Exemple #1
    def testShekelGPPrior(self):
        # see how the GP works on the Shekel function
        S5 = Shekel5()

        pX = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 100, seed=8)
        pY = [S5.f(x) for x in pX]
        prior = RBFNMeanPrior()
        prior.train(pX, pY, S5.bounds, k=10, seed=103)
        X = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 10, seed=9)
        Y = [S5.f(x) for x in X]

        hv = .1
        hyper = [hv, hv, hv, hv]
        gkernel = GaussianKernel_ard(hyper)
        priorGP = GaussianProcess(gkernel, X, Y, prior=prior)
        nopriorGP = GaussianProcess(gkernel, X, Y)
        S = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 1000, seed=10)
        nopriorErr = mean([(S5.f(x)-nopriorGP.mu(x))**2 for x in S])
        priorErr = mean([(S5.f(x)-priorGP.mu(x))**2 for x in S])
        # print '\nno prior Err =', nopriorErr
        # print 'prior Err =', priorErr
        self.failUnless(priorErr < nopriorErr*.8)
Exemple #2
    def testGPPrior(self):

        # see how GP works with the dataprior...
        def foo(x):
            return sum(sin(x * 20))

        bounds = [[0., 1.]]
        # train prior
        pX = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 100, seed=6)
        pY = [foo(x) for x in pX]
        prior = RBFNMeanPrior()
        prior.train(pX, pY, bounds, k=10, seed=102)

        X = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 2, seed=7)
        Y = [foo(x) for x in X]

        kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(array([.1]))
        GP = GaussianProcess(kernel, X, Y, prior=prior)
        GPnoprior = GaussianProcess(kernel, X, Y)

        S = arange(0, 1, .01)

        nopriorErr = mean([(foo(x) - GPnoprior.mu(x))**2 for x in S])
        priorErr = mean([(foo(x) - GP.mu(x))**2 for x in S])

        self.failUnless(priorErr < nopriorErr * .5)

        if False:
            plot(S, [prior.mu(x) for x in S], 'g-', alpha=0.3)
            plot(S, [GPnoprior.mu(x) for x in S], 'b-', alpha=0.3)
            plot(S, [GP.mu(x) for x in S], 'k-', lw=2)
            plot(X, Y, 'ko')
Exemple #3
    def _testKernelMaxEI(self):
        # test different methods of optimizing kernel
        S5 = Shekel5()
        hv = 0.1
        testkernels = [GaussianKernel_iso([hv]), 
                   GaussianKernel_ard([hv, hv, hv, hv]),
                   MaternKernel3([hv, 1.0])]
                   # MaternKernel5([hv, 1.0])]

        for kernel in testkernels:
            # print
            # print kernel.__class__
            # train GPs
            X = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 10, seed=0)
            Y = [S5.f(x) for x in X]
            GP = GaussianProcess(kernel, X, Y)
            eif = EI(GP)
            dopt, doptx = direct(eif.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
            copt, coptx = cdirect(eif.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
            mopt, moptx = maximizeEI(GP, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
            # print dopt, doptx
            # print copt, coptx
            # print mopt, moptx
            self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt, copt, 4)
            self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt, mopt, 4)
            self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt, mopt, 4)
            self.failUnless(sum(abs(doptx-coptx)) < .01)
            self.failUnless(sum(abs(moptx-coptx)) < .01)
            self.failUnless(sum(abs(moptx-doptx)) < .01)
            # train GP w/prior
            pX = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 100, seed=101)
            pY = [S5.f(x) for x in pX]
            prior = RBFNMeanPrior()
            prior.train(pX, pY, bounds=S5.bounds, k=10, seed=102)
            GP = GaussianProcess(kernel, X, Y, prior=prior)        
            eif = EI(GP)
            pdopt, pdoptx = direct(eif.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
            pcopt, pcoptx = cdirect(eif.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
            pmopt, pmoptx = maximizeEI(GP, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
            self.failIfAlmostEqual(pdopt, dopt, 3)
            self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(pdopt, pcopt, 4)
            self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-pdopt, pmopt, 4)
            self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-pcopt, pmopt, 4)
            self.failUnless(sum(abs(pdoptx-pcoptx)) < .01)
            self.failUnless(sum(abs(pmoptx-pcoptx)) < .01)
            self.failUnless(sum(abs(pmoptx-pdoptx)) < .01)
Exemple #4
    def testFunctionValues(self):

        for TestFunction in TestFunctions:
            tf = TestFunction(maximize=False)
            for i in range(100):
                x = lhcSample(tf.bounds, 1, seed=i)[0]
                self.failIf(tf.f(x) < tf.minimum)

        for TestFunction in TestFunctions:
            tf = TestFunction(maximize=True)
            for i in range(100):
                x = lhcSample(tf.bounds, 1, seed=i)[0]
                self.failIf(tf.f(x) > -tf.minimum)
Exemple #5
    def testFunctionValues(self):
        for TestFunction in TestFunctions:
            tf = TestFunction(maximize=False)
            for i in xrange(100):
                x = lhcSample(tf.bounds, 1, seed=i)[0]
                self.failIf(tf.f(x) < tf.minimum)

        for TestFunction in TestFunctions:
            tf = TestFunction(maximize=True)
            for i in xrange(100):
                x = lhcSample(tf.bounds, 1, seed=i)[0]
                self.failIf(tf.f(x) > -tf.minimum)
Exemple #6
    def test2DpyEI(self):
        f = lambda x: sum(sin(x))
        bounds = [[0., 5.], [0., 5.]]
        X = lhcSample(bounds, 5, seed=24)
        Y = [f(x) for x in X]

        kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(array([1.0, 1.0]))
        GP = GaussianProcess(kernel, X, Y)

        maxei = maximizeEI(GP, bounds)
        if False:
            c0 = [(i/50.)*(bounds[0][1]-bounds[0][0])+bounds[0][0] for i in xrange(51)]
            c1 = [(i/50.)*(bounds[1][1]-bounds[1][0])+bounds[1][0] for i in xrange(51)]
            z = array([[GP.ei(array([i, j])) for i in c0] for j in c1])

            ax = plt.subplot(111)
            cs = ax.contour(c0, c1, z, 10, alpha=0.5, cmap=cm.Blues_r)
            plot([x[0] for x in X], [x[1] for x in X], 'ro')
            for i in xrange(len(X)):
                annotate('%2f'%Y[i], X[i])
            plot(maxei[1][0], maxei[1][1], 'ko')
Exemple #7
    def testGDelta(self):

