def setUp(self): eclipse1FocalPoint1 = ellipse.Point(-2.236, 0) eclipse1FocalPoint2 = ellipse.Point(2.236, 0) self.e1 = ellipse.Ellipse(eclipse1FocalPoint1, eclipse1FocalPoint2, 6) eclipse2FocalPoint1 = ellipse.Point(-1.8284, -0.5) eclipse2FocalPoint2 = ellipse.Point(3.8284, -0.5) self.e2 = ellipse.Ellipse(eclipse2FocalPoint1, eclipse2FocalPoint2, 6) self.testRect = ellipse.Rectangle(-8.236, -6, 8.236, 6)
def run(self): # Succesively add a new polygon that contributes to reduce overall error # until stopping criteria is achieved min_err = cur = copy.deepcopy(self.source) improvements = 0 for i in range(self.iterations): next = copy.deepcopy(cur) if self.type == 1: c = circle.Circle(self.height, self.width, 0.1) info = c.getInfo(), info[0], info[1], info[2], -1) cv2.addWeighted(cur, info[3], next, 1 - info[3], 0, next) elif self.type == 2: e = ellipse.Ellipse(self.height, self.width, 0.1) info = e.getInfo() cv2.ellipse(cur, info[0], info[1], info[2], 0, 360, info[3], -1) cv2.addWeighted(cur, info[4], next, 1 - info[4], 0, next) elif self.type == 3: t = triangle.Triangle(self.height, self.width, 0.1) info = t.getInfo() cv2.fillConvexPoly(cur, np.asarray(info[0]), info[1]) cv2.addWeighted(cur, info[2], next, 1 - info[2], 0, next) elif self.type == 4: r = quadrilateral.Quadrilateral(self.height, self.width, 0.1) info = r.getInfo() cv2.fillConvexPoly(cur, np.asarray(info[0]), info[1]) cv2.addWeighted(cur, info[2], next, 1 - info[2], 0, next) # Compute dissimilarity err = # Update the solution that provides more fitness if err < min_err: min_err = err improvements = improvements + 1 cur = copy.deepcopy(next) cv2.imwrite( "Refine_Error_" + str(i) + "_" + str(min_err) + ".jpg", cur) if improvements == self.maximprovements: break
def __fit_ellipse(self, crop, cnt): empty_box = np.zeros(crop.shape) cv2.drawContours(empty_box, cnt, -1, 255, 2) points = np.where(empty_box == 255) vertices = np.array([points[0], points[1]]).T ellipse = ell.Ellipse([vertices[:, 1], vertices[:, 0]]) return ellipse
def step(): """ One step of constricted RRT* generation, see paper for more details """ x_rand = sample() x_nearest = new_nearest_neighbour(x_rand) x_new = steer(x_nearest, x_rand) if obstacle_free(x_nearest, x_new): X_near = new_neighbourhood(x_new) x_min = x_nearest c_min = x_nearest.cost + x_nearest.dist_to(x_new) for x_near in X_near: if obstacle_free( x_near, x_new) and (x_near.cost + x_near.dist_to(x_new) < c_min): x_min = x_near c_min = (x_near.cost + x_near.dist_to(x_new) < c_min) x_new_node = add_node(x_new, x_min, True) for x_near in X_near: if obstacle_free(x_near, x_new) and ( x_new_node.cost + x_near.dist_to(x_new) < x_near.cost): x_near.change_parent(x_new_node) # Here I check for goal paths and draw the circle updated = False if shared.root_path: updated = goal_path_resolve(shared.root_path[0]) updated = updated or goal_path_resolve(shared.nodes[-1]) if updated: diameter = shared.root_path_length center = ((shared.root_path[0].x + shared.root_path[-1].x) / 2, (shared.root_path[0].y + shared.root_path[-1].y) / 2) if shared.region: shared.region.remove_from_batch() shared.region = ellipse.Ellipse(center[0], center[1], diameter) shared.region.add_to_batch()
