def test_verify_xml_signatures_success(self):
        with cast(TextIO, (DATA_DIR / 'signed_response.xml').open('r')) as f:
            tree = parse_xml(

            tree)  # Reverts pretty printing applied after signing
        verify_xml_signatures(tree, CERT_FILE)
 def test_verify_xml_signatures_ref_not_found(self):
     root = Element('root')
     signature = SubElement(root, QName(XML_SIG_NAMESPACE, 'Signature'))
     info = SubElement(signature, QName(XML_SIG_NAMESPACE, 'SignedInfo'))
     SubElement(info, QName(XML_SIG_NAMESPACE, 'Reference'), {'URI': '#id'})
     with self.assertRaisesMessage(
             "Signature 1, reference 1: Element with id 'id' not found."):
         verify_xml_signatures(root, CERT_FILE)
Exemple #3
    def verify_request(self, cert_file: str) -> None:
        """Verify XML signature of the whole request."""
        signature = self.request_signature
        if signature is None:
            raise SecurityError('Signature does not exist.')

        # We need to check not only that a valid signature exists but it must also reference the correct element.
        for valid_signature, references in verify_xml_signatures(self.document.getroot(), cert_file):
            if valid_signature is signature:
                if signature.getparent() not in references:
                    raise SecurityError('Signature does not reference parent element.')
            raise SecurityError('Signature not found.')
Exemple #4
    def _verify_and_remove_signature(self, signature: Optional[Element], cert_file: str) -> None:
        """Verify signature and remove it from document."""
        if signature is None:
            raise SecurityError('Signature does not exist.')

        # We need to check not only that a valid signature exists but it must also reference the correct element.
        for valid_signature, references in verify_xml_signatures(self.document.getroot(), cert_file):
            if valid_signature is signature:
                if signature.getparent() not in references:
                    raise SecurityError('Signature does not reference parent element.')

                # Remove the signature as further document manipulations might invalidate it.
                # E.g., decrypting an encrypted assertion invalidates signature of the whole response.
            raise SecurityError('Signature not found.')
    def test_verify_xml_signatures_nia(self):
        with cast(TextIO, (DATA_DIR / 'nia_test_response.xml').open('r')) as f:
            tree = parse_xml(

        verify_xml_signatures(tree, NIA_CERT_FILE)
 def test_verify_xml_signatures_no_signatures(self):
     root = Element('root')
     self.assertEqual(verify_xml_signatures(root, CERT_FILE), [])