def test_lease_app_data(client): """Function to test the lease_app_data function""" customer = Customer(client, number='+254711892648') data = {"a": {"name": "update_after_lease"}} loop.run_until_complete(customer.update_app_data(data)) response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.lease_app_data()) assert response["a"]["name"] == "update_after_lease"
def test_delete_metadata(client): """Function to test the delete_metadata function""" customer = Customer(client, number='+254711892648') response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.delete_metadata(["hollow"])) assert all(elem in response for elem in ("customer_id", "status", "description")) response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.get_state()) assert "hollow" not in response["identity_state"]['metadata']
def test_update_messaging_consent(client): """Function to test the update_messaging_consent function""" customer = Customer(client, number='+254711892648') messaging_channel = {"number": sms_sender_id, "channel": "SMS"} response = loop.run_until_complete( customer.update_messaging_consent(messaging_channel)) assert all(elem in response for elem in ("customer_id", "status", "description"))
def test_reply_to_message(client): """Function to test the reply_to_message function""" customer = Customer(client, id='some-customer-id') message = {"body": {"text": "Python sms messaging reply test"}} response = loop.run_until_complete( customer.reply_to_message("some-message-id", message)) assert all(elem in response for elem in ("customer_id", "status", "description", "message_id", "session_id"))
def test_delete_tags(client): """Function to test the delete_tags function""" customer = Customer(client, number='+254711892648') response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.delete_tags(["coffid"])) assert all(elem in response for elem in ("customer_id", "status", "description")) response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.get_state()) assert not list(value for elem, value in response["identity_state"]['tags'] if value in ("coffid"))
def test_send_message(client): """Function to test the send_message function""" customer = Customer(client, number='+254711892648') messaging_channel = {"number": sms_sender_id, "channel": "sms"} message = {"body": {"text": "Python sms messaging test"}} response = loop.run_until_complete( customer.send_message(messaging_channel, message)) assert all(elem in response for elem in ("customer_id", "status", "description", "message_id", "session_id"))
def test_update_metadata(client): """Function to test the update_metadata function""" customer = Customer(client, number='+254711892648') data = {"key": "test-key", "hollow": 1020, "payload": {"a": "Test"}} response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.update_metadata(data)) assert all(elem in response for elem in ("customer_id", "status", "description")) response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.get_state()) assert all(elem in response["identity_state"]["metadata"] for elem in ("key", "hollow", "payload"))
def test_get_state(client): """Function to test the get_state function""" customer = Customer(client, number='254711891648') response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.get_state()) assert all(elem in response for elem in ( "customer_id", "identity_state", "messaging_state", "payment_state", "activity_state", ))
def test_add_reminder(client): """Function to test the add_reminder function""" customer = Customer(client, number='+254711892648') reminder = { "key": "some-key", "remind_at": 50000, "payload": '{"a": 1, "c": "de"}' } response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.add_reminder(reminder)) assert all(elem in response for elem in ("customer_id", "status", "description"))
def test_update_app_data(client): """Function to test the update_app_data function""" customer = Customer(client, number='+254711892648') data = { "key": "test-key", "hollow": 1020, "payload": { "a": "Test" }, "some_bytes": str.encode("test") } response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.update_app_data(data)) assert all(elem in response for elem in ("customer_id", "status", "description"))
def test_delete_secondary_ids(client): """Function to test the delete_secondary_ids function""" customer = Customer(client, number='+254711892648') response = loop.run_until_complete( customer.delete_secondary_ids([{ "key": "huduma", "value": "808082" }])) assert all(elem in response for elem in ("customer_id", "status", "description")) response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.get_state()) assert not list( value for elem, value in response["identity_state"]['secondary_ids'] if value in ("huduma", "808082"))
def test_update_activity(client): """Function to test the update_activity function""" customer = Customer(client, number='+254711892648') activity_channel = {"number": "some-test-number", "channel": "WEB"} activity = { "session_id": "some-session-id", "key": "some-key", "properties": { "ok": 1, "val": False }, } response = loop.run_until_complete( customer.update_activity(activity_channel, activity)) assert all(elem in response for elem in ("customer_id", "status", "description"))
def test_update_secondary_ids(client): """Function to test the update_secondary_ids function""" customer = Customer(client, number='+254711892648') data = [ { "key": "passport", "value": "808083", "expires_at": 300000000 }, { "key": "huduma", "value": "808082", "expires_at": 500000000, }, ] response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.update_secondary_ids(data)) assert all(elem in response for elem in ("customer_id", "status", "description")) response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.get_state()) assert list(value for elem, value in response["identity_state"]['secondary_ids'] if value in ("passport", "huduma"))
def test_get_metadata(client): """Function to test the get_metadata function""" customer = Customer(client, number='254711891648') response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.get_metadata()) assert all(elem in response for elem in ("key", "hollow", "payload"))
def test_get_secondary_ids(client): """Function to test the get_secondary_ids function""" customer = Customer(client, number='254711891648') response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.get_secondary_ids()) assert list(value for elem, value in response if value in ("passport", "huduma"))
def test_adopt_state(client): """Function to test the adopt_state function""" customer = Customer(client, id='some-customer-id') response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.adopt_state(adopted_customer)) assert all(elem in response for elem in ("customer_id", "status", "description"))
def test_cancel_reminder(client): """Function to test the cancel_reminder function""" customer = Customer(client, number='+254711892648') response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.cancel_reminder("some-key")) assert all(elem in response for elem in ("customer_id", "status", "description"))
def test_delete_app_data(client): """Function to test the delete_app_data function""" customer = Customer(client, number='+254711892648') response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.delete_app_data()) assert all(elem in response for elem in ("customer_id", "status", "description"))
def test_get_tags(client): """Function to test the get_tags function""" customer = Customer(client, number='254711891648') response = loop.run_until_complete(customer.get_tags()) assert list(value for elem, value in response if value in ("coffid", "test"))