def step(): """ One step of informed RRT* generation, see paper for more details """ x_rand = sample() x_nearest = new_nearest_neighbour(x_rand) x_new = steer(x_nearest, x_rand) if obstacle_free(x_nearest, x_new): X_near = new_neighbourhood(x_new) x_min = x_nearest c_min = x_nearest.cost + x_nearest.dist_to(x_new) for x_near in X_near: if obstacle_free( x_near, x_new) and (x_near.cost + x_near.dist_to(x_new) < c_min): x_min = x_near c_min = (x_near.cost + x_near.dist_to(x_new) < c_min) x_new_node = add_node(x_new, x_min, True) for x_near in X_near: if obstacle_free(x_near, x_new) and ( x_new_node.cost + x_near.dist_to(x_new) < x_near.cost): x_near.change_parent(x_new_node) # Here I check for goal regions and draw the ellipse updated = False if shared.root_path: updated = goal_path_resolve(shared.root_path[0]) updated = updated or goal_path_resolve(shared.nodes[-1]) if updated: major = shared.root_path_length minor = math.sqrt(major**2 - shared.root_path[0].dist_to( (shared.root_path[-1].x, shared.root_path[-1].y))**2) angle = math.atan2(shared.root_path[0].y - shared.root_path[-1].y, shared.root_path[0].x - shared.root_path[-1].x) center = ((shared.root_path[0].x + shared.root_path[-1].x) / 2, (shared.root_path[0].y + shared.root_path[-1].y) / 2) if shared.region: shared.region.remove_from_batch() shared.region = ellipse.Ellipse(center[0], center[1], major, minor, angle) shared.region.add_to_batch()
def setUp(self): eclipse1FocalPoint1 = ellipse.Point(5, -1) eclipse1FocalPoint2 = ellipse.Point(-1, -1) self.e = ellipse.Ellipse(eclipse1FocalPoint1, eclipse1FocalPoint2, 10)
def __init__(self, parent, controller): global POINT_ACTUEL # Point (x, y) pointé par le curseur de la souris POINT_ACTUEL = point_2d.Point_2D(0, 0) global LISTE_POINTS_CRITIQUES LISTE_POINTS_CRITIQUES = [] global POINT_CRITIQUE_FIG global LISTE_POINTS_CRITIQUES_FIGS LISTE_POINTS_CRITIQUES_FIGS = [] tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) LABEL_titre = tk.Label(self, text="Graphe", font=LARGE_FONT) LABEL_titre.pack(pady=10, padx=10) ########################################### ''' FRAMES D'INTERFACE ''' # pack_propagate(False) permet d'éviter que la frame se redimensionne toute seule à cause des données # qu'elle contient FRAME_droite = tk.LabelFrame(self, text="Menu", padx=10, pady=10, font=MEDIUM_FONT) # Frame droite FRAME_droite.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) FRAME_options = tk.LabelFrame(FRAME_droite, text="Options", width=330, padx=10, pady=20, font=MEDIUM_FONT) # Frames des options FRAME_options.pack() FRAME_donnees = tk.LabelFrame(FRAME_droite, text="Données", padx=10, pady=20, width=330, height=230, font=MEDIUM_FONT) # Frames des données SUB_FRAME_donnees_curseur = tk.LabelFrame(FRAME_donnees, text="Curseur", width=110, height=80) SUB_FRAME_donnees_gradient_fonction = tk.LabelFrame( FRAME_donnees, text="Grdt. fonct.", width=110, height=80, fg="blue") # Frame des coord. du gradt de la fnct SUB_FRAME_donnees_gradient_contrainte = tk.LabelFrame( FRAME_donnees, text="Grdt. contr.", width=110, height=80, fg="red") # Frame des coord. du gradt. de la contr SUB_FRAME_donnees_gradient_contrainte.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) SUB_FRAME_donnees_gradient_contrainte.pack_propagate(False) SUB_FRAME_donnees_gradient_fonction.