Exemple #1
def die_info_rec(die, func_map, global_map, type_map, struct_map, variables, global_access_map):
    """ A recursive function for showing information about a DIE and its
    name = ''
    if die.tag == "DW_TAG_subprogram":
        variables = {}
        #print (die.attributes)
        for attr in itervalues(die.attributes):
            if attr.name == 'DW_AT_name':
                name = bytes2str(attr.value)

    elif die.tag == "DW_TAG_variable" or die.tag == "DW_TAG_formal_parameter":
        global_flag = 0
        #var_name, offset, line, type_val = '',0,0,''
	offset_var = ''
        for attr in itervalues(die.attributes):
            if attr.name == 'DW_AT_name':
                var_name =  bytes2str(attr.value)
            elif attr.name == 'DW_AT_location':
                val = _location_list_extra(attr, die, ' ')
                #offset = int(val[val.index(':')+1:].strip()[:-1],16)
		offset_var = val[val.find(':')+1:val.find(')')].strip()
            elif attr.name == 'DW_AT_decl_line':
                line = attr.value
            elif attr.name == 'DW_AT_type':
                type_val = (attr.value + die.cu.cu_offset)
            elif attr.name == 'DW_AT_external':
                global_flag = 1

	if type_val in struct_map.keys():
	    struct_var_name = var_name
	    members = struct_map[type_val]
	    for member in members.keys():
		var_name = struct_var_name + "." + struct_map[type_val][member][0]
		struct_offset =	struct_map[type_val][member][1]
		addVariableInMap(global_flag, global_map, variables, offset_var, var_name, type_val, line, global_access_map, struct_offset)

	   addVariableInMap(global_flag, global_map, variables, offset_var, var_name, type_val, line, global_access_map, 0)
    elif die.tag == 'DW_TAG_base_type':
        #type_name, size = '',0
        for attr in itervalues(die.attributes):
            if attr.name == "DW_AT_name":
                type_name = bytes2str(attr.value)
            elif attr.name == 'DW_AT_byte_size':
                size = attr.value
        type_map[die.offset] = (type_name, size)

    for child in die.iter_children():
        die_info_rec(child, func_map, global_map, type_map, struct_map, variables, global_access_map)

    if die.tag == "DW_TAG_subprogram":
        #print (die.attributes)
        func_map[name] = variables     
Exemple #2
	def get_func_with_params(self):
		""" Dump the debugging info section.
		if self._dwarfinfo is None:
		section_offset = self._dwarfinfo.debug_info_sec.global_offset
		# Offset of the .debug_info section in the stream
		for cu in self._dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
			funcDic = {}
			paraCount = 0
			for die in cu.iter_DIEs():
				if die.abbrev_code == 0 and funcName != "":
					funcDic[(funcName,funcAddr)] = [paraCount]
					funcName = ""
				if die.tag == 'DW_TAG_subprogram':
					for attr in itervalues(die.attributes):
						if 'DW_AT_low_pc' in attr.name:
							funcAddr=describe_attr_value(attr, die, section_offset).split()[0]
						if 'DW_AT_name' in attr.name:
							funcName=describe_attr_value(attr, die, section_offset).split()[-1]

				elif die.tag == 'DW_TAG_formal_parameter':
		return funcDic
Exemple #3
    def get_func_with_params(self):
        """ Dump the debugging info section.
        if self._dwarfinfo is None:
        section_offset = self._dwarfinfo.debug_info_sec.global_offset
        # Offset of the .debug_info section in the stream
        for cu in self._dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
            funcDic = {}
            paraCount = 0
            funcName = ""
            funcAddr = ""
            for die in cu.iter_DIEs():
                if die.abbrev_code == 0 and funcName != "":
                    funcDic[(funcName, funcAddr)] = [paraCount]
                    funcName = ""

                if die.tag == 'DW_TAG_subprogram':
                    paraCount = 0
                    for attr in itervalues(die.attributes):
                        if 'DW_AT_low_pc' in attr.name:
                            funcAddr = describe_attr_value(
                                attr, die, section_offset).split()[0]
                        if 'DW_AT_name' in attr.name:
                            funcName = describe_attr_value(
                                attr, die, section_offset).split()[-1]

                elif die.tag == 'DW_TAG_formal_parameter':
                    paraCount += 1
        return funcDic
Exemple #4
    def parse_dwarf_info(self):
        """ build dwarf info data structure

        :return: OrderedDict
        if self.dwarf_info is None:
            self.dwarf_info = OrderedDict()

            logging.debug('Parsing DWARF Info...')
            dwarf_info = self._elf.get_dwarf_info()
            if not dwarf_info.has_debug_info:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Debug information not available in ELF file. \
                                    Symbol table will be empty")

            for cu in dwarf_info.iter_CUs():
                die_depth = 0
                for die in cu.iter_DIEs():

                    if die.is_null():
                        die_depth -= 1

                    # abbreviation property of interest
                    abbreviation = OrderedDict()
                    abbreviation["depth"] = die_depth
                    abbreviation["offset"] = die.offset
                    abbreviation["code"] = die.abbrev_code
                    abbreviation["tag"] = die.tag if not die.is_null() else ""
                    abbreviation["attr"] = []

                    abbreviation_log_string = " <{0}><{1}>: Abbrev Number: {2} ({3})".format(
                        die_depth, hex(die.offset), die.abbrev_code, die.tag)

                    for attr in itervalues(die.attributes):
                        description = self._get_attribute_description(
                            attr, die)

