class ElectrumGui: def __init__(self, config, daemon, plugins): self.config = config = storage = WalletStorage(config.get_wallet_path()) if not storage.file_exists(): print("Wallet not found. try 'electrum create'") exit() if storage.is_encrypted(): password = getpass.getpass('Password:'******'') self.encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() self.stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_CYAN) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) self.stdscr.keypad(1) self.stdscr.border(0) self.maxy, self.maxx = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() self.set_cursor(0) self.w = curses.newwin(10, 50, 5, 5) set_verbosity(False) = 0 self.pos = 0 self.popup_pos = 0 self.str_recipient = "" self.str_description = "" self.str_amount = "" self.str_fee = "" self.history = None if, ['updated']) self.tab_names = [_("History"), _("Send"), _("Receive"), _("Addresses"), _("Contacts"), _("Banner")] self.num_tabs = len(self.tab_names) def set_cursor(self, x): try: curses.curs_set(x) except Exception: pass def restore_or_create(self): pass def verify_seed(self): pass def get_string(self, y, x): self.set_cursor(1) curses.echo() self.stdscr.addstr( y, x, " "*20, curses.A_REVERSE) s = self.stdscr.getstr(y,x) curses.noecho() self.set_cursor(0) return s def update(self, event): self.update_history() if == 0: self.print_history() self.refresh() def print_history(self): width = [20, 40, 14, 14] delta = (self.maxx - sum(width) - 4)/3 format_str = "%"+"%d"%width[0]+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[1]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[2]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[3]+delta)+"s" if self.history is None: self.update_history() self.print_list(self.history[::-1], format_str%( _("Date"), _("Description"), _("Amount"), _("Balance"))) def update_history(self): width = [20, 40, 14, 14] delta = (self.maxx - sum(width) - 4)/3 format_str = "%"+"%d"%width[0]+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[1]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[2]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[3]+delta)+"s" b = 0 self.history = [] for item in self.wallet.get_history(): tx_hash, height, conf, timestamp, value, balance = item if conf: try: time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat(' ')[:-3] except Exception: time_str = "------" else: time_str = 'unconfirmed' label = self.wallet.get_label(tx_hash) if len(label) > 40: label = label[0:37] + '...' self.history.append( format_str%( time_str, label, format_satoshis(value, whitespaces=True), format_satoshis(balance, whitespaces=True) ) ) def print_balance(self): if not msg = _("Offline") elif if not self.wallet.up_to_date: msg = _("Synchronizing...") else: c, u, x = self.wallet.get_balance() msg = _("Balance")+": %f "%(Decimal(c) / COIN) if u: msg += " [%f unconfirmed]"%(Decimal(u) / COIN) if x: msg += " [%f unmatured]"%(Decimal(x) / COIN) else: msg = _("Not connected") self.stdscr.addstr( self.maxy -1, 3, msg) for i in range(self.num_tabs): self.stdscr.addstr( 0, 2 + 2*i + len(''.join(self.tab_names[0:i])), ' '+self.tab_names[i]+' ', curses.A_BOLD if == i else 0) self.stdscr.addstr(self.maxy -1, self.maxx-30, ' '.join([_("Settings"), _("Network"), _("Quit")])) def print_receive(self): addr = self.wallet.get_receiving_address() self.stdscr.addstr(2, 1, "Address: "+addr) self.print_qr(addr) def print_contacts(self): messages = map(lambda x: "%20s %45s "%(x[0], x[1][1]), self.contacts.items()) self.print_list(messages, "%19s %15s "%("Key", "Value")) def print_addresses(self): fmt = "%-35s %-30s" messages = map(lambda addr: fmt % (addr, self.wallet.labels.get(addr,"")), self.wallet.get_addresses()) self.print_list(messages, fmt % ("Address", "Label")) def print_edit_line(self, y, label, text, index, size): text += " "*(size - len(text) ) self.stdscr.addstr( y, 2, label) self.stdscr.addstr( y, 15, text, curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==index else curses.color_pair(1)) def print_send_tab(self): self.stdscr.clear() self.print_edit_line(3, _("Pay to"), self.str_recipient, 0, 40) self.print_edit_line(5, _("Description"), self.str_description, 1, 40) self.print_edit_line(7, _("Amount"), self.str_amount, 2, 15) self.print_edit_line(9, _("Fee"), self.str_fee, 3, 15) self.stdscr.addstr( 12, 15, _("[Send]"), curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==4 else curses.color_pair(2)) self.stdscr.addstr( 12, 25, _("[Clear]"), curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==5 else curses.color_pair(2)) self.maxpos = 6 def print_banner(self): if self.print_list('\n')) def print_qr(self, data): import qrcode try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO s = StringIO() self.qr = qrcode.QRCode() self.qr.add_data(data) self.qr.print_ascii(out=s, invert=False) msg = s.getvalue() lines = msg.split('\n') for i, l in enumerate(lines): l = l.encode("utf-8") self.stdscr.addstr(i+5, 5, l, curses.color_pair(3)) def print_list(self, lst, firstline = None): lst = list(lst) self.maxpos = len(lst) if not self.maxpos: return if firstline: firstline += " "*(self.maxx -2 - len(firstline)) self.stdscr.addstr( 1, 1, firstline ) for i in range(self.maxy-4): msg = lst[i] if i < len(lst) else "" msg += " "*(self.maxx - 2 - len(msg)) m = msg[0:self.maxx - 2] m = m.encode(self.encoding) self.stdscr.addstr( i+2, 1, m, curses.A_REVERSE if i == (self.pos % self.maxpos) else 0) def refresh(self): if == -1: return self.stdscr.border(0) self.print_balance() self.stdscr.refresh() def main_command(self): c = self.stdscr.getch() print(c) cc = curses.unctrl(c).decode() if c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: = ( + 1)%self.num_tabs elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: = ( - 1)%self.num_tabs elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.pos +=1 elif c == curses.KEY_UP: self.pos -= 1 elif c == 9: self.pos +=1 # tab elif cc in ['^W', '^C', '^X', '^Q']: = -1 elif cc in ['^N']: self.network_dialog() elif cc == '^S': self.settings_dialog() else: return c if self.pos<0: self.pos=0 