def setComponent(self,componentName): if type(componentName) == StringType: self.componentName = componentName.lower() from elmer import Elmer self.componentName == "elmer" self.mechanicalSolver = Elmer(self.mesh) self.mechanicalSolver.calcTimesDico = Dico() self.mechanicalSolver.setMechaSolverDefaults() self.mechanicalSolver.setProblemType("mechanical") self.mechanicalSolver.setDirBC(None, self.boundaryConditions) self.mechanicalSolver.setDirIC(self.initialConditions) if (self.timeStepIntervals == None and self.calculationTimes != None): self.timeStepIntervals = len(self.calculationTimes)-1 self.timeStepSizes = [self.calculationTimes[i+1]-self.calculationTimes[i] for i in range(len(self.calculationTimes)-1)] pass elif (self.timeStepIntervals != None): self.mechanicalSolver.setTimeDiscretisation(self.timeStepIntervals, self.timeStepSizes) pass self.mechanicalSolver.setOutputName( pass else: raise Warning(" the default mechanical solver has been fixed to elmer ") self.componentName = "elmer" pass # # # self.mechanicalSolver.setBodyList(self.problem.getRegions()) # # # # print " dbg hm we set the bic ",self.boundaryConditions self.mechanicalSolver.setBoundaryConditionConcentrations(self.boundaryConditions) # # Density # if self.density: self.mechanicalSolver.setSolidDensity(self.density) # # # #self.mechanicalSolver.setInitialConditions(self.initialConditions) # # Gravity # #if self.gravity: # self.mechanicalSolver.setGravity(self.gravity) # # Porosity # if self.matrixCompressibilityFactor: self.mechanicalSolver.setMatrixCompressibilityFactor(self.matrixCompressibilityFactor) # # Sources # if self.sourceField : self.mechanicalSolver.setSource(self.sourceField) # # time steps treatment # if self.simulationType == "Transient": self.mechanicalSolver.calcTimesDico ['finalTime']= self.problem.calculationTimes[-1]
def setComponent(self, componentName): if type(componentName) == StringType: self.componentName = componentName.lower() from elmer import Elmer self.componentName == "elmer" self.mechanicalSolver = Elmer(self.mesh) self.mechanicalSolver.calcTimesDico = Dico() self.mechanicalSolver.setMechaSolverDefaults() self.mechanicalSolver.setProblemType("mechanical") self.mechanicalSolver.setDirBC(None, self.boundaryConditions) self.mechanicalSolver.setDirIC(self.initialConditions) if (self.timeStepIntervals == None and self.calculationTimes != None): self.timeStepIntervals = len(self.calculationTimes) - 1 self.timeStepSizes = [ self.calculationTimes[i + 1] - self.calculationTimes[i] for i in range(len(self.calculationTimes) - 1) ] pass elif (self.timeStepIntervals != None): self.mechanicalSolver.setTimeDiscretisation( self.timeStepIntervals, self.timeStepSizes) pass self.mechanicalSolver.setOutputName( pass else: raise Warning( " the default mechanical solver has been fixed to elmer ") self.componentName = "elmer" pass # # # self.mechanicalSolver.setBodyList(self.problem.getRegions()) # # # # print " dbg hm we set the bic ",self.boundaryConditions self.mechanicalSolver.setBoundaryConditionConcentrations( self.boundaryConditions) # # Density # if self.density: self.mechanicalSolver.setSolidDensity(self.density) # # # #self.mechanicalSolver.setInitialConditions(self.initialConditions) # # Gravity # #if self.gravity: # self.mechanicalSolver.setGravity(self.gravity) # # Porosity # if self.matrixCompressibilityFactor: self.mechanicalSolver.setMatrixCompressibilityFactor( self.matrixCompressibilityFactor) # # Sources # if self.sourceField: self.mechanicalSolver.setSource(self.sourceField) # # time steps treatment # if self.simulationType == "Transient": self.mechanicalSolver.calcTimesDico[ 'finalTime'] = self.problem.calculationTimes[-1]
