0, debug=True)
    x1r = convolve(res.h_scaled, y)
    assert correlation_coefficient(res.y_pred, x1r) > .999
    assert correlation_coefficient(x1r[0.9:], x1[0.9:]) == approx(res.r,

    # test NaN checks  (modifies data)
    ds['x2'].x[1, 50] = np.nan
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        boosting(ds['y'], ds['x2'], 0, .5)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        boosting(ds['y'], ds['x2'], 0, .5, False)
    ds['x2'].x[1, :] = 1
    with catch_warnings():
        filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            boosting(ds['y'], ds['x2'], 0, .5)
        ds['y'].x[50] = np.nan
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            boosting(ds['y'], ds['x1'], 0, .5)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            boosting(ds['y'], ds['x1'], 0, .5, False)
def test_result():
    "Test boosting results"
    ds = datasets._get_continuous()
    x1 = ds['x1']

    # convolve function
    y = convolve([ds['h1'], ds['h2']], [ds['x1'], ds['x2']])
    assert_dataobj_equal(y, ds['y'], name=False)

    # test prediction with res.h and res.h_scaled
    res = boosting(ds['y'], ds['x1'], 0, 1)
    y1 = convolve(res.h_scaled, ds['x1'])
    x_scaled = ds['x1'] / res.x_scale
    y2 = convolve(res.h, x_scaled)
    y2 *= res.y_scale
    y2 += y1.mean() - y2.mean()  # mean can't be reconstructed
    assert_dataobj_equal(y1, y2, decimal=12)
    # reconstruction
    res = boosting(x1, y, -1, 0, debug=True)
    x1r = convolve(res.h_scaled, y)
    assert correlation_coefficient(res.y_pred, x1r) > .999
    assert correlation_coefficient(x1r[0.9:], x1[0.9:]) == approx(res.r, abs=1e-3)

    # test NaN checks  (modifies data)
    ds['x2'].x[1, 50] = np.nan
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        boosting(ds['y'], ds['x2'], 0, .5)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        boosting(ds['y'], ds['x2'], 0, .5, False)
    ds['x2'].x[1, :] = 1
    with catch_warnings():
        filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            boosting(ds['y'], ds['x2'], 0, .5)
        ds['y'].x[50] = np.nan
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            boosting(ds['y'], ds['x1'], 0, .5)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            boosting(ds['y'], ds['x1'], 0, .5, False)
Exemple #7
def test_boosting(n_workers):
    "Test boosting NDVars"
    ds = datasets._get_continuous(ynd=True)

    y = ds['y']
    ynd = ds['ynd']
    x1 = ds['x1']
    x2 = ds['x2']
    y_mean = y.mean()
    x2_mean = x2.mean('time')

    # test values from running function, not verified independently
    res = boosting(y, x1 * 2000, 0, 1, scale_data=False, mindelta=0.0025)
    assert repr(
        res) == '<boosting y ~ x1, 0 - 1, scale_data=False, mindelta=0.0025>'
    assert res.r == approx(0.75, abs=0.001)
    assert res.y_mean is None
    assert['unit'] == 'V'
    assert['unit'] == 'V'
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):

    res = boosting(y, x1, 0, 1)
    assert repr(res) == '<boosting y ~ x1, 0 - 1>'
    assert res.r == approx(0.83, abs=0.001)
    assert res.y_mean == y_mean
    assert res.y_scale == y.std()
    assert res.x_mean == x1.mean()
    assert res.x_scale == x1.std()
    assert == 'x1'
    assert['unit'] == 'normalized'
    assert == 'x1'
    assert['unit'] == 'V'
    assert res.proportion_explained == approx(0.506, abs=0.001)
    # inplace
    res_ip = boosting(y.copy(), x1.copy(), 0, 1, 'inplace')
    assert_res_equal(res_ip, res)
    # persistence
    res_p = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(res, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))
    assert_res_equal(res_p, res)

    res = boosting(y, x2, 0, 1)
    assert res.r == approx(0.601, abs=0.001)
    assert res.proportion_explained == approx(0.273, abs=0.001)

    res = boosting(y, x2, 0, 1, error='l1')
    assert res.r == approx(0.553, abs=0.001)
    assert res.y_mean == y.mean()
    assert res.y_scale == (y - y_mean).abs().mean()
    assert_array_equal(res.x_mean.x, x2_mean)
    assert_array_equal(res.x_scale, (x2 - x2_mean).abs().mean('time'))
    assert res.proportion_explained == approx(0.123, abs=0.001)

    # 2 predictors
    res = boosting(y, [x1, x2], 0, 1)
    assert res.r == approx(0.947, abs=0.001)
    # selective stopping
    res = boosting(y, [x1, x2], 0, 1, selective_stopping=1)
    assert res.r == approx(0.967, abs=0.001)
    res = boosting(y, [x1, x2], 0, 1, selective_stopping=2)
    assert res.r == approx(0.992, abs=0.001)

    # prefit
    res_full = boosting(y, [x1, x2], 0, 1)
    prefit = boosting(y, x1, 0, 1)
    res = boosting(y, [x1, x2], 0, 1, prefit=prefit)
    assert correlation_coefficient(res.h, res_full.h[1]) == approx(0.984, 1e-3)
    prefit = boosting(y, x2, 0, 1)
    res = boosting(y, [x1, x2], 0, 1, prefit=prefit)
    assert correlation_coefficient(res.h, res_full.h[0]) == approx(0.995, 1e-3)
    # ynd
    res_full = boosting(ynd, [x1, x2], 0, 1)
    prefit = boosting(ynd, x1, 0, 1)
    res = boosting(ynd, [x1, x2], 0, 1, prefit=prefit)
    assert correlation_coefficient(res.h, res_full.h[1]) == approx(0.978, 1e-3)
    prefit = boosting(ynd, x2, 0, 1)
    res = boosting(ynd, [x1, x2], 0, 1, prefit=prefit)
    assert correlation_coefficient(res.h, res_full.h[0]) == approx(0.997, 1e-3)