Exemple #1
def ekf_test():
    x, P = ekf.initial_state()

    for u in np.linspace(0, 0.2, 10):
        x, P = ekf.predict(x, P, 0.0625, u, 0)
        print " negligible accel", u, x

    x, P = ekf.predict(x, P, 0.0625, 1, 0)
    x, P = ekf.predict(x, P, 0.0625, 1, 0)
    x, P = ekf.predict(x, P, 0.0625, 1, 0)
    print 'after 3 accel', x
    x, P = ekf.predict(x, P, 0.0625, -1, 0)
    x, P = ekf.predict(x, P, 0.0625, -1, 0)
    print 'after 2 brake', x
    for i in range(100):
        x, P = ekf.predict(x, P, 0.0625, -1, 0)
        print x[0]
    print 'after 100 coast', x
    x, P = ekf.update_centerline(x, P, 0, 0.01, 0.1, np.eye(3) * 0.1)
    print x
Exemple #2
def replay(fname, f):
    vidout = None

    x, P = ekf.initial_state()
    t0 = None
    dt = 1.0 / 30
    # gyrozs = []
    wheels_last = None
    frameno = 0

    statelist = []
    encoderlist = []
    tlist = []
    last_throttle = 0
    last_steering = 0

    LL_center, LL_imu, LL_encoders = 0, 0, 0

    while True:
        ok, record = recordreader.read_frame(f)
        (tstamp, throttle, steering, accel, gyro, servo, wheels, periods,
         frame) = record
        if not ok:

        bgr = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR)
        bgrbig = cv2.resize(bgr[::-1],
        frame = np.int32(frame)
        cv2.imshow("frame", bgrbig)
        # cv2.waitKey()

        frameno += 1
        print(fname, 'frame', frameno)

        if t0 is not None:
            dt = tstamp - t0

        x0, P0 = np.copy(x), np.copy(P)

        t = (0.7 * last_throttle + 0.3 * throttle)
        s = last_steering
        x, P = ekf.predict(x, P, dt, t / 127.0, s / 127.0)

        last_throttle, last_steering = throttle, steering
        #print 'x_predict\n', x
        xpred, Ppred = np.copy(x), np.copy(P)

        hv, th, B, yc, Rk = imgproc.detect_centerline(frame[:, :, 1])

        if B is not None:
            x, P, LL_center = ekf.update_centerline(x, P, B[0], B[1], B[2], yc,
            #print 'x_centerline\n', x

        #print 'accel', accel
        #print 'gyro', gyro[2]
        x, P, LL_imu = ekf.update_IMU(x, P, gyro[2])
        #print 'x_gyro\n', x

        #print 'wheels', wheels, 'periods', periods
        if wheels_last is not None:
            ds = np.sum(wheels - wheels_last) / 4.0
            if ds != 0:
                x, P, LL_encoders = ekf.update_encoders(
                    x, P, ds / dt, float(servo))
                #print 'x_encoders\n', x
                x, P, LL_encoders = ekf.update_encoders(x, P, 0, float(servo))
                #print 'x_encoders\n', x

        # gyrozs.append(gyro[2])
        # print 'gyro', gyro[2], 'mean', np.mean(gyrozs), 'std', np.std(gyrozs)

        #print 'LL', LL_center, LL_imu, LL_encoders

        #print 'k', x[4], 1.0 / P[4, 4]

        timg = cv2.resize(th[::-1],
                          (320, int(320 * th.shape[0] / th.shape[1])),
        timg = np.uint8(timg * (255.0 / np.max(timg)))
        mimg = cv2.resize(bgr[::-1],
                          (320, int(320 * bgr.shape[0] / bgr.shape[1])),
        hvimg = cv2.resize(hv[::-1],
                           (320, int(320 * hv.shape[0] / hv.shape[1])),

        vidframe = np.zeros((timg.shape[0] + frame.shape[0], 640, 3), np.uint8)
        if vidout is None:
            vidout = cv2.VideoWriter(
                "replay.h264", cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('X', '2', '6', '4'), 30,
                (640, vidframe.shape[0]), True)
        # vidframe[:frame.shape[0], :320, 0] = 255 - frame
        # vidframe[:frame.shape[0], :320, 1] = 255 - frame
        # vidframe[:frame.shape[0], :320, 2] = 255 - frame
        vidframe[:mimg.shape[0]:, 320:, :] = mimg
        vidframe[-hvimg.shape[0]:, :320, 0] = 128 - hvimg * 0.25
        vidframe[-hvimg.shape[0]:, :320, 1] = 128 - hvimg * 0.25
        vidframe[-hvimg.shape[0]:, :320, 2] = 128 - hvimg * 0.25
        vidframe[frame.shape[0]:, 320:, 0] = timg
        vidframe[frame.shape[0]:, 320:, 1] = timg
        vidframe[frame.shape[0]:, 320:, 2] = timg

        vidscale = timg.shape[1] / th.shape[1]

        cv2.line(vidframe, (160, 130), (160 + throttle, 130), (0, 255, 0), 3)
        cv2.line(vidframe, (160, 135), (160 + steering, 135), (255, 180, 180),

        cv2.putText(vidframe, "YUV -U channel", (10, 12),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.9, (200, 255, 255))

        cv2.putText(vidframe, "birdseye, 25mm/pixel", (330, 12),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.9, (200, 255, 255))

        cv2.putText(vidframe, "horizontal convolution w/ kernel",
                    (10, 140 + 12), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.9,
                    (200, 255, 255))
        cv2.putText(vidframe, "[-1, -1, 2, 2, -1, -1]", (10, 140 + 12 + 12),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.9, (200, 255, 255))

        cv2.putText(vidframe, "ReLU after conv, quadratic fit",
                    (330, 140 + 12), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.9,
                    (200, 255, 255))

        if B is not None:
            # ye = -B[2]
            # psi_e = np.arctan(B[1])
            # k = 2*B[0] / (np.sqrt(B[1]**2 + 1)**3)
            draw_measurement(vidframe[frame.shape[0]:, 320:], B, vidscale,
                             (0, 255, 0), 1)