                        if description is not None:
                            attr_dict = OrderedDict()
                            attr_dict["offset"] = attr.offset
                            attr_dict["name"] = attr.name
                            attr_dict["desc"] = description

                            log_description = hex(description) if isinstance(
                                description, int) else description
                            attribute_log_string = "    <{0}>   {1}: {2}".format(
                                hex(attr.offset), attr.name, log_description)

                    if abbreviation["attr"]:
                        self.dwarf_info[die.offset] = abbreviation

                    if die.has_children:
                        die_depth += 1

        return self.dwarf_info
Exemple #5
def process_file(filename):
    print('Processing file:', filename)
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        elffile = ELFFile(f)

        if not elffile.has_dwarf_info():
            print('  file has no DWARF info')

        # get_dwarf_info returns a DWARFInfo context object, which is the
        # starting point for all DWARF-based processing in pyelftools.
        dwarfinfo = elffile.get_dwarf_info()

        # The location lists are extracted by DWARFInfo from the .debug_loc
        # section, and returned here as a LocationLists object.
        location_lists = dwarfinfo.location_lists()

        # This is required for the descriptions module to correctly decode
        # register names contained in DWARF expressions.

        # Create a LocationParser object that parses the DIE attributes and
        # creates objects representing the actual location information.
        loc_parser = LocationParser(location_lists)

        for CU in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
            # DWARFInfo allows to iterate over the compile units contained in
            # the .debug_info section. CU is a CompileUnit object, with some
            # computed attributes (such as its offset in the section) and
            # a header which conforms to the DWARF standard. The access to
            # header elements is, as usual, via item-lookup.
            print('  Found a compile unit at offset %s, length %s' %
                  (CU.cu_offset, CU['unit_length']))

            # A CU provides a simple API to iterate over all the DIEs in it.
            for DIE in CU.iter_DIEs():
                # Go over all attributes of the DIE. Each attribute is an
                # AttributeValue object (from elftools.dwarf.die), which we
                # can examine.
                for attr in itervalues(DIE.attributes):
                    # Check if this attribute contains location information
                    # pdb.set_trace()
                    if loc_parser.attribute_has_location(attr, CU['version']):
                        var_name = DIE.attributes['DW_AT_name'].value
                        print(' Varname:%s' % (var_name))
                        print('   DIE %s. attr %s.' % (DIE.tag, attr.name))
                        loc = loc_parser.parse_from_attribute(
                            attr, CU['version'])
                        # We either get a list (in case the attribute is a
                        # reference to the .debug_loc section) or a LocationExpr
                        # object (in case the attribute itself contains location
                        # information).
                        if isinstance(loc, LocationExpr):
                            print('      %s' % (describe_DWARF_expr(
                                loc.loc_expr, dwarfinfo.structs)))
                        elif isinstance(loc, list):
                            print(show_loclist(loc, dwarfinfo,
                                               indent='      '))
Exemple #6
def _print_die(die, section_offset):
  DEBUG("Processing DIE: {}".format(str(die)))
  for attr in itervalues(die.attributes):
    if attr.name == 'DW_AT_name' :
      variable_name = attr.value
      name = attr.name
      if isinstance(name, int):
        name = 'Unknown AT value: %x' % name
      DEBUG('    <%x>   %-18s: %s' % (attr.offset, name, describe_attr_value(attr, die, section_offset)))
Exemple #7
def _print_die(die, section_offset):
    DEBUG("Processing DIE: {}".format(str(die)))
    for attr in itervalues(die.attributes):
        if attr.name == 'DW_AT_name':
            variable_name = attr.value
            name = attr.name
            if isinstance(name, int):
                name = 'Unknown AT value: %x' % name
            DEBUG('    <%x>   %-18s: %s' %
                  (attr.offset, name,
                   describe_attr_value(attr, die, section_offset)))
Exemple #8
def die_info_rec_struct(die, struct_map, members, global_access_map):
	if die.tag == "DW_TAG_structure_type":
		members = {}
		#struct_name = ''
		for attr in itervalues(die.attributes):
			if attr.name == 'DW_AT_name':
                		struct_name =  bytes2str(attr.value)

	elif die.tag == "DW_TAG_member":
		#var_name, loc = '',0
		for attr in itervalues(die.attributes):
			if attr.name == 'DW_AT_name':
                		var_name =  bytes2str(attr.value)
			if attr.name == 'DW_AT_data_member_location':
                		loc =  attr.value
		members[var_name] = (var_name, loc)

	for child in die.iter_children():
        	die_info_rec_struct(child, struct_map, members, global_access_map)

	if die.tag == "DW_TAG_structure_type":
        	struct_map[die.offset] = members
Exemple #9
    def _dump_debug_info(self):
        """ Dump the debugging info section.
        self._emitline('Contents of the .debug_info section:\n')

