def handleAlerts(tree, tenant, es, cache, s3client): """ parse the xml, handle the Alerts and send to es """ counter = 0 error = True for node in tree.findall('.//Alert'): # default values parsingError = "" skip = False additionalData, packetdata, peerType, vulnid, source, sourcePort, destination, destinationPort, createTime, url, analyzerID, username, password, loginStatus, version, starttime, endtime, externalIP, internalIP, hostname, sourceTransport, rawhttp = {}, "","Unclassified", "", "","", "", "", "-", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "undefined", "", "-" for child in node: childName = child.tag if (childName == "Analyzer"): if child.attrib.get('id') is not "": analyzerID = child.attrib.get('id') else: parsingError += "analyzerID = '' " if analyzerID is not "": peerType = getPeerType(analyzerID) if (childName == "Source"): if child.text is not None and testIPAddress(child.text): source = child.text.replace('"', '') else: parsingError += "| source = NONE " sourcePort = child.attrib.get('port') sourceTransport = child.attrib.get('protocol') if (childName == "CreateTime"): if child.text is not None: createTime = child.text # time conversion to utc from honeypot's localtime using timezone transmitted. # must ignore this for honeytrap, as it already sends utc no matter what the system time is. if not "honeytrap" in peerType.lower(): if child.attrib.get('tz') is not "": timezone=child.attrib.get('tz') if timezone != "+0000": createTimeOld=createTime createTime=calculateUTCTime(createTime, timezone) app.logger.debug("Calculating new timezone for " + createTimeOld + " timezone: " + timezone + " => " + createTime) else: parsingError += "| timezone = NONE " else: parsingError += "| CreateTime = NONE " if (childName == "Target"): if child.text is not None and testIPAddress(child.text) : destination = child.text.replace('"', '') else: parsingError += "| destination = NONE " destinationPort = child.attrib.get('port') if (childName == "Request"): type = child.attrib.get('type') if (type == "url"): if child.text is not None: url = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) else: parsingError += "| url = NONE " if (type == "raw" or type == "binary"): if child.text is not None: try: m=hashlib.md5() m.update(base64.b64decode(child.text.encode())) md5sum=m.hexdigest() rawhttpcand = base64.b64decode(child.text).decode("UTF-8") httpMethods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH', 'CONNECT', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE'] if any(x in rawhttpcand.split(" ")[0] for x in httpMethods): app.logger.debug("PeerType: %s - Storing HTTP RAW data from RAW / BINARY payload (plain) in httpraw: %s" % (peerType, str(base64.b64decode(child.text))[0:50]+"...")) rawhttp = rawhttpcand packetdata = child.text additionalData["payload_md5"] = md5sum else: app.logger.debug("PeerType: %s - Storing ASCII data from RAW / BINARY payload (base64) in packetdata: %s" % (peerType, str(base64.b64decode(child.text))[0:50]+"...")) packetdata = child.text additionalData["payload_md5"] = md5sum except: app.logger.debug("PeerType: %s - Storing BINARY from RAW / BINARY payload (base64) in packetdata: %s" % (peerType, str(base64.b64decode(child.text))[0:50]+"...")) packetdata = child.text additionalData["payload_md5"] = md5sum else: parsingError +="| httpraw = NONE " # if peertype could not be identified by the identifier of the honeypot, try to use the # description field if (type == "description" and peerType == ""): peerType = getPeerType(child.text) if (childName == "AdditionalData"): meaning = child.attrib.get('meaning') if (meaning == "username"): username = child.text if (meaning == "password"): password = child.text if (meaning == "login"): loginStatus = child.text if (meaning == "version"): version = child.text # starttime (cowrie) must be present if (meaning == "starttime"): if child.text is not None: starttime = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) else: parsingError += "| starttime = NONE " # endtime (cowrie) is not necessarily set if (meaning == "endtime"): if child.text is not None: endtime = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) # cveid (suricata) must be set, otherwise discard. if (meaning == "cve_id"): if child.text is not None: vulnid = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) else: parsingError += "| cve_id = NONE " # input (cowrie) not necessarily set, might be an empty session if (meaning == "input"): if child.text is not None: url = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) if (meaning == "externalIP"): if child.text is not None: externalIP = child.text if (meaning == "internalIP"): if child.text is not None: internalIP = child.text if (meaning == "hostname"): if child.text is not None: hostname = child.text # Todo: add additional data from ewsposter fields as json structure. # for heralding if (meaning == "protocol"): if child.text is not None: additionalData["protocol"] = child.text # for cisco-asa if (meaning == "payload"): if child.text is not None: additionalData["payload"] = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) # for dionaea binaries/honeytrap payloads/glastopf rfis if (meaning == "payload_md5"): if child.text is not None: additionalData["payload_md5"] = child.text if parsingError is not "": app.logger.debug("Skipping incomplete ews xml alert element : " + parsingError) skip = True if not skip: url = fixUrl(destinationPort, sourceTransport, url, peerType) # # persist CVE # if (len(str(vulnid)) > 2): status = elastic.putVuln(vulnid, "ewscve", source, destination, createTime, tenant, url, analyzerID, peerType, username, password, loginStatus, version, starttime, endtime, sourcePort, destinationPort, externalIP, internalIP, hostname, sourceTransport, additionalData, app.config['DEVMODE'], es, cache, packetdata, rawhttp,s3client) url = "(" + vulnid + ") " + url if status is False: error = False # # store attack itself # status = elastic.putAlarm(vulnid, app.config['ELASTICINDEX'], source, destination, createTime, tenant, url, analyzerID, peerType, username, password, loginStatus, version, starttime, endtime, sourcePort, destinationPort, externalIP, internalIP, hostname, sourceTransport, additionalData, app.config['DEVMODE'], es, cache, packetdata, rawhttp, s3client) if (status): counter = counter + 1 else: error = False # # slack wanted # if (app.config['USESLACK']): if len(str(app.config['SLACKTOKEN'])) > 10: if len(str(vulnid)) > 4: if (elastic.cveExisting(vulnid, "ewscve", es, app.config['DEVMODE'])): communication.sendSlack("cve", app.config['SLACKTOKEN'], "CVE (" + vulnid + ") found.", app.config['DEVMODE']) app.logger.debug("Info: Added " + str(counter) + " entries") return error
def handleAlerts(tree, tenant): counter = 0 for node in tree.findall('.//Alert'): # now parse the node peerType, vulnid, sourcePort, destination, destinationPort, createTime, url, analyzerID, username, password, loginStatus, version, starttime, endtime = "Unclassified", "", "", "", "", "-", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" for child in node: childName = child.tag if (childName == "Analyzer"): id = child.attrib.get('id') peerType = getPeerType(id) if (childName == "Source"): source = child.text.replace('"', '') sourcePort = child.attrib.get('port') if (childName == "CreateTime"): createTime = child.text if (childName == "Target"): destination = child.text.replace('"', '') destinationPort = child.attrib.get('port') if (childName == "Request"): type = child.attrib.get('type') if (type == "url"): url = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) # if peertype could not be identified by the identifier of the honeypot, try to use the # description field if (type == "description" and peerType == ""): peerType = getPeerType(child.text) if (childName == "AdditionalData"): meaning = child.attrib.get('meaning') if (meaning == "username"): username = child.text if (meaning == "password"): password = child.text if (meaning == "login"): loginStatus = child.text if (meaning == "version"): version = child.text if (meaning == "starttime"): if (child.text) is not None: starttime = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) if (meaning == "endtime"): if (child.text) is not None: endtime = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) if (meaning == "cve_id"): vulnid = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) if (meaning == "input"): if (child.text) is not None: url = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text).replace('\n','; ')[2:] if (childName == "Analyzer"): analyzerID = child.attrib.get('id') url = fixUrl(destinationPort, url, peerType) # # persist CVE # if (len(str(vulnid)) > 2): elastic.putVuln(vulnid, elasticHost, esindex, createTime, source, debug) # # store attack itself # correction = elastic.putAlarm(vulnid, elasticHost, esindex, source, destination, createTime, tenant, url, analyzerID, peerType, username, password, loginStatus, version, starttime, endtime, sourcePort, destinationPort, debug) counter = counter + 1 - correction # # slack wanted # if ("yes" in slackuse): if len(str(slacktoken)) > 10: if len(str(vulnid)) > 4: if (elastic.cveExisting(vulnid, elasticHost, esindex)): communication.sendSlack("cve", slacktoken, "CVE (" + vulnid + ") found.") print ("Info: Added " + str(counter) + " entries") return True
def handleAlerts(tree, tenant, es, cache): """ parse the xml, handle the Alerts and send to es """ counter = 0 for node in tree.findall('.//Alert'): # default values parsingError = "" skip = False additionalData, packetdata, peerType, vulnid, source, sourcePort, destination, destinationPort, createTime, url, analyzerID, username, password, loginStatus, version, starttime, endtime, externalIP, internalIP, hostname, sourceTransport = "", "","Unclassified", "", "","", "", "", "-", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "undefined", "" for child in node: childName = child.tag if (childName == "Analyzer"): if child.attrib.get('id') is not "": analyzerID = child.attrib.get('id') else: parsingError += "analyzerID = '' " if analyzerID is not "": peerType = getPeerType(analyzerID) if (childName == "Source"): if child.text is not None and testIPAddress(child.text): source = child.text.replace('"', '') else: parsingError += "| source = NONE " sourcePort = child.attrib.get('port') sourceTransport = child.attrib.get('protocol') if (childName == "CreateTime"): if child.text is not None: createTime = child.text # time conversion to utc from honeypot's localtime using timezone transmitted. # must ignore this for honeytrap, as it already sends utc no matter what the system time is. if not "honeytrap" in peerType.lower(): if child.attrib.get('tz') is not "": timezone=child.attrib.get('tz') if timezone != "+0000": createTimeOld=createTime createTime=calculateUTCTime(createTime, timezone) app.logger.debug("Calculating new timezone for " + createTimeOld + " timezone: " + timezone + " => " + createTime) else: parsingError += "| timezone = NONE " else: parsingError += "| CreateTime = NONE " if (childName == "Target"): if child.text is not None and testIPAddress(child.text) : destination = child.text.replace('"', '') else: parsingError += "| destination = NONE " destinationPort = child.attrib.get('port') if (childName == "Request"): type = child.attrib.get('type') if (type == "url"): if child.text is not None: url = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) else: parsingError += "| url = NONE " if (type == "binary"): if child.text is not None: packetdata = child.text else: parsingError += "| packetdata = NONE " # if peertype could not be identified by the identifier of the honeypot, try to use the # description field if (type == "description" and peerType == ""): peerType = getPeerType(child.text) if (childName == "AdditionalData"): additionalData = {} meaning = child.attrib.get('meaning') if (meaning == "username"): username = child.text if (meaning == "password"): password = child.text if (meaning == "login"): loginStatus = child.text if (meaning == "version"): version = child.text # starttime (cowrie) must be present if (meaning == "starttime"): if child.text is not None: starttime = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) else: parsingError += "| starttime = NONE " # endtime (cowrie) is not necessarily set if (meaning == "endtime"): if child.text is not None: endtime = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) # cveid (suricata) must be set, otherwise discard. if (meaning == "cve_id"): if child.text is not None: vulnid = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) else: parsingError += "| cve_id = NONE " # input (cowrie) not necessarily set, might be an empty session if (meaning == "input"): if child.text is not None: url = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text).replace('\n', '; ')[2:] if (meaning == "externalIP"): if child.text is not None: externalIP = child.text if (meaning == "internalIP"): if child.text is not None: internalIP = child.text if (meaning == "hostname"): if child.text is not None: hostname = child.text # Todo: add additional data from ewsposter fields as json structure. if (meaning == "payload_md5"): if child.text is not None: additionalData["payload_md5"] = child.text if parsingError is not "": app.logger.debug("Skipping incomplete ews xml alert element : " + parsingError) skip = True if not skip: url = fixUrl(destinationPort, sourceTransport, url, peerType) # # persist CVE # if (len(str(vulnid)) > 2): elastic.putVuln(vulnid, "ewscve", source, destination, createTime, tenant, url, analyzerID, peerType, username, password, loginStatus, version, starttime, endtime, sourcePort, destinationPort, externalIP, internalIP, hostname, sourceTransport, additionalData, app.config['DEVMODE'], es, cache, packetdata) url = "(" + vulnid + ") " + url # # store attack itself # correction = elastic.putAlarm(vulnid, app.config['ELASTICINDEX'], source, destination, createTime, tenant, url, analyzerID, peerType, username, password, loginStatus, version, starttime, endtime, sourcePort, destinationPort, externalIP, internalIP, hostname, sourceTransport, additionalData, app.config['DEVMODE'], es, cache, packetdata) counter = counter + 1 - correction # # slack wanted # if (app.config['USESLACK']): if len(str(app.config['SLACKTOKEN'])) > 10: if len(str(vulnid)) > 4: if (elastic.cveExisting(vulnid, app.config['ELASTICINDEX'], es, app.config['DEVMODE'])): communication.sendSlack("cve", app.config['SLACKTOKEN'], "CVE (" + vulnid + ") found.", app.config['DEVMODE']) app.logger.debug("Info: Added " + str(counter) + " entries") return True
def handleAlerts(tree, tenant): counter = 0 for node in tree.findall('.//Alert'): # now parse the node peerType, vulnid, sourcePort, destination, destinationPort, createTime, url, analyzerID, username, password, loginStatus, version, starttime, endtime = "Unclassified", "", "", "", "", "-", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" for child in node: childName = child.tag if (childName == "Analyzer"): id = child.attrib.get('id') peerType = getPeerType(id) if (childName == "Source"): source = child.text.replace('"', '') sourcePort = child.attrib.get('port') if (childName == "CreateTime"): createTime = child.text if (childName == "Target"): destination = child.text.replace('"', '') destinationPort = child.attrib.get('port') if (childName == "Request"): type = child.attrib.get('type') if (type == "url"): url = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) # if peertype could not be identified by the identifier of the honeypot, try to use the # description field if (type == "description" and peerType == ""): peerType = getPeerType(child.text) if (childName == "AdditionalData"): meaning = child.attrib.get('meaning') if (meaning == "username"): username = child.text if (meaning == "password"): password = child.text if (meaning == "login"): loginStatus = child.text if (meaning == "version"): version = child.text if (meaning == "starttime"): if (child.text) is not None: starttime = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) if (meaning == "endtime"): if (child.text) is not None: endtime = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) if (meaning == "cve_id"): vulnid = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text) if (meaning == "input"): if (child.text) is not None: url = urllib.parse.unquote(child.text).replace( '\n', '; ')[2:] if (childName == "Analyzer"): analyzerID = child.attrib.get('id') url = fixUrl(destinationPort, url, peerType) # # persist CVE # if (len(str(vulnid)) > 2): elastic.putVuln(vulnid, elasticHost, esindex, createTime, source, debug) # # store attack itself # correction = elastic.putAlarm(vulnid, elasticHost, esindex, source, destination, createTime, tenant, url, analyzerID, peerType, username, password, loginStatus, version, starttime, endtime, sourcePort, destinationPort, debug) counter = counter + 1 - correction # # slack wanted # if ("yes" in slackuse): if len(str(slacktoken)) > 10: if len(str(vulnid)) > 4: if (elastic.cveExisting(vulnid, elasticHost, esindex)): communication.sendSlack("cve", slacktoken, "CVE (" + vulnid + ") found.") print("Info: Added " + str(counter) + " entries") return True