def update_all_stocks_sheets( unsubscribe_url='Bad Developer... Always supply this.'): """ Get new stock prices, alert users, and update spreadsheets. :param unsubscribe_url: Url that will be put in alert emails allowing users to unsubscribe. """ sheet_prices_dict, sheet_alerts_dict = db.update_stock_prices(alerts=True) user_alerts_dict = db.get_user_alerts(sheet_alerts_dict) l = emails.get_emails(user_alerts_dict, unsubscribe_url) emails.send_emails(l) for ssheet_id, prices in sheet_prices_dict.items(): credentials = db.get_credentials(ssheet_id=ssheet_id) h = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()) # TODO(jalex): Implement using GAE's task queues ( if USE_THREADS: t = threading.Thread(target=sheets.set_prices, args=(ssheet_id, prices, h)) t.daemon = True t.start() else: sheets.set_prices(ssheet_id, prices, h)
def vote(): emails = get_emails() for item in emails: print(item) proxies = get_proxies() proxy_index = random.randrange(0, 5) proxy = proxies[proxy_index] print(proxy) full_name = item[0] email = item[1] print(full_name) print(email) proxy_config = Proxy() proxy_config.proxy_type = ProxyType.MANUAL proxy_config.http_proxy = proxy proxy_config.ssl_proxy = proxy capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.CHROME proxy_config.add_to_capabilities(capabilities) chrome_options = Options() chrome_options.headless = True driver = webdriver.Chrome("./chromedriver", desired_capabilities=capabilities, options=chrome_options) driver.get("") # FILL IN WITH WEBSITE time.sleep(10) # give page time to load form_full_name = driver.find_element_by_xpath('') #FILL IN WITH X PATH form_full_name.send_keys(full_name) form_radio_button = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '') #FILL IN WITH X PATH form_video_dropdown = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '') #FILL IN WITH X PATH form_video_choice = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '') #FILL IN WITH X PATH form_email_address = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '') #FILL IN WITH X PATH form_email_address.send_keys(email) form_submit_button = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '') #FILL IN WITH X PATH time.sleep(10) # give time to submit get_confirmation_text = driver.find_element_by_css_selector( '') #FILL IN WITH X PATH if ((get_confirmation_text.text ) == ""): #FILL IN WITH CONFIRMATION MESSAGE print("Successfully voted!") else: print("Did not vote successfully.") driver.quit() time.sleep(300) # wait 5 mins
def compute_thresholds(out_results_dir, thresholds_dir, emails_list_file): if not os.path.exists(thresholds_dir): os.makedirs(thresholds_dir) emails = get_emails(emails_list_file) for mail in emails: y_score, y = get_result(mail, out_results_dir) th = find_threshold(y_score, y) th_file = os.path.join(thresholds_dir, mail + ".txt") print("Saving threshold:", th_file) with open(th_file, "w+") as f: f.write(str(th))
def load_and_run_all_models(config, emails_list_file, emails_data_base_dir): emails = get_emails(emails_list_file) total_err = 0.0 for mail in emails: X_data, Y_data = dataset.load_data(mail, emails_data_base_dir) model_path = os.path.join(config.save_model_dir, mail, "full") model_object_path = os.path.join(model_path, "model.json") model_weights_path = os.path.join(model_path, "weights.h5") threshold = get_threshold(config.thresholds_dir, mail) err = load_and_run_model(config, model_object_path, model_weights_path, threshold, X_data, Y_data) print("Error for %s with threshold %f: %f" % (mail, threshold, err)) total_err = (total_err + err) / 2 print("Total error:", total_err)
def update_all_stocks_sheets(unsubscribe_url='Bad Developer... Always supply this.'): """ Get new stock prices, alert users, and update spreadsheets. :param unsubscribe_url: Url that will be put in alert emails allowing users to unsubscribe. """ sheet_prices_dict, sheet_alerts_dict = db.update_stock_prices(alerts=True) user_alerts_dict = db.get_user_alerts(sheet_alerts_dict) l = emails.get_emails(user_alerts_dict, unsubscribe_url) emails.send_emails(l) for ssheet_id, prices in sheet_prices_dict.items(): credentials = db.get_credentials(ssheet_id=ssheet_id) h = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()) # TODO(jalex): Implement using GAE's task queues ( if USE_THREADS: t = threading.Thread(target=sheets.set_prices, args=(ssheet_id, prices, h)) t.daemon = True t.start() else: sheets.set_prices(ssheet_id, prices, h)