        # Offset of the .debug_info section in the stream
        section_offset = self._dwarfinfo.debug_info_sec.global_offset

        for cu in self._dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
            self._emitline('  Compilation Unit @ offset %s:' %
            self._emitline('   Length:        %s (%s)' % (
                '%s-bit' % cu.dwarf_format()))
            self._emitline('   Version:       %s' % cu['version']),
            self._emitline('   Abbrev Offset: %s' % (
            self._emitline('   Pointer Size:  %s' % cu['address_size'])

            # The nesting depth of each DIE within the tree of DIEs must be
            # displayed. To implement this, a counter is incremented each time
            # the current DIE has children, and decremented when a null die is
            # encountered. Due to the way the DIE tree is serialized, this will
            # correctly reflect the nesting depth
            die_depth = 0
            for die in cu.iter_DIEs():
                self._emitline(' <%s><%x>: Abbrev Number: %s%s' % (
                    (' (%s)' % die.tag) if not die.is_null() else ''))
                if die.is_null():
                    die_depth -= 1

                for attr in itervalues(die.attributes):
                    name = attr.name
                    # Unknown attribute values are passed-through as integers
                    if isinstance(name, int):
                        name = 'Unknown AT value: %x' % name
                    self._emitline('    <%2x>   %-18s: %s' % (
                            attr, die, section_offset)))

                if die.has_children:
                    die_depth += 1

Exemple #10
    def compile(self):
        """Compile the vtypes from the dwarf information."""
        # We currently dump all compilation units into the same
        # vtype. Technically the same symbol can be defined differently in
        # different compilation units, but rekall does not have CU
        # resolution right now so we assume they are all the same.
        parents = []
        section_offset = self._dwarfinfo.debug_info_sec.global_offset
        for cu in self._dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():

            die_depth = 0
            for die in cu.iter_DIEs():
                    "%d %s<%x>: %s"
                    % (die_depth, "\t" * die_depth, die.offset, ("%s" % die.tag) if not die.is_null() else "")
                if die.is_null():
                    die_depth -= 1
                    parents = parents[:-1]

                for attr in itervalues(die.attributes):
                    name = attr.name
                    # Unknown attribute values are passed-through as integers
                    if isinstance(name, int):
                        name = "Unknown AT value: %x" % name

                    if self.logging.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                                "%d %s    <%2x>   %-18s: %s"
                                % (
                                    "\t" * die_depth,
                                    describe_attr_value(attr, die, section_offset),
                        except Exception:

                # Record the type in this DIE.
                t = self.types[die.offset] = DIEFactory(die, self.types, parents)

                if die.has_children:
                    die_depth += 1
Exemple #11
def get_func_bounds(filename, function_name):
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        elffile = ELFFile(f)
        if not elffile.has_dwarf_info():
            print('  file has no DWARF info')

        # get_dwarf_info returns a DWARFInfo context object, which is the
        # starting point for all DWARF-based processing in pyelftools.
        dwarfinfo = elffile.get_dwarf_info()

        # The location lists are extracted by DWARFInfo from the .debug_loc
        # section, and returned here as a LocationLists object.
        location_lists = dwarfinfo.location_lists()

        # This is required for the descriptions module to correctly decode
        # register names contained in DWARF expressions.

        # Create a LocationParser object that parses the DIE attributes and
        # creates objects representing the actual location information.
        loc_parser = LocationParser(location_lists)

        for CU in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
            # DWARFInfo allows to iterate over the compile units contained in
            # the .debug_info section. CU is a CompileUnit object, with some
            # computed attributes (such as its offset in the section) and
            # a header which conforms to the DWARF standard. The access to
            # header elements is, as usual, via item-lookup.

            # A CU provides a simple API to iterate over all the DIEs in it.
            for DIE in CU.iter_DIEs():
                # Find the function
                if DIE.tag == "DW_TAG_subprogram":
                    fname = ""
                    high_addr = 0
                    low_addr = 0
                    c = False
                    for attr in itervalues(DIE.attributes):
                        if attr.name == "DW_AT_name":
                            fname = attr.value
                        if attr.name == "DW_AT_low_pc":
                            low_addr = attr.value
                        if attr.name == "DW_AT_high_pc":
                            high_addr = attr.value
                    if high_addr < low_addr:
                        high_addr = low_addr + high_addr
                    if fname == function_name:
                        return (low_addr, high_addr)
Exemple #12
    def compile(self):
        """Compile the vtypes from the dwarf information."""
        # We currently dump all compilation units into the same
        # vtype. Technically the same symbol can be defined differently in
        # different compilation units, but rekall does not have CU
        # resolution right now so we assume they are all the same.
        parents = []
        section_offset = self._dwarfinfo.debug_info_sec.global_offset
        for cu in self._dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():

            die_depth = 0
            for die in cu.iter_DIEs():
                self.logging.debug('%d %s<%x>: %s' % (
                    "\t" * die_depth,
                    ('%s' % die.tag) if not die.is_null() else ''))
                if die.is_null():
                    die_depth -= 1
                    parents = parents[:-1]

                for attr in itervalues(die.attributes):
                    name = attr.name
                    # Unknown attribute values are passed-through as integers
                    if isinstance(name, int):
                        name = 'Unknown AT value: %x' % name

                    if self.logging.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                            self.logging.debug('%d %s    <%2x>   %-18s: %s' % (
                                "\t" * die_depth,
                                    attr, die, section_offset)))
                        except Exception:

