Exemple #1
 def callback_Failure(self, msg):
     # BaseClient's unfortunate call() implementation forces us to
     # raise exceptions on failure in order to unwind the stack.
     # However, making the user acknowledge they cancelled
     # gets old very quickly, so we suppress those.  The NotInitialized
     # one is misnamed and indicates a passphrase request was cancelled.
     if msg.code in (self.types.FailureType.PinCancelled,
         raise UserCancelled()
     raise RuntimeError(msg.message)
 def __exit__(self, exc_type, e, traceback):
     if e is not None:
         if isinstance(e, Cancelled):
             raise UserCancelled() from e
         elif isinstance(e, TrezorFailure):
             raise RuntimeError(str(e)) from e
         elif isinstance(e, OutdatedFirmwareError):
             raise OutdatedHwFirmwareException(e) from e
             return False
     return True
Exemple #3
    def get_seed(self):
        password = None
        if self.wallet.has_keystore_encryption():
            password = self.password_dialog(parent=self.d.parent())
            if not password:
                raise UserCancelled()

        keystore = self.wallet.get_keystore()
        if not keystore or not keystore.has_seed():
        self.extension = bool(keystore.get_passphrase(password))
        return keystore.get_seed(password)
Exemple #4
    def check_device_dialog(self):
        match = re.search(r'v([0-9])+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+',
        if match is None:
            raise Exception("error detecting firmware version")
        major_version = int(match.group(1))
        if major_version < MIN_MAJOR_VERSION:
            raise Exception("Please upgrade to the newest firmware using the BitBox Desktop app: https://shiftcrypto.ch/start")
        # Set password if fresh device
        if self.password is None and not self.dbb_has_password():
            if not self.setupRunning:
                return False # A fresh device cannot connect to an existing wallet
            msg = _("An uninitialized Digital Bitbox is detected.") + " " + \
                  _("Enter a new password below.") + "\n\n" + \
                  _("REMEMBER THE PASSWORD!") + "\n\n" + \
                  _("You cannot access your coins or a backup without the password.") + "\n" + \
                  _("A backup is saved automatically when generating a new wallet.")
            if self.password_dialog(msg):
                reply = self.hid_send_plain(b'{"password":"******"}')
                return False

        # Get password from user if not yet set
        msg = _("Enter your Digital Bitbox password:"******"led":"blink"}')
            if 'error' in reply:
                self.password = None
                if reply['error']['code'] == 109:
                    msg = _("Incorrect password entered.") + "\n\n" + \
                          reply['error']['message'] + "\n\n" + \
                          _("Enter your Digital Bitbox password:"******"Unexpected error occurred.") + "\n\n" + \
                          reply['error']['message'] + "\n\n" + \
                          _("Enter your Digital Bitbox password:"******"device":"info"}')
            if reply['device']['id'] != "":
                self.recover_or_erase_dialog() # Already seeded
                self.seed_device_dialog() # Seed if not initialized
        return self.isInitialized
Exemple #5
 def f(method):
     import threading
     settings = self.request_safe_t_init_settings(
         wizard, method, self.device)
     t = threading.Thread(target=self._initialize_device_safe,
                          args=(settings, method, device_id, wizard,
     exit_code = wizard.loop.exec_()
     if exit_code != 0:
         # this method (initialize_device) was called with the expectation
         # of leaving the device in an initialized state when finishing.
         # signal that this is not the case:
         raise UserCancelled()
Exemple #6
    def check_device_dialog(self):
        # Set password if fresh device
        if self.password is None and not self.dbb_has_password():
            if not self.setupRunning:
                return False  # A fresh device cannot connect to an existing wallet
            msg = _("An uninitialized Digital Bitbox is detected.") + " " + \
                  _("Enter a new password below.") + "\n\n" + \
                  _("REMEMBER THE PASSWORD!") + "\n\n" + \
                  _("You cannot access your coins or a backup without the password.") + "\n" + \
                  _("A backup is saved automatically when generating a new wallet.")
            if self.password_dialog(msg):
                reply = self.hid_send_plain(b'{"password":"******"}')
                return False