class MechanicalModule: """ The mechanical module will be set up to treat elastic and plastic problems. Here only elasticity is treated, elmer being the only available tool. Elasticity: The Youngs's modulus or elasticity modulus is the constant linking constraint ( traction or compression ) to deformation: sigma = E * eps sigma: constraint with the dimension of a pressure E: Young's modulus eps: deformation """ def __init__(self): self.calculationTimes = None self.density = None self.gravity = None self.matrixCompressibilityFactor = None self.porosity = None self.simulationType = "Steady" self.sifFileName = "test.sif" self.timeStepIntervals = None self.sourceField = None # # All physical parameters relevant to the phenomenology are treated here # # Boundary conditions are defined through Normal forces or displacements. # def setData(self, problem,\ mesh = None,\ dicobc = None,\ dicoic = None): self.expectedOutput = None self.problem = problem #print problem.__class__.__name__ if not isinstance(problem, MechanicalProblem) and not isinstance(problem, THMCProblem): raise Exception(" the problem must be a mechanical problem") self.problemName = problem.getName() self.regions = problem.getRegions() self.mesh = mesh mediumProperties = { "density" : None, "gravity" : None, "YoungModulus" : None, "PoissonRatio" : None, } # # regionProperties is a dictionnary. It is made of a list of tuples, each region is associated to a dictionnary, # the dictionnary containing the medium region properties. # self.regionProperties = {} # self.times = problem.getCalculationTimes() # if self.times == None: self.simulationType = "Steady" else: self.simulationType = "Transient" # self.boundaryConditions = {} # self.initialConditions = {} # # we fill the medium properties dictionnary # self.solidDensity = problem.getDensity() self.gravity = problem.getGravity() # for reg in self.regions: regionName = material = reg.getMaterial() self.regionProperties[regionName] = mediumProperties youngModulus = material.youngModulus poissonRatio = material.poissonRatio intrinsicPermeability = material.getIntrinsicPermeability() self.regionProperties[regionName]["density"] = material.density self.regionProperties[regionName]["gravity"] = self.gravity self.regionProperties[regionName]["youngModulus"] = youngModulus self.regionProperties[regionName]["poissonRatio"] = poissonRatio pass # # We treat here the boundary conditions. # We establish a dictionnary independant # from the tool to be treated. # boundarySpecification = { "typ" : None, "Displacement" : None, "Normalforce" : None, "material" : None, } boundaryConditions = problem.getBoundaryConditions() from vector import V as Vector # ind = 0 for boundaryCondition in boundaryConditions: #print "dir boundary",dir(boundaryCondition) #print "boundary name ", #print boundaryCondition.getSupport() bodyToConsider = boundaryCondition.boundary print(bodyToConsider) print("entity ", bodyToConsider.getEntity()) print(" type " , boundaryCondition.getType()) print(" name " , bodyToConsider.getName()) #print "material ",boundaryCondition.boundary.material #raw_input() dis = boundaryCondition.getDisplacementValue() #print type(dis) #raw_input("dis") nf = boundaryCondition.getNormalForceValue() ok = 0 for reg in self.regions: if reg.getSupport().getName() == bodyToConsider.getName(): #print "material ",reg.material;raw_input() ok = 1 break pass if ok == 0: raise Warning("Check the definition of regions and boundaries") self.boundaryConditions[ind] = {"name": bodyToConsider.getName(),\ "index": bodyToConsider.getEntity(),\ "bodyName": bodyToConsider.getBodyName(),\ "Displacement": dis,\ "Normalforce": nf,\ "Material":reg.material, # boundaryCondition.boundary.material, "type": boundaryCondition.getType()[0], "description": boundaryCondition.description } ind+=1 pass # # We treat now the initial conditions # ind = 0 initialConditions = problem.getInitialConditions() if initialConditions!