                # Record the type in this DIE.
                t = self.types[die.offset] = DIEFactory(
                    die, self.types, parents)

                if die.has_children:
                    die_depth += 1
Exemple #13
def process_file(filename):
    print('Processing file:', filename)
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        elffile = ELFFile(f)

        if not elffile.has_dwarf_info():
            print('  file has no DWARF info')

        # get_dwarf_info returns a DWARFInfo context object, which is the
        # starting point for all DWARF-based processing in pyelftools.
        dwarfinfo = elffile.get_dwarf_info()

        # The location lists are extracted by DWARFInfo from the .debug_loc
        # section, and returned here as a LocationLists object.
        location_lists = dwarfinfo.location_lists()

        # This is required for the descriptions module to correctly decode
        # register names contained in DWARF expressions.

        for CU in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
            # DWARFInfo allows to iterate over the compile units contained in
            # the .debug_info section. CU is a CompileUnit object, with some
            # computed attributes (such as its offset in the section) and
            # a header which conforms to the DWARF standard. The access to
            # header elements is, as usual, via item-lookup.
            print('  Found a compile unit at offset %s, length %s' % (
                CU.cu_offset, CU['unit_length']))

            # A CU provides a simple API to iterate over all the DIEs in it.
            for DIE in CU.iter_DIEs():
                # Go over all attributes of the DIE. Each attribute is an
                # AttributeValue object (from elftools.dwarf.die), which we
                # can examine.
                for attr in itervalues(DIE.attributes):
                    if attribute_has_location_list(attr):
                        # This is a location list. Its value is an offset into
                        # the .debug_loc section, so we can use the location
                        # lists object to decode it.
                        loclist = location_lists.get_location_list_at_offset(

                        print('   DIE %s. attr %s.\n%s' % (
                            show_loclist(loclist, dwarfinfo, indent='      ')))
def process_file(filename):
    print('Processing file:', filename)
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        elffile = ELFFile(f)

        if not elffile.has_dwarf_info():
            print('  file has no DWARF info')

        # get_dwarf_info returns a DWARFInfo context object, which is the
        # starting point for all DWARF-based processing in pyelftools.
        dwarfinfo = elffile.get_dwarf_info()

        # The location lists are extracted by DWARFInfo from the .debug_loc
        # section, and returned here as a LocationLists object.
        location_lists = dwarfinfo.location_lists()

        # This is required for the descriptions module to correctly decode
        # register names contained in DWARF expressions.

        for CU in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
            # DWARFInfo allows to iterate over the compile units contained in
            # the .debug_info section. CU is a CompileUnit object, with some
            # computed attributes (such as its offset in the section) and
            # a header which conforms to the DWARF standard. The access to
            # header elements is, as usual, via item-lookup.
            print('  Found a compile unit at offset %s, length %s' % (
                CU.cu_offset, CU['unit_length']))

            # A CU provides a simple API to iterate over all the DIEs in it.
            for DIE in CU.iter_DIEs():
                # Go over all attributes of the DIE. Each attribute is an
                # AttributeValue object (from elftools.dwarf.die), which we
                # can examine.
                for attr in itervalues(DIE.attributes):
                    if attribute_has_location_list(attr):
                        # This is a location list. Its value is an offset into
                        # the .debug_loc section, so we can use the location
                        # lists object to decode it.
                        loclist = location_lists.get_location_list_at_offset(

                        print('   DIE %s. attr %s.\n%s' % (
                            show_loclist(loclist, dwarfinfo, indent='      ')))
Exemple #15
    def process_global_var(self, DIE):

            self.global_var[-1]["name"] = DIE.attributes['DW_AT_name'].value
        except KeyError:
            #print "DIE has no attribute 'DW_AT_name'"
            self.global_var[-1]["name"] = None

        variable_size, variable_type_name = get_variable_size_and_name(
            DIE, self.CU, self.CU_TYPE)
        # print(" name:%s, size:%d, type_name:%s" % (self.global_var[-1]["name"],variable_size, variable_type_name))
        if variable_size != None and variable_type_name != None:
            self.global_var[-1]["size"] = variable_size
            self.global_var[-1]["type_name"] = variable_type_name

        for attr in itervalues(DIE.attributes):
            # Check if this attribute contains location information
            # pdb.set_trace()
            if self.loc_parser.attribute_has_location(attr,
                # print('   DIE %s. attr %s.' % (DIE.tag, attr.name))
                loc = self.loc_parser.parse_from_attribute(
                    attr, self.CU['version'])
                # We either get a list (in case the attribute is a
                # reference to the .debug_loc section) or a LocationExpr
                # object (in case the attribute itself contains location
                # information).
                if isinstance(loc, LocationExpr):
                    dwarf_expr_dumper = extract_DWARF_expr(
                        loc.loc_expr, self.dwarfinfo.structs)
                    exp_info = dwarf_expr_dumper._str_parts
                    for item in exp_info:
                        baseregister = item[0:item.find(':')]
                        offset = int(item[item.find(':') + 2:], 16)
                        print("%s:%s:%d:%s" %
                              (self.global_var[-1]["name"], baseregister,
                               offset, self.global_var[-1]["type_name"]))
                        self.global_var[-1]["offset"] = offset
                        self.global_var[-1]["breg"] = baseregister
def process_file(filename):
    print('Processing file:', filename)
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        elffile = ELFFile(f)

        if not elffile.has_dwarf_info():
            print('  file has no DWARF info')

