def test_terms(): es_query = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [{ "terms": { "extension": ["jpeg", "pdf"] } }] } } } logic = create_logic_object(es_query=es_query) # Condition met data = {"extension": ["pdf", "jpeg", "png"]} assert jsonLogic(logic, data) data = {"extension": ["pdf"]} assert not jsonLogic(logic, data) data = {"extension": ["pdfx"]} assert not jsonLogic(logic, data) data = {"extension": ["JPEG", "pdf"]} assert jsonLogic(logic, data)
def test_multimatch(): es_query = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [{ "multi_match": { "fields": [ "md5", "title", "resource_name", "processing_title", "text_addition", "extracted_text" ], "query": "treasure chest" } }] } } } logic = create_logic_object(es_query=es_query) data = {"title": "treasure"} assert jsonLogic(logic, data) data = {"title": "I found a Treasure on the island"} assert jsonLogic(logic, data) data = {"title": "coal"} assert not jsonLogic(logic, data) data = {"completely": "unrelated"} assert not jsonLogic(logic, data)
def test_match(): es_query = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [{ "match": { "title": "treasure" } }] } } } logic = create_logic_object(es_query=es_query) # 3. Assertion with new data #{"==":[{"var":"title"},"Search"]} data = {"title": "treASure"} assert jsonLogic(logic, data) data = {"extracted_text": "I found a nice treasure."} assert not jsonLogic(logic, data) data = {"title": "something else"} assert not jsonLogic(logic, data)
def test_exists(): #{'exists': [{'var': 'field'}, 'processing_date']} es_query = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [{ "exists": { "field": "processing_date" } }] } } } logic = create_logic_object(es_query=es_query) # Condition met data = {"processing_date": "11-11-2016"} assert jsonLogic(logic, data) data = {"someotherdate": "11-11-2016"} assert not jsonLogic(logic, data) data = {"processing_date": None} assert not jsonLogic(logic, data)
def test_combination_query(): es_query = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [{ "match": { "title": "Search" } }, { "multi_match": { "fields": [ "md5", "title", "resource_name", "processing_title", "text_addition", "extracted_text" ], "query": "domain" } }, { "bool": { "must": [{ "match": { "classification.term": "Contract" } }, { "range": { "classification.proba": { "gte": 0.8, "boost": 2 } } }] } }] } } } rules = create_logic_object(es_query=es_query) # 3. Assertion with new data #{"==":[{"var":"title"},"Search"]} # Just title data = {"title": "Search"} assert not jsonLogic(rules, data) # Just title and md5 data = {"title": "Search", "md5": "domain"} assert not jsonLogic(rules, data) # All conditions met data = { "title": "Search", "md5": "domain", "classification": { "term": "Contract", "proba": 0.8 } } assert jsonLogic(rules, data)
def test_starting_onna_query(): es_query = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [{ "bool": { "should": [{ "bool": { "must": [{ "match": { "classification.term": "Contract" } }, { "range": { "classification.proba": { "gte": 0.85 } } }] } }, { "terms": { "extension": ["jpeg", "pdf"] } }, { "range": { "modifiedDate": { "gt": "2016-01-15" } } }] } }] } } } logic = create_logic_object(es_query=es_query) # 3. Assertion with new data data = {"title": "term1"} assert not jsonLogic(logic, data) data = { "modifiedDate": "2016-11-11", "title": "going to play sOCCer tonight", "extracted_text": "tell me if this is a phrase? ", "classification": { "term": "Contract", "proba": 0.9 }, "extension": "JPEG" } assert jsonLogic(logic, data)
def test_number_match(): es_query = {"query": {"bool": {"must": [{"match": {"depth": 0}}]}}} rules = create_logic_object(es_query=es_query) # 3. Assertion with new data #{"==":[{"var":"title"},"Search"]} data = {"depth": 0} assert jsonLogic(rules, data) data = {"depth": "something else"} assert not jsonLogic(rules, data) data = {"depth": 1} assert not jsonLogic(rules, data)
def test_excl_terms(): condition = {"not_in": [{"var": "extension"}, ["pdf", "doc"]]} logic = {"and": [condition]} create_es_query(logic) # Condition met data = {"extension": ["pdf", "doc", "png"]} assert not jsonLogic(logic, data) data = {"extension": ["pdf"]} assert jsonLogic(logic, data) data = {"extension": ["pdfx"]} assert jsonLogic(logic, data) data = {"extension": ["JPEG"]} assert jsonLogic(logic, data)
def test_simple_query(): es_query = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [{ "exists": { "field": "processing_date" } }, { "multi_match": { "query": "term1 term3", "type": "cross_fields", "fields": [ "md5_text", "title", "resource_name", "processing_title", "text_addition", "extracted_text" ] } }, { "match": { "": "18d58f4c148b4fdd9c13efebc93b67cc" } }, { "multi_match": { "query": "this is a phrase", "type": "phrase", "fields": [ "title", "resource_name", "processing_title", "text_addition", "extracted_text" ] } }, { "bool": { "must": [{ "match": { "classification.term": "Contract" } }, { "range": { "classification.proba": { "gte": 0.85 } } }] } }, { "match": { "extension": "jpeg" } }, { "terms": { "tags": ["tag1"] } }] } } } logic = create_logic_object(es_query=es_query) # 3. Assertion with new data data = {"title": "term1"} assert not jsonLogic(logic, data) data = { "processing_date": "11-11-2016", "extracted_text": "term1 term3", "title": "this is a phrase", "parent_datasource": { "id": "18d58f4c148b4fdd9c13efebc93b67cc" }, "classification": { "term": "Contract", "proba": 0.9 }, "extension": "JPEG", "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"] } assert jsonLogic(logic, data)