if self.pos>=self.maxpos: self.pos=self.maxpos - 1 def run_tab(self, i, print_func, exec_func): while == i: self.stdscr.clear() print_func() self.refresh() c = self.main_command() if c: exec_func(c) def run_history_tab(self, c): if c == 10: out = self.run_popup('',["blah","foo"]) def edit_str(self, target, c, is_num=False): # detect backspace cc = curses.unctrl(c).decode() if c in [8, 127, 263] and target: target = target[:-1] elif not is_num or cc in '0123456789.': target += cc return target def run_send_tab(self, c): if self.pos%6 == 0: self.str_recipient = self.edit_str(self.str_recipient, c) if self.pos%6 == 1: self.str_description = self.edit_str(self.str_description, c) if self.pos%6 == 2: self.str_amount = self.edit_str(self.str_amount, c, True) elif self.pos%6 == 3: self.str_fee = self.edit_str(self.str_fee, c, True) elif self.pos%6==4: if c == 10: self.do_send() elif self.pos%6==5: if c == 10: self.do_clear() def run_receive_tab(self, c): if c == 10: out = self.run_popup('Address', ["Edit label", "Freeze", "Prioritize"]) def run_contacts_tab(self, c): if c == 10 and self.contacts: out = self.run_popup('Address', ["Copy", "Pay to", "Edit label", "Delete"]).get('button') key = list(self.contacts.keys())[self.pos%len(self.contacts.keys())] if out == "Pay to": = 1 self.str_recipient = key self.pos = 2 elif out == "Edit label": s = self.get_string(6 + self.pos, 18) if s: self.wallet.labels[key] = s def run_banner_tab(self, c): self.show_message(repr(c)) pass def main(self): tty.setraw(sys.stdin) while != -1: self.run_tab(0, self.print_history, self.run_history_tab) self.run_tab(1, self.print_send_tab, self.run_send_tab) self.run_tab(2, self.print_receive, self.run_receive_tab) self.run_tab(3, self.print_addresses, self.run_banner_tab) self.run_tab(4, self.print_contacts, self.run_contacts_tab) self.run_tab(5, self.print_banner, self.run_banner_tab) tty.setcbreak(sys.stdin) curses.nocbreak() self.stdscr.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.endwin() def do_clear(self): self.str_amount = '' self.str_recipient = '' self.str_fee = '' self.str_description = '' def do_send(self): if not is_address(self.str_recipient): self.show_message(_('Invalid Bitcoin address')) return try: amount = int(Decimal(self.str_amount) * COIN) except Exception: self.show_message(_('Invalid Amount')) return try: fee = int(Decimal(self.str_fee) * COIN) except Exception: self.show_message(_('Invalid Fee')) return if self.wallet.has_password(): password = self.password_dialog() if not password: return else: password = None try: tx = self.wallet.mktx([(TYPE_ADDRESS, self.str_recipient, amount)], password, self.config, fee) except Exception as e: self.show_message(str(e)) return if self.str_description: self.wallet.labels[tx.txid()] = self.str_description self.show_message(_("Please wait..."), getchar=False) status, msg = if status: self.show_message(_('Payment sent.')) self.do_clear() #self.update_contacts_tab() else: self.show_message(_('Error')) def show_message(self, message, getchar = True): w = self.w w.clear() w.border(0) for i, line in enumerate(message.split('\n')): w.addstr(2+i,2,line) w.refresh() if getchar: c = self.stdscr.getch() def run_popup(self, title, items): return self.run_dialog(title, list(map(lambda x: {'type':'button','label':x}, items)), interval=1, y_pos = self.pos+3) def network_dialog(self): if not return params = host, port, protocol, proxy_config, auto_connect = params srv = 'auto-connect' if auto_connect else out = self.run_dialog('Network', [ {'label':'server', 'type':'str', 'value':srv}, {'label':'proxy', 'type':'str', 'value':self.config.get('proxy', '')}, ], buttons = 1) if out: if out.get('server'): server = out.get('server') auto_connect = server == 'auto-connect' if not auto_connect: try: host, port, protocol = server.split(':') except Exception: self.show_message("Error:" + server + "\nIn doubt, type \"auto-connect\"") return False if out.get('server') or out.get('proxy'): proxy ='proxy')) if out.get('proxy') else proxy_config, port, protocol, proxy, auto_connect) def settings_dialog(self): fee = str(Decimal(self.config.fee_per_kb()) / COIN) out = self.run_dialog('Settings', [ {'label':'Default fee', 'type':'satoshis', 'value': fee } ], buttons = 1) if out: if out.get('Default fee'): fee = int(Decimal(out['Default fee']) * COIN) self.config.set_key('fee_per_kb', fee, True) def password_dialog(self): out = self.run_dialog('Password', [ {'label':'Password', 'type':'password', 'value':''} ], buttons = 1) return out.get('Password') def run_dialog(self, title, items, interval=2, buttons=None, y_pos=3): self.popup_pos = 0 self.w = curses.newwin( 5 + len(list(items))*interval + (2 if buttons else 0), 50, y_pos, 5) w = self.w out = {} while True: w.clear() w.border(0) w.addstr( 0, 2, title) num = len(list(items)) numpos = num if buttons: numpos += 2 for i in range(num): item = items[i] label = item.get('label') if item.get('type') == 'list': value = item.get('value','') elif item.get('type') == 'satoshis': value = item.get('value','') elif item.get('type') == 'str': value = item.get('value','') elif item.get('type') == 'password': value = '*'*len(item.get('value','')) else: value = '' if value is None: value = '' if len(value)<20: value += ' '*(20-len(value)) if 'value' in item: w.addstr( 2+interval*i, 2, label) w.addstr( 2+interval*i, 15, value, curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==i else curses.color_pair(1) ) else: w.addstr( 2+interval*i, 2, label, curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==i else 0) if buttons: w.addstr( 5+interval*i, 10, "[ ok ]", curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==(numpos-2) else curses.color_pair(2)) w.addstr( 5+interval*i, 25, "[cancel]", curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==(numpos-1) else curses.color_pair(2)) w.refresh() c = self.stdscr.getch() if c in [ord('q'), 27]: break elif c in [curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_UP]: self.popup_pos -= 1 elif c in [curses.KEY_RIGHT, curses.KEY_DOWN]: self.popup_pos +=1 else: i = self.popup_pos%numpos if buttons and c==10: if i == numpos-2: return out elif i == numpos -1: return {} item = items[i] _type = item.get('type') if _type == 'str': item['value'] = self.edit_str(item['value'], c) out[item.get('label')] = item.get('value') elif _type == 'password': item['value'] = self.edit_str(item['value'], c) out[item.get('label')] = item ['value'] elif _type == 'satoshis': item['value'] = self.edit_str(item['value'], c, True) out[item.get('label')] = item.get('value') elif _type == 'list': choices = item.get('choices') try: j = choices.index(item.get('value')) except Exception: j = 0 new_choice = choices[(j + 1)% len(choices)] item['value'] = new_choice out[item.get('label')] = item.get('value') elif _type == 'button': out['button'] = item.get('label') break return out