        # Get password from user if not yet set
        msg = _("Enter your Digital Bitbox password:"******"led":"blink"}')
            if 'error' in reply:
                self.password = None
                if reply['error']['code'] == 109:
                    msg = _("Incorrect password entered.") + "\n\n" + \
                          reply['error']['message'] + "\n\n" + \
                          _("Enter your Digital Bitbox password:"******"Unexpected error occurred.") + "\n\n" + \
                          reply['error']['message'] + "\n\n" + \
                          _("Enter your Digital Bitbox password:"******"device":"info"}')
            if reply['device']['id'] != "":
                self.recover_or_erase_dialog()  # Already seeded
                self.seed_device_dialog()  # Seed if not initialized
        return self.isInitialized
Exemple #7
    def sign_transaction(self, tx, password):
        if tx.is_complete():

            p2pkhTransaction = True
            inputhasharray = []
            hasharray = []
            pubkeyarray = []

            # Build hasharray from inputs
            for i, txin in enumerate(tx.inputs()):
                if txin.is_coinbase_input():
                    self.give_error("Coinbase not supported") # should never happen

                if txin.script_type != 'p2pkh':
                    p2pkhTransaction = False

                my_pubkey, inputPath = self.find_my_pubkey_in_txinout(txin)
                if not inputPath:
                    self.give_error("No matching pubkey for sign_transaction")  # should never happen
                inputPath = convert_bip32_intpath_to_strpath(inputPath)
                inputHash = sha256d(bfh(tx.serialize_preimage(i)))
                hasharray_i = {'hash': to_hexstr(inputHash), 'keypath': inputPath}

            # Build pubkeyarray from outputs
            for txout in tx.outputs():
                assert txout.address
                if txout.is_change:
                    changePubkey, changePath = self.find_my_pubkey_in_txinout(txout)
                    assert changePath
                    changePath = convert_bip32_intpath_to_strpath(changePath)
                    changePubkey = changePubkey.hex()
                    pubkeyarray_i = {'pubkey': changePubkey, 'keypath': changePath}

            # Special serialization of the unsigned transaction for
            # the mobile verification app.
            # At the moment, verification only works for p2pkh transactions.
            if p2pkhTransaction:
                tx_copy = copy.deepcopy(tx)
                # monkey-patch method of tx_copy instance to change serialization
                def input_script(self, txin: PartialTxInput, *, estimate_size=False):
                    if txin.script_type == 'p2pkh':
                        return Transaction.get_preimage_script(txin)
                    raise Exception("unsupported type %s" % txin.script_type)
                tx_copy.input_script = input_script.__get__(tx_copy, PartialTransaction)
                tx_dbb_serialized = tx_copy.serialize_to_network()
                # We only need this for the signing echo / verification.
                tx_dbb_serialized = None

            # Build sign command
            dbb_signatures = []
            steps = math.ceil(1.0 * len(hasharray) / self.maxInputs)
            for step in range(int(steps)):
                hashes = hasharray[step * self.maxInputs : (step + 1) * self.maxInputs]

                msg = {
                    "sign": {
                        "data": hashes,
                        "checkpub": pubkeyarray,
                if tx_dbb_serialized is not None:
                    msg["sign"]["meta"] = to_hexstr(sha256d(tx_dbb_serialized))
                msg = json.dumps(msg).encode('ascii')
                dbb_client = self.plugin.get_client(self)

                if not dbb_client.is_paired():
                    raise Exception("Could not sign transaction.")

                reply = dbb_client.hid_send_encrypt(msg)
                if 'error' in reply:
                    raise Exception(reply['error']['message'])

                if 'echo' not in reply:
                    raise Exception("Could not sign transaction.")

                if self.plugin.is_mobile_paired() and tx_dbb_serialized is not None:
                    reply['tx'] = tx_dbb_serialized

                if steps > 1:
                    self.handler.show_message(_("Signing large transaction. Please be patient ...") + "\n\n" +
                                              _("To continue, touch the Digital Bitbox's blinking light for 3 seconds.") + " " +
                                              _("(Touch {} of {})").format((step + 1), steps) + "\n\n" +
                                              _("To cancel, briefly touch the blinking light or wait for the timeout.") + "\n\n")
                    self.handler.show_message(_("Signing transaction...") + "\n\n" +
                                              _("To continue, touch the Digital Bitbox's blinking light for 3 seconds.") + "\n\n" +
                                              _("To cancel, briefly touch the blinking light or wait for the timeout."))