        # usually, Gdelta==G
        GP = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([0.05]))
        X = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 5, seed=10)
        Y = [x**2 for x in X]
        GP.train(X, Y)

        G = (Y[0] - max(Y)) / (Y[0] - 1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(G, Gdelta(GP, [[0., 1.]], Y[0], 1.0, 0.01))

        # sometimes, though, Gdelta > G -- this GP has a very high confidence
        # prediction of a very good point at x ~ .65
        GP = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([0.1]))
        X = array([[.5], [.51], [.59], [.6]])
        Y = array([1., 2., 2., 1.])
        GP.train(X, Y)
        # figure(1)
        # A = arange(0, 1, 0.01)
        # post = [GP.posterior(x) for x in A]
        # plot(A, [p[0] for p in post], 'k-')
        # plot(A, [p[0]+p[1] for p in post], 'k:')
        # show()
        G = (Y[0] - max(Y)) / (Y[0] - 4.0)
        Gd = Gdelta(GP, [[0., 1.]], Y[0], 4.0, 0.01)
        self.failUnless(G < Gd)

        # however, if there is more variance, we will collapse back to G
        GP = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.001]))
        GP.train(X, Y)
        G = (Y[0] - max(Y)) / (Y[0] - 4.0)
        self.failUnlessEqual(G, Gdelta(GP, [[0., 1.]], Y[0], 4.0, 0.01))
Exemple #8
    def testFastGallery(self):

        tf = Hartman3()
        kernel = tf.createKernel(GaussianKernel_ard)
        X = lhcSample(tf.bounds, 10, seed=23)
        Y = [tf.f(x) for x in X]
        prefs = query2prefs(X, tf.f)

        GP = PrefGaussianProcess(kernel)

        gallery = fastUCBGallery(GP, tf.bounds, 4)
        print('gallery returned:')
        for x in gallery:
            print('\t', x)

        GP.addPreferences(query2prefs(gallery, tf.f))

        # make sure we don't return anything out of bounds
        bounds = copy(tf.bounds)
        bounds[0] = [0., 0.]
        gallery = fastUCBGallery(GP, bounds, 4)
        print('gallery returned:')
        for x in gallery:
            print('\t', x)
            for v, b in zip(x, bounds):
                self.failUnless(v >= b[0] and v <= b[1])
Exemple #9
 def testFastGallery(self):
     tf = Hartman3()
     kernel = tf.createKernel(GaussianKernel_ard)
     X = lhcSample(tf.bounds, 10, seed=23)
     Y = [tf.f(x) for x in X]
     prefs = query2prefs(X, tf.f)
     GP = PrefGaussianProcess(kernel)
     gallery = fastUCBGallery(GP, tf.bounds, 4)
     print 'gallery returned:'
     for x in gallery:
         print '\t', x
     GP.addPreferences(query2prefs(gallery, tf.f))
     # make sure we don't return anything out of bounds
     bounds = copy(tf.bounds)
     bounds[0] = [0., 0.]
     gallery = fastUCBGallery(GP, bounds, 4)        
     print 'gallery returned:'
     for x in gallery:
         print '\t', x
         for v, b in zip(x, bounds):
             self.failUnless(v>=b[0] and v<=b[1])
Exemple #10
    def testPriorAndPrefs(self):

        S5 = Shekel5()

        pX = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 100, seed=13)
        pY = [S5.f(x) for x in pX]
        prior = RBFNMeanPrior()
        prior.train(pX, pY, S5.bounds, k=10)

        hv = .1
        hyper = [hv, hv, hv, hv]
        gkernel = GaussianKernel_ard(hyper)
        GP = PrefGaussianProcess(gkernel, prior=prior)

        X = [array([i + .5] * 4) for i in range(5)]
        valX = [x.copy() for x in X]

        prefs = []
        for i in range(len(X)):
            for j in range(i):
                if S5.f(X[i]) > S5.f(X[j]):
                    prefs.append((X[i], X[j], 0))
                    prefs.append((X[j], X[i], 0))

        opt, optx = maximizeEI(GP, S5.bounds)
Exemple #11
    def testRBFN_1D(self):
        # sample from a synthetic function and see how much we improve the
        # error by using the prior function
        def foo(x):
            return sum(sin(x*20))
        X = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 50, seed=3)
        Y = [foo(x) for x in X]
        prior = RBFNMeanPrior()
        prior.train(X, Y, [[0., 1.]], k=10, seed=100)
        # See how well we fit the function by getting the average squared error
        # over 100 samples of the function.  Baseline foo(x)=0 MSE is 0.48.
        # We will aim for MSE < 0.05.
        S = arange(0, 1, .01)
        error = mean([foo(x)-prior.mu(x) for x in S])
        self.failUnless(error < 0.05)

        # for debugging
        if False:
            plot(S, [foo(x) for x in S], 'b-')
            plot(S, [prior.mu(x) for x in S], 'k-')
Exemple #12
 def testGDelta(self):
     # usually, Gdelta==G
     GP = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([0.05]))
     X = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 5, seed=10)
     Y = [x**2 for x in X]
     GP.train(X, Y)
     G = (Y[0]-max(Y)) / (Y[0]-1)
     self.failUnlessEqual(G, Gdelta(GP, [[0.,1.]], Y[0], 1.0, 0.01))
     # sometimes, though, Gdelta > G -- this GP has a very high confidence
     # prediction of a very good point at x ~ .65
     GP = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([0.1]))
     X = array([[.5], [.51], [.59], [.6]])
     Y = array([1., 2., 2., 1.])
     GP.train(X, Y)
     # figure(1)
     # A = arange(0, 1, 0.01)
     # post = [GP.posterior(x) for x in A]
     # plot(A, [p[0] for p in post], 'k-')
     # plot(A, [p[0]+p[1] for p in post], 'k:')
     # show()
     G = (Y[0]-max(Y)) / (Y[0]-4.0)
     Gd = Gdelta(GP, [[0., 1.]], Y[0], 4.0, 0.01)
     self.failUnless(G < Gd)
     # however, if there is more variance, we will collapse back to G
     GP = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.001]))
     GP.train(X, Y)
     G = (Y[0]-max(Y)) / (Y[0]-4.0)
     self.failUnlessEqual(G, Gdelta(GP, [[0., 1.]], Y[0], 4.0, 0.01))
Exemple #13
    def testRBFN_1D(self):