= None: for initialCondition in initialConditions: value = initialCondition.value # a displacement initialConditionName = initialCondition.body.getBodyName() ok = 0 for reg in self.regions: if reg.getSupport().getName() == bodyToConsider.getName(): #print "material ",reg.material;raw_input() ok = 1 break if ok == 0: raise Warning("Check the definition of regions and boundaries") self.initialConditions[ind] = {"name": initialConditionName,\ "Displacement": value,\ "material": reg.getMaterial(), "index": initialCondition.body.getEntity(),\ "description": initialCondition.description } pass pass # # We treat now the sources # sourceList = problem.getSources() sourceCtrl = 0 if sourceList: from datamodel import Flowrate sourceFlowrate = NumericZoneField('source', mesh, ["source"]) sourceList = toList(sourceList) for source in sourceList: value = source.getValue() if isInstance(value,Flowrate): sourceFlowrate.setZone(source.getZone(), [value.getValue()]) sourceCtrl = 1 pass pass pass if sourceCtrl: self.sourceField = sourceFlowrate pass # # We treat outputs: # outputs -> list of dictionnary # if self.expectedOutput: for eo in self.expectedOutput: varnames=['Pressure'] eo['varnames'] = varnames pass pass def setComponent(self,componentName): if type(componentName) == StringType: self.componentName = componentName.lower() from elmer import Elmer self.componentName == "elmer" self.mechanicalSolver = Elmer(self.mesh) self.mechanicalSolver.calcTimesDico = Dico() self.mechanicalSolver.setMechaSolverDefaults() self.mechanicalSolver.setProblemType("mechanical") self.mechanicalSolver.setDirBC(None, self.boundaryConditions) self.mechanicalSolver.setDirIC(self.initialConditions) if (self.timeStepIntervals == None and self.calculationTimes != None): self.timeStepIntervals = len(self.calculationTimes)-1 self.timeStepSizes = [self.calculationTimes[i+1]-self.calculationTimes[i] for i in range(len(self.calculationTimes)-1)] pass elif (self.timeStepIntervals != None): self.mechanicalSolver.setTimeDiscretisation(self.timeStepIntervals, self.timeStepSizes) pass self.mechanicalSolver.setOutputName( pass else: raise Warning(" the default mechanical solver has been fixed to elmer ") self.componentName = "elmer" pass # # # self.mechanicalSolver.setBodyList(self.problem.getRegions()) # # # # print " dbg hm we set the bic ",self.boundaryConditions self.mechanicalSolver.setBoundaryConditionConcentrations(self.boundaryConditions) # # Density # if self.density: self.mechanicalSolver.setSolidDensity(self.density) # # # #self.mechanicalSolver.setInitialConditions(self.initialConditions) # # Gravity # #if self.gravity: # self.mechanicalSolver.setGravity(self.gravity) # # Porosity # if self.matrixCompressibilityFactor: self.mechanicalSolver.setMatrixCompressibilityFactor(self.matrixCompressibilityFactor) # # Sources # if self.sourceField : self.mechanicalSolver.setSource(self.sourceField) # # time steps treatment # if self.simulationType == "Transient": self.mechanicalSolver.calcTimesDico ['finalTime']= self.problem.calculationTimes[-1] # # to affect numerical parameters # def setSolverParameter(self,*tuple,**dico): if self.mechanicalSolver: self.mechanicalSolver.setMechanicalSolverParameter(*tuple,**dico) #print self.mechanicalSolver.mechanicsParameterDico.keys() #raw_input("setMechanicalSolverParameter") pass else: raise Exception(" You have to set the Mechanical component solver") def setTimeDiscretisation(self,timeStepIntervals = None, timeStepSizes = None): """ setting time steps through the number of time Steps or the size of time steps. Every time, a real is used. It should become a list. """ if timeStepIntervals != None: self.timeStepIntervals = timeStepIntervals pass elif timeStepSizes != None: self.timeStepSizes = timeStepSizes pass else: raise Warning("You should give at least an argument to the setTimeDiscretisation function") if self.timeStepIntervals != None: print("dbg hm ",self.timeStepIntervals) print("dbg hm ",self.problem.calculationTimes[-1]) self.timeStepSizes = self.problem.calculationTimes[-1]/self.timeStepIntervals pass else: self.timeStepIntervals = self.problem.calculationTimes[-1]/self.timeStepSizes pass setCalculationTimes = setTimeDiscretisation def writeToFile(self): pass def getOutput(self,name, outputType = None): """ The velocity is read from the file HeVel.ep within the mesh file. This file is issued from the successfull run of the two method, Darcy and Flux """ # # transient part # if self.simulationType == "Transient": # # charge # #raw_input(" trying to retrieve charge") self.charge = self.flowComponent.essai.getCharge() print(self.charge[0:10]) #raw_input(" trying to retrieve points") self.points = self.flowComponent.essai.getCoordinates() self.points = self.mesh.getNodesCoordinates() print(self.points) #raw_input(" trying to retrieve velocity") self.velocity = self.flowComponent.essai.getVelocity() return self.points, self.charge, self.velocity # # steady part # if type(name) == StringType: if name.lower() == "velocity": fileName = "./" + self.flowComponent.meshDirectoryName + "/" + "HeVel.ep" if not os.path.isfile(fileName): message = " problem with the velocity file: " + fileName raise Exception(message) return None pass elif name.lower() == "watercontent": fileName = "./" + "watercontent.vtu" pass velocityFile=open(fileName,'r') velocityFile.readline() velocityFile.readline() line = velocityFile.readline() f = len(line)/3 self.points = [] while "#group all" not in line: #line = line.split() self.points.append([float(line[0:17]),float(line[17:34]),float(line[34:53])]) line = velocityFile.readline() pass while "#time" not in velocityFile.readline(): pass line = velocityFile.readline() physic = [] while len(line) > 1: physic.append([float(line[0:17]),\ float(line[17:34]),\ float(line[34:51]),\ float(line[51:68])]) line = velocityFile.readline() pass self.charge = [] self.velocity = [] ind = 0 for iunknown in range(0,len(physic)): a = physic[iunknown] self.charge.append(a[0]) self.velocity.append([a[1],a[2],a[3]]) ind+=1 pass return self.points, self.charge, self.velocity def end(self): """simulation stop and clean""" if self.flowComponent: self.flowComponent.end() pass def getComponentName(self): """ to get the name of the component, that has been defined, if any """ if self.componentName: return self.componentName else: raise Warning("No component name has been currently defined") def getComponent(self): """ to get the component """ return self.flowComponent def getHelp(self,func = None): """ That function is used to get some help on the class and on relevant functions Ex: getHelp() or getHelp(a.function) """ if func == None: print(self.__doc__) pass else: print(func.__doc__) pass pass def launch(self): """ Method to launch the simulation, interactivally (transient) or directly (steady state) """ # # ELMERSOLVER_STARTINFO is the file enabling Elmer to be launched # self.elmerStartInfo = open("ELMERSOLVER_STARTINFO","w") self.elmerStartInfo.write(self.sifFileName) self.elmerStartInfo.close() # self.mechanicalSolver.createSifFile() if self.simulationType == "Transient": print("dbgpy launching WElmer") # # the definition of chemistry being needed, we make the hypothesis the chemytry/solver # part is launched first # if isinstance(problem, MechanicalProblem) and not isinstance(problem, THMCProblem): self.essai = WElmer print("dbgpy reading the sif file") self.essai.initialize() pass pass def run(self): """ As steady state, we just need an access to the standard solver For a transient simulation, we have to check wether the solver is already launched, see the launch method. """ #raw_input(" sim type :"+str(self.simulationType)) if self.simulationType == "Steady": self.launch() print(" ////////////////// dbg elmersolver steady //////////////////") system("$ELMER_SOLVER test.sif") pass # # we iterate over time # elif self.simulationType == "Transient": print(" ////////////////// dbg elmersolver transient //////////////////") self.finalTime = self.times[-1] while (self.simulatedTime < self.finalTime) : self.oneTimeStep() pass pass