        # get_dwarf_info returns a DWARFInfo context object, which is the
        # starting point for all DWARF-based processing in pyelftools.
        dwarfinfo = elffile.get_dwarf_info()

        # The range lists are extracted by DWARFInfo from the .debug_ranges
        # section, and returned here as a RangeLists object.
        range_lists = dwarfinfo.range_lists()
        if range_lists is None:
            print('  file has no .debug_ranges section')

        for CU in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
            # DWARFInfo allows to iterate over the compile units contained in
            # the .debug_info section. CU is a CompileUnit object, with some
            # computed attributes (such as its offset in the section) and
            # a header which conforms to the DWARF standard. The access to
            # header elements is, as usual, via item-lookup.
            print('  Found a compile unit at offset {0!s}, length {1!s}'.format(
                CU.cu_offset, CU['unit_length']))

            # A CU provides a simple API to iterate over all the DIEs in it.
            for DIE in CU.iter_DIEs():
                # Go over all attributes of the DIE. Each attribute is an
                # AttributeValue object (from elftools.dwarf.die), which we
                # can examine.
                for attr in itervalues(DIE.attributes):
                    if attribute_has_range_list(attr):
                        # This is a range list. Its value is an offset into
                        # the .debug_ranges section, so we can use the range
                        # lists object to decode it.
                        rangelist = range_lists.get_range_list_at_offset(

                        print('   DIE {0!s}. attr {1!s}.\n{2!s}'.format(
def process_file(filename):
    print('Processing file:', filename)
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        elffile = ELFFile(f)

        if not elffile.has_dwarf_info():
            print('  file has no DWARF info')

        # get_dwarf_info returns a DWARFInfo context object, which is the
        # starting point for all DWARF-based processing in pyelftools.
        dwarfinfo = elffile.get_dwarf_info()

        # The range lists are extracted by DWARFInfo from the .debug_ranges
        # section, and returned here as a RangeLists object.
        range_lists = dwarfinfo.range_lists()
        if range_lists is None:
            print('  file has no .debug_ranges section')

        for CU in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
            # DWARFInfo allows to iterate over the compile units contained in
            # the .debug_info section. CU is a CompileUnit object, with some
            # computed attributes (such as its offset in the section) and
            # a header which conforms to the DWARF standard. The access to
            # header elements is, as usual, via item-lookup.
            print('  Found a compile unit at offset %s, length %s' % (
                CU.cu_offset, CU['unit_length']))

            # A CU provides a simple API to iterate over all the DIEs in it.
            for DIE in CU.iter_DIEs():
                # Go over all attributes of the DIE. Each attribute is an
                # AttributeValue object (from elftools.dwarf.die), which we
                # can examine.
                for attr in itervalues(DIE.attributes):
                    if attribute_has_range_list(attr):
                        # This is a range list. Its value is an offset into
                        # the .debug_ranges section, so we can use the range
                        # lists object to decode it.
                        rangelist = range_lists.get_range_list_at_offset(

                        print('   DIE %s. attr %s.\n%s' % (
Exemple #18
    def _dump_debug_info(self):
        """ Dump the debugging info section.
        self._emitline('Contents of the .debug_info section:\n')

        # Offset of the .debug_info section in the stream
        section_offset = self._dwarfinfo.debug_info_sec.global_offset

        for cu in self._dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
            self._emitline('  Compilation Unit @ offset %s:' %
            self._emitline('   Length:        %s (%s)' % (self._format_hex(
                cu['unit_length']), '%s-bit' % cu.dwarf_format()))
            self._emitline('   Version:       %s' % cu['version']),
            self._emitline('   Abbrev Offset: %s' % cu['debug_abbrev_offset']),
            self._emitline('   Pointer Size:  %s' % cu['address_size'])

            # The nesting depth of each DIE within the tree of DIEs must be
            # displayed. To implement this, a counter is incremented each time
            # the current DIE has children, and decremented when a null die is
            # encountered. Due to the way the DIE tree is serialized, this will
            # correctly reflect the nesting depth
            die_depth = 0
            for die in cu.iter_DIEs():
                if die.is_null():
                    die_depth -= 1
                    ' <%s><%x>: Abbrev Number: %s (%s)' %
                    (die_depth, die.offset, die.abbrev_code, die.tag))

                for attr in itervalues(die.attributes):
                    name = attr.name
                    # Unknown attribute values are passed-through as integers
                    if isinstance(name, int):
                        name = 'Unknown AT value: %x' % name
                        '    <%2x>   %-18s: %s' %
                        (attr.offset, name,
                         describe_attr_value(attr, die, section_offset)))

                if die.has_children:
                    die_depth += 1

Exemple #19
def get_executable_src_files(exec_path):
    assert (os.path.isabs(exec_path))

