def test_check_hash_does_not_exist():
    db = Db()

    random_key = helper.random_string(10)

    assert db.check_hash(random_key) == False, 'Lookup for hash that should not exist returned True'
def test_get_hash_does_not_exist():
    db = Db()

    random_key = helper.random_string(10)

    assert db.get_hash(random_key) is None, 'Lookup for hash that should not exist did not return None'
def test_init_writes_files():
    db = Db()

    assert os.path.isfile(constants.hash_db) == True
    assert os.path.isfile(constants.location_db) == True
Exemple #4
    def process_file(self, _file, destination, media, **kwargs):
        move = False
        if ('move' in kwargs):
            move = kwargs['move']

        allow_duplicate = False
        if ('allowDuplicate' in kwargs):
            allow_duplicate = kwargs['allowDuplicate']

        if (not media.is_valid()):
            print('%s is not a valid media file. Skipping...' % _file)

        metadata = media.get_metadata()

        directory_name = self.get_folder_path(metadata)

        dest_directory = os.path.join(destination, directory_name)
        file_name = self.get_file_name(media)
        dest_path = os.path.join(dest_directory, file_name)

        db = Db()
        checksum = db.checksum(_file)
        if (checksum is None):
  'Could not get checksum for %s. Skipping...' % _file)

        # If duplicates are not allowed then we check if we've seen this file
        #  before via checksum. We also check that the file exists at the
        #   location we believe it to be.
        # If we find a checksum match but the file doesn't exist where we
        #  believe it to be then we write a debug log and proceed to import.
        checksum_file = db.get_hash(checksum)
        if (allow_duplicate is False and checksum_file is not None):
            if (os.path.isfile(checksum_file)):
      '%s already exists at %s. Skipping...' %
                         (_file, checksum_file))
                    '%s matched checksum but file not found at %s. Importing again...'
                    % (  # noqa
                        _file, checksum_file))

        # If source and destination are identical then
        #  we should not write the file. gh-210
        if (_file == dest_path):
            print('Final source and destination path should not be identical')


        if (move is True):
            stat = os.stat(_file)
            shutil.move(_file, dest_path)
            os.utime(dest_path, (stat.st_atime, stat.st_mtime))
            compatability._copyfile(_file, dest_path)

        db.add_hash(checksum, dest_path)

        return dest_path
Exemple #5
    def process_file(self, _file, destination, media, **kwargs):
        move = False
        if('move' in kwargs):
            move = kwargs['move']

        allow_duplicate = False
        if('allowDuplicate' in kwargs):
            allow_duplicate = kwargs['allowDuplicate']

        stat_info_original = os.stat(_file)
        metadata = media.get_metadata()

        if(not media.is_valid()):
            print('%s is not a valid media file. Skipping...' % _file)

        checksum = self.process_checksum(_file, allow_duplicate)
        if(checksum is None):
  'Original checksum returned None for %s. Skipping...' %

        # Run `before()` for every loaded plugin and if any of them raise an exception
        #  then we skip importing the file and log a message.
        plugins_run_before_status = self.plugins.run_all_before(_file, destination)
        if(plugins_run_before_status == False):
            log.warn('At least one plugin pre-run failed for %s' % _file)

        directory_name = self.get_folder_path(metadata)
        dest_directory = os.path.join(destination, directory_name)
        file_name = self.get_file_name(metadata)
        dest_path = os.path.join(dest_directory, file_name)        


        # If source and destination are identical then
        #  we should not write the file. gh-210
        if(_file == dest_path):
            print('Final source and destination path should not be identical')


        # exiftool renames the original file by appending '_original' to the
        # file name. A new file is written with new tags with the initial file
        # name. See exiftool man page for more details.
        exif_original_file = _file + '_original'

        # Check if the source file was processed by exiftool and an _original
        # file was created.
        exif_original_file_exists = False
            exif_original_file_exists = True

        if(move is True):
            stat = os.stat(_file)
            # Move the processed file into the destination directory
            shutil.move(_file, dest_path)

            if(exif_original_file_exists is True):
                # We can remove it as we don't need the initial file.
            os.utime(dest_path, (stat.st_atime, stat.st_mtime))
            compatibility._copyfile(_file, dest_path)
            self.set_utime_from_metadata(media.get_metadata(), dest_path)

        db = Db()
        db.add_hash(checksum, dest_path)

        # Run `after()` for every loaded plugin and if any of them raise an exception
        #  then we skip importing the file and log a message.
        plugins_run_after_status = self.plugins.run_all_after(_file, destination, dest_path, metadata)
        if(plugins_run_after_status == False):
            log.warn('At least one plugin pre-run failed for %s' % _file)

        return dest_path
Exemple #6
def place_name(lat, lon):
    lookup_place_name_default = {'default': __DEFAULT_LOCATION__}
    if (lat is None or lon is None):
        return lookup_place_name_default