        # sample from a synthetic function and see how much we improve the
        # error by using the prior function
        def foo(x):
            return sum(sin(x * 20))

        X = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 50, seed=3)
        Y = [foo(x) for x in X]

        prior = RBFNMeanPrior()
        prior.train(X, Y, [[0., 1.]], k=10, seed=100)

        # See how well we fit the function by getting the average squared error
        # over 100 samples of the function.  Baseline foo(x)=0 MSE is 0.48.
        # We will aim for MSE < 0.05.
        S = arange(0, 1, .01)
        error = mean([foo(x) - prior.mu(x) for x in S])
        self.failUnless(error < 0.05)

        # for debugging
        if False:
            plot(S, [foo(x) for x in S], 'b-')
            plot(S, [prior.mu(x) for x in S], 'k-')
Exemple #14
 def testPriorAndPrefs(self):
     S5 = Shekel5()
     pX = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 100, seed=13)
     pY = [S5.f(x) for x in pX]
     prior = RBFNMeanPrior()
     prior.train(pX, pY, S5.bounds, k=10)
     hv = .1
     hyper = [hv, hv, hv, hv]
     gkernel = GaussianKernel_ard(hyper)
     GP = PrefGaussianProcess(gkernel, prior=prior)
     X = [array([i+.5]*4) for i in xrange(5)]
     valX = [x.copy() for x in X]
     prefs = []
     for i in xrange(len(X)):
         for j in xrange(i):
             if S5.f(X[i]) > S5.f(X[j]):
                 prefs.append((X[i], X[j], 0))
                 prefs.append((X[j], X[i], 0))
     opt, optx = maximizeEI(GP, S5.bounds)
Exemple #15
    def test2DpyEI(self):

        f = lambda x: sum(sin(x))
        bounds = [[0., 5.], [0., 5.]]
        X = lhcSample(bounds, 5, seed=24)
        Y = [f(x) for x in X]

        kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(array([1.0, 1.0]))
        GP = GaussianProcess(kernel, X, Y)

        maxei = maximizeEI(GP, bounds)

        if False:
            c0 = [(i / 50.) * (bounds[0][1] - bounds[0][0]) + bounds[0][0]
                  for i in range(51)]
            c1 = [(i / 50.) * (bounds[1][1] - bounds[1][0]) + bounds[1][0]
                  for i in range(51)]
            z = array([[GP.ei(array([i, j])) for i in c0] for j in c1])

            ax = plt.subplot(111)
            cs = ax.contour(c0, c1, z, 10, alpha=0.5, cmap=cm.Blues_r)
            plot([x[0] for x in X], [x[1] for x in X], 'ro')
            for i in range(len(X)):
                annotate('%2f' % Y[i], X[i])
            plot(maxei[1][0], maxei[1][1], 'ko')
Exemple #16
    def testMaxEIPrior(self):

        # make sure that the prior works with the different methods of EI
        # maximization
        S5 = Shekel5()
        pX = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 100, seed=511)
        pY = [S5.f(x) for x in pX]
        prior = RBFNMeanPrior()
        prior.train(pX, pY, bounds=S5.bounds, k=10, seed=504)
        hv = .1
        hyper = [hv, hv, hv, hv]
        kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(hyper)
        # train GPs
        X = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 10, seed=512)
        Y = [S5.f(x) for x in X]
        # validation
        valX = list(x.copy() for x in X)
        valY = copy(Y)
        GP = GaussianProcess(kernel, X, Y, prior=prior)
        eif = EI(GP)
        copt, _ = cdirect(eif.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=20)
        mopt, _ = maximizeEI(GP, S5.bounds, maxiter=20)

        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt, mopt, 2)
        for i in xrange(len(GP.X)):
        # print GP.X
        for i in xrange(len(GP.X)):
Exemple #17
def learnHyper(tf, Kernel):
    for a given kernel and test functions, learn some hyperparameters
    D = len(tf.bounds)
    X = lhcSample(tf.bounds, D*40)
    Y = array([tf.f(x) for x in X])
    loghyper = fmin_bfgs(nlml, log(ones(1)*.5), dnlml, args=[Kernel, X, Y])
    return exp(loghyper)
Exemple #18
    def testRNFN_10D(self):

        # as above, but with a 10D test function and more data
        def foo(x):
            return sum(sin(x * 2))

        bounds = [[0., 1.]] * 10
        X = lhcSample(bounds, 100, seed=4)
        Y = [foo(x) for x in X]

        prior = RBFNMeanPrior()
        prior.train(X, Y, bounds, k=20, seed=5)

        S = lhcSample(bounds, 100, seed=6)
        RBNError = mean([(foo(x) - prior.mu(x))**2 for x in S])
        baselineError = mean([foo(x)**2 for x in S])