class ElectrumGui: def __init__(self, config, daemon, plugins): self.config = config = storage = WalletStorage(config.get_wallet_path()) if not storage.file_exists(): print("Wallet not found. try 'electrum create'") exit() if storage.is_encrypted(): password = getpass.getpass('Password:'******'') self.encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() self.stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_CYAN) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) self.stdscr.keypad(1) self.stdscr.border(0) self.maxy, self.maxx = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() self.set_cursor(0) self.w = curses.newwin(10, 50, 5, 5) set_verbosity(False) = 0 self.pos = 0 self.popup_pos = 0 self.str_recipient = "" self.str_description = "" self.str_amount = "" self.str_fee = "" self.history = None if, ['updated']) self.tab_names = [_("History"), _("Send"), _("Receive"), _("Addresses"), _("Contacts"), _("Banner")] self.num_tabs = len(self.tab_names) def set_cursor(self, x): try: curses.curs_set(x) except Exception: pass def restore_or_create(self): pass def verify_seed(self): pass def get_string(self, y, x): self.set_cursor(1) curses.echo() self.stdscr.addstr( y, x, " "*20, curses.A_REVERSE) s = self.stdscr.getstr(y,x) curses.noecho() self.set_cursor(0) return s def update(self, event): self.update_history() if == 0: self.print_history() self.refresh() def print_history(self): width = [20, 40, 14, 14] delta = (self.maxx - sum(width) - 4)/3 format_str = "%"+"%d"%width[0]+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[1]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[2]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[3]+delta)+"s" if self.history is None: self.update_history() self.print_list(self.history[::-1], format_str%( _("Date"), _("Description"), _("Amount"), _("Balance"))) def update_history(self): width = [20, 40, 14, 14] delta = (self.maxx - sum(width) - 4)/3 format_str = "%"+"%d"%width[0]+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[1]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[2]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[3]+delta)+"s" b = 0 self.history = [] for item in self.wallet.get_history(): tx_hash, height, conf, timestamp, value, balance = item if conf: try: time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat(' ')[:-3] except Exception: time_str = "------" else: time_str = 'unconfirmed' label = self.wallet.get_label(tx_hash) if len(label) > 40: label = label[0:37] + '...' self.history.append( format_str%( time_str, label, format_satoshis(value, whitespaces=True), format_satoshis(balance, whitespaces=True) ) ) def print_balance(self): if not msg = _("Offline") elif if not self.wallet.up_to_date: msg = _("Synchronizing...") else: c, u, x = self.wallet.get_balance() msg = _("Balance")+": %f "%(Decimal(c) / COIN) if u: msg += " [%f unconfirmed]"%(Decimal(u) / COIN) if x: msg += " [%f unmatured]"%(Decimal(x) / COIN) else: msg = _("Not connected") self.stdscr.addstr( self.maxy -1, 3, msg) for i in range(self.num_tabs): self.stdscr.addstr( 0, 2 + 2*i + len(''.join(self.tab_names[0:i])), ' '+self.tab_names[i]+' ', curses.A_BOLD if == i else 0) self.stdscr.addstr(self.maxy -1, self.maxx-30, ' '.join([_("Settings"), _("Network"), _("Quit")])) def print_receive(self): addr = self.wallet.get_receiving_address() self.stdscr.addstr(2, 1, "Address: "+addr) self.print_qr(addr) def print_contacts(self): messages = map(lambda x: "%20s %45s "%(x[0], x[1][1]), self.contacts.items()) self.print_list(messages, "%19s %15s "%("Key", "Value")) def print_addresses(self): fmt = "%-35s %-30s" messages = map(lambda addr: fmt % (addr, self.wallet.labels.get(addr,"")), self.wallet.get_addresses()) self.print_list(messages, fmt % ("Address", "Label")) def print_edit_line(self, y, label, text, index, size): text += " "*(size - len(text) ) self.stdscr.addstr( y, 2, label) self.stdscr.addstr( y, 15, text, curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==index else curses.color_pair(1)) def print_send_tab(self): self.stdscr.clear() self.print_edit_line(3, _("Pay to"), self.str_recipient, 0, 40) self.print_edit_line(5, _("Description"), self.str_description, 1, 40) self.print_edit_line(7, _("Amount"), self.str_amount, 2, 15) self.print_edit_line(9, _("Fee"), self.str_fee, 3, 15) self.stdscr.addstr( 12, 15, _("[Send]"), curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==4 else curses.color_pair(2)) self.stdscr.addstr( 12, 25, _("[Clear]"), curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==5 else curses.color_pair(2)) self.maxpos = 6 def print_banner(self): if self.print_list('\n')) def print_qr(self, data): import qrcode try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO s = StringIO() self.qr = qrcode.QRCode() self.qr.add_data(data) self.qr.print_ascii(out=s, invert=False) msg = s.getvalue() lines = msg.split('\n') for i, l in enumerate(lines): l = l.encode("utf-8") self.stdscr.addstr(i+5, 5, l, curses.color_pair(3)) def print_list(self, lst, firstline = None): lst = list(lst) self.maxpos = len(lst) if not self.maxpos: return if firstline: firstline += " "*(self.maxx -2 - len(firstline)) self.stdscr.addstr( 1, 1, firstline ) for i in range(self.maxy-4): msg = lst[i] if i < len(lst) else "" msg += " "*(self.maxx - 2 - len(msg)) m = msg[0:self.maxx - 2] m = m.encode(self.encoding) self.stdscr.addstr( i+2, 1, m, curses.A_REVERSE if i == (self.pos % self.maxpos) else 0) def refresh(self): if == -1: return self.stdscr.border(0) self.print_balance() self.stdscr.refresh() def main_command(self): c = self.stdscr.getch() print(c) cc = curses.unctrl(c).decode() if c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: = ( + 1)%self.num_tabs elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: = ( - 1)%self.num_tabs elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.pos +=1 elif c == curses.KEY_UP: self.pos -= 1 elif c == 9: self.pos +=1 # tab elif cc in ['^W', '^C', '^X', '^Q']: = -1 elif cc in ['^N']: self.network_dialog() elif cc == '^S': self.settings_dialog() else: return c if self.pos<0: self.pos=0 if self.pos>=self.maxpos: self.pos=self.maxpos - 1 def run_tab(self, i, print_func, exec_func): while == i: self.stdscr.clear() print_func() self.refresh() c = self.main_command() if c: exec_func(c) def run_history_tab(self, c): if c == 10: out = self.run_popup('',["blah","foo"]) def edit_str(self, target, c, is_num=False): # detect backspace cc = curses.unctrl(c).decode() if c in [8, 127, 263] and target: target = target[:-1] elif not is_num or cc in '0123456789.': target += cc return target def run_send_tab(self, c): if self.pos%6 == 0: self.str_recipient = self.edit_str(self.str_recipient, c) if self.pos%6 == 1: self.str_description = self.edit_str(self.str_description, c) if self.pos%6 == 2: self.str_amount = self.edit_str(self.str_amount, c, True) elif self.pos%6 == 3: self.str_fee = self.edit_str(self.str_fee, c, True) elif self.pos%6==4: if c == 10: self.do_send() elif self.pos%6==5: if c == 10: self.do_clear() def run_receive_tab(self, c): if c == 10: out = self.run_popup('Address', ["Edit label", "Freeze", "Prioritize"]) def run_contacts_tab(self, c): if c == 10 and self.contacts: out = self.run_popup('Address', ["Copy", "Pay to", "Edit label", "Delete"]).get('button') key = list(self.contacts.keys())[self.pos%len(self.contacts.keys())] if out == "Pay to": = 1 self.str_recipient = key self.pos = 2 elif out == "Edit label": s = self.get_string(6 + self.pos, 18) if s: self.wallet.labels[key] = s def run_banner_tab(self, c): self.show_message(repr(c)) pass def main(self): tty.setraw(sys.stdin) while != -1: self.run_tab(0, self.print_history, self.run_history_tab) self.run_tab(1, self.print_send_tab, self.run_send_tab) self.run_tab(2, self.print_receive, self.run_receive_tab) self.run_tab(3, self.print_addresses, self.run_banner_tab) self.run_tab(4, self.print_contacts, self.run_contacts_tab) self.run_tab(5, self.print_banner, self.run_banner_tab) tty.setcbreak(sys.stdin) curses.nocbreak() self.stdscr.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.endwin() def do_clear(self): self.str_amount = '' self.str_recipient = '' self.str_fee = '' self.str_description = '' def do_send(self): if not is_address(self.str_recipient): self.show_message(_('Invalid Bitcoin address')) return try: amount = int(Decimal(self.str_amount) * COIN) except Exception: self.show_message(_('Invalid Amount')) return try: fee = int(Decimal(self.str_fee) * COIN) except Exception: self.show_message(_('Invalid Fee')) return if self.wallet.has_password(): password = self.password_dialog() if not password: return else: password = None try: tx = self.wallet.mktx([(TYPE_ADDRESS, self.str_recipient, amount)], password, self.config, fee) except Exception as e: self.show_message(str(e)) return if self.str_description: self.wallet.labels[tx.hash()] = self.str_description self.show_message(_("Please wait..."), getchar=False) status, msg = if status: self.show_message(_('Payment sent.')) self.do_clear() #self.update_contacts_tab() else: self.show_message(_('Error')) def show_message(self, message, getchar = True): w = self.w w.clear() w.border(0) for i, line in enumerate(message.split('\n')): w.addstr(2+i,2,line) w.refresh() if getchar: c = self.stdscr.getch() def run_popup(self, title, items): return self.run_dialog(title, list(map(lambda x: {'type':'button','label':x}, items)), interval=1, y_pos = self.pos+3) def network_dialog(self): if not return params = host, port, protocol, proxy_config, auto_connect = params srv = 'auto-connect' if auto_connect else out = self.run_dialog('Network', [ {'label':'server', 'type':'str', 'value':srv}, {'label':'proxy', 'type':'str', 'value':self.config.get('proxy', '')}, ], buttons = 1) if out: if out.get('server'): server = out.get('server') auto_connect = server == 'auto-connect' if not auto_connect: try: host, port, protocol = server.split(':') except Exception: self.show_message("Error:" + server + "\nIn doubt, type \"auto-connect\"") return False if out.get('server') or out.get('proxy'): proxy ='proxy')) if out.get('proxy') else proxy_config, port, protocol, proxy, auto_connect) def settings_dialog(self): fee = str(Decimal(self.config.fee_per_kb()) / COIN) out = self.run_dialog('Settings', [ {'label':'Default fee', 'type':'satoshis', 'value': fee } ], buttons = 1) if out: if out.get('Default fee'): fee = int(Decimal(out['Default fee']) * COIN) self.config.set_key('fee_per_kb', fee, True) def password_dialog(self): out = self.run_dialog('Password', [ {'label':'Password', 'type':'password', 'value':''} ], buttons = 1) return out.get('Password') def run_dialog(self, title, items, interval=2, buttons=None, y_pos=3): self.popup_pos = 0 self.w = curses.newwin( 5 + len(list(items))*interval + (2 if buttons else 0), 50, y_pos, 5) w = self.w out = {} while True: w.clear() w.border(0) w.addstr( 0, 2, title) num = len(list(items)) numpos = num if buttons: numpos += 2 for i in range(num): item = items[i] label = item.get('label') if item.get('type') == 'list': value = item.get('value','') elif item.get('type') == 'satoshis': value = item.get('value','') elif item.get('type') == 'str': value = item.get('value','') elif item.get('type') == 'password': value = '*'*len(item.get('value','')) else: value = '' if value is None: value = '' if len(value)<20: value += ' '*(20-len(value)) if 'value' in item: w.addstr( 2+interval*i, 