def test_offset_upgrade(sdc_builder, sdc_executor, elasticsearch): """Ensure that when upgrading from older offset format (that can be generated by either SCH or by upgrading pre-multithreaded pipeline) we properly upgrade the offset and the pipeline will not re-read everything from the source. """ es_index = get_random_string(string.ascii_letters, 10).lower() es_doc_id = get_random_string(string.ascii_letters, 10) raw_str = 'Hello World!' builder = sdc_builder.get_pipeline_builder() es_origin = builder.add_stage('Elasticsearch', type='origin') es_origin.set_attributes(index=es_index, query="{'query': {'match_all': {}}}") trash = builder.add_stage('Trash') es_origin >> trash pipeline = sdc_executor.add_pipeline(pipeline) # We hard code offset to be pre-migration to multi-threaded origin and thus forcing the origin to upgrade it offset = { 'offsets': { '$com.streamsets.datacollector.pollsource.offset$': None, }, 'version': 2 } sdc_executor.api_client.update_pipeline_committed_offsets(, body=offset) try: # Put data to Elasticsearch elasticsearch.connect() doc_type = DocType(meta={'id': es_doc_id, 'index': es_index}) doc_type.body = raw_str # save document to Elasticsearch index = Index(es_index) assert index.refresh( ) # assert to refresh index, making all operations available for search # Run pipeline and assert snapshot = sdc_executor.capture_snapshot(pipeline, start_pipeline=True).snapshot # no need to stop pipeline - as ES origin shuts off once data is read from Elasticsearch snapshot_data = snapshot[es_origin.instance_name].output[0].field # assert ES meta assert snapshot_data['_index'] == es_index and snapshot_data[ '_id'] == es_doc_id # assert ES data assert snapshot_data['_source']['body'] == raw_str # Now let's validate that the offset doesn't have the poll key any more offset = sdc_executor.api_client.get_pipeline_committed_offsets( assert offset is not None assert '$com.streamsets.datacollector.pollsource.offset$' not in offset[ 'offsets'] finally: # Clean up test data in ES idx = Index(es_index) idx.delete()
def test_elasticsearch_origin(sdc_builder, sdc_executor, elasticsearch): """Test for Elasticsearch origin stage. We do so by putting data via Elastisearch client and reading via Elastisearch origin pipeline. To assert, we will snapshot the pipeline. The pipeline looks like: Elasticsearch origin pipeline: es_origin >> trash """ es_index = get_random_string( string.ascii_letters, 10).lower() # Elasticsearch indexes must be lower case es_doc_id = get_random_string(string.ascii_letters, 10) raw_str = 'Hello World!' builder = sdc_builder.get_pipeline_builder() es_origin = builder.add_stage('Elasticsearch', type='origin') es_origin.set_attributes(index=es_index, query="{'query': {'match_all': {}}}") trash = builder.add_stage('Trash') es_origin >> trash es_origin_pipeline = title='ES origin pipeline').configure_for_environment(elasticsearch) sdc_executor.add_pipeline(es_origin_pipeline) try: # Put data to Elasticsearch elasticsearch.connect() doc_type = DocType(meta={'id': es_doc_id, 'index': es_index}) doc_type.body = raw_str # save document to Elasticsearch index = Index(es_index) assert index.refresh( ) # assert to refresh index, making all operations available for search # Run pipeline and assert snapshot = sdc_executor.capture_snapshot(es_origin_pipeline, start_pipeline=True).snapshot # no need to stop pipeline - as ES origin shuts off once data is read from Elasticsearch snapshot_data = snapshot[ es_origin.instance_name].output[0].value['value'] # assert ES meta assert snapshot_data['_index']['value'] == es_index and snapshot_data[ '_id']['value'] == es_doc_id # assert ES data assert snapshot_data['_source']['value']['body']['value'] == raw_str finally: # Clean up test data in ES idx = Index(es_index) idx.delete()