    # Convert lat/lon to floats
    if (not isinstance(lat, float)):
        lat = float(lat)
    if (not isinstance(lon, float)):
        lon = float(lon)

    localdb_response = closestgeoname.query_closest_city(
        closestgeoname.DBFILENAME, lat, lon)

    if localdb_response is not None:
        return {
            "city": localdb_response[0],
            "default": localdb_response[0],
            "state": localdb_response[1],
            "country": localdb_response[2]

        # This should only occur if the script is searching for a point
        # outside the maximum distance on earth. So this would mean
        # there is likely an error with the GNSS coordinate. But we can
        # continue to see if other services (MapQuest) has a way to handle it.
            "lat/long likely to be incorrect... continuing with other service")
        print("lat: {}, lon: {}".format(lat, lon))

    # Try to get cached location first
    db = Db()
    # 3km distace radious for a match
    cached_place_name = db.get_location_name(lat, lon, 3000)
    # We check that it's a dict to coerce an upgrade of the location
    #  db from a string location to a dictionary. See gh-160.
    if (isinstance(cached_place_name, dict)):
        return cached_place_name

    lookup_place_name = {}
    geolocation_info = lookup(lat=lat, lon=lon)
    if (geolocation_info is not None and 'address' in geolocation_info):
        address = geolocation_info['address']
        for loc in ['city', 'state', 'country']:
            if (loc in address):
                lookup_place_name[loc] = address[loc]
                # In many cases the desired key is not available so we
                #  set the most specific as the default.
                if ('default' not in lookup_place_name):
                    lookup_place_name['default'] = address[loc]

    if (lookup_place_name):
        db.add_location(lat, lon, lookup_place_name)
        # TODO: Maybe this should only be done on exit and not for every write.

    if ('default' not in lookup_place_name):
        lookup_place_name = lookup_place_name_default

    return lookup_place_name
Exemple #7
    def process_file(self, _file, destination, media, **kwargs):
        move = False
        if ('move' in kwargs):
            move = kwargs['move']

        allow_duplicate = False
        if ('allowDuplicate' in kwargs):
            allow_duplicate = kwargs['allowDuplicate']

        if (not media.is_valid()):
            print('%s is not a valid media file. Skipping...' % _file)

        metadata = media.get_metadata()

        directory_name = self.get_folder_path(metadata)

        dest_directory = os.path.join(destination, directory_name)
        file_name = self.get_file_name(media)
        dest_path = os.path.join(dest_directory, file_name)

        db = Db()
        checksum = db.checksum(_file)
        if (checksum is None):
  'Could not get checksum for %s. Skipping...' % _file)

        # If duplicates are not allowed then we check if we've seen this file
        #  before via checksum. We also check that the file exists at the
        #   location we believe it to be.
        # If we find a checksum match but the file doesn't exist where we
        #  believe it to be then we write a debug log and proceed to import.
        checksum_file = db.get_hash(checksum)
        if (allow_duplicate is False and checksum_file is not None):
            if (os.path.isfile(checksum_file)):
      '%s already exists at %s. Skipping...' %
                         (_file, checksum_file))
                    '%s matched checksum but file not found at %s. Importing again...'
                    % (  # noqa
                        _file, checksum_file))


        if (move is True):
            stat = os.stat(_file)
            shutil.move(_file, dest_path)
            os.utime(dest_path, (stat.st_atime, stat.st_mtime))
            # Do not use copy2(), will have an issue when copying to a
            # network/mounted drive using copy and manual
            # set_date_from_filename gets the job done
            shutil.copy(_file, dest_path)

        db.add_hash(checksum, dest_path)

        return dest_path
Exemple #8
from elodie.filesystem import FileSystem
from elodie.localstorage import Db

def usage():
    """Return usage message
    return """
Usage: import --destination=<d> [--source=<s>] [--file=<f>] [--album-from-folder] [--trash] [INPUT ...] update [--time=<t>] [--location=<l>] [--album=<a>] [--title=<t>] INPUT ...

       -h --help    show this

DB = Db()
FILESYSTEM = FileSystem()

def import_file(_file, destination, album_from_folder, trash):
    """Set file metadata and move it to destination.
    if not os.path.exists(_file):
        if constants.debug:
            print 'Could not find %s' % _file
        print '{"source":"%s", "error_msg":"Could not find %s"}' % \
            (_file, _file)

    media = Media.get_class_by_file(_file, [Audio, Photo, Video])
    if not media: