def insert(node1, node2, node4, alpha): """ Returns the node inserted between two initial points. node1: index of initial point node2: index of initial point node4: index of inserted point (may have a value of -1) alpha: fraction that node4 is like node2; n4.value = alpha n2.value + (1-alpha) n1.value If -1 is specified as the index for node4, a new node will be created for the inserted point. If node1 and node2 are adjacent nodes along a characteristic line, node4 will be connected in between. """ if node1 == node2: raise RuntimeError("Same index given for node1 and node2.") n1 = kernel.nodes[node1] n2 = kernel.nodes[node2] if node4 == -1: n4 = kernel.Node() node4 = n4.indx else: n4 = nodes[node4] # Enforce a 0.0..1.0 range for alpha alpha = max(min(alpha, 1.0), 0.0) # Linearly interpolate node properties. n4.x = (1-alpha)*n1.x + alpha*n2.x n4.y = (1-alpha)*n1.y + alpha*n2.y = (1-alpha)* + alpha* n4.theta = (1-alpha)*n1.theta + alpha*n2.theta n4.mach = igf.PM2(, kernel.g) # Connect into the mesh only if nodes 1 and 2 are adjacent. print("node1=", node1, "n1.cminus_down=", n1.cminus_down, "node2=", node2, "n2.cminus_up=", n2.cminus_up) if (n1.cplus_down == node2) and (n2.cplus_up == node1) and (n1.cplus_down != -1): n4.cplus_up = node1; n1.cplus_down = node4 n2.cplus_up = node4; n4.cplus_down = node2 elif (n1.cplus_up == node2) and (n2.cplus_down == node1) and (n1.cplus_up != -1): n4.cplus_up = node2; n2.cplus_down = node4 n1.cplus_up = node4; n4.cplus_down = node1 elif (n1.cminus_down == node2) and (n2.cminus_up == node1) and (n1.cminus_down != -1): n4.cminus_up = node1; n1.cminus_down = node4 n2.cminus_up = node4; n4.cminus_down = node2 elif (n1.cminus_up == node2) and (n2.cminus_down == node1) and (n1.cminus_up != -1): n4.cminus_up = node2; n2.cminus_down = node4 n1.cminus_up = node4; n4.cminus_down = node1 elif (n1.czero_down == node2) and (n2.czero_up == node1) and (n1.czero_down != -1): n4.czero_up = node1; n1.czero_down = node4 n2.czero_up = node4; n4.czero_down = node2 elif (n1.czero_up == node2) and (n2.czero_down == node1) and (n1.czero_up != -1): n4.czero_up = node2; n2.czero_down = node4 n1.czero_up = node4; n4.czero_down = node1 # Assuming success... return n4
def cplus_wall(fn_wall, node2, node4): """ Returns a point on the wall, computed from one initial point. fn_wall: user-supplied function defining wall y=f(x) node2: index of initial point along C+ characteristic node4: index of solution point (may have a value of -1) If -1 is specified as the index for node4, a new node will be created for the solution point. """ if not callable(fn_wall): raise RuntimeError("cplus_wall expects a callable function for fn_wall.") n2 = kernel.nodes[node2] x2 = n2.x; y2 = n2.y; pm2 =; th2 = n2.theta; m2 = n2.mach # Mach angles mu2 = asin(1/m2) # Use point 2 to get the streamline direction cosines. xStream = cos(th2); yStream = sin(th2) # Guess at the solution point properties. # The position may be way off but it is used as part of # the convergence check a little further on. x4 = x2; y4 = y2 th4 = th2; mu4 = mu2 # Compute the solution point position and flow properties. converged = False iteration_count =0 while (not converged) and (iteration_count < max_iteration): x4_old = x4; y4_old = y4 # Locate solution point by assuming straight-line segments. sinCplus = 0.5*(sin(th2+mu2) + sin(th4+mu4)) cosCplus = 0.5*(cos(th2+mu2) + cos(th4+mu4)) # x4, y4 = wall_position(fn_wall, x2, y2, cosCplus, sinCplus) dx = x4-x4_old; dy = y4-y4_old change_in_position = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) # # Lengths of the characteristic segment. dx = x4-x2; dy = y4-y2 lengthCminus = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) dot_product = dx*xStream + dy*yStream if dot_product < 0.0: directionCplus = -1 else: directionCplus = +1 # # Update flow properties at solution point # First, assume 2D planar geometry then add # axisymmetric contributions if flag is set. th4 = atan(wall_slope(fn_wall, x4)) pm4 = pm2 + (th4-th2) if kernel.axisymmetric: if y4 < 1.0e-6: raise RuntimeError("cplus_wall: new node is too close to axis.") # Axisymmetric components. axiterm4 = sin(mu4)*sin(th4)/y4 if y2 < 1.0e-6: axiterm2 = axiterm4 else: axiterm2 = sin(mu2)*sin(th2)/y2 # integralCplus = 0.5*directionCplus*lengthCplus*(axiterm2+axiterm4) # Include axisymmetric components. pm4 += integralCplus # iteration_count += 1 converged = change_in_position < position_tolerance # Save the solution-point properties and connect the # node into the characteristic mesh. if node4 == -1: n4 = kernel.Node() node4 = n4.indx else: n4 = nodes[node4] m4 = igf.PM2(pm4, kernel.g) n4.x = x4; n4.y = y4; = pm4; n4.theta = th4; n4.mach = m4 # We assume that the principal flow direction # is in the positive x-direction. if x4 > x2: n4.cplus_up = node2; n2.cplus_down = node4 else: n4.cplus_down = node2; n2.cplus_up = node4 return n4