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) SUB_FRAME_donnees_gradient_fonction.pack_propagate(False) SUB_FRAME_donnees_curseur.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) SUB_FRAME_donnees_curseur.pack_propagate(False) FRAME_lambda = tk.LabelFrame(FRAME_droite, width=330, height=30, font=SMALL_FONT) FRAME_lambda.pack() FRAME_lambda.pack_propagate(False) FRAME_donnees.pack() FRAME_donnees.pack_propagate(False) ########################################### ########################################### f = Figure(figsize=(6, 6), dpi=100) a = f.add_subplot(111) x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1.2, 1.2, 201), np.linspace(-1.2, 1.2, 201)) z = fnct.fonction_rosenbrock(x, y) graphe = a.contour(x, y, z, 25, zorder=0) a.autoscale(False) # évite que le graphe se redimensionne # DEFINITION DES POINTS D'UNE ELLIPSE ellipse_data = ellipse.Ellipse(point_2d.Point_2D(0, 0), 1.0, 0.6) # DEFINITION DES POINTS D'UN CERCLE cercle_data = cercle.Cercle(point_2d.Point_2D(0, 0), 0.5) # DEFINITION DE LA FIGURE D'UNE ELLIPSE global ELLIPSE_FIGURE ELLIPSE_FIGURE = mpatches.Ellipse([0, 0], 1, 0.6, linewidth=1, fill=0, color="red") # DEFINITION DE LA FIGURE D'UN CERCLE global CERCLE_FIGURE CERCLE_FIGURE = mpatches.Circle([0, 0], 0.5, linewidth=1, fill=0, color="green") ##################################### ##################################### ListeContraintes = \ [tk.StringVar(value="Ellipse", name="Ellipse").get(), tk.StringVar(value="Cercle", name="Cercle").get()] TableauContraintes = \ [ ELLIPSE_FIGURE, CERCLE_FIGURE ] global CONTRAINTE_CHOISIE CONTRAINTE_CHOISIE = tk.StringVar() CONTRAINTE_CHOISIE.set(ListeContraintes[0]) global FIGURE_CONTRAINTE FIGURE_CONTRAINTE = TableauContraintes[0] a.add_patch(FIGURE_CONTRAINTE) global CONTRAINTE_PRESENTE CONTRAINTE_PRESENTE = True def RetirerContrainte(): global ELLIPSE_FIGURE global CONTRAINTE_PRESENTE if not CONTRAINTE_PRESENTE: return FIGURE_CONTRAINTE.remove() CONTRAINTE_PRESENTE = False canvas.draw() return def AjouterContrainte(): global FIGURE_CONTRAINTE global ELLIPSE_FIGURE global CONTRAINTE_PRESENTE if CONTRAINTE_PRESENTE == True: return if CONTRAINTE_PRESENTE == False: a.add_patch(FIGURE_CONTRAINTE) CONTRAINTE_PRESENTE = True canvas.draw() return def choix_contrainte(*args): global FIGURE_CONTRAINTE global CONTRAINTE_CHOISIE global CONTRAINTE_PRESENTE FIGURE_CONTRAINTE.remove() FIGURE_CONTRAINTE = TableauContraintes[ListeContraintes.index( CONTRAINTE_CHOISIE.get())] a.add_patch(FIGURE_CONTRAINTE) canvas.draw() CONTRAINTE_PRESENTE = True return CONTRAINTE_CHOISIE.trace("w", choix_contrainte) ##################################### ##################################### canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, self) canvas.draw() canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) # toolbar = NavigationToolbar2Tk(canvas, self) # toolbar.update() canvas._tkcanvas.pack() ########## AJOUT/ENLEVEMENT DE CONTRAINTE ELLIPTIQUE ########### # La variable contrainte_presente permet d'ajouter ou de retirer # une contrainte, elle est globale car manipulée dans la fonction # AjouterRetirerContrainte global AFFICHER_GRDT_CONTRAINTE AFFICHER_GRDT_CONTRAINTE = False def afficher_gradient_contrainte(): global AFFICHER_GRDT_CONTRAINTE if AFFICHER_GRDT_CONTRAINTE == False: AFFICHER_GRDT_CONTRAINTE = True else: AFFICHER_GRDT_CONTRAINTE = False ############################################################### # VALEUR MULTIPLICATEUR DE LAGRANGE global VALEUR_MULTIPLICATEUR VALEUR_MULTIPLICATEUR = 0 global LABEL_MULTIPLICATEUR LABEL_MULTIPLICATEUR = tk.Label(FRAME_lambda, text="Aucun point critique rencontré", fg="red", font=SMALL_FONT) LABEL_MULTIPLICATEUR.pack() global CURSEUR_X global CURSEUR_Y global LABEL_CURSEUR_X global LABEL_CURSEUR_Y global LABEL_GRADIENT_FONCTION_X global LABEL_GRADIENT_FONCTION_Y global LABEL_GRADIENT_CONTRAINTE_X global LABEL_GRADIENT_CONTRAINTE_Y CURSEUR_X = 0 CURSEUR_Y = 0 ## DONNEES CURSEUR ## LABEL_CURSEUR_X = tk.Label(SUB_FRAME_donnees_curseur, text="X: " + str(CURSEUR_X), font=SMALL_FONT) LABEL_CURSEUR_Y = tk.Label(SUB_FRAME_donnees_curseur, text="Y: " + str(CURSEUR_Y), font=SMALL_FONT) LABEL_CURSEUR_X.pack() LABEL_CURSEUR_Y.pack() ##################### ## DONNEES GRADIENT FONCTION ## LABEL_GRADIENT_FONCTION_X = tk.Label( SUB_FRAME_donnees_gradient_fonction, text="X: " + str(0), font=SMALL_FONT) LABEL_GRADIENT_FONCTION_Y = tk.Label( SUB_FRAME_donnees_gradient_fonction, text="Y: " + str(0), font=SMALL_FONT) LABEL_GRADIENT_FONCTION_X.pack() LABEL_GRADIENT_FONCTION_Y.pack() ############################### ## DONNEES GRADIENT CONTRAINTE ## LABEL_GRADIENT_CONTRAINTE_X = tk.Label( SUB_FRAME_donnees_gradient_contrainte, text="X: " + str(0), font=SMALL_FONT) LABEL_GRADIENT_CONTRAINTE_Y = tk.Label( SUB_FRAME_donnees_gradient_contrainte, text="Y: " + str(0), font=SMALL_FONT) LABEL_GRADIENT_CONTRAINTE_X.pack() LABEL_GRADIENT_CONTRAINTE_Y.pack() ################################# ############################################################### global POINT_CRITIQUE_PRESENT POINT_CRITIQUE_PRESENT = False def Survol(event): if not event.inaxes: # if the mouse cursor is not on the graph, do nothing return ### VARIABLES GLOBALES ### global AFFICHER_GRDT_CONTRAINTE global POINT_ACTUEL # point où se trouve le curseur global VALEUR_MULTIPLICATEUR global LABEL_MULTIPLICATEUR global CURSEUR_X global CURSEUR_Y global LABEL_CURSEUR_X global LABEL_CURSEUR_Y global LABEL_GRADIENT_FONCTION_X global LABEL_GRADIENT_FONCTION_Y global LABEL_GRADIENT_CONTRAINTE_X global LABEL_GRADIENT_CONTRAINTE_Y global POINT_CRITIQUE_PRESENT global LISTE_POINTS_CRITIQUES ############################## LABEL_CURSEUR_X.pack_forget() LABEL_CURSEUR_Y.pack_forget() CURSEUR_X = np.round(event.xdata, 3) CURSEUR_Y = np.round(event.ydata, 3) LABEL_CURSEUR_X = tk.Label(SUB_FRAME_donnees_curseur, text="X: " + str(CURSEUR_X), font=SMALL_FONT) LABEL_CURSEUR_Y = tk.Label(SUB_FRAME_donnees_curseur, text="Y: " + str(CURSEUR_Y), font=SMALL_FONT) LABEL_CURSEUR_X.pack() LABEL_CURSEUR_Y.pack() ########################## POINT_ACTUEL = point_2d.Point_2D(event.xdata, event.ydata) fig_gradient_rosenbrock = mpatches.FancyArrowPatch( (POINT_ACTUEL.x_, POINT_ACTUEL.y_), (fnct.gradient_rosenbrock_X(POINT_ACTUEL.x_, POINT_ACTUEL.y_), fnct.gradient_rosenbrock_Y(POINT_ACTUEL.x_, POINT_ACTUEL.y_)), mutation_scale=15) a.add_patch(fig_gradient_rosenbrock) point_contrainte = POINT_ACTUEL.trouver_point_proche( ellipse_data.points_) fig_gradient_contrainte = mpatches.FancyArrowPatch( (point_contrainte.x_, point_contrainte.y_), (ellipse_data.gradient_x(point_contrainte), ellipse_data.gradient_y(point_contrainte)), mutation_scale=8, color='r') if