2, label) w.addstr( 2+interval*i, 15, value, curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==i else curses.color_pair(1) ) else: w.addstr( 2+interval*i, 2, label, curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==i else 0) if buttons: w.addstr( 5+interval*i, 10, "[ ok ]", curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==(numpos-2) else curses.color_pair(2)) w.addstr( 5+interval*i, 25, "[cancel]", curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==(numpos-1) else curses.color_pair(2)) w.refresh() c = self.stdscr.getch() if c in [ord('q'), 27]: break elif c in [curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_UP]: self.popup_pos -= 1 elif c in [curses.KEY_RIGHT, curses.KEY_DOWN]: self.popup_pos +=1 else: i = self.popup_pos%numpos if buttons and c==10: if i == numpos-2: return out elif i == numpos -1: return {} item = items[i] _type = item.get('type') if _type == 'str': item['value'] = self.edit_str(item['value'], c) out[item.get('label')] = item.get('value') elif _type == 'password': item['value'] = self.edit_str(item['value'], c) out[item.get('label')] = item ['value'] elif _type == 'satoshis': item['value'] = self.edit_str(item['value'], c, True) out[item.get('label')] = item.get('value') elif _type == 'list': choices = item.get('choices') try: j = choices.index(item.get('value')) except Exception: j = 0 new_choice = choices[(j + 1)% len(choices)] item['value'] = new_choice out[item.get('label')] = item.get('value') elif _type == 'button': out['button'] = item.get('label') break return out
class BitcoinWallet(Wallet): """ This class is responsible for handling your wallet of bitcoins. """ TESTNET = False def __init__(self, wallet_dir): super(BitcoinWallet, self).__init__() if self.TESTNET: bitcoin.set_testnet() network.set_testnet() self.wallet_dir = wallet_dir self.wallet_file = 'tbtc_wallet' if self.TESTNET else 'btc_wallet' self.min_confirmations = 0 self.daemon = None self.wallet_password = None = None self.wallet = None self.initialize_storage(self.wallet_dir, self.wallet_file) if self.created: # If the wallet has been created already, we try to unlock it. self.unlock_wallet() def initialize_storage(self, wallet_dir, wallet_file): """ This will initialize the storage for the BTC wallet. """ self.wallet_dir = wallet_dir self.wallet_file = wallet_file config = SimpleConfig(options={ 'cwd': self.wallet_dir, 'wallet_path': self.wallet_file }) = WalletStorage(config.get_wallet_path()) if os.path.exists(config.get_wallet_path()): self.created = True def unlock_wallet(self): """ Attempt to unlock the BTC wallet with the password in the keychain. """ if not self.created or self.unlocked: # Wallet has not been created or unlocked already, do nothing. return False if try: keychain_pw = self.get_wallet_password() self.wallet_password = keychain_pw if keychain_pw else None # Convert empty passwords to None self.unlocked = True except InvalidPassword: self._logger.error( "Invalid BTC wallet password, unable to unlock the wallet!" ) except InitError: self._logger.error( "Cannot initialize the keychain, unable to unlock the wallet!" ) else: # No need to unlock the wallet self.unlocked = True if self.unlocked: config = SimpleConfig(options={ 'cwd': self.wallet_dir, 'wallet_path': self.wallet_file }) if os.path.exists(config.get_wallet_path()): self.wallet = ElectrumWallet( self.start_daemon() self.open_wallet() return True return False def get_wallet_password(self): return keyring.get_password('tribler', 'btc_wallet_password') def set_wallet_password(self, password): keyring.set_password('tribler', 'btc_wallet_password', password) def get_daemon(self): """ Return the daemon that can be used to send JSON RPC commands to. This method is here so we can unit test this class. """ from electrum import daemon return daemon def start_daemon(self): options = { 'verbose': False, 'cmd': 'daemon', 'testnet': self.TESTNET, 'oneserver': False, 'segwit': False, 'cwd': self.wallet_dir, 'portable': False, 'password': '', 'wallet_path': os.path.join('wallet', self.wallet_file) } if self.TESTNET: options['server'] = '' config = SimpleConfig(options) fd, _ = self.get_daemon().get_fd_or_server(config) if not fd: return self.daemon = self.get_daemon().Daemon(config, fd, is_gui=False) self.daemon.start() def open_wallet(self): options = { 'password': self.wallet_password, 'subcommand': 'load_wallet', 'verbose': False, 'cmd': 'daemon', 'testnet': self.TESTNET, 'oneserver': False, 'segwit': False, 'cwd': self.wallet_dir, 'portable': False, 'wallet_path': self.wallet_file } config = SimpleConfig(options) server = self.get_daemon().get_server(config) if server is not None: # Run the command to open the wallet server.daemon(options) def get_name(self): return 'Bitcoin' def get_identifier(self): return 'BTC' def create_wallet(self, password=''): """ Create a new bitcoin wallet. """"Creating wallet in %s", self.wallet_dir) if password is not None: try: self.set_wallet_password(password) except InitError: return fail( RuntimeError( "Cannot initialize the keychain, unable to unlock the wallet!" )) self.wallet_password = password def run_on_thread(thread_method): # We are running code that writes to the wallet on a separate thread. # This is done because Electrum does not allow writing to a wallet from a daemon thread. wallet_thread = Thread(target=thread_method, name="ethereum-create-wallet") wallet_thread.setDaemon(False) wallet_thread.start() wallet_thread.join() seed = Mnemonic('en').make_seed() k = keystore.from_seed(seed, '') k.update_password(None, password)'keystore', k.dump())'wallet_type', 'standard'), bool(password)) run_on_thread( self.wallet = ElectrumWallet( self.wallet.synchronize() run_on_thread( self.created = True self.unlocked = True self.start_daemon() self.open_wallet()"Bitcoin wallet saved in '%s'", return succeed(None) def get_balance(self): """ Return the balance of the wallet. """ if self.created and self.unlocked: options = { 'nolnet': False, 'password': None, 'verbose': False, 'cmd': 'getbalance', 'wallet_path': self.wallet_file, 'testnet': self.TESTNET, 