    exec_src_paths = []
    with open(exec_path, 'rb') as elf_file_handle:
            elf_file = ELFFile(elf_file_handle)
            print('-- Executable \'' + exec_path + '\' is not an ELF file')
            return []

        if not elf_file.has_dwarf_info():
            print('-- Executable \'' + exec_path +
                  '\' has no DWARF information')
            return []

        dwarf_info = elf_file.get_dwarf_info()
        for CU in dwarf_info.iter_CUs():
            DIE = CU.get_top_DIE()

            name = ''
            comp_dir = ''
            for attr in itervalues(DIE.attributes):
                if attr.name == 'DW_AT_name':
                    name = attr.value
                if attr.name == 'DW_AT_comp_dir':
                    comp_dir = attr.value

            # If the source path in the executable is not an absolute
            # path then use the DW_AT_comp_dir attribute to get the
            # build directory to make it absolute
            # Once we have an absolute path, use realpath to resolve any
            # symbolic links
            src_path = name
            if not os.path.isabs(name):
                assert (comp_dir != '')
                src_path = os.path.join(comp_dir, name)
                assert (os.path.isabs(src_path))
                src_path = os.path.realpath(src_path)
    return exec_src_paths
Exemple #20
def get_executable_src_files(exec_path):
    assert (os.path.isabs(exec_path))

    exec_src_paths = []
    with open(exec_path, 'rb') as elf_file_handle:
            elf_file = ELFFile(elf_file_handle)
            print ('-- Executable \'' + exec_path + '\' is not an ELF file')
            return []

        if not elf_file.has_dwarf_info():
            print ('-- Executable \'' + exec_path + '\' has no DWARF information')
            return []

        dwarf_info = elf_file.get_dwarf_info()
        for CU in dwarf_info.iter_CUs():
            DIE = CU.get_top_DIE()

            name = ''
            comp_dir = ''
            for attr in itervalues(DIE.attributes):
                if attr.name == 'DW_AT_name':
                    name = attr.value
                if attr.name == 'DW_AT_comp_dir':
                    comp_dir = attr.value

            # If the source path in the executable is not an absolute
            # path then use the DW_AT_comp_dir attribute to get the
            # build directory to make it absolute
            # Once we have an absolute path, use realpath to resolve any
            # symbolic links
            src_path = name
            if not os.path.isabs(name):
                assert (comp_dir != '')
                src_path = os.path.join(comp_dir, name)
                src_path = os.path.realpath(src_path)
    return exec_src_paths
Exemple #21
def getAttr(DIE):
    res = OrderedDict()
    res['offset'] = DIE.offset
    for attr in itervalues(DIE.attributes):
        if attr.name == 'DW_AT_name':
            res['name'] = attr.value.decode()
        if attr.name == 'DW_AT_type':
            res['type_num'] = attr.value
        # if attr.name == 'DW_AT_decl_file':
        #     res['file']=attr.value
        # if attr.name == 'DW_AT_decl_line':
        #     res['line']=attr.value
        if attr.name == 'DW_AT_data_member_location':
            res['loc'] = attr.value
        if attr.name == 'DW_AT_byte_size':
            res['bytes'] = attr.value
        if attr.name == 'DW_TAG_array_type':
            res['array'] = attr.value
        if attr.name == 'DIE DW_TAG_pointer_type':
            res['ptr'] = True

    return res
Exemple #22
    def _attr_to_dict(self, die):
        attrs_raw = {
            attr[0]: attr
            for attr in [(
                attr.name, attr.offset,
                describe_attr_value(attr, die, self.section_offset).strip())
                         for attr in itervalues(die.attributes)]

        attrs = objdict()
        attrs.tag = die.tag
        for i in attrs_raw:
            attrs[i] = attrs_raw[i][2].strip()
        if self.DW_AT_TYPE in attrs_raw:
            typestr = attrs_raw[self.DW_AT_TYPE][2].strip()
            typeint = int(typestr[1:len(typestr) - 1], 16)
            attrs.DW_AT_type = typeint
        if self.DW_AT_NAME in attrs and attrs.DW_AT_name.startswith(
                "(indirect string, offset:"):
            attrs.DW_AT_name = attrs.DW_AT_name.split(":")[2].strip()
        attrs.raw_die = die
        attrs.offset = die.offset
        return attrs
Exemple #23
    def process_subprogram_variable(self, DIE):
        if self.functions[-1].get("stack_variables") is None:
            self.functions[-1]["stack_variables"][-1]["name"] = DIE.attributes[
        except KeyError:
            #print "subprogram_variable_die has no attribute 'DW_AT_name'"
            self.functions[-1]["stack_variables"][-1]["name"] = None