AFFICHER_GRDT_CONTRAINTE == True and POINT_ACTUEL.def_distance(point_contrainte)<0.1\ and CONTRAINTE_PRESENTE == True: a.add_patch(fig_gradient_contrainte) canvas.draw() if CONTRAINTE_CHOISIE.get() == ListeContraintes[0]: vecteur_gradient_contrainte = vecteur.Vecteur( point_contrainte, point_2d.Point_2D( ellipse_data.gradient_x(point_contrainte), ellipse_data.gradient_y(point_contrainte))) if CONTRAINTE_CHOISIE.get() == ListeContraintes[1]: vecteur_gradient_contrainte = vecteur.Vecteur( point_contrainte, point_2d.Point_2D( cercle_data.gradient_x(point_contrainte), cercle_data.gradient_y(point_contrainte))) vecteur_gradient_rosenbrock = vecteur.Vecteur( POINT_ACTUEL, point_2d.Point_2D( fnct.gradient_rosenbrock_X(POINT_ACTUEL.x_, POINT_ACTUEL.y_), fnct.gradient_rosenbrock_Y(POINT_ACTUEL.x_, POINT_ACTUEL.y_))) LABEL_GRADIENT_FONCTION_X.pack_forget() LABEL_GRADIENT_FONCTION_Y.pack_forget() LABEL_GRADIENT_FONCTION_X = tk.Label( SUB_FRAME_donnees_gradient_fonction, text="X: " + str(np.round(vecteur_gradient_rosenbrock.x_, 2)), font=SMALL_FONT) LABEL_GRADIENT_FONCTION_Y = tk.Label( SUB_FRAME_donnees_gradient_fonction, text="Y: " + str(np.round(vecteur_gradient_rosenbrock.y_, 2)), font=SMALL_FONT) LABEL_GRADIENT_FONCTION_X.pack() LABEL_GRADIENT_FONCTION_Y.pack() if AFFICHER_GRDT_CONTRAINTE == True and vecteur_gradient_contrainte.verifier_colinearite( vecteur_gradient_rosenbrock): VALEUR_MULTIPLICATEUR = np.round( vecteur_gradient_contrainte.get_multiplicateur( vecteur_gradient_rosenbrock), 2) LABEL_MULTIPLICATEUR.pack_forget() LABEL_MULTIPLICATEUR = tk.Label( FRAME_lambda, fg="green", text="Valeur approx. de λ : " + str(np.round(VALEUR_MULTIPLICATEUR, 1)), font=SMALL_FONT) LABEL_MULTIPLICATEUR.pack() LABEL_GRADIENT_CONTRAINTE_X.pack_forget() LABEL_GRADIENT_CONTRAINTE_Y.pack_forget() LABEL_GRADIENT_CONTRAINTE_X = tk.Label( SUB_FRAME_donnees_gradient_contrainte, text="X: " + str(np.round(vecteur_gradient_contrainte.x_, 2)), font=SMALL_FONT) LABEL_GRADIENT_CONTRAINTE_Y = tk.Label( SUB_FRAME_donnees_gradient_contrainte, text="Y: " + str(np.round(vecteur_gradient_contrainte.y_, 2)), font=SMALL_FONT) LABEL_GRADIENT_CONTRAINTE_X.pack() LABEL_GRADIENT_CONTRAINTE_Y.pack() ## PERMET D'AJOUTER UN POINT SUR LA FIGURE LORSQU'UN POINT CRITIQUE EST RENCONTRÉ # Si aucun point critique existant n'est proche du point critique observé if not point_contrainte.point_adjacent(LISTE_POINTS_CRITIQUES, 0.1): # Alors on ajoute ce nouveau point critique à la liste des points critiques LISTE_POINTS_CRITIQUES.append(point_contrainte) # Puis on ajoute la figure représentant ce point critique à la liste des figures de points critiques LISTE_POINTS_CRITIQUES_FIGS.append( a.scatter(point_contrainte.x_, point_contrainte.y_, s=20, c="cyan", zorder=3)) canvas.draw() else: LABEL_MULTIPLICATEUR.pack_forget() LABEL_MULTIPLICATEUR = tk.Label( FRAME_lambda, fg="red", text="Le point actuel n'est pas critique", font=SMALL_FONT) LABEL_MULTIPLICATEUR.pack() fig_gradient_rosenbrock.set_visible(False) fig_gradient_contrainte.set_visible(False) def enlever_point_critique_fig(): global POINT_CRITIQUE_PRESENT global POINT_CRITIQUE_FIG global LISTE_POINTS_CRITIQUES global LISTE_POINTS_CRITIQUES_FIGS if not