                # Send twice, first returns an echo for smart verification
                reply = dbb_client.hid_send_encrypt(msg)

                if 'error' in reply:
                    if reply["error"].get('code') in (600, 601):
                        # aborted via LED short touch or timeout
                        raise UserCancelled()
                    raise Exception(reply['error']['message'])

                if 'sign' not in reply:
                    raise Exception("Could not sign transaction.")


            # Fill signatures
            if len(dbb_signatures) != len(tx.inputs()):
                raise Exception("Incorrect number of transactions signed.") # Should never occur
            for i, txin in enumerate(tx.inputs()):
                for pubkey_bytes in txin.pubkeys:
                    if txin.is_complete():
                    signed = dbb_signatures[i]
                    if 'recid' in signed:
                        # firmware > v2.1.1
                        recid = int(signed['recid'], 16)
                        s = binascii.unhexlify(signed['sig'])
                        h = inputhasharray[i]
                        pk = ecc.ECPubkey.from_sig_string(s, recid, h)
                        pk = pk.get_public_key_hex(compressed=True)
                    elif 'pubkey' in signed:
                        # firmware <= v2.1.1
                        pk = signed['pubkey']
                    if pk != pubkey_bytes.hex():
                    sig_r = int(signed['sig'][:64], 16)
                    sig_s = int(signed['sig'][64:], 16)
                    sig = ecc.der_sig_from_r_and_s(sig_r, sig_s)
                    sig = to_hexstr(sig) + '01'
                    tx.add_signature_to_txin(txin_idx=i, signing_pubkey=pubkey_bytes.hex(), sig=sig)
        except UserCancelled:
        except BaseException as e:
            self.give_error(e, True)
            _logger.info(f"Transaction is_complete {tx.is_complete()}")
Exemple #8
    def sign_transaction(self, tx, password):
        if tx.is_complete():

            p2pkhTransaction = True
            derivations = self.get_tx_derivations(tx)
            inputhasharray = []
            hasharray = []
            pubkeyarray = []

            # Build hasharray from inputs
            for i, txin in enumerate(tx.inputs()):
                if txin['type'] == 'coinbase':
                    self.give_error("Coinbase not supported") # should never happen

                if txin['type'] != 'p2pkh':
                    p2pkhTransaction = False

                for x_pubkey in txin['x_pubkeys']:
                    if x_pubkey in derivations:
                        index = derivations.get(x_pubkey)
                        inputPath = "%s/%d/%d" % (self.get_derivation(), index[0], index[1])
                        inputHash = Hash(binascii.unhexlify(tx.serialize_preimage(i)))
                        hasharray_i = {'hash': to_hexstr(inputHash), 'keypath': inputPath}
                    self.give_error("No matching x_key for sign_transaction") # should never happen

            # Build pubkeyarray from outputs
            for _type, address, amount in tx.outputs():
                assert _type == TYPE_ADDRESS
                info = tx.output_info.get(address)
                if info is not None:
                    index, xpubs, m = info
                    changePath = self.get_derivation() + "/%d/%d" % index
                    changePubkey = self.derive_pubkey(index[0], index[1])
                    pubkeyarray_i = {'pubkey': changePubkey, 'keypath': changePath}