class MechanicalModule: """ The mechanical module will be set up to treat elastic and plastic problems. Here only elasticity is treated, elmer being the only available tool. Elasticity: The Youngs's modulus or elasticity modulus is the constant linking constraint ( traction or compression ) to deformation: sigma = E * eps sigma: constraint with the dimension of a pressure E: Young's modulus eps: deformation """ def __init__(self): self.calculationTimes = None self.density = None self.gravity = None self.matrixCompressibilityFactor = None self.porosity = None self.simulationType = "Steady" self.sifFileName = "test.sif" self.timeStepIntervals = None self.sourceField = None # # All physical parameters relevant to the phenomenology are treated here # # Boundary conditions are defined through Normal forces or displacements. # def setData(self, problem,\ mesh = None,\ dicobc = None,\ dicoic = None): self.expectedOutput = None self.problem = problem #print problem.__class__.__name__ if not isinstance(problem, MechanicalProblem) and not isinstance( problem, THMCProblem): raise Exception(" the problem must be a mechanical problem") self.problemName = problem.getName() self.regions = problem.getRegions() self.mesh = mesh mediumProperties = { "density": None, "gravity": None, "YoungModulus": None, "PoissonRatio": None, } # # regionProperties is a dictionnary. It is made of a list of tuples, each region is associated to a dictionnary, # the dictionnary containing the medium region properties. # self.regionProperties = {} # self.times = problem.getCalculationTimes() # if self.times == None: self.simulationType = "Steady" else: self.simulationType = "Transient" # self.boundaryConditions = {} # self.initialConditions = {} # # we fill the medium properties dictionnary # self.solidDensity = problem.getDensity() self.gravity = problem.getGravity() # for reg in self.regions: regionName = material = reg.getMaterial() self.regionProperties[regionName] = mediumProperties youngModulus = material.youngModulus poissonRatio = material.poissonRatio intrinsicPermeability = material.getIntrinsicPermeability() self.regionProperties[regionName]["density"] = material.density self.regionProperties[regionName]["gravity"] = self.gravity self.regionProperties[regionName]["youngModulus"] = youngModulus self.regionProperties[regionName]["poissonRatio"] = poissonRatio pass # # We treat here the boundary conditions. # We establish a dictionnary independant # from the tool to be treated. # boundarySpecification = { "typ": None, "Displacement": None, "Normalforce": None, "material": None, } boundaryConditions = problem.getBoundaryConditions() from vector import V as Vector # ind = 0 for boundaryCondition in boundaryConditions: #print "dir boundary",dir(boundaryCondition) #print "boundary name ", #print boundaryCondition.getSupport() bodyToConsider = boundaryCondition.boundary #print(bodyToConsider) #print("entity ", bodyToConsider.getEntity()) #print(" type " , boundaryCondition.getType()) #print(" name " , bodyToConsider.getName()) #print "material ",boundaryCondition.boundary.material #raw_input() dis = boundaryCondition.getDisplacementValue() #print (dis) #print (type(dis)) #raw_input("dis") nf = boundaryCondition.getNormalForceValue() ok = 0 for reg in self.regions: if reg.getSupport().getName() == bodyToConsider.getName(): #print "material ",reg.material;raw_input() ok = 1 break pass if ok == 0: raise Warning("Check the definition of regions and boundaries") self.boundaryConditions[ind] = {"name": bodyToConsider.getName(),\ "index": bodyToConsider.getEntity(),\ "bodyName": bodyToConsider.getBodyName(),\ "Displacement": dis,\ "Normalforce": nf,\ "Material":reg.material, # boundaryCondition.boundary.material, "type": boundaryCondition.getType()[0], "description": boundaryCondition.description } ind += 1 pass # # We treat now the initial conditions # ind = 0 initialConditions = problem.getInitialConditions() if initialConditions != None: for initialCondition in initialConditions: value = initialCondition.value # a displacement initialConditionName = initialCondition.body.getBodyName() ok = 0 for reg in