import os import constant import prep import verifier import emails if __name__ == '__main__': fnames = os.listdir(constant.RAW_DIR) for fname in fnames: people = prep.rearrange_info(fname) for person in people.values(): print(person) email_prob_list = emails.get_emails(person) people[person['id']]['email_list_crawl'] = email_prob_list print('start verify') verifier.verify(fname, people, False) print('end verify')
import os, sys from emails import get_emails from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc def get_result(mail, results_dir="training/keras/models/lstm2layer2dropout/results"): filename = os.path.join(results_dir, mail + ".txt") with open(filename) as f: resultset = [d.split(',') for d in] y_score = resultset[0] y = resultset[1] y_score = [float(x) for x in y_score] y = [int(x) for x in y] return y_score, y if __name__ == '__main__': emails = get_emails() for mail in emails: if len(sys.argv) > 1: y_score, y = get_result(mail, sys.argv[1]) else: y_score, y = get_result(mail) # Compute micro-average ROC curve and ROC area fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y, y_score, pos_label=1) roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr) ############################################################################## # Plot of a ROC curve for a specific class plt.figure() plt.plot(fpr, tpr, label='ROC curve (area = %0.2f)' % roc_auc)
def train_and_evaluate(config, emails_list_file, emails_data_base_dir): emails = get_emails(emails_list_file) totalFP = 0 totalFN = 0 totalTP = 0 totalTN = 0 with open(config.results_file, "w+") as f: f.write("") for mail in emails: print('Loading data...') X_data, Y_data = dataset.load_data(mail, emails_data_base_dir) falsePositives = 0 falseNegatives = 0 truePositives = 0 trueNegatives = 0 predictions = [] shouldBe = [] for i in range(len(X_data)): tmp = X_data[i] X_data[i] = X_data[0] X_data[0] = tmp tmp = Y_data[i] Y_data[i] = Y_data[0] Y_data[0] = tmp X_train = X_data[1:] y_train = Y_data[1:] X_test = X_data[0:1] y_test = Y_data[0:1] print(len(X_train), 'train sequences') print("Pad sequences (samples x time)") X_train = sequence.pad_sequences(X_train, maxlen=config.max_seq_len) X_test = sequence.pad_sequences(X_test, maxlen=config.max_seq_len) X_train, X_test = config.additional_data_transform(X_train, X_test) max_value = max(X_train.max(), X_test.max()) + 1 print('X_train shape:', X_train.shape) print('X_test shape:', X_test.shape) print('Build model...') model = config.build_model(max_value) model.compile(loss=config.loss_function, optimizer=config.optimizer, class_mode=config.class_mode) print("Train..."), y_train, batch_size=config.batch_size, nb_epoch=config.epochs, validation_data=(X_test, y_test), show_accuracy=True) score, acc = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, batch_size=config.batch_size, show_accuracy=True) prediction = model.predict(X_test) predicted_class = round(abs(float(prediction))) print("Model prediction:", prediction, "Should be:", y_test) print('Test score:', score) print('Test accuracy:', acc) predictions.append(float(prediction)) shouldBe.append(y_test[0]) if(predicted_class == 0 and y_test[0] == 1): falseNegatives += 1 elif(predicted_class == 1 and y_test[0] == 0): falsePositives += 1 elif(predicted_class == 1 and y_test[0] == 1): truePositives += 1 elif(predicted_class == 0 and y_test[0] == 0): trueNegatives += 1 tmp = X_data[i] X_data[i] = X_data[0] X_data[0] = tmp tmp = Y_data[i] Y_data[i] = Y_data[0] Y_data[0] = tmp totalFP += falsePositives totalFN += falseNegatives totalTP += truePositives totalTN += trueNegatives model_path = os.path.join(config.save_model_dir, mail, str(i)) model_object_path = os.path.join(model_path, "model.json") model_weights_path = os.path.join(model_path, "weights.h5") save_model(model, model_object_path, model_weights_path) train_on_full_data(config, mail, X_data, Y_data) result_string = "\n".join(["For: %s FP: %d FN: %d TP: %d TN: %d", "Predictions: %s", "Should be: %s"]) result_string = result_string % (mail, falsePositives, falseNegatives, truePositives, trueNegatives, str(predictions), str(shouldBe)) appendResults(result_string, config.results_file) print(result_string) result_string = "TotalFP: " + str(totalFP) + " TotalFN: " + str(totalFN) + \ " TotalTP: " + str(totalTP) + " TotalTN: " + str(totalTN) appendResults(result_string, config.results_file) print(result_string) gather_results.from_file(config.results_file, config.out_results_dir) print("Looking for FP-free threshold...") compute_thresholds(config.out_results_dir, config.thresholds_dir, emails_list_file)