        self.failUnless(RBNError < baselineError)
Exemple #19
 def testLatinHypercubeSampling(self):
     # test 1D case
     samples = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 100, seed=20)
     self.assertEqual(len(samples), 100)
     self.assert_(min(samples) >= 0.0)        
     self.assert_(max(samples) <= 1.0)
     isamp = [int(s*100) for s in samples]
     self.assertNotEqual(isamp, range(100))
     self.assertEqual(isamp, range(100))
     # test 100D case
     samples = lhcSample([(i*10., (i+1.)*10.) for i in xrange(100)], 10, seed=21)
     for s in samples:
         self.assertEqual(len(s), 100)
         for i, x in enumerate(s):
             self.assert_(x > i*10.)
             self.assert_(x < (i+1)*10.)
Exemple #20
 def testRNFN_10D(self):
     # as above, but with a 10D test function and more data
     def foo(x):
         return sum(sin(x*2))
     bounds = [[0., 1.]]*10
     X = lhcSample(bounds, 100, seed=4)
     Y = [foo(x) for x in X]
     prior = RBFNMeanPrior()
     prior.train(X, Y, bounds, k=20, seed=5)
     S = lhcSample(bounds, 100, seed=6)
     RBNError = mean([(foo(x)-prior.mu(x))**2 for x in S])
     baselineError = mean([foo(x)**2 for x in S])
     # print '\nRBN err  =', RBNError
     # print 'baseline =', baselineError
     self.failUnless(RBNError < baselineError)
Exemple #21
def checkMinimum(testfuncs):
    try minimizing the function and see if we find a better minimum than we 
    currently have
    for tf in testfuncs:
        argmin = fmin_bfgs(tf.f, tf.argmin)
        print '[%s] was told argmin = %s, min = %.2f' % (tf.name, tf.argmin, tf.minimum)
        print '[%s] check argmin = %s, min = %.2f' % (tf.name, tf.argmin, tf.f(tf.argmin))
        print '[%s] found argmin = %s, min = %.2f' % (tf.name, argmin, tf.f(argmin))
        for x in lhcSample(tf.bounds, 100):
            if tf.f(x) < tf.minimum:
                print 'sample x = %s, y = %.4f is lower than minimum %.4f' % (x, tf.f(x), tf.minimum)
Exemple #22
    def testGPPrior(self):
        # see how GP works with the dataprior...
        def foo(x):
            return sum(sin(x*20))
        bounds = [[0., 1.]]
        # train prior
        pX = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 100, seed=6)
        pY = [foo(x) for x in pX]
        prior = RBFNMeanPrior()
        prior.train(pX, pY, bounds, k=10, seed=102)
        X = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 2, seed=7)
        Y = [foo(x) for x in X]
        kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(array([.1]))
        GP = GaussianProcess(kernel, X, Y, prior=prior)
        GPnoprior = GaussianProcess(kernel, X, Y)

        S = arange(0, 1, .01)

        nopriorErr = mean([(foo(x)-GPnoprior.mu(x))**2 for x in S])
        priorErr = mean([(foo(x)-GP.mu(x))**2 for x in S])
        # print '\nno prior Err =', nopriorErr
        # print 'prior Err =', priorErr
        self.failUnless(priorErr < nopriorErr*.5)
        if False:
            plot(S, [prior.mu(x) for x in S], 'g-', alpha=0.3)
            plot(S, [GPnoprior.mu(x) for x in S], 'b-', alpha=0.3)
            plot(S, [GP.mu(x) for x in S], 'k-', lw=2)
            plot(X, Y, 'ko')
Exemple #23
    def testNoise(self):
        tf = Branin()
        X = lhcSample(tf.bounds, 10, seed=0)
        Y = [tf.f(x) for x in X]
        GP1 = GaussianProcess(MaternKernel3([1.0, 1.0]), X, Y, noise=1e-4)
        self.failUnlessEqual(GP1.noise, 1e-4)

        eif1 = EI(GP1)
        dopt1, _ = direct(eif1.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt1, _ = cdirect(eif1.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt1, _ = maximizeEI(GP1, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)

        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt1, copt1, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt1, mopt1, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt1, mopt1, 4)

        GP2 = GaussianProcess(MaternKernel3([1.0, 1.0]), X, Y, noise=0.01)
        self.failUnlessEqual(GP2.noise, 0.01)
        eif2 = EI(GP2)
        dopt2, _ = direct(eif2.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt2, _ = cdirect(eif2.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt2, _ = maximizeEI(GP2, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt2, copt2, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt2, mopt2, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt2, mopt2, 4)

        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt2, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt2, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt2, 4)

        GP3 = GaussianProcess(MaternKernel3([1.0, 1.0]), X, Y, noise=0.1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(GP3.noise, 0.1)
        eif3 = EI(GP3)
        dopt3, _ = direct(eif3.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt3, _ = cdirect(eif3.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt3, _ = maximizeEI(GP3, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt3, copt3, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt3, mopt3, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt3, mopt3, 4)

        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt2, dopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt2, copt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt2, mopt3, 4)
Exemple #24
    def testNoise(self):

        tf = Branin()

        X = lhcSample(tf.bounds, 10, seed=0)
        Y = [tf.f(x) for x in X]
        GP1 = GaussianProcess(MaternKernel3([1.0, 1.0]), X, Y, noise=1e-4)
        self.failUnlessEqual(GP1.noise, 1e-4)

        eif1 = EI(GP1)
        dopt1, _ = direct(eif1.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt1, _ = cdirect(eif1.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt1, _ = maximizeEI(GP1, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)

        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt1, copt1, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt1, mopt1, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt1, mopt1, 4)

        GP2 = GaussianProcess(MaternKernel3([1.0, 1.0]), X, Y, noise=0.01)
        self.failUnlessEqual(GP2.noise, 0.01)

        eif2 = EI(GP2)
        dopt2, _ = direct(eif2.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt2, _ = cdirect(eif2.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt2, _ = maximizeEI(GP2, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt2, copt2, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt2, mopt2, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt2, mopt2, 4)

        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt2, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt2, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt2, 4)

        GP3 = GaussianProcess(MaternKernel3([1.0, 1.0]), X, Y, noise=0.1)
        self.failUnlessEqual(GP3.noise, 0.1)
        eif3 = EI(GP3)
        dopt3, _ = direct(eif3.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt3, _ = cdirect(eif3.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt3, _ = maximizeEI(GP3, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt3, copt3, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt3, mopt3, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt3, mopt3, 4)

        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt2, dopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt2, copt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt2, mopt3, 4)
Exemple #25
    def testXi(self):
        S5 = Shekel5()
        GP1 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.2]))
        # self.failUnlessEqual(GP1.xi, 0.0)
        X = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 10, seed=0)
        Y = [S5.f(x) for x in X]
        GP1.addData(X, Y)

        eif1 = EI(GP1, xi=0.0)
        dopt1, _ = direct(eif1.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt1, _ = cdirect(eif1.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt1, _ = maximizeEI(GP1, S5.bounds, xi=0.0, maxiter=10)

        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt1, copt1, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt1, mopt1, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt1, mopt1, 4)

