Exemple #1
def resetpassword(request):
	status = ""
	if request.POST.get("email", "").strip() != "":
				user = User.objects.get(email = request.POST["email"].strip())
				axn = ResetPasswordAction()
				axn.userid = user.id
				axn.email = user.email 
				send_email_verification(user.email, None, axn)
			status = "We've sent an email to that address with further instructions. If you do not receive an email, 1) check your junk mail folder and 2) make sure you correctly entered the address that you registered on this site."
			status = "The reCAPTCHA validation words you typed weren't right."
	return render_to_response('registration/reset_password.html', {
		"status": status,
		"captcha": captcha_html(),
		"site_name": settings.APP_NICE_SHORT_NAME,
def resetpassword(request):
	status = ""
	if request.POST.get("email", "").strip() != "":
		# Valid reCAPTCHA.
		import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, json
		ret = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(
				"secret": settings.RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY,
				"response": request.POST.get("g-recaptcha-response", ""),
				"remoteip": request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'],
		if not ret.get("success"):
			status = "; ".join(ret.get("error-codes", [])) + ". If you can't past this point, please contact us using the contact link at the bottom of this page."

				user = User.objects.get(email = request.POST["email"].strip())
				axn = ResetPasswordAction()
				axn.userid = user.id
				axn.email = user.email 
				send_email_verification(user.email, None, axn)
			status = "We've sent an email to that address with further instructions. If you do not receive an email, 1) check your junk mail folder and 2) make sure you correctly entered the address that you registered on this site."
	return render(request, 'registration/reset_password.html', {
		"status": status,
def resetpassword(request):
    status = ""
    if request.POST.get("email", "").strip() != "":

                user = User.objects.get(email=request.POST["email"].strip())

                axn = ResetPasswordAction()
                axn.userid = user.id
                axn.email = user.email

                send_email_verification(user.email, None, axn)

            status = "We've sent an email to that address with further instructions. If you do not receive an email, 1) check your junk mail folder and 2) make sure you correctly entered the address that you registered on this site."

            status = "The reCAPTCHA validation words you typed weren't right."

    return render_to_response('registration/reset_password.html', {
        "status": status,
        "captcha": captcha_html(),
        "site_name": APP_NICE_SHORT_NAME,
Exemple #4
def resetpassword(request):
	status = ""
	if request.POST.get("email", "").strip() != "":
		# Valid reCAPTCHA.
		import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, json
		ret = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(
				"secret": settings.RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY,
				"response": request.POST.get("g-recaptcha-response", ""),
				"remoteip": request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'],
		if not ret.get("success"):
			status = "; ".join(ret.get("error-codes", [])) + ". If you can't past this point, please contact us using the contact link at the bottom of this page."

				user = User.objects.get(email = request.POST["email"].strip())
				axn = ResetPasswordAction()
				axn.userid = user.id
				axn.email = user.email 
				send_email_verification(user.email, None, axn)
			status = "We've sent an email to that address with further instructions. If you do not receive an email, 1) check your junk mail folder and 2) make sure you correctly entered the address that you registered on this site."
	return render(request, 'registration/reset_password.html', {
		"status": status,
	def handle(self, *args, **options):
		cutoff = (datetime.now()-timedelta(days=365*3)).date().replace(day=1)
		users = SubscriptionList.objects\
			.filter(email__gt=0, user__last_login__lt=cutoff)\
			.values_list("user", "user__email", "user__last_login").distinct()
		print "Cutoff:", cutoff.isoformat()
		print "Lists:", users.count()
		print "Emailed since 2.0:", users.exclude(last_event_mailed=None).count()

		if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == "send":
			for user in users:
				axn = UserAction()
				axn.uid = user[0]
				print user
				send_email_verification(user[1], None, axn)
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        cutoff = (datetime.now() -
                  timedelta(days=365 * 3)).date().replace(day=1)
        users = SubscriptionList.objects\
         .filter(email__gt=0, user__last_login__lt=cutoff)\
         .values_list("user", "user__email", "user__last_login").distinct()

        print "Cutoff:", cutoff.isoformat()
        print "Lists:", users.count()
        print "Emailed since 2.0:", users.exclude(

        if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == "send":
            for user in users:
                axn = UserAction()
                axn.uid = user[0]
                print user
                send_email_verification(user[1], None, axn)
Exemple #7
def profile(request):
    errors = {}
    success = []

    if request.method == "POST":
        email = None
        if request.POST.get("email", "").strip() != "":
                email = validate_email(request.POST.get("email", ""),
            except Exception as e:
                errors["email"] = validation_error_message(e)