self.regions: if reg.getSupport().getName() == bodyToConsider.getName(): #print "material ",reg.material;raw_input() ok = 1 break if ok == 0: raise Warning( "Check the definition of regions and boundaries") self.initialConditions[ind] = {"name": initialConditionName,\ "Displacement": value,\ "material": reg.getMaterial(), "index": initialCondition.body.getEntity(),\ "description": initialCondition.description } pass pass # # We treat now the sources # sourceList = problem.getSources() sourceCtrl = 0 if sourceList: from datamodel import Flowrate sourceFlowrate = NumericZoneField('source', mesh, ["source"]) sourceList = toList(sourceList) for source in sourceList: value = source.getValue() if isInstance(value, Flowrate): sourceFlowrate.setZone(source.getZone(), [value.getValue()]) sourceCtrl = 1 pass pass pass if sourceCtrl: self.sourceField = sourceFlowrate pass # # We treat outputs: # outputs -> list of dictionnary # if self.expectedOutput: for eo in self.expectedOutput: varnames = ['Pressure'] eo['varnames'] = varnames pass pass def setComponent(self, componentName): if type(componentName) == StringType: self.componentName = componentName.lower() from elmer import Elmer self.componentName == "elmer" self.mechanicalSolver = Elmer(self.mesh) self.mechanicalSolver.calcTimesDico = Dico() self.mechanicalSolver.setMechaSolverDefaults() self.mechanicalSolver.setProblemType("mechanical") self.mechanicalSolver.setDirBC(None, self.boundaryConditions) self.mechanicalSolver.setDirIC(self.initialConditions) if (self.timeStepIntervals == None and self.calculationTimes != None): self.timeStepIntervals = len(self.calculationTimes) - 1 self.timeStepSizes = [ self.calculationTimes[i + 1] - self.calculationTimes[i] for i in range(len(self.calculationTimes) - 1) ] pass elif (self.timeStepIntervals != None): self.mechanicalSolver.setTimeDiscretisation( self.timeStepIntervals, self.timeStepSizes) pass self.mechanicalSolver.setOutputName( pass else: raise Warning( " the default mechanical solver has been fixed to elmer ") self.componentName = "elmer" pass # # # self.mechanicalSolver.setBodyList(self.problem.getRegions()) # # # # print " dbg hm we set the bic ",self.boundaryConditions self.mechanicalSolver.setBoundaryConditionConcentrations( self.boundaryConditions) # # Density # if self.density: self.mechanicalSolver.setSolidDensity(self.density) # # # #self.mechanicalSolver.setInitialConditions(self.initialConditions) # # Gravity # #if self.gravity: # self.mechanicalSolver.setGravity(self.gravity) # # Porosity # if self.matrixCompressibilityFactor: self.mechanicalSolver.setMatrixCompressibilityFactor( self.matrixCompressibilityFactor) # # Sources # if self.sourceField: self.mechanicalSolver.setSource(self.sourceField) # # time steps treatment # if self.simulationType == "Transient": self.mechanicalSolver.calcTimesDico[ 'finalTime'] = self.problem.calculationTimes[-1] # # to affect numerical parameters # def setSolverParameter(self, *tuple, **dico): if self.mechanicalSolver: self.mechanicalSolver.setMechanicalSolverParameter(*tuple, **dico) #print self.mechanicalSolver.mechanicsParameterDico.keys() #raw_input("setMechanicalSolverParameter") pass else: raise Exception(" You have to set the Mechanical component solver") def setTimeDiscretisation(self, timeStepIntervals=None, timeStepSizes=None): """ setting time steps through the number of time Steps or the size of time steps. Every time, a real is used. It should become a list. """ if timeStepIntervals != None: self.timeStepIntervals = timeStepIntervals pass elif timeStepSizes != None: self.timeStepSizes = timeStepSizes pass else: raise Warning( "You should give at least an argument to the setTimeDiscretisation function" ) if self.timeStepIntervals != None: print("dbg hm ", self.timeStepIntervals) print("dbg hm ", self.problem.calculationTimes[-1]) self.timeStepSizes = self.problem.calculationTimes[ -1] / self.timeStepIntervals pass else: self.timeStepIntervals = self.problem.calculationTimes[ -1] / self.timeStepSizes pass setCalculationTimes = setTimeDiscretisation def writeToFile(self): pass def getOutput(self, name, outputType=None): """ The velocity is read from the file HeVel.ep within the mesh file. This file is issued from the successfull run of the two method, Darcy and Flux """ # # transient part # if self.simulationType == "Transient": # # charge # #raw_input(" trying to retrieve charge") self.charge = self.flowComponent.essai.getCharge() print(self.charge[0:10]) #raw_input(" trying to retrieve points") self.points = self.flowComponent.essai.getCoordinates() self.points = self.mesh.getNodesCoordinates() print(self.points) #raw_input(" trying to retrieve velocity") self.velocity = self.flowComponent.essai.getVelocity() return self.points, self.charge, self.velocity # # steady part # if type(name) == StringType: if name.lower() == "velocity": fileName = "./" + self.flowComponent.meshDirectoryName + "/" + "HeVel.ep" if not os.path.isfile(fileName): message = " problem with the velocity file: " + fileName raise Exception(message) return None pass elif name.lower() == "watercontent": fileName = "./" + "watercontent.vtu" pass velocityFile = open(fileName, 'r') velocityFile.readline() velocityFile.readline() line = velocityFile.readline() f = len(line) / 3 self.points = [] while "#group all" not in line: #line = line.split() self.points.append([ float(line[0:17]), float(line[17:34]), float(line[34:53]) ]) line = velocityFile.readline() pass while "#time" not in velocityFile.readline(): pass line = velocityFile.readline() physic = [] while len(line) > 1: physic.append([float(line[0:17]),\ float(line[17:34]),\ float(line[34:51]),\ float(line[51:68])]) line = velocityFile.readline() pass self.charge = [] self.velocity = [] ind = 0 for iunknown in range(0, len(physic)): a = physic[iunknown] self.charge.append(a[0]) self.velocity.append([a[1], a[2], a[3]]) ind += 1 pass return self.points, self.charge, self.velocity def end(self): """simulation stop and clean""" if self.flowComponent: self.flowComponent.end() pass def getComponentName(self): """ to get the name of the component, that has been defined, if any """ if self.componentName: return self.componentName else: raise Warning("No component name has been currently defined") def getComponent(self): """ to get the component """ return self.flowComponent def getHelp(self, func=None): """ That function is used to get some help on the class and on relevant functions Ex: getHelp() or getHelp(a.function) """ if func == None: print(self.__doc__) pass else: print(func.__doc__) pass pass def launch(self): """ Method to launch the simulation, interactivally (transient) or directly (steady state) """ # # ELMERSOLVER_STARTINFO is the file enabling Elmer to be launched # self.elmerStartInfo = open("ELMERSOLVER_STARTINFO", "w") self.elmerStartInfo.write(self.sifFileName) self.elmerStartInfo.close() # self.mechanicalSolver.createSifFile() if self.simulationType == "Transient": print("dbgpy launching WElmer") # # the definition of chemistry being needed, we make the hypothesis the chemytry/solver # part is launched first # if isinstance(problem, MechanicalProblem) and not isinstance( problem, THMCProblem): self.essai = WElmer print("dbgpy reading the sif file") self.essai.initialize() pass pass def run(self): """ As steady state, we just need an access to the standard solver For a transient simulation, we have to check wether the solver is already launched, see the launch method. """ #raw_input(" sim type :"+str(self.simulationType)) if self.simulationType == "Steady": self.launch() print( " ////////////////// dbg elmersolver steady //////////////////" ) system("$ELMER_SOLVER test.sif") pass # # we iterate over time # elif self.simulationType == "Transient": print( " ////////////////// dbg elmersolver transient //////////////////" ) self.finalTime = self.times[-1] while (self.simulatedTime < self.finalTime): self.oneTimeStep() pass pass