'segwit': False, 'cwd': self.wallet_dir, 'portable': False } config = SimpleConfig(options) server = self.get_daemon().get_server(config) result = server.run_cmdline(options) confirmed = float(result['confirmed']) unconfirmed = float( result['unconfirmed']) if 'unconfirmed' in result else 0 unconfirmed += (float(result['unmatured']) if 'unmatured' in result else 0) return succeed({ "available": confirmed, "pending": unconfirmed, "currency": 'BTC', "precision": self.precision() }) return succeed({ "available": 0, "pending": 0, "currency": 'BTC', "precision": self.precision() }) def transfer(self, amount, address): def on_balance(balance): "Creating Bitcoin payment with amount %f to address %s", amount, address) if balance['available'] >= amount: options = { 'password': self.wallet_password, 'verbose': False, 'nocheck': False, 'cmd': 'payto', 'wallet_path': self.wallet_file, 'destination': address, 'cwd': self.wallet_dir, 'testnet': self.TESTNET, 'rbf': False, 'amount': amount, 'segwit': False, 'unsigned': False, 'portable': False } config = SimpleConfig(options) server = self.get_daemon().get_server(config) result = server.run_cmdline(options) transaction_hex = result['hex'] # Broadcast this transaction options = { 'password': None, 'verbose': False, 'tx': transaction_hex, 'cmd': 'broadcast', 'testnet': self.TESTNET, 'timeout': 30, 'segwit': False, 'cwd': self.wallet_dir, 'portable': False } config = SimpleConfig(options) server = self.get_daemon().get_server(config) result = server.run_cmdline(options) if not result[0]: # Transaction failed return fail(RuntimeError(result[1])) return succeed(str(result[1])) else: return fail(InsufficientFunds()) return self.get_balance().addCallback(on_balance) def monitor_transaction(self, txid): """ Monitor a given transaction ID. Returns a Deferred that fires when the transaction is present. """ monitor_deferred = Deferred() @inlineCallbacks def monitor_loop(): transactions = yield self.get_transactions() for transaction in transactions: if transaction['id'] == txid: self._logger.debug("Found transaction with id %s", txid) monitor_deferred.callback(None) monitor_lc.stop() self._logger.debug("Start polling for transaction %s", txid) monitor_lc = self.register_task("btc_poll_%s" % txid, LoopingCall(monitor_loop)) monitor_lc.start(1) return monitor_deferred def get_address(self): if not self.created or not self.unlocked: return '' return str(self.wallet.get_receiving_address()) def get_transactions(self): if not self.created or not self.unlocked: return succeed([]) options = { 'nolnet': False, 'password': None, 'verbose': False, 'cmd': 'history', 'wallet_path': self.wallet_file, 'testnet': self.TESTNET, 'segwit': False, 'cwd': self.wallet_dir, 'portable': False } config = SimpleConfig(options) server = self.get_daemon().get_server(config) try: result = server.run_cmdline(options) except ProtocolError: self._logger.error("Unable to fetch transactions from BTC wallet!") return succeed([]) transactions = [] for transaction in result: outgoing = transaction['value'] < 0 from_address = ','.join(transaction['input_addresses']) to_address = ','.join(transaction['output_addresses']) transactions.append({ 'id': transaction['txid'], 'outgoing': outgoing, 'from': from_address, 'to': to_address, 'amount': abs(transaction['value']), 'fee_amount': 0.0, 'currency': 'BTC', 'timestamp': str(transaction['timestamp']), 'description': 'Confirmations: %d' % transaction['confirmations'] }) return succeed(transactions) def min_unit(self): return 100000 # The minimum amount of BTC we can transfer in this market is mBTC (100000 Satoshi) def precision(self): return 8
class BitcoinWallet(Wallet): """ This class is responsible for handling your wallet of bitcoins. """ def __init__(self, wallet_dir, testnet=False): super(BitcoinWallet, self).__init__() if testnet: bitcoin.set_testnet() network.set_testnet() self.wallet_dir = wallet_dir self.wallet_file = 'tbtc_wallet' if testnet else 'btc_wallet' self.min_confirmations = 0 self.created = False self.daemon = None keychain_pw = self.get_wallet_password() self.wallet_password = keychain_pw if keychain_pw else None # Convert empty passwords to None = None self.wallet = None self.testnet = testnet self.load_wallet(self.wallet_dir, self.wallet_file) def load_wallet(self, wallet_dir, wallet_file): self.wallet_dir = wallet_dir self.wallet_file = wallet_file config = SimpleConfig(options={'cwd': self.wallet_dir, 'wallet_path': self.wallet_file}) = WalletStorage(config.get_wallet_path()) if if os.path.exists(config.get_wallet_path()): self.wallet = ElectrumWallet( self.created = True self.start_daemon() self.open_wallet() def get_wallet_password(self): return keyring.get_password('tribler', 'btc_wallet_password') def set_wallet_password(self, password): keyring.set_password('tribler', 'btc_wallet_password', password) def get_daemon(self): """ Return the daemon that can be used to send JSON RPC commands to. This method is here so we can unit test this class. """ from electrum import daemon return daemon def start_daemon(self): options = {'verbose': False, 'cmd': 'daemon', 'testnet': self.testnet, 'oneserver': False, 'segwit': False, 'cwd': self.wallet_dir, 'portable': False, 'password': '', 'wallet_path': os.path.join('wallet', self.wallet_file)} if self.testnet: options['server'] = '' config = SimpleConfig(options) fd, _ = self.get_daemon().get_fd_or_server(config) if not fd: return self.daemon = self.get_daemon().Daemon(config, fd) self.daemon.start() def open_wallet(self): options = {'password': self.wallet_password, 'subcommand': 'load_wallet', 'verbose': False, 'cmd': 'daemon', 'testnet': self.testnet, 'oneserver': False, 'segwit': False, 'cwd': self.wallet_dir, 'portable': False, 'wallet_path': self.wallet_file} config = SimpleConfig(options) server = self.get_daemon().get_server(config) if server is not None: # Run the command to open the wallet server.daemon(options) def get_name(self): return 'Bitcoin' if not self.testnet else 'Testnet BTC' def get_identifier(self): return 'BTC' def create_wallet(self, password=''): """ Create a new bitcoin