Exemple #1
def test_add_location():
    db = Manifest()

    latitude, longitude, name = helper.get_test_location()

    db.add_location(latitude, longitude, name)
    retrieved_name = db.get_location_name(latitude, longitude, 5)

    assert name == retrieved_name
Exemple #2
def test_get_location_name_outside_threshold():
    db = Manifest()

    latitude, longitude, name = helper.get_test_location()
    db.add_location(latitude, longitude, name)

    new_latitude = helper.random_coordinate(latitude, 1)
    new_longitude = helper.random_coordinate(longitude, 1)

    # 800 meters
    retrieved_name = db.get_location_name(new_latitude, new_longitude, 800)

    assert retrieved_name is None
Exemple #3
def test_get_location_name_within_threshold():
    db = Manifest()

    latitude, longitude, name = helper.get_test_location()
    db.add_location(latitude, longitude, name)

    new_latitude = helper.random_coordinate(latitude, 4)
    new_longitude = helper.random_coordinate(longitude, 4)

    # 10 miles
    retrieved_name = db.get_location_name(new_latitude, new_longitude, 1600*10)

    assert name == retrieved_name, 'Name (%r) did not match retrieved name (%r)' % (name, retrieved_name)
Exemple #4
def place_name(lat, lon):
    lookup_place_name_default = {'default': __DEFAULT_LOCATION__}
    if (lat is None or lon is None):
        return lookup_place_name_default

    # Convert lat/lon to floats
    if (not isinstance(lat, float)):
        lat = float(lat)
    if (not isinstance(lon, float)):
        lon = float(lon)

    # Try to get cached location first
    db = Manifest()
    # 3km distace radious for a match
    cached_place_name = db.get_location_name(lat, lon, 3000)
    # We check that it's a dict to coerce an upgrade of the location
    #  db from a string location to a dictionary. See gh-160.
    if (isinstance(cached_place_name, dict)):
        return cached_place_name

    lookup_place_name = {}
    geolocation_info = lookup(lat=lat, lon=lon)
    if (geolocation_info is not None and 'address' in geolocation_info):
        address = geolocation_info['address']
        for loc in ['city', 'state', 'country']:
            if (loc in address):
                lookup_place_name[loc] = address[loc]
                # In many cases the desired key is not available so we
                #  set the most specific as the default.
                if ('default' not in lookup_place_name):
                    lookup_place_name['default'] = address[loc]

    if (lookup_place_name):
        db.add_location(lat, lon, lookup_place_name)
        # TODO: Maybe this should only be done on exit and not for every write.

    if ('default' not in lookup_place_name):
        lookup_place_name = lookup_place_name_default

    return lookup_place_name