LISTE_POINTS_CRITIQUES_FIGS: return else: for POINT_CRITIQUE_FIG in LISTE_POINTS_CRITIQUES_FIGS: POINT_CRITIQUE_FIG.remove() LISTE_POINTS_CRITIQUES_FIGS.clear() LISTE_POINTS_CRITIQUES.clear() canvas.draw() ''' BOUTONS D'INTERFACE ''' BUTTON_menu_principal = tk.Button( FRAME_options, text="Retour Menu principal", pady=10, padx=5, command=lambda: controller.show_frame(StartPage), width=40) BUTTON_menu_principal.pack() BUTTON_ajouter_contrainte = tk.Button(FRAME_options, text="Ajouter Contrainte", pady=10, padx=5, command=AjouterContrainte, width=40) BUTTON_retirer_contrainte = tk.Button(FRAME_options, text="Retirer Contrainte", pady=10, padx=5, command=RetirerContrainte, width=40) BUTTON_ajouter_contrainte.pack() BUTTON_retirer_contrainte.pack() BUTTON_nettoyer_graphe = tk.Button(FRAME_options, text="Nettoyer graphe", padx=5, pady=10, width=40, command=enlever_point_critique_fig) BUTTON_nettoyer_graphe.pack() ''' ###################### ''' ''' MENUS DEROULANTS D'INTERFACE ''' # LABEL_choix_contraintes = tk.Label(FRAME_options, text="Choix de la contrainte:") # MENU_DEROULANT_contraintes = tk.OptionMenu(FRAME_options, CONTRAINTE_CHOISIE, *ListeContraintes) # LABEL_choix_contraintes.pack() # MENU_DEROULANT_contraintes.pack() ''' ###################### ''' ''' CHECKBOXES D'INTERFACE ''' CHECK_aff_gradient_contrainte = tk.Checkbutton( FRAME_options, text="Afficher gradient contrainte", command=afficher_gradient_contrainte, font=SMALL_FONT) CHECK_aff_gradient_contrainte.pack() ''' ##################### ''' canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', Survol)
def __init__(self, body_one, body_two, barycenter, vector_normal, vector_inline, specific_orbital_energy, eccentricity): #sanitizing if isinstance(body_one, sphere.Sphere): self.body_one = body_one else: raise IncorrectInput("The first input must be a sphere") if isinstance(body_two, sphere.Sphere): self.body_two = body_two else: raise IncorrectInput("The second input must be a sphere") if isinstance(barycenter, coordinate.Coordinate): self.barycenter = barycenter * constants.AU #this module attemps to measure things in meters, but takes AU as input else: raise IncorrectInput("The third input must be a Coordinate") if isinstance(vector_normal, coordinate.Vector): self.vector_normal = vector_normal.unitVector() #I don't care about the length of a vector so it is standardized else: raise IncorrectInput("The fourth input must be a Vector") if isinstance(vector_inline, coordinate.Vector): self.vector_inline = vector_inline.unitVector() #this is a vector from the barycenter to the first focal point #the negative of this vector is from the barycenter to the second focal point #also this vector has no meaningfull magnitude so it is standardized else: raise IncorrectInput("The fifth input must be a Vector") if is_num.isNumber(specific_orbital_energy): self.specific_orbital_energy = float(specific_orbital_energy) #this is one of the more arbitrary parts of the whole system #it is possible to calculate the energy from a single position of the orbit #however I decided that was not the focus of the project and so it takes the energy as a number else: raise IncorrectInput("The sixth input must be a number") if self.specific_orbital_energy >= 0: raise IncorrectInput( "The inputs do not make a valid elliptical orbit.\nThe specific orbital energy must be less than 0" ) if is_num.isNumber(eccentricity): self.eccentricity = float(eccentricity) else: raise IncorrectInput("The seventh input must be a number") #some conviences self.mass_sum = body_one.mass + body_two.mass self.standard_gravitation_parameter = constants.G * self.mass_sum #This is mu self.reduced_mass = (self.body_one.mass * self.body_two.mass) / self.mass_sum self.mass_ratio_one = self.body_one.mass / self.mass_sum self.mass_ratio_two = self.body_two.mass / self.mass_sum self.semimajor_sum = -1 * self.standard_gravitation_parameter / ( 2 * self.specific_orbital_energy) self.semimajor_sum = self.semimajor_sum * constants.AU #this is a major calculation for the whole orbit self.semimajoraxis_one = self.semimajor_sum * self.mass_ratio_two self.semimajoraxis_two = self.semimajor_sum - self.semimajoraxis_one # self.angular_momentum = self.reduced_mass * math.sqrt( # constants.G * self.mass_sum * self.semimajor_sum * (1 - self.eccentricity **2)) #turns out I never used this so I didn't need it self.period = 2 * math.pi * math.sqrt( self.semimajor_sum**3 / self.standard_gravitation_parameter) #also a major calculation that give the answer in years distance_to_focal_one = 2 * self.semimajoraxis_one * self.eccentricity distance_to_focal_two = -2 * self.semimajoraxis_two * self.eccentricity #this one is negative becuase it is in the oppositve direction of the inline vector self.focal_one = self.barycenter + (self.vector_inline * distance_to_focal_one) self.focal_two = self.barycenter + (self.vector_inline * distance_to_focal_two) self.ellipse_one = ellipse.Ellipse(self.focal_one, self.barycenter, self.vector_normal, 2 * self.semimajoraxis_one) self.ellipse_two = ellipse.Ellipse(self.focal_two, self.barycenter, self.vector_normal, 2 * self.semimajoraxis_two)
def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) == 5: # Randomly generate an individual taking as inputs: size , height , width , type , maxopacity self.size = args[0] self.height = args[1] self.width = args[2] self.type = args[3] self.genes = [] for i in range(self.size): if self.type == 1: self.genes.append(circle.Circle(args[1], args[2], args[4])) elif self.type == 2: self.genes.append( ellipse.Ellipse(args[1], args[2], args[4])) elif self.type == 3: self.genes.append( triangle.Triangle(args[1], args[2], args[4])) elif self.type == 4: self.genes.append( quadrilateral.Quadrilateral(args[1], args[2], args[4])) else: # len(args) == 1 : # Implicity define an individual based on its genes encoding file = open(args[0], 'r') self.size = int(file.readline()) self.height = int(file.readline()) self.width = int(file.readline()) self.type = int(file.readline()) self.maxopacity = 0.3 self.genes = [] for i in range(self.size): if self.type == 1: self.genes.append( circle.Circle(self.height, self.width, self.maxopacity, file.readline())) elif self.type == 2: self.genes.append( ellipse.Ellipse(self.height, self.width, self.maxopacity, file.readline())) elif self.type == 3: self.genes.append( triangle.Triangle(self.height, self.width, self.maxopacity, file.readline())) elif self.type == 4: self.genes.append( quadrilateral.Quadrilateral(self.height, self.width, self.maxopacity, file.readline())) file.close()