def Dif_basic_F(S, Coords):
    E = Element("Q4")
    N = E.N()
    G_map = E.G_map()
    F = np.zeros((len(Coords), 1))
    x_ip = [-np.sqrt(3) / 3, np.sqrt(3) / 3]
    W_ip = [1, 1]
    for i in range(len(x_ip)):

        N_l = N(x_ip[i], x_ip[i])  #N local
        N_T = np.transpose(N_l)
        B, Jdet = G_map(x_ip[i], x_ip[i], Coords)
        #print("N_T is ",N_T)
        S_val = S(x_ip[i], x_ip[i])
        F = F + N_T * S_val * Jdet * W_ip[i] * W_ip[i]
    #reference file
    file = open('../outputs/f_elemental.txt', 'w')
    for i in range(4):
        if i != 0:
        file.write(" ")
    return F
def Dif_basic_K(Coords, k=1):  #let k be an optional arguement
    num_nodes = 4  # number of nodes
    E = Element("Q4")

    # K  = np.zeros((num_nodes,num_nodes))
    # Now to step through K_mat and integrate each element
    Ke = np.zeros((len(Coords), len(Coords)))

    x_ip = [-np.sqrt(3) / 3, np.sqrt(3) / 3]

    W_ip = [1, 1]
    for i in range(len(x_ip)):
        for j in range(len(x_ip)):  # now ready to integrate
            G_m = E.G_map()
            B, Jdet = G_m(x_ip[i], x_ip[j], Coords)
            B_T = np.transpose(B)
            Ke = Ke + * k * Jdet * W_ip[i] * W_ip[j]
            #Ke = Ke + ((np.transpose(B)) * k * B * Jdet * W_ip[i] * W_ip[j])
            #Ke = Ke + (, k*B_val) * abs(J_d_val)*w_ip[i]*w_ip[j])

    #file = open('../outputs/K_elemental.txt', 'w')
    #for i in range(4):
    #    if i != 0:
    #        file.write('\n')
    #    for j in range(4):
    #        file.write(str(K[i, j]))
    #        file.write(" ")
    return Ke
Exemple #3
def calcStressStrainElemental(d, A, NodalCoord, Connectivity):
    #calculate strains in center of element!
    E = Element("Q4")
    stress = np.zeros((3, len(Connectivity)))
    strain = np.zeros((3, len(Connectivity)))
    for e in range(0, len(Connectivity)):
        Coord_mat_el = getElementCoordinates(e, NodalCoord, Connectivity)
        Elemental_disp = getElementDisplacements(e, d, A)
        gradN, detJ = E.G_map(0, 0, Coord_mat_el)
        B = get_B_plane_stress(gradN)
        strain[:, e] =, Elemental_disp)[:, 0]
        stress[:, e] = strain[:, e]
    return strain, stress
def ES_K(Coords):
    num_nodes = 4  # number of nodes
    E = Element("Q4")

    # Now to step through K_mat and integrate each element
    Ke = np.zeros((len(Coords), len(Coords)))
    x_ip = [-np.sqrt(3) / 3, np.sqrt(3) / 3]
    W_ip = [1, 1]
    for i in range(len(x_ip)):
        for j in range(len(x_ip)):  # now ready to integrate
            G_m = E.G_map()
            B, Jdet = G_m(x_ip[i], x_ip[j], Coords)
Exemple #5
def getInternalForces(Coord_mat_el,sigma):
    E = Element("Q4")
    weights = [1, 1]
    xIP = [-np.sqrt(3) / 3, np.sqrt(3) / 3]
    fint_pre = np.zeros((1,8))
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(xIP)):
        for j in range(len(xIP)):
            gradN, detJ = E.G_map(xIP[i], xIP[j], Coord_mat_el)
            B = get_B_plane_stress(gradN)
            fint_pre +=,sigma[:,count]) * detJ * weights[i] * weights[j]
            count += 1

    return np.transpose(fint_pre)
Exemple #6
def getStrainElement(Coord_mat_el, d):
    E = Element("Q4")
    xIP = [-np.sqrt(3) / 3, np.sqrt(3) / 3]
    epsilon = np.zeros((3, 4))
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(xIP)):
        for j in range(len(xIP)):
            gradN, detJ = E.G_map(xIP[i], xIP[j], Coord_mat_el)
            B = get_B_plane_stress(gradN)
            val =, d)
            for k in range(3):
                epsilon[k, count] = val[k]

            count += 1

    return epsilon
Exemple #7
def Dif_basic_K(Coords, k=1):  #let k be an optional arguement
    E = Element("Q4")

    Ke = np.zeros((len(Coords), len(Coords)))

    x_ip = [-np.sqrt(3) / 3, np.sqrt(3) / 3]

    W_ip = [1, 1]
    for i in range(len(x_ip)):
        for j in range(len(x_ip)):  # now ready to integrate
            G_m = E.G_map()
            B, Jdet = G_m(x_ip[i], x_ip[j], Coords)
            B_T = np.transpose(B)
            Ke = Ke + * k * Jdet * W_ip[i] * W_ip[j]

    return Ke