        variable_size, variable_type_name = get_variable_size_and_name(
            DIE, self.CU, self.CU_TYPE)
        if variable_size != None and variable_type_name != None:
            self.functions[-1]["stack_variables"][-1]["size"] = variable_size
                "type_name"] = variable_type_name
        for attr in itervalues(DIE.attributes):
            # Check if this attribute contains location information
            # pdb.set_trace()
            if self.loc_parser.attribute_has_location(attr,
                # print('   DIE %s. attr %s.' % (DIE.tag, attr.name))
                loc = self.loc_parser.parse_from_attribute(
                    attr, self.CU['version'])
                # We either get a list (in case the attribute is a
                # reference to the .debug_loc section) or a LocationExpr
                # object (in case the attribute itself contains location
                # information).
                if isinstance(loc, LocationExpr):
                    dwarf_expr_dumper = extract_DWARF_expr(
                        loc.loc_expr, self.dwarfinfo.structs)
                    exp_info = dwarf_expr_dumper._str_parts
                    for item in exp_info:
                        index = item.find(':')
                        if index == -1:
                        baseregister = item[0:item.find(':')]
                        if baseregister == "DW_OP_addr":
                            offset = int(item[item.find(':') + 1:], 16)
                                "%s:%s:%s:%d:%s" %
                                (self.functions[-1]["name"], self.functions[-1]
                                 ["stack_variables"][-1]["name"], baseregister,
                                 offset, self.functions[-1]["stack_variables"]
                                "offset"] = offset
                                "breg"] = baseregister
                            offset = int(item[item.find(':') + 1:])
                                "%s:%s:%s:%d:%s" %
                                (self.functions[-1]["name"], self.functions[-1]
                                 ["stack_variables"][-1]["name"], baseregister,
                                 offset, self.functions[-1]["stack_variables"]
                                "offset"] = offset
                                "breg"] = baseregister

        if "breg" not in self.functions[-1]["stack_variables"][-1]:
Exemple #24
 def test_iterdict(self):
     d = {1: 'foo', 2: 'bar'}
     self.assertEqual(list(sorted(iterkeys(d))), [1, 2])
     self.assertEqual(list(sorted(itervalues(d))), ['bar', 'foo'])
     self.assertEqual(list(sorted(iteritems(d))), [(1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar')])
Exemple #25
def get_var_offset(filename, function_name, var_name):
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        elffile = ELFFile(f)

        if not elffile.has_dwarf_info():
            print('  file has no DWARF info')

        # get_dwarf_info returns a DWARFInfo context object, which is the
        # starting point for all DWARF-based processing in pyelftools.
        dwarfinfo = elffile.get_dwarf_info()

        # The location lists are extracted by DWARFInfo from the .debug_loc
        # section, and returned here as a LocationLists object.
        location_lists = dwarfinfo.location_lists()

        # This is required for the descriptions module to correctly decode
        # register names contained in DWARF expressions.

        # Create a LocationParser object that parses the DIE attributes and
        # creates objects representing the actual location information.
        loc_parser = LocationParser(location_lists)

        for CU in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
            # DWARFInfo allows to iterate over the compile units contained in
            # the .debug_info section. CU is a CompileUnit object, with some
            # computed attributes (such as its offset in the section) and
            # a header which conforms to the DWARF standard. The access to
            # header elements is, as usual, via item-lookup.

            # A CU provides a simple API to iterate over all the DIEs in it.
            for DIE in CU.iter_DIEs():
                # Find the function
                if DIE.tag == "DW_TAG_subprogram":
                    fname = ""
                    base = 0
                    for attr in itervalues(DIE.attributes):
                        if attr.name == "DW_AT_name":
                            fname = attr.value
                    if fname == function_name:
                        for CHILD in DIE.iter_children():
                            if CHILD.tag == "DW_TAG_variable" or CHILD.tag == "DW_TAG_formal_parameter":
                                right_name = False
                                location = 0
                                for attr in itervalues(CHILD.attributes):
                                    if attr.name == "DW_AT_name":
                                        if attr.value == var_name:
                                            right_name = True
                                    # Check if this attribute contains location information
                                    if attr.name == "DW_AT_location":
                                        loc = loc_parser.parse_from_attribute(attr,
                                        if isinstance(loc, LocationExpr):
                                            parser = DWARFExprParser(dwarfinfo.structs)
                                            parsed = parser.parse_expr(loc.loc_expr)
                                            for op in parsed:
                                                if op.op_name == 'DW_OP_fbreg':
                                                    location = op.args[0]
                                if right_name:
                                    return location
Exemple #26
    def patchDebugInfo(self, secName, sectionChunk):
        .debug_info section update
            The following code is based on a dwarf example of an elftools library
            From an official DWARF documenation (http://dwarfstd.org/doc/DWARF4.pdf)
                a) DW_AT_low_pc and DW_AT_high_pc pair or a DW_AT_ranges attribute
                   encode the contiguous or non-contiguous address ranges, respectively,
                   of the machine instructions generated for the compilation unit
                b) DW_AT_name attribute
                   a null-terminated string containing the path name of the primary source
                c) DW_AT_stmt_list attribute
                   a section offset to the line number information for compilation unit
                d) DW_AT_macro_info attribute
                   a section offset to the macro information for compilation unit
        :param secName:
        :param sectionChunk:
        def _decode_funcname(dwarfinfo, address):
            # Go over all DIEs in the DWARF information, looking for a subprogram
            # entry with an address range that includes the given address. Note that
            # this simplifies things by disregarding subprograms that may have
            # split address ranges.
            for CU in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
                for DIE in CU.iter_DIEs():
                        if DIE.tag == 'DW_TAG_subprogram':
                            lowpc = DIE.attributes['DW_AT_low_pc'].value