        GP2 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.3]), X, Y)
        eif2 = EI(GP2, xi=0.01)    
        self.failUnlessEqual(eif2.xi, 0.01)    
        dopt2, _ = direct(eif2.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt2, _ = cdirect(eif2.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt2, _ = maximizeEI(GP2, S5.bounds, xi=0.01, maxiter=10)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt2, copt2, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt2, mopt2, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt2, mopt2, 4)

        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt2, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt2, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt2, 4)

        GP3 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.3]), X, Y)
        eif3 = EI(GP3, xi=0.1)    
        dopt3, _ = direct(eif3.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt3, _ = cdirect(eif3.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt3, _ = maximizeEI(GP3, S5.bounds, xi=0.1, maxiter=10)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt3, copt3, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt3, mopt3, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt3, mopt3, 4)

        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt2, dopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt2, copt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt2, mopt3, 4)
Exemple #26
    def testXi(self):

        S5 = Shekel5()

        GP1 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.2]))
        # self.failUnlessEqual(GP1.xi, 0.0)
        X = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 10, seed=0)
        Y = [S5.f(x) for x in X]
        GP1.addData(X, Y)

        eif1 = EI(GP1, xi=0.0)
        dopt1, _ = direct(eif1.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt1, _ = cdirect(eif1.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt1, _ = maximizeEI(GP1, S5.bounds, xi=0.0, maxiter=10)

        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt1, copt1, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt1, mopt1, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt1, mopt1, 4)

        GP2 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.3]), X, Y)
        eif2 = EI(GP2, xi=0.01)
        self.failUnlessEqual(eif2.xi, 0.01)
        dopt2, _ = direct(eif2.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt2, _ = cdirect(eif2.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt2, _ = maximizeEI(GP2, S5.bounds, xi=0.01, maxiter=10)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt2, copt2, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt2, mopt2, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt2, mopt2, 4)

        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt2, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt2, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt2, 4)

        GP3 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.3]), X, Y)
        eif3 = EI(GP3, xi=0.1)
        dopt3, _ = direct(eif3.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt3, _ = cdirect(eif3.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt3, _ = maximizeEI(GP3, S5.bounds, xi=0.1, maxiter=10)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt3, copt3, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt3, mopt3, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt3, mopt3, 4)

        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt2, dopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt2, copt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt2, mopt3, 4)
Exemple #27
    def testXi(self):
        S5 = Shekel5()
        GP1 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.2]))
        # self.failUnlessEqual(GP1.xi, 0.0)
        X = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 10, seed=0)
        Y = [S5.f(x) for x in X]
        GP1.addData(X, Y)

        ucbf1 = UCB(GP1, len(S5.bounds), scale=0.5)
        dopt1, _ = direct(ucbf1.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt1, _ = cdirect(ucbf1.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt1, _ = maximizeUCB(GP1, S5.bounds, scale=0.5, maxiter=10)

        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt1, copt1, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt1, mopt1, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt1, mopt1, 4)

        GP2 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.3]), X, Y)
        ucbf2 = UCB(GP2, len(S5.bounds), scale=0.01)    
        dopt2, _ = direct(ucbf2.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt2, _ = cdirect(ucbf2.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt2, _ = maximizeUCB(GP2, S5.bounds, scale=.01, maxiter=10)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt2, copt2, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt2, mopt2, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt2, mopt2, 4)

        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt2, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt2, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt2, 4)

        GP3 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.3]), X, Y)
        ucbf3 = UCB(GP3, len(S5.bounds), scale=.9)    
        dopt3, _ = direct(ucbf3.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt3, _ = cdirect(ucbf3.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt3, _ = maximizeUCB(GP3, S5.bounds, scale=0.9, maxiter=10)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt3, copt3, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt3, mopt3, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt3, mopt3, 4)

        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt2, dopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt2, copt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt2, mopt3, 4)
Exemple #28
    def testXi(self):

        S5 = Shekel5()

        GP1 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.2]))
        # self.failUnlessEqual(GP1.xi, 0.0)
        X = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 10, seed=0)
        Y = [S5.f(x) for x in X]
        GP1.addData(X, Y)

        ucbf1 = UCB(GP1, len(S5.bounds), scale=0.5)
        dopt1, _ = direct(ucbf1.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt1, _ = cdirect(ucbf1.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt1, _ = maximizeUCB(GP1, S5.bounds, scale=0.5, maxiter=10)

        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt1, copt1, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt1, mopt1, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt1, mopt1, 4)

        GP2 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.3]), X, Y)
        ucbf2 = UCB(GP2, len(S5.bounds), scale=0.01)
        dopt2, _ = direct(ucbf2.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt2, _ = cdirect(ucbf2.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt2, _ = maximizeUCB(GP2, S5.bounds, scale=.01, maxiter=10)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt2, copt2, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt2, mopt2, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt2, mopt2, 4)

        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt2, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt2, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt2, 4)

        GP3 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.3]), X, Y)
        ucbf3 = UCB(GP3, len(S5.bounds), scale=.9)
        dopt3, _ = direct(ucbf3.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        copt3, _ = cdirect(ucbf3.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)
        mopt3, _ = maximizeUCB(GP3, S5.bounds, scale=0.9, maxiter=10)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt3, copt3, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt3, mopt3, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt3, mopt3, 4)

        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt2, dopt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt2, copt3, 4)
        self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt2, mopt3, 4)
Exemple #29
    def test1DcEI(self):
        f = lambda x: float(sin(x*5.))
        X = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 5, seed=22)
        Y = [f(x) for x in X]

        kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(array([1.0]))
        GP = GaussianProcess(kernel)
        GP.addData(X, Y)
        # should use optimizeGP.cpp
        maxei = maximizeEI(GP, [[0., 1.]])
        if False:
            plot(X, Y, 'ro')
            plot([x/100 for x in xrange(100)], [GP.ei(x/100) for x in xrange(100)])
            plot(maxei[1][0], maxei[0], 'ko')
Exemple #30
 def __init__(self, kernel, bounds, NX, noise=0.05, xstar=None, **kwargs):
     super(Synthetic, self).__init__("Synthetic", 0, None, bounds, **kwargs)
     self.name += ' %d'%len(bounds)
     self.GP = GaussianProcess(kernel)
     X = lhcSample(bounds, NX)
     self.GP.addData([X[0]], [normal(0, 1)])
     if xstar is not None:
         ystar = min(self.GP.Y[0]-1.0, -2.0)
         self.GP.addData(xstar, ystar)
     for x in X[1:]:
         mu, sig2 = self.GP.posterior(x)
         y = normal(mu, sqrt(sig2)) + normal(0, noise)
         # preserve min if necessary
         if xstar is not None and y < ystar+.5:
             y = ystar+.5
         self.GP.addData(x, y)
     # now, try minimizing with BFGS
     start = self.GP.X[argmin(self.GP.Y)]
     xopt = fmin_bfgs(self.GP.mu, start, disp=False)
     print "\t[synthetic] optimization started at %s, ended at %s" % (start, xopt)
     if xstar is not None:
         print '\t[synthetic] realigning minimum'
         # now, align minimum with what we specified
         for i, (target, origin) in enumerate(zip(xstar, xopt)):
             self.GP.X[:,i] += target-origin
         xopt = xstar
     self.minimum = self.GP.mu(xopt)
     self.xstar = xopt
     # print self.GP.X
     # print self.GP.Y
     print '\t[synthetic] x+ = %s, f(x+) = %.3f' % (self.xstar, self.f(self.xstar))
Exemple #31
    def test1DcUCB(self):
        f = lambda x: float(sin(x*5.))
        X = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 5, seed=22)
        Y = [f(x) for x in X]

        kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(array([1.0]))
        GP = GaussianProcess(kernel)
        GP.addData(X, Y)
        # should use optimizeGP.cpp
        ucbf = UCB(GP, 1)
        dopt, doptx = direct(ucbf.negf, [[0., 1.]], maxiter=10)
        copt, coptx = cdirect(ucbf.negf, [[0., 1.]], maxiter=10)
        mopt, moptx = maximizeUCB(GP, [[0., 1.]], maxiter=10)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt, copt, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt, mopt, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt, mopt, 4)
        self.failUnless(sum(abs(doptx-coptx)) < .01)
        self.failUnless(sum(abs(moptx-coptx)) < .01)
        self.failUnless(sum(abs(moptx-doptx)) < .01)
Exemple #32
    def test1DcUCB(self):

        f = lambda x: float(sin(x * 5.))
        X = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 5, seed=22)
        Y = [f(x) for x in X]

        kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(array([1.0]))
        GP = GaussianProcess(kernel)
        GP.addData(X, Y)

        # should use optimizeGP.cpp
        ucbf = UCB(GP, 1)
        dopt, doptx = direct(ucbf.negf, [[0., 1.]], maxiter=10)
        copt, coptx = cdirect(ucbf.negf, [[0., 1.]], maxiter=10)
        mopt, moptx = maximizeUCB(GP, [[0., 1.]], maxiter=10)

        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt, copt, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt, mopt, 4)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt, mopt, 4)

        self.failUnless(sum(abs(doptx - coptx)) < .01)
        self.failUnless(sum(abs(moptx - coptx)) < .01)
        self.failUnless(sum(abs(moptx - doptx)) < .01)
Exemple #33
def fastUCBGallery(GP, bounds, N, useBest=True, samples=300, useCDIRECT=True):
    Use UCB to generate a gallery of N instances using Monte Carlo to 
    approximate the optimization of the utility function.
    gallery = []

    if len(GP.X) > 0:
        if useBest:
            # find best sample already seen, that lies within the bounds
            bestY = -inf
            bestX = None
            for x, y in zip(GP.X, GP.Y):
                if y > bestY:
                    for v, b in zip(x, bounds):
                        if v < b[0] or v > b[1]:
                        bestY = y
                        bestX = x
            if bestX is not None:

        # create a "fake" GP from the GP that was passed in (can't just copy
        # b/c original could have been PrefGP)
        hallucGP = GaussianProcess(deepcopy(GP.kernel),
    elif GP.prior is None:
        # if we have no data and no prior, start in the center
        x = array([(b[0] + b[1]) / 2. for b in bounds])
        hallucGP = GaussianProcess(deepcopy(GP.kernel), [x], [0.0],
        # optimize from prior
        bestmu = -inf
        bestX = None
        for m in GP.prior.means:
            argmin = fmin_bfgs(GP.negmu, m, disp=False)
            if GP.mu(argmin) > bestmu:
                bestX = argmin
                bestmu = GP.mu(argmin)
        hallucGP = GaussianProcess(deepcopy(GP.kernel),

    while len(gallery) < N:
        bestUCB = -inf
        bestX = None
        # ut = UCB(hallucGP, len(bounds), N)
        ut = EI(hallucGP, xi=.4)

        opt, optx = maximizeEI(hallucGP, bounds, xi=.3, useCDIRECT=useCDIRECT)
        if len(gallery) == 0 or min(norm(optx - gx) for gx in gallery) > .5:
            bestUCB = opt
            bestX = optx

        # try some random samples
        for x in lhcSample(bounds, samples):
            u = -ut.negf(x)
            if u > bestUCB and min(norm(x - gx) for gx in gallery) > .5:
                '\they, this one is even better!'
                bestUCB = u
                bestX = x

        # now try the prior means
        if hallucGP.prior is not None:
            for x in hallucGP.prior.means:
                x = array([
                    clip(x[i], bounds[i][0], bounds[i][1])
                    for i in xrange(len(x))
                x = x * hallucGP.prior.width + hallucGP.prior.lowerb
                u = -ut.negf(x)
                if u > bestUCB:
                    if len(gallery) == 0 or min(
                            norm(x - gx) for gx in gallery) > .5:
                        bestUCB = u
                        bestX = x


        hallucGP.addData(bestX, hallucGP.mu(bestX))

    return gallery
Exemple #34
def cdirectGP(model, bounds, maxiter, maxtime, maxsample, acqfunc=None, xi=-1, beta=-1, scale=-1, delta=-1, **kwargs):
        if acqfunc == "ei":
            acquisition = 0
            parm = xi
        elif acqfunc == "pi":
            acquisition = 1
            parm = xi
        elif acqfunc == "ucb":
            acquisition = 2
            t = len(model.Y) + 1
            NA = len(bounds)
            parm = sqrt(scale * 2.0 * log(t ** (NA / 2 + 2) * pi ** 2 / (3.0 * delta)))
            raise NotImplementedError("unknown acquisition function %s" % acqfunc)

        if isinstance(model.kernel, GaussianKernel_ard):
            kerneltype = 0
        elif isinstance(model.kernel, GaussianKernel_iso):
            kerneltype = 1
        elif isinstance(model.kernel, MaternKernel3):
            kerneltype = 2
        elif isinstance(model.kernel, MaternKernel5):
            print "Matern 5"
            kerneltype = 3
            raise NotImplementedError("kernel not implemented in C++: %s" % model.kernel.__class__)

        lpath = ctypes.util.find_library("ego")
        if lpath is None:
            import ASAW_config

            lpath = ASAW_config.get_ego_lib_dir() + "libego.so"