        password = None
        if request.POST.get("password", "").strip() != "":
                password = validate_password(request.POST.get("password", ""))
            except Exception as e:
                errors["password"] = validation_error_message(e)

        username = None
        if settings.REGISTRATION_ASK_USERNAME:
            if request.POST.get("username",
                                "").strip() != request.user.username:
                    username = validate_username(
                        request.POST.get("username", ""))
                except Exception as e:
                    errors["username"] = validation_error_message(e)

        if len(errors) == 0:
            if username or password or email:
                u = request.user
                if password:
                    success.append("Your password was updated.")
                if username:
                    u.username = username
                    success.append("Your user name was updated.")
                if email and email.lower() == u.email.lower():
                    # Maybe the case is being changed. Or nothing is being changed.
                    if email != u.email:
                        success.append("Your email address was updated.")
                    u.email = email
                    email = None  # don't send a confirmation email

            if email:
                axn = ChangeEmailAction()
                axn.userid = request.user.id
                axn.email = email
                send_email_verification(email, None, axn)

                return render(request,
                              'registration/registration_check_inbox.html', {
                                  "email": email,
                                  "site_name": settings.APP_NICE_SHORT_NAME,

    return render(
        request, 'registration/profile.html', {
            "site_name": settings.APP_NICE_SHORT_NAME,
            "ask_username": settings.REGISTRATION_ASK_USERNAME,
            "sso": request.user.singlesignon.all(),
            "errors": errors,
            "success": " ".join(success) if len(success) > 0 else None,
Exemple #8
def registration_utility(request, provider, profile, axn):
    username = None
    if "username" in request.POST:
        username = request.POST["username"]
        # Guess a username.
        if "screen_name" in profile:
            username = profile["screen_name"]
        elif "email" in profile and "@" in profile["email"]:
            username = profile["email"][0:profile["email"].index("@")]
        elif "email" in request.POST and "@" in request.POST["email"]:
            username = request.POST["email"][0:request.POST["email"].index("@"

    email = None
    if "email" in request.POST:
        email = request.POST["email"]
    elif "email" in profile and len(profile["email"]) <= 64:
        # Pre-populate an email address.
        email = profile["email"]

    # Validation

    errors = {}

    if username:
            username = validate_username(username)
        except Exception as e:
            if settings.REGISTRATION_ASK_USERNAME:
                errors["username"] = validation_error_message(e)
                # make up a username that validates (i.e. not already taken)
                c = User.objects.count() + 100
                while True:
                        username = validate_username(
                            "Anonymous" + str(random.randint(c, c * 5)))
    elif request.method == "POST" and settings.REGISTRATION_ASK_USERNAME:
        errors["username"] = "******"

    if email:
            email = validate_email(email)
        except Exception as e:
            errors["email"] = validation_error_message(e)
    elif request.method == "POST":
        errors["email"] = "Provide an email address."

    password = None
    if not provider:
        if request.method == "POST":
                password = validate_password(request.POST.get("password", ""))
            except Exception as e:
                errors["password"] = validation_error_message(e)

    if len(errors) > 0 or request.method != "POST":
        # Show the form again with the last entered field values and the
        # validation error message.
        return render(
            request, 'registration/register.html', {
                "provider": provider,
                "username": username,
                "ask_username": settings.REGISTRATION_ASK_USERNAME,
                "email": email,
                "errors": errors,
                "site_name": settings.APP_NICE_SHORT_NAME,

    # Beign creating the account.

    axn.username = username
    axn.email = email
    axn.password = password

    # If we trust the email address --- because we trust the provider --- we can
    # create the account immediately.
    if provider and "trust_email" in providers.providers[
            provider] and providers.providers[provider][
                "trust_email"] and "email" in profile and email == profile[
        return axn.finish(request)

    # Check that the email address is valid by sending an email and delaying registration.

    request.goal = {"goal": "register-emailcheck"}

    send_email_verification(email, None, axn)

    return render(request, 'registration/registration_check_inbox.html', {
        "email": email,
        "site_name": settings.APP_NICE_SHORT_NAME,
Exemple #9
	# Beign creating the account.
	axn.username = username
	axn.email = email
	axn.password = password
	# If we trust the email address --- because we trust the provider --- we can
	# create the account immediately.
	if provider and "trust_email" in providers.providers[provider] and providers.providers[provider]["trust_email"] and "email" in profile and email == profile["email"]:
		return axn.finish(request)
	# Check that the email address is valid by sending an email and delaying registration.