                            # DWARF v4 in section 2.17 describes how to interpret the
                            # DW_AT_high_pc attribute based on the class of its form.
                            # For class 'address' it's taken as an absolute address
                            # (similarly to DW_AT_low_pc); for class 'constant', it's
                            # an offset from DW_AT_low_pc.
                            highpc_attr = DIE.attributes['DW_AT_high_pc']
                            highpc_attr_class = describe_form_class(highpc_attr.form)
                            if highpc_attr_class == 'address':
                                highpc = highpc_attr.value
                            elif highpc_attr_class == 'constant':
                                highpc = lowpc + highpc_attr.value
                                print('Error: invalid DW_AT_high_pc class:',

                            if lowpc <= address <= highpc:
                                return DIE.attributes['DW_AT_name'].value
                    except KeyError:
            return None

        def _decode_file_line(dwarfinfo, address):
            Go over all the line programs in the DWARF information, looking for
            one that describes the given address.
            for CU in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
                # First, look at line programs to find the file/line for the address
                lineprog = dwarfinfo.line_program_for_CU(CU)
                prevstate = None
                for entry in lineprog.get_entries():
                    # We're interested in those entries where a new state is assigned
                    if entry.state is None or entry.state.end_sequence:
                    # Looking for a range of addresses in two consecutive states that
                    # contain the required address.
                    if prevstate and prevstate.address <= address < entry.state.address:
                        filename = lineprog['file_entry'][prevstate.file - 1].name
                        line = prevstate.line
                        return filename, line
                    prevstate = entry.state
            return None, None

        def _decode_addr(address):
            funcname = _decode_funcname(dwarfinfo, address)
            file, line = _decode_file_line(dwarfinfo, address)

            logging.debug('\tFunction: %s' % bytes2str(funcname))
            logging.debug('\tFile: %s' % bytes2str(file))
            logging.debug('\tLine: %s' % line)

        dwarfinfo = self.EP.elf.get_dwarf_info()

        # Experimental: reading statement advances
        # CUs = [x for x in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs()]
        # debug_line = dwarfinfo.line_program_for_CU(CUs[0])
        # debug_line_entries = debug_line.get_entries()
        # stmts = [hex(x.state.address) for x in debug_line_entries if x.state is not None]

        from elftools.common.py3compat import itervalues, bytes2str
        from elftools.dwarf.descriptions import describe_form_class

        update_pos_vals = {}
        for CU in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
            # DWARFInfo allows to iterate over the compile units contained in
            # the .debug_info section. CU is a CompileUnit object, with some
            # computed attributes (such as its offset in the section) and
            # a header which conforms to the DWARF standard. The access to
            # header elements is, as usual, via item-lookup.
            logging.debug('  Found a compile unit at offset %s, length %s' %
                          (CU.cu_offset, CU['unit_length']))

            # A CU provides a simple API to iterate over all the DIEs in it.
            for DIE in CU.iter_DIEs():
                # Go over all attributes of the DIE. Each attribute is an
                # AttributeValue object (from elftools.dwarf.die)
                # Here we only care the addresses for the subprograms
                # TODO: check it out for DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine (DWARF4)!
                for attr in itervalues(DIE.attributes):
                    if attr.name == 'DW_AT_low_pc' and DIE.tag == 'DW_TAG_subprogram':
                        logging.debug('   DIE %s. attr %s. Off: 0x%x, Addr:0x%x' %
                                        (DIE.tag, attr.name, attr.offset, attr.value))

                        update_pos_vals[attr.offset] = attr.value

        pos = 0
        for off in sorted(update_pos_vals.keys()):
            self.instBin += sectionChunk[pos:off]
            va = update_pos_vals[off]
            if self.EI.base > 0:
                    updated_va = self.EI.getBBlByVA(va).newVA
                    self.instBin += self.PK(FMT.ULONG, updated_va)
                    logging.debug('[%s] 0x%08x -> 0x%08x' % (secName, va, updated_va))
                except AttributeError:
                    self.instBin += self.PK(FMT.ULONG, va)
                    logging.warning("\t Could not find a proper BBL in a debugging section (Ignored)")
                pos = off + 8

        self.instBin += sectionChunk[pos:]
Exemple #27
		# correctly reflect the nesting depth
		die_depth = 0
		for die in cu.iter_DIEs():		
			rr = collections.OrderedDict()
			rr['die_depth'] = die_depth
			rr['offset'] = die.offset
			rr['abbrev_code'] =  die.abbrev_code
			rr['die_null'] = die.is_null()
			rr['section_offset'] = section_offset
			if die.is_null():
				die_depth -= 1
			for attr in itervalues(die.attributes):
				r = collections.OrderedDict()
				name = attr.name
				# Unknown attribute values are passed-through as integers
				if isinstance(name, int):
					raise ValueError("Unknown attribute")
				r['name'] = name
				r['attr_offset'] = attr.offset
				r['attr_value'] = describe_attr_value(attr, die, section_offset)
				r['has_child'] = die.has_children
			if die.has_children:
				die_depth += 1