            # print '\n[python] could not find ego library!  Did you forget to export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH?'
        lib = cdll[lpath]
        lib.acqmaxGP.restype = POINTER(c_double)
        lib.acqmaxGP.argtypes = [
        NX = len(model.Y)
        NA = len(bounds)
        npbases = 0 if model.prior is None else len(model.prior.means)
        pbtheta = 0 if model.prior is None else model.prior.theta
        if model.prior is None:
            c_pmeans = array([0], dtype=c_double)
            c_pbeta = array([0], dtype=c_double)
            c_pblowerb = array([0], dtype=c_double)
            c_pbwidth = array([0], dtype=c_double)
            c_pmeans = array(array(model.prior.means).reshape(-1), dtype=c_double)
            c_pbeta = array(model.prior.beta, dtype=c_double)
            c_pblowerb = array(model.prior.lowerb, dtype=c_double)
            c_pbwidth = array(model.prior.width, dtype=c_double)

        c_lower = array([b[0] for b in bounds], dtype=c_double)
        c_upper = array([b[1] for b in bounds], dtype=c_double)
        c_hyper = array(model.kernel.hyperparams, dtype=c_double)

        # TODO: use cholesky on the C++ side
        if isinstance(model, PrefGaussianProcess) and model.C is not None:
            c_invR = array(linalg.inv(model.R + linalg.inv(model.C)).reshape(-1), dtype=c_double)
            c_invR = array(linalg.inv(model.R).reshape(-1), dtype=c_double)

        c_X = array(array(model.X).reshape(-1), dtype=c_double)
        c_Y = array(model.Y, dtype=c_double)

        # print c_int(NA)
        # print c_lower.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_upper.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_invR.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_X.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_Y.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_int(NX)
        # print c_int(acqfunc)
        # print c_int(kerneltype)
        # print c_hyper.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_int(npbases)
        # print c_pmeans.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_pbeta.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_double(pbtheta)
        # print c_pblowerb.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_pbwidth.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_double(xi)
        # print c_double(model.noise)
        # print c_int(maxiter)
        # print c_int(maxtime)
        # print c_int(maxsample)

        # print '[python] calling C++ %s (%d) with X.shape = %s' % (acqfunc, acquisition, model.X.shape)
        result = lib.acqmaxGP(
        # print '[python] result =', result.__class__
        # print '[python] result =', result[0]

        opt = -result[0]
        optx = array([x for x in result[1 : NA + 1]])

        # free the pointer
        libc = CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library("libc"))
        libc.free.argtypes = [c_void_p]
        libc.free.restype = None


            print "[python] C++ MaxEI implementation unavailable, attempting C++ DIRECT on Python objective function."
            opt, optx = cdirect(ei.negf, bounds, maxiter=maxiter, maxtime=maxtime, maxsample=maxsample, **kwargs)
            # couldn't access cDIRECT, use Python DIRECT
            print "[python] C++ DIRECT unavailable, attempting Python DIRECT"
            opt, optx = direct(ei.negf, bounds, maxiter=maxiter, maxtime=maxtime, maxsample=maxsample, **kwargs)
        opt = -opt

    if False:
        # do a few random searches to see if we can get a better result.
        # mostly necessary for 1D or 2D optimizations which terminate too
        # soon.
        ei = EI(model)
        for s in lhcSample(bounds, 500):
            if -ei.negf(s) > opt:
                opt = -ei.negf(s)
                optx = s
    return opt, optx
Exemple #35
def cdirectGP(model,
        if acqfunc == 'ei':
            acquisition = 0
            parm = xi
        elif acqfunc == 'pi':
            acquisition = 1
            parm = xi
        elif acqfunc == 'ucb':
            acquisition = 2
            t = len(model.Y) + 1
            NA = len(bounds)
            parm = sqrt(scale * 2.0 * log(t**(NA / 2 + 2) * pi**2 /
                                          (3.0 * delta)))
            raise NotImplementedError('unknown acquisition function %s' %

        if isinstance(model.kernel, GaussianKernel_ard):
            kerneltype = 0
        elif isinstance(model.kernel, GaussianKernel_iso):
            kerneltype = 1
        elif isinstance(model.kernel, MaternKernel3):
            kerneltype = 2
        elif isinstance(model.kernel, MaternKernel5):
            print('Matern 5')
            kerneltype = 3
            raise NotImplementedError('kernel not implemented in C++: %s' %

        lpath = ctypes.util.find_library('ego')
        while lpath is None:
            for lp in [
                if os.path.exists(lp):
                    lpath = lp
        if lpath is None:
                '\n[python] could not find ego library!  Did you forget to export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH?'
        lib = cdll[lpath]
        lib.acqmaxGP.restype = POINTER(c_double)
        lib.acqmaxGP.argtypes = [
            POINTER(c_double), c_int, c_int, c_int,
            POINTER(c_double), c_int,
            POINTER(c_double), c_double,
            POINTER(c_double), c_double, c_double, c_int, c_int, c_int
        NX = len(model.Y)
        NA = len(bounds)
        npbases = 0 if model.prior is None else len(model.prior.means)
        pbtheta = 0 if model.prior is None else model.prior.theta
        if model.prior is None:
            c_pmeans = array([0], dtype=c_double)
            c_pbeta = array([0], dtype=c_double)
            c_pblowerb = array([0], dtype=c_double)
            c_pbwidth = array([0], dtype=c_double)
            c_pmeans = array(array(model.prior.means).reshape(-1),
            c_pbeta = array(model.prior.beta, dtype=c_double)
            c_pblowerb = array(model.prior.lowerb, dtype=c_double)
            c_pbwidth = array(model.prior.width, dtype=c_double)

        c_lower = array([b[0] for b in bounds], dtype=c_double)
        c_upper = array([b[1] for b in bounds], dtype=c_double)
        c_hyper = array(model.kernel.hyperparams, dtype=c_double)