            # Special serialization of the unsigned transaction for
            # the mobile verification app.
            # At the moment, verification only works for p2pkh transactions.
            if p2pkhTransaction:
                class CustomTXSerialization(Transaction):
                    def input_script(self, txin, estimate_size=False):
                        if txin['type'] == 'p2pkh':
                            return Transaction.get_preimage_script(txin)
                        if txin['type'] == 'p2sh':
                            # Multisig verification has partial support, but is disabled. This is the
                            # expected serialization though, so we leave it here until we activate it.
                            return '00' + push_script(Transaction.get_preimage_script(txin))
                        raise Exception("unsupported type %s" % txin['type'])
                tx_dbb_serialized = CustomTXSerialization(tx.serialize()).serialize()
                # We only need this for the signing echo / verification.
                tx_dbb_serialized = None

            # Build sign command
            dbb_signatures = []
            steps = math.ceil(1.0 * len(hasharray) / self.maxInputs)
            for step in range(int(steps)):
                hashes = hasharray[step * self.maxInputs : (step + 1) * self.maxInputs]

                msg = {
                    "sign": {
                        "data": hashes,
                        "checkpub": pubkeyarray,
                if tx_dbb_serialized is not None:
                    msg["sign"]["meta"] = to_hexstr(Hash(tx_dbb_serialized))
                msg = json.dumps(msg).encode('ascii')
                dbb_client = self.plugin.get_client(self)

                if not dbb_client.is_paired():
                    raise Exception("Could not sign transaction.")

                reply = dbb_client.hid_send_encrypt(msg)
                if 'error' in reply:
                    raise Exception(reply['error']['message'])

                if 'echo' not in reply:
                    raise Exception("Could not sign transaction.")

                if self.plugin.is_mobile_paired() and tx_dbb_serialized is not None:
                    reply['tx'] = tx_dbb_serialized

                if steps > 1:
                    self.handler.show_message(_("Signing large transaction. Please be patient ...") + "\n\n" +
                                              _("To continue, touch the Digital Bitbox's blinking light for 3 seconds.") + " " +
                                              _("(Touch {} of {})").format((step + 1), steps) + "\n\n" +
                                              _("To cancel, briefly touch the blinking light or wait for the timeout.") + "\n\n")
                    self.handler.show_message(_("Signing transaction...") + "\n\n" +
                                              _("To continue, touch the Digital Bitbox's blinking light for 3 seconds.") + "\n\n" +
                                              _("To cancel, briefly touch the blinking light or wait for the timeout."))

                # Send twice, first returns an echo for smart verification
                reply = dbb_client.hid_send_encrypt(msg)

                if 'error' in reply:
                    if reply["error"].get('code') in (600, 601):
                        # aborted via LED short touch or timeout
                        raise UserCancelled()
                    raise Exception(reply['error']['message'])

                if 'sign' not in reply:
                    raise Exception("Could not sign transaction.")


            # Fill signatures
            if len(dbb_signatures) != len(tx.inputs()):
                raise Exception("Incorrect number of transactions signed.") # Should never occur
            for i, txin in enumerate(tx.inputs()):
                num = txin['num_sig']
                for pubkey in txin['pubkeys']:
                    signatures = list(filter(None, txin['signatures']))
                    if len(signatures) == num:
                        break # txin is complete
                    ii = txin['pubkeys'].index(pubkey)
                    signed = dbb_signatures[i]
                    if 'recid' in signed:
                        # firmware > v2.1.1
                        recid = int(signed['recid'], 16)
                        s = binascii.unhexlify(signed['sig'])
                        h = inputhasharray[i]
                        pk = MyVerifyingKey.from_signature(s, recid, h, curve = SECP256k1)
                        pk = to_hexstr(point_to_ser(pk.pubkey.point, True))
                    elif 'pubkey' in signed:
                        # firmware <= v2.1.1
                        pk = signed['pubkey']
                    if pk != pubkey:
                    sig_r = int(signed['sig'][:64], 16)
                    sig_s = int(signed['sig'][64:], 16)
                    sig = sigencode_der(sig_r, sig_s, generator_secp256k1.order())
                    txin['signatures'][ii] = to_hexstr(sig) + '01'
                    tx._inputs[i] = txin
        except UserCancelled:
        except BaseException as e:
            self.give_error(e, True)
            print_error("Transaction is_complete", tx.is_complete())
            tx.raw = tx.serialize()