Exemple #1
def test_to_python(input, expected):
    '''tests the method to_python of the NAarrayfield Field object'''

    n = NArrayField()

    if expected == ValidationError:
        with pytest.raises(ValidationError):  # @UndefinedVariable
            val = n.to_python(input)
        val = n.to_python(input)
        assert val == expected
        assert n.to_python(expected) == expected
        # test failing cases by providing boundary conditions:
        len_ = 1 if isscalar(val) else len(val)
        if len_ > 0:
            min_ = val if isscalar(val) else min(val)
            max_ = val if isscalar(val) else max(val)
            with pytest.raises(ValidationError):  # @UndefinedVariable
                NArrayField(min_value=min_ + 1).to_python(val)
            with pytest.raises(ValidationError):  # @UndefinedVariable
                NArrayField(max_value=max_ - 1).to_python(val)
            with pytest.raises(ValidationError):  # @UndefinedVariable
                NArrayField(min_count=len_ + 1).to_python(val)
            with pytest.raises(ValidationError):  # @UndefinedVariable
                NArrayField(max_count=len_ - 1).to_python(val)
            # test ok case by providing boundary conditions:
            val2 = \
                NArrayField(max_count=len_+1, min_count=len_-1,
                            min_value=min_-1, max_value=max_+1).to_python(val)
            # test ok case by providing boundary conditions as arrays (val):
            val2 = NArrayField(max_count=len_ + 1,
                               min_count=len_ - 1,
            assert val2 == expected
Exemple #2
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(TrellisForm, self).clean()

        # calculate z1pt0 and z2pt5 if needed, raise in case of errors:
        vs30 = cleaned_data['vs30']  # surely a list with st least one element
        vs30scalar = isscalar(vs30)
        vs30s = np.array(vectorize(vs30), dtype=float)

        # check vs30-dependent values:
        for name, func in (['z1pt0', vs30_to_z1pt0_cy14],
                           ['z2pt5', vs30_to_z2pt5_cb14]):
            if name not in cleaned_data or cleaned_data[name] == []:
                values = func(vs30s)  # numpy-function
                cleaned_data[name] = \
                    float(values[0]) if vs30scalar else values.tolist()
            elif isscalar(cleaned_data[name]) != isscalar(vs30) or \
                    (not isscalar(vs30) and
                     len(vs30) != len(cleaned_data[name])):
                str_ = 'scalar' if isscalar(vs30) else \
                    '%d-elements vector' % len(vs30)
                # instead of raising ValidationError, which is keyed with
                # '__all__' we add the error keyed to the given field name
                # `name` via `self.add_error`:
                # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/ref/forms/validation/#cleaning-and-validating-fields-that-depend-on-each-other
                error = ValidationError(_("value must be consistent with vs30 "
                                          "(%s)" % str_),
                self.add_error(name, error)

        return cleaned_data
Exemple #3
    def to_python(self, value):
        # three scenarios: iterable: take iterable
        # non iterable: parse [value]
        # string: split value into iterable
        values = []
        is_vector = not isscalar(value)

        if value is not None:
            if not is_vector and isinstance(value, str):
                value = value.strip()
                is_vector = value[:1] == '['
                if is_vector != (value[-1:] == ']'):
                    raise ValidationError('unbalanced brackets')
                    value = json.loads(value if is_vector else "[%s]" % value)
                except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                        value = shlex.split(
                            value[1:-1].strip() if is_vector else value)
                    except Exception:
                        raise ValidationError('Input syntax error')

            for val in vectorize(value):
                    vls = self.parse(val)
                except ValidationError:
                except Exception as exc:
                    raise ValidationError("%s: %s" % (str(val), str(exc)))

                if isscalar(vls):
                    # force the return value to be list even if we have 1 elm:
                    is_vector = True

            # check lengths:
                self.checkrange(len(values), self.min_count, self.max_count)
            except ValidationError as verr:
                # just re-format exception stringand raise:
                # msg should be in the form '% not in ...', remove first '%s'
                msg = verr.message[verr.message.find(' '):]
                raise ValidationError('number of elements (%d) %s' %
                                      (len(values), msg))

            # check bounds:
            minval, maxval = self.min_value, self.max_value
            minval = [minval] * len(values) if isscalar(minval) else minval
            maxval = [maxval] * len(values) if isscalar(maxval) else maxval
            for numval, mnval, mxval in zip(values,
                                            chain(minval, repeat(None)),
                                            chain(maxval, repeat(None))):
                self.checkrange(numval, mnval, mxval)

        return values[0] if (len(values) == 1 and not is_vector) else values