        # TODO: use cholesky on the C++ side
        if isinstance(model, PrefGaussianProcess) and model.C is not None:
            c_invR = array(linalg.inv(model.R +
            c_invR = array(linalg.inv(model.R).reshape(-1), dtype=c_double)

        c_X = array(array(model.X).reshape(-1), dtype=c_double)
        c_Y = array(model.Y, dtype=c_double)

        # print c_int(NA)
        # print c_lower.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_upper.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_invR.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_X.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_Y.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_int(NX)
        # print c_int(acqfunc)
        # print c_int(kerneltype)
        # print c_hyper.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_int(npbases)
        # print c_pmeans.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_pbeta.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_double(pbtheta)
        # print c_pblowerb.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_pbwidth.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
        # print c_double(xi)
        # print c_double(model.noise)
        # print c_int(maxiter)
        # print c_int(maxtime)
        # print c_int(maxsample)

        # print '[python] calling C++ %s (%d) with X.shape = %s' % (acqfunc, acquisition, model.X.shape)
        result = lib.acqmaxGP(c_int(NA),
                              c_Y.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int(NX),
                              c_int(acquisition), c_int(kerneltype),
                              c_double(parm), c_double(model.noise),
                              c_int(maxiter), c_int(maxtime), c_int(maxsample))
        # print '[python] result =', result.__class__
        # print '[python] result =', result[0]

        opt = -result[0]
        optx = array([x for x in result[1:NA + 1]])

        # free the pointer
        libc = CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('libc'))
        libc.free.argtypes = [c_void_p]
        libc.free.restype = None

                '[python] C++ MaxEI implementation unavailable, attempting C++ DIRECT on Python objective function.'
            opt, optx = cdirect(ei.negf,
            # couldn't access cDIRECT, use Python DIRECT
            print('[python] C++ DIRECT unavailable, attempting Python DIRECT')
            opt, optx = direct(ei.negf,
        opt = -opt

    if False:
        # do a few random searches to see if we can get a better result.
        # mostly necessary for 1D or 2D optimizations which terminate too
        # soon.
        ei = EI(model)
        for s in lhcSample(bounds, 500):
            if -ei.negf(s) > opt:
                opt = -ei.negf(s)
                optx = s
    return opt, optx
Exemple #36
def fastUCBGallery(GP, bounds, N, useBest=True, samples=300, useCDIRECT=True):
    Use UCB to generate a gallery of N instances using Monte Carlo to 
    approximate the optimization of the utility function.
    gallery = []

    if len(GP.X) > 0:
        if useBest:
            # find best sample already seen, that lies within the bounds
            bestY = -inf
            bestX = None
            for x, y in zip(GP.X, GP.Y):
                if y > bestY:
                    for v, b in zip(x, bounds):
                        if v < b[0] or v > b[1]:
                        bestY = y
                        bestX = x
            if bestX is not None:
        # create a "fake" GP from the GP that was passed in (can't just copy 
        # b/c original could have been PrefGP)
        hallucGP = GaussianProcess(deepcopy(GP.kernel), deepcopy(GP.X), deepcopy(GP.Y), prior=GP.prior)
    elif GP.prior is None:            
        # if we have no data and no prior, start in the center
        x = array([(b[0]+b[1])/2. for b in bounds])
        hallucGP = GaussianProcess(deepcopy(GP.kernel), [x], [0.0], prior=GP.prior)
        # optimize from prior
        if DEBUG: print 'GET DATA FROM PRIOR'
        bestmu = -inf
        bestX = None
        for m in GP.prior.means:
            argmin = fmin_bfgs(GP.negmu, m, disp=False)
            if DEBUG: print argmin,
            for i in xrange(len(argmin)):
                argmin[i] = clip(argmin[i], bounds[i][0], bounds[i][1])
            # if DEBUG: print 'converted to', argmin
            if GP.mu(argmin) > bestmu:
                bestX = argmin
                bestmu = GP.mu(argmin)
                if DEBUG: print '***** bestmu =', bestmu
                if DEBUG: print '***** bestX =', bestX
        hallucGP = GaussianProcess(deepcopy(GP.kernel), bestX, bestmu, prior=GP.prior)
    while len(gallery) < N:
        if DEBUG: print '\n\n\thave %d data for gallery' % len(gallery)
        bestUCB = -inf
        bestX = None
        # ut = UCB(hallucGP, len(bounds), N)
        ut = EI(hallucGP, xi=.4)
        if DEBUG: print '\tget with max EI'
        opt, optx = maximizeEI(hallucGP, bounds, xi=.3, useCDIRECT=useCDIRECT)
        if len(gallery)==0 or min(norm(optx-gx) for gx in gallery) > .5:
            if DEBUG: print '\tgot one'
            bestUCB = opt
            bestX = optx
            if DEBUG: print '\ttoo close to existing'
        # try some random samples
        if DEBUG: print '\ttry random samples'
        for x in lhcSample(bounds, samples):
            u = -ut.negf(x)
            if u > bestUCB and min(norm(x-gx) for gx in gallery) > .5:
                '\they, this one is even better!'
                bestUCB = u
                bestX = x
        # now try the prior means
        if hallucGP.prior is not None:
            if DEBUG: print '\ttry prior means (bestUCB = %f)'%bestUCB
            for x in hallucGP.prior.means:
                x = array([clip(x[i], bounds[i][0], bounds[i][1]) for i in xrange(len(x))])
                x = x * hallucGP.prior.width + hallucGP.prior.lowerb
                u = -ut.negf(x)
                # if DEBUG: print 'u = %f', u
                if u > bestUCB:
                    if len(gallery)==0 or min(norm(x-gx) for gx in gallery) > .5:
                        if DEBUG: print '\tthis one is even better!  prior mean %s has u = %f' % (x, u)
                        bestUCB = u
                        bestX = x
        hallucGP.addData(bestX, hallucGP.mu(bestX))
    return gallery