Exemple #1
 def search(self):
     Construct the Search object.
     s = Search(doc_type=self.doc_types, using=es.client,
     # don't return any fields, just the metadata
     s = s.fields([])
     # Sort from parameters
     s = s.sort(*self.sorts)
     # Paginate from parameters
     s = s[self.page_start:self.page_end]
     # Same construction as parent class
     # Allows to give the same signature as simple search
     # ie. Response(data) instead of Response(search, data)
     return s.response_class(partial(SearchResult, self))
Exemple #2
 def search(self):
     Construct the Search object.
     s = Search(doc_type=self.doc_types, index=self.index)
     return s.response_class(partial(ImprovedFacetedResponse, self))
Exemple #3
    def search_content(
        search_string: str,
        size: typing.Optional[int],
        page_nb: typing.Optional[int],
        content_types: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None,
        show_deleted: bool = False,
        show_archived: bool = False,
        show_active: bool = True,
    ) -> ContentSearchResponse:
        Search content into elastic search server:
        - do no show archived/deleted content by default
        - filter content found according to workspace of current_user
        # FIXME BS 2019-06-10: Load ES model only when ES search (see #1892)
        from tracim_backend.lib.search.es_models import IndexedContent

        if not search_string:
            return EmptyContentSearchResponse()
        filtered_workspace_ids = self._get_user_workspaces_id(
        # INFO - G.M - 2019-05-31 - search using simple_query_string, which mean user-friendly
        # syntax to match complex case,
        # see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-simple-query-string-query.html
        search = Search(
            # INFO - G.M - 2019-05-31 - "^5" means x5 boost on field, this will reorder result and
            # change score according to this boost. label is the most important, content is
            # important too, content of comment is less important. filename and file_extension is
            # only useful to allow matching "png" or "nameofmycontent.png".
        # INFO - G.M - 2019-05-14 - do not show deleted or archived content by default
        if not show_active:
            search = search.exclude("term", is_active=True)
        if not show_deleted:
            search = search.exclude("term", is_deleted=True)
            search = search.filter("term", deleted_through_parent_id=0)
        if not show_archived:
            search = search.exclude("term", is_archived=True)
            search = search.filter("term", archived_through_parent_id=0)
        search = search.response_class(ESContentSearchResponse)
        # INFO - G.M - 2019-05-21 - remove raw content of content of result in elasticsearch
        # result, because we do not need them and for performance reasons.
        search = search.source(
            exclude=["raw_content", "*.raw_content", "attachment.*", "file"])
        # INFO - G.M - 2019-05-16 - None is different than empty list here, None mean we can
        # return all workspaces content, empty list mean return nothing.
        if size:
            search = search.extra(size=size)
        if page_nb:
            search = search.extra(
                from_=self.offset_from_pagination(size, page_nb))
        if filtered_workspace_ids is not None:
            search = search.filter("terms",
        if content_types:
            search = search.filter("terms", content_type=content_types)
        res = search.execute()
        return res
 def search(self):
     es = get_query_client()
     s = Search(doc_type=self.doc_types, index=index_name(), using=es)
     s = s.params(size=BATCH_SIZE)
     return s.response_class(FacetedResponse)
Exemple #5
 def search(self):
     Construct the Search object.
     s = Search(doc_type=self.doc_types, index=self.index)
     return s.response_class(partial(ImprovedFacetedResponse, self))