wallet. """"Creating wallet in %s", self.wallet_dir) def run_on_thread(thread_method): # We are running code that writes to the wallet on a separate thread. # This is done because ethereum does not allow writing to a wallet from a daemon thread. wallet_thread = Thread(target=thread_method, name="ethereum-create-wallet") wallet_thread.setDaemon(False) wallet_thread.start() wallet_thread.join() seed = Mnemonic('en').make_seed() k = keystore.from_seed(seed, '') k.update_password(None, password)'keystore', k.dump())'wallet_type', 'standard'), bool(password)) run_on_thread( self.wallet = ElectrumWallet( self.wallet.synchronize() run_on_thread( self.created = True if password is not None: self.set_wallet_password(password) self.wallet_password = password self.start_daemon() self.open_wallet()"Bitcoin wallet saved in '%s'", return succeed(None) def get_balance(self): """ Return the balance of the wallet. """ divider = 100000000 if self.created: confirmed, unconfirmed, unmatured = self.wallet.get_balance() return succeed({ "available": float(confirmed) / divider, "pending": float(unconfirmed + unmatured) / divider, "currency": 'BTC' }) else: return succeed({"available": 0, "pending": 0, "currency": 'BTC'}) def transfer(self, amount, address): def on_balance(balance):"Creating Bitcoin payment with amount %f to address %s", amount, address) if balance['available'] >= amount: options = {'tx_fee': '0.0005', 'password': self.wallet_password, 'verbose': False, 'nocheck': False, 'cmd': 'payto', 'wallet_path': self.wallet_file, 'destination': address, 'cwd': self.wallet_dir, 'testnet': self.testnet, 'rbf': False, 'amount': amount, 'segwit': False, 'unsigned': False, 'portable': False} config = SimpleConfig(options) server = self.get_daemon().get_server(config) result = server.run_cmdline(options) transaction_hex = result['hex'] # Broadcast this transaction options = {'password': None, 'verbose': False, 'tx': transaction_hex, 'cmd': 'broadcast', 'testnet': self.testnet, 'timeout': 30, 'segwit': False, 'cwd': self.wallet_dir, 'portable': False} config = SimpleConfig(options) server = self.get_daemon().get_server(config) result = server.run_cmdline(options) if not result[0]: # Transaction failed return fail(RuntimeError(result[1])) return succeed(str(result[1])) else: return fail(InsufficientFunds()) return self.get_balance().addCallback(on_balance) def monitor_transaction(self, txid): """ Monitor a given transaction ID. Returns a Deferred that fires when the transaction is present. """ monitor_deferred = Deferred() @inlineCallbacks def monitor_loop(): transactions = yield self.get_transactions() for transaction in transactions: if transaction['id'] == txid: self._logger.debug("Found transaction with id %s", txid) monitor_deferred.callback(None) monitor_lc.stop() self._logger.debug("Start polling for transaction %s", txid) monitor_lc = LoopingCall(monitor_loop) monitor_lc.start(1) return monitor_deferred def get_address(self): if not self.created: return '' return str(self.wallet.get_receiving_address()) def get_transactions(self): options = {'nolnet': False, 'password': None, 'verbose': False, 'cmd': 'history', 'wallet_path': self.wallet_file, 'testnet': self.testnet, 'segwit': False, 'cwd': self.wallet_dir, 'portable': False} config = SimpleConfig(options) server = self.get_daemon().get_server(config) result = server.run_cmdline(options) transactions = [] for transaction in result: outgoing = transaction['value'] < 0 if outgoing: from_address = self.get_address() to_address = '' else: from_address = '' to_address = self.get_address() transactions.append({ 'id': transaction['txid'], 'outgoing': outgoing, 'from': from_address, 'to': to_address, 'amount': abs(transaction['value']), 'fee_amount': 0.0, 'currency': 'BTC', 'timestamp': str(transaction['timestamp']), 'description': '' }) return succeed(transactions) def min_unit(self): return 0.0001 # This is the minimum amount of BTC we can transfer in this market
class ElectrumGui: def __init__(self, config, daemon, plugins): self.config = config = storage = WalletStorage(config.get_wallet_path()) if not storage.file_exists(): print("Wallet not found. try 'electrum create'") exit() if storage.is_encrypted(): password = getpass.getpass('Password:'******'') self.encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() self.stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_CYAN) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) self.stdscr.keypad(1) self.stdscr.border(0) self.maxy, self.maxx = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() self.set_cursor(0) self.w = curses.newwin(10, 50, 5, 5) set_verbosity(False) = 0 self.pos = 0 self.popup_pos = 0 self.str_recipient = "" self.str_description = "" self.str_amount = "" self.str_fee = "" self.history = None if, ['updated']) self.tab_names = [_("History"), _("Send"), _("Receive"), _("Addresses"), _("Contacts"), _("Banner")] self.num_tabs = len(self.tab_names) def set_cursor(self, x): try: curses.curs_set(x) except Exception: pass def restore_or_create(self): pass def verify_seed(self): pass def get_string(self, y, x): self.set_cursor(1) curses.echo() self.stdscr.addstr( y, x, " "*20, curses.A_REVERSE) s = self.stdscr.getstr(y,x) curses.noecho() self.set_cursor(0) return s def update(self, event): self.update_history() if == 0: self.print_history() self.refresh() def print_history(self): width = [20, 40, 14, 14] delta = (self.maxx - sum(width) - 4)/3 format_str = "%"+"%d"%width[0]+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[1]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[2]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[3]+delta)+"s" if self.history is None: self.update_history() self.print_list(self.history[::-1], format_str%( _("Date"), _("Description"), _("Amount"), _("Balance"))) def update_history(self): width = [20, 40, 14, 14] delta = (self.maxx - sum(width) - 4)/3 format_str = "%"+"%d"%width[0]+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[1]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[2]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[3]+delta)+"s" b = 0 self.history = [] for item in self.wallet.get_history(): tx_hash, height, conf, timestamp, value, balance = item if conf: try: time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat(' ')[:-3] except Exception: time_str = "------" else: time_str = 'unconfirmed' label = self.wallet.get_label(tx_hash) if len(label) > 40: label = label[0:37] + '...' self.history.append( format_str%( time_str, label, format_satoshis(value, whitespaces=True), format_satoshis(balance, whitespaces=True) ) ) def print_balance(self): if not msg = _("Offline") elif if not self.wallet.up_to_date: msg = _("Synchronizing...") else: c, u, x = self.wallet.get_balance() msg = _("Balance")+": %f "%(Decimal(c) / COIN) if u: msg += " [%f unconfirmed]"%(Decimal(u) / COIN) if x: msg += " [%f unmatured]"%(Decimal(x) / COIN) else: msg = _("Not connected") self.stdscr.addstr( self.maxy -1, 3, msg) for i in range(self.num_tabs): self.stdscr.addstr( 0, 2 + 2*i + len(''.join(self.tab_names[0:i])), ' '+self.tab_names[i]+' ', curses.A_BOLD if == i else 0) self.stdscr.addstr(self.maxy -1, self.maxx-30, ' '.join([_("Settings"), _("Network"), _("Quit")])) def print_receive(self): addr = self.wallet.get_receiving_address() self.stdscr.addstr(2, 1, "Address: "+addr) self.print_qr(addr) def print_contacts(self): messages = map(lambda x: "%20s %45s "%(x[0], x[1][1]), self.contacts.items()) self.print_list(messages, "%19s %15s "%("Key", "Value")) def print_addresses(self): fmt = "%-35s %-30s" messages = map(lambda addr: fmt % (addr, self.wallet.labels.get(addr,"")), self.wallet.get_addresses()) self.print_list(messages, fmt % ("Address", "Label")) def print_edit_line(self, y, label, text, index, size): text += " "*(size - len(text) ) self.stdscr.addstr( y, 2, label) self.stdscr.addstr( y, 15, text, curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==index else curses.color_pair(1)) def print_send_tab(self): self.stdscr.clear() self.print_edit_line(3, _("Pay to"), self.str_recipient, 0, 40) self.print_edit_line(5, _("Description"), self.str_description, 1, 40) self.print_edit_line(7, _("Amount"), self.str_amount, 2, 15) self.print_edit_line(9, _("Fee"), self.str_fee, 3, 15) self.stdscr.addstr( 12, 15, _("[Send]"), curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==4 else curses.color_pair(2)) self.stdscr.addstr( 12, 25, _("[Clear]"), curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==5 else curses.color_pair(2)) self.maxpos = 6 def print_banner(self): if self.print_list('\n')) def print_qr(self, data): import qrcode try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO s = StringIO() self.qr = qrcode.QRCode() self.qr.add_data(data) self.qr.print_ascii(out=s, invert=False) msg = s.getvalue() lines = msg.split('\n') for i, l in enumerate(lines): l = l.encode("utf-8") self.stdscr.addstr(i+5, 5, l, curses.color_pair(3)) def print_list(self, lst, firstline = None): lst = list(lst) self.maxpos = len(lst) if not self.maxpos: return if firstline: firstline += " "*(self.maxx -2 - len(firstline)) self.stdscr.addstr( 1, 1, firstline ) for i in range(self.maxy-4): msg = lst[i] if i < len(lst) else "" msg += " "*(self.maxx - 2 - len(msg)) m = msg[0:self.maxx - 2] m = m.encode(self.encoding) self.stdscr.addstr( i+2, 1, m, curses.A_REVERSE if i == (self.pos % self.maxpos) else 0) def refresh(self): if == -1: return self.stdscr.border(0) self.print_balance() self.stdscr.refresh() def main_command(self): c = self.stdscr.getch() print(c) cc = curses.unctrl(c).decode() if c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: = ( + 1)%self.num_tabs elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: = ( - 1)%self.num_tabs elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.pos +=1 elif c == curses.KEY_UP: self.pos -= 1 elif c == 9: self.pos +=1 # tab elif cc in ['^W', '^C', '^X', '^Q']: = -1 elif cc in ['^N']: self.network_dialog() elif cc == '^S': self.settings_dialog() else: return c if self.pos<0: self.pos=0 if self.pos>=self.maxpos: self.pos=self.maxpos - 1 def run_tab(self, i, print_func, exec_func): while == i: self.stdscr.clear() print_func() self.refresh() c = self.main_command() if c: exec_func(c) def run_history_tab(self, c): if c == 10: out = self.run_popup('',["blah","foo"]) def edit_str(self, target, c, is_num=False): # detect backspace cc = curses.unctrl(c).decode() if c in [8, 127, 263] and target: target = target[:-1] elif not is_num or cc in '0123456789.': target += cc return target def run_send_tab(self, c): if self.pos%6 == 0: self.str_recipient = self.edit_str(self.str_recipient, c) if self.pos%6 == 1: self.str_description = self.edit_str(self.str_description, c) if self.pos%6 == 2: self.str_amount = self.edit_str(self.str_amount, c, True) elif self.pos%6 == 3: self.str_fee = self.edit_str(self.str_fee, c, True) elif self.pos%6==4: if c == 10: self.do_send() elif self.pos%6==5: if c == 10: self.do_clear() def run_receive_tab(self, c): if c == 10: out = self.run_popup('Address', ["Edit label", "Freeze", "Prioritize"]) def run_contacts_tab(self, c): if c == 10 and self.contacts: out = self.run_popup('Address', ["Copy", "Pay to", "Edit label", "Delete"]).get('button') key = list(self.contacts.keys())[self.pos%len(self.contacts.keys())] if out == "Pay to": = 1 self.str_recipient = key self.pos = 2 elif out == "Edit label": s = self.get_string(6 + self.pos, 18) if s: self.wallet.labels[key] = s def run_banner_tab(self, c): self.show_message(repr(c)) pass def main(self): tty.setraw(sys.stdin) while != -1: self.run_tab(0, self.print_history, self.run_history_tab) self.run_tab(1, self.print_send_tab, self.run_send_tab) self.run_tab(2, self.print_receive, self.run_receive_tab) self.run_tab(3, self.print_addresses, self.run_banner_tab) self.run_tab(4, self.print_contacts, self.run_contacts_tab) self.run_tab(5, self.print_banner, self.run_banner_tab) tty.setcbreak(sys.stdin) curses.nocbreak() self.stdscr.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.endwin() def do_clear(self): self.str_amount = '' self.str_recipient = '' self.str_fee = '' self.str_description = '' def do_send(self):