def interior(node1, node2, node4): """ Returns an interior point computed from two initial points. node1: index of initial point along C- characteristic node2: index of initial point along C+ characteristic node4: index of solution point (may have a value of -1) If -1 is specified as the index for node4, a new node will be created for the solution point. """ if node1 == node2: raise RuntimeError("Same index given for node1 and node2.") n1 = kernel.nodes[node1] n2 = kernel.nodes[node2] x1 = n1.x; y1 = n1.y; pm1 =; th1 = n1.theta; m1 = n1.mach x2 = n2.x; y2 = n2.y; pm2 =; th2 = n2.theta; m2 = n2.mach # Mach angles mu1 = asin(1/m1) mu2 = asin(1/m2) # Use point 2 to get the streamline direction cosines. xStream = cos(th2); yStream = sin(th2) # Guess at some of the solution point properties. # The position will be way off but it is used as part of # the convergence check a little further on. x4 = 0.5*(x1+x2); y4 = 0.5*(y1+y2) th4 = 0.5*(th1+th2) mu4 = 0.5*(mu1+mu2) # Compute the solution point position and flow properties. converged = False iteration_count =0 while (not converged) and (iteration_count < max_iteration): x4_old = x4; y4_old = y4 # Locate solution point by assuming straight-line segments. sinCminus = 0.5*(sin(th1-mu1) + sin(th4-mu4)) cosCminus = 0.5*(cos(th1-mu1) + cos(th4-mu4)) sinCplus = 0.5*(sin(th2+mu2) + sin(th4+mu4)) cosCplus = 0.5*(cos(th2+mu2) + cos(th4+mu4)) # numerator = (x2-x1)*sinCplus - (y2-y1)*cosCplus; denominator = cosCminus*sinCplus - sinCminus*cosCplus; if abs(denominator) <= 1.0e-12: raise RuntimeError("Interior: characteristics are parallel.") lambdaCminus = numerator/denominator x4 = x1 + lambdaCminus*cosCminus y4 = y1 + lambdaCminus*sinCminus dx = x4-x4_old; dy = y4-y4_old change_in_position = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) # # Lengths of the characteristic segments. dx = x4-x1; dy = y4-y1 lengthCminus = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) dot_product = dx*xStream + dy*yStream if dot_product < 0.0: directionCminus = -1 else: directionCminus = +1 # dx = x4-x2; dy = y4-y2 lengthCplus = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) dot_product = dx*xStream + dy*yStream if dot_product < 0.0: directionCplus = -1 else: directionCplus = +1 # # Update flow properties at solution point # First, assume 2D planar geometry then add # axisymmetric contributions if flag is set. pm4 = 0.5*(pm1+pm2) + 0.5*(th1-th2) th4 = 0.5*(pm1-pm2) + 0.5*(th1+th2) if kernel.axisymmetric: if y1 < 1.0e-6 and y2 < 1.0e-6: raise RuntimeError("Interior: both nodes are too close to axis.") # Axisymmetric components. if y1 < 1.0e-6: axiterm1 = sin(mu2)*sin(th2)/y2 else: axiterm1 = sin(mu1)*sin(th1)/y1 if y2 < 1.0e-6: axiterm2 = sin(mu1)*sin(th1)/y1 else: axiterm2 = sin(mu2)*sin(th2)/y2 # axiterm4 = sin(mu4)*sin(th4)/y4 integralCminus = 0.5*directionCminus*lengthCminus*(axiterm1+axiterm4) integralCplus = 0.5*directionCplus*lengthCplus*(axiterm2+axiterm4) # Include axisymmetric components. pm4 += 0.5*(integralCminus+integralCplus) th4 += 0.5*(integralCminus-integralCplus) # iteration_count += 1 converged = change_in_position < position_tolerance # Save the solution-point properties and connect the # node into the characteristic mesh. if node4 == -1: n4 = kernel.Node() node4 = n4.indx else: n4 = nodes[node4] m4 = igf.PM2(pm4, kernel.g) n4.x = x4; n4.y = y4; = pm4; n4.theta = th4; n4.mach = m4 # We assume that the principal flow direction # is in the positive x-direction. if x4 > x2: n4.cplus_up = node2; n2.cplus_down = node4 else: n4.cplus_down = node2; n2.cplus_up = node4 if x4 > x1: n4.cminus_up = node1; n1.cminus_down = node4 else: n4.cminus_down = node1; n1.cminus_up = node4 return n4
result = math.isclose(a, b, rel_tol=1.0e-2, abs_tol=1.0e-5) # print("a=",a, "b=",b, "rel=",(a-b)/b, "abs=",a-b, "result=",result) return result print("Begin imoc test...") kernel.axisymmetric = False kernel.g = 1.4 # Select the reference data from the MOC solution to the nozzle design # in Anderson's Modern Compressible Flow text, example 11.1. # Numbers are from the solution generated by the old IMOC code. print("Define a couple on nodes.") n3 = kernel.Node(x=0.051787, y=0.047831, nu=PM1(1.321), mach=1.321, theta=0.10472) n9 = kernel.Node(x=0.067270, y=0.0, nu=PM1(1.321), mach=1.321, theta=0.0) print("n3=", n3) print("n9=", n9) print("Make a new, interior node.") n10 = unit.interior(n3.indx, n9.indx, -1) print("n3=", n3) print("n9=", n9) print("n10=", n10) assert approxEqual(n10.theta, 0.052360), "interior node, flow angle" assert approxEqual(, 0.170169), "interior node, PM function" assert approxEqual(n10.mach, 1.42638), "interior node, mach number" assert approxEqual(n10.x, 0.081977), "interior node, x position"