        # draw_state(vidframe[frame.shape[0]:, 320:], x[:5], vidscale, 2)
        draw_state(vidframe[frame.shape[0]:, 320:], xpred[:5], vidscale, 2)
            # U = np.linalg.cholesky(P[:5, :5]).T
            U = np.linalg.cholesky(Ppred[:5, :5]).T
            # now we render x, and each x + U[i] / x - U[i]

            for i in range(5):
                draw_state(vidframe[frame.shape[0]:, 320:], x[:5] + U[i],
                           vidscale, 1)
                draw_state(vidframe[frame.shape[0]:, 320:], x[:5] - U[i],
                           vidscale, 1)
        except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:

        #print 'x5   ', x[:5]
        #print 'Prec5', 1.0 / np.diag(P[:5, :5])

        cv2.imshow('f', vidframe)
        k = cv2.waitKey()
        if k == ord('q'):
        if k == ord(',') and len(statelist) > 0:  # previous frame
            x, P = statelist[-1]
            wheels_last = encoderlist[-1]
            #print 'wheels_last', wheels_last
            t0 = tlist[-1]
            f.seek(-recordreader.framesiz * 2, 1)
            frameno -= 2
            statelist.append((x0, P0))
            wheels_last = wheels
            t0 = tstamp
Exemple #3
def replay_LL(fname, f):
    x, P = ekf.initial_state()
    t0 = None
    dt = 1.0 / 30
    # gyrozs = []
    wheels_last = None
    frameno = 0

    last_throttle = 0
    last_steering = 0

    LLsum = np.zeros(3)

    steertrim = open("steertrim.txt", "w")
    likelihood = open("likelihood.txt", "w")
    trackcurv = open("trackcurv.txt", "w")
    s_coord = 0

    while True:
        imgsiz = imgproc.bucketcount.shape[0] * imgproc.bucketcount.shape[1] * 3
        framesiz = 55 + imgsiz
        buf = f.read(framesiz)
        if len(buf) < framesiz:
        header = struct.unpack("=IIIbbffffffBHHHHHHHH", buf[:55])
        if header[0] != framesiz:
            print "recording frame size doesn't match this parser"
            raise Exception("image should be %d bytes (%dx%d), is %d bytes" %
                            ((framesiz, ) + imgproc.bucketcount.shape +
                             (header[0], )))
        tstamp = header[1] + header[2] / 1000000.
        throttle, steering = header[3:5]
        accel = np.float32(header[5:8])
        gyro = np.float32(header[8:11])
        servo = header[11]
        wheels = np.uint16(header[12:16])
        periods = np.uint16(header[16:20])
        frame = np.frombuffer(buf[55:], np.uint8).reshape(
            (imgproc.bucketcount.shape[0], imgproc.bucketcount.shape[1], 3))
        frame = np.int32(frame)

        frameno += 1

        if t0 is not None:
            dt = tstamp - t0
            print 'dt', dt
        t0 = tstamp

        t = (last_throttle + 2 * throttle) / 3.0
        s = last_steering
        #x, P = ekf.predict(x, P, dt, throttle / 127.0, steering / 127.0)
        x, P = ekf.predict(x, P, dt, t / 127.0, s / 127.0)
        last_throttle, last_steering = throttle, steering
        # print 'x_predict\n', x

        hv, th, B, yc, Rk = imgproc.detect_centerline(frame[:, :, 1])

        LL_center, LL_imu, LL_encoders = 0, 0, 0

        if B is not None:
            x, P, LL_center = ekf.update_centerline(x, P, B[0], B[1], B[2], yc,
            # print 'x_centerline\n', x

        # print 'accel', accel
        # print 'gyro', gyro[2]
        x, P, LL_imu = ekf.update_IMU(x, P, gyro[2])
        # print 'x_gyro\n', x

        # print 'wheels', wheels, 'periods', periods
        if wheels_last is not None:
            # wait WHAT? this isn't what i'm doing in the car..
            ds = np.sum(wheels - wheels_last) / 4.0
            if ds != 0:
                x, P, LL_encoders = ekf.update_encoders(
                    x, P, ds / dt, float(servo))
                # print 'x_encoders\n', x
                x, P, LL_encoders = ekf.update_encoders(x, P, 0, float(servo))
                # print 'x_encoders\n', x
        wheels_last = wheels

        print >> steertrim, x[0], x[1], last_steering, gyro
        print >> likelihood, LL_center, LL_imu, LL_encoders
        v, delta, ye, psie, kappa = x[:5]
        s_coord += dt * v / (1 - kappa * ye)
        # we should get our error estimate on s also..
        if B is not None:
            # measurement was taken ds meters in front of the car
            ds = yc * np.cos(x[2])
            print >> trackcurv, s_coord + ds, kappa, np.sqrt(P[4, 4])

        # gyrozs.append(gyro[2])
        # print 'gyro', gyro[2], 'mean', np.mean(gyrozs), 'std', np.std(gyrozs)

        print 'LL', LL_center, LL_imu, LL_encoders
        LLsum += [LL_center, LL_imu, LL_encoders]

    print 'final x\n', x
    print 'final P\n', np.diag(P)
    return LLsum