Exemple #1
    def thermal_expansivity(self, pressure, temperature, volume , params):
        Returns thermal expansivity at the pressure, temperature, and volume [1/K]
        Replace -Pth in EQ 13+1 with P-Pth for non-ambient temperature 
        a, b, c = mt.tait_constants(params)
        einstein_T=self.__einstein_temperature(params['S_0'], params['n'])
        C_V0 = einstein.heat_capacity_v( T_0, einstein_T, params['n'] )
        C_V =  einstein.heat_capacity_v(temperature, einstein_T,params['n'])
        alpha = params['a_0'] * (C_V/C_V0) *1./((1.+b*psubpth)*(a + (1.-a)*np.power((1+b*psubpth), c)))
        return alpha
Exemple #2
    def __thermal_pressure(self,T,params):
        Returns thermal pressure [Pa] as a function of T [K] 
        EQ 12 - 1 of Holland and Powell, 2011 

        # This is basically the mie-gruneisen equation of state for thermal
        # pressure using an Einstein model for heat capacity.  The additional
        # assumption that they make is that alpha*K/Cv, (or gamma / V) is 
        # constant over a wide range of compressions.

        # Note that the xi function in HP2011 is just the Einstein heat capacity
        # divided by 3nR.  I don't know why they don't use that, but anyhow...

        E_th = einstein.thermal_energy( T, einstein_T, params['n'] )
        C_V0 = einstein.heat_capacity_v( T_0, einstein_T, params['n'] )
        P_th = params['a_0']*params['K_0'] / C_V0 * E_th
        return P_th
Exemple #3
    def heat_capacity_p(self, pressure, temperature, volume, params):
        Returns the heat capacity [J/K/mol] as a function of pressure [Pa]
        and temperature [K].
        a, b, c = mt.tait_constants(params)

        ksi_over_ksi_0=einstein.heat_capacity_v( temperature, params['T_einstein'], params['n'] )/einstein.heat_capacity_v( params['T_0'], params['T_einstein'], params['n'] )

        dSdT=params['V_0']*params['K_0']*np.power((ksi_over_ksi_0*params['a_0']),2.0)*(np.power((1.+b*(pressure-params['P_0']-Pth)), -1.-c) - np.power((1.+b*(-Pth)), -1.-c))

        # Add order-disorder terms if required
        if params.has_key('landau_Tc'): # For a phase transition described by Landau term
            Cpdisord=heat_capacity_p_disorder_Landau(pressure, temperature, params)

        return self.heat_capacity_p0(temperature,params) + temperature*dSdT + Cpdisord
Exemple #4
    def __thermal_pressure(self,T,params):
        Returns thermal pressure [Pa] as a function of T [K] 
        EQ 12 - 1 of Holland and Powell, 2011 

        # This is basically the mie-gruneisen equation of state for thermal
        # pressure using an Einstein model for heat capacity.  The additional
        # assumption that they make is that alpha*K/Cv, (or gamma / V) is 
        # constant over a wide range of compressions.

        # Note that the xi function in HP2011 is just the Einstein heat capacity
        # divided by 3nR. This function is *not* used to calculate the
        # heat capacity - Holland and Powell (2011) prefer the additional 
        # freedom provided by their polynomial expression.

        E_th = einstein.thermal_energy( T, params['T_einstein'], params['n'] )
        C_V0 = einstein.heat_capacity_v( params['T_0'], params['T_einstein'], params['n'] )
        P_th = params['a_0']*params['K_0'] / C_V0 * E_th
        return P_th
Exemple #5
    def entropy(self,pressure,temperature, volume, params):
        Returns the entropy [J/K/mol] as a function of pressure [Pa]
        and temperature [K].
        a, b, c = mt.tait_constants(params)

        ksi_over_ksi_0=einstein.heat_capacity_v( temperature, params['T_einstein'], params['n'] )/einstein.heat_capacity_v( params['T_0'], params['T_einstein'], params['n'] )

        dintVdpdx=(params['V_0']*params['a_0']*params['K_0']*a*ksi_over_ksi_0)*(np.power((1.+b*(pressure-params['P_0']-Pth)), 0.-c) - np.power((1.-b*Pth), 0.-c))

        # Add order-disorder terms if required
        if params.has_key('landau_Tc'): # For a phase transition described by Landau term
            Sdisord=entropy_disorder_Landau(pressure, temperature, params)
            if params.has_key('BW_deltaH'): # Add Bragg-Williams disordering
                Sdisord=entropy_disorder_BW(pressure, temperature, params) - entropy_disorder_BW(params['P_0'], params['T_0'], params)

        return params['S_0'] + self.__intCpoverTdT(temperature, params) + dintVdpdx + Sdisord