	request.goal = { "goal": "register-emailcheck" }
	send_email_verification(email, None, axn)
	return render_to_response('registration/registration_check_inbox.html', {
		"email": email,
		"site_name": settings.APP_NICE_SHORT_NAME,
		}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

class RegisterUserAction:
	username = None
	email = None
	password = None
	provider = None
	uid = None
	auth_token = None
	profile = None
	next = None
def profile(request):
	errors = { }
	success = []
	if request.method == "POST":
		email = None
		if request.POST.get("email", "").strip() != "":
				email = validate_email(request.POST.get("email", ""), skip_if_this_user=request.user)
			except Exception as e:
				errors["email"] = validation_error_message(e)
		password = None
		if request.POST.get("password", "").strip() != "":
				password = validate_password(request.POST.get("password", ""))
			except Exception as e:
				errors["password"] = validation_error_message(e)

		username = None
			if request.POST.get("username", "").strip() != request.user.username:
					username = validate_username(request.POST.get("username", ""))
				except Exception as e:
					errors["username"] = validation_error_message(e)

		if len(errors) == 0:
			if username or password or email:
				u = request.user
				if password:
					success.append("Your password was updated.")
				if username:
					u.username = username
					success.append("Your user name was updated.")
				if email and email.lower() == u.email.lower():
					# Maybe the case is being changed. Or nothing is being changed.
					if email != u.email:
						success.append("Your email address was updated.")
					u.email = email
					email = None # don't send a confirmation email
			if email:
				axn = ChangeEmailAction()
				axn.userid = request.user.id
				axn.email = email
				send_email_verification(email, None, axn)

				return render(request, 'registration/registration_check_inbox.html', {
					"email": email,
					"site_name": settings.APP_NICE_SHORT_NAME,

	return render(request, 'registration/profile.html', {
		"site_name": settings.APP_NICE_SHORT_NAME,
		"ask_username": settings.REGISTRATION_ASK_USERNAME,
		"sso": request.user.singlesignon.all(),
		"errors": errors,
		"success": " ".join(success) if len(success) > 0 else None,
def registration_utility(request, provider, profile, axn):
	username = None
	if "username" in request.POST:
		username = request.POST["username"]
		# Guess a username.
		if "screen_name" in profile:
			username = profile["screen_name"]
		elif "email" in profile and "@" in profile["email"]:
			username = profile["email"][0:profile["email"].index("@")]
		elif "email" in request.POST and "@" in request.POST["email"]:
			username = request.POST["email"][0:request.POST["email"].index("@")]

	email = None
	if "email" in request.POST:
		email = request.POST["email"]
	elif "email" in profile and len(profile["email"]) <= 64:
		# Pre-populate an email address.
		email = profile["email"]

	# Validation
	errors = { }
	if username:
			username = validate_username(username)
		except Exception as e:
				errors["username"] = validation_error_message(e)
				# make up a username that validates (i.e. not already taken)
				c = User.objects.count() + 100
				while True:
						username = validate_username("Anonymous" + str(random.randint(c, c*5)))
	elif request.method == "POST" and settings.REGISTRATION_ASK_USERNAME:
		errors["username"] = "******"
	if email:
			email = validate_email(email)
		except Exception as e:
			errors["email"] = validation_error_message(e)
	elif request.method == "POST":
		errors["email"] = "Provide an email address."

	password = None
	if not provider:
		if request.method == "POST":
				password = validate_password(request.POST.get("password", ""))
			except Exception as e:
				errors["password"] = validation_error_message(e)

	if len(errors) > 0 or request.method != "POST":
		# Show the form again with the last entered field values and the
		# validation error message.
		return render(request, 'registration/register.html',
				"provider": provider,
				"username": username,
				"ask_username": settings.REGISTRATION_ASK_USERNAME,
				"email": email,
				"errors": errors,
				"site_name": settings.APP_NICE_SHORT_NAME,
	# Beign creating the account.
	axn.username = username
	axn.email = email
	axn.password = password
	# If we trust the email address --- because we trust the provider --- we can
	# create the account immediately.
	if provider and "trust_email" in providers.providers[provider] and providers.providers[provider]["trust_email"] and "email" in profile and email == profile["email"]:
		return axn.finish(request)
	# Check that the email address is valid by sending an email and delaying registration.

	request.goal = { "goal": "register-emailcheck" }
	send_email_verification(email, None, axn)
	return render(request, 'registration/registration_check_inbox.html', {
		"email": email,
		"site_name": settings.APP_NICE_SHORT_NAME,
def change_email_address(user, newaddress):
	axn = ChangeEmailAddressAction()
	axn.user = user
	axn.newemail = newaddress
	send_email_verification(newaddress, None, axn)
	def email_body(self):
		return """Please follow this link:



	def email_body(self):
		return """Please follow this link:



	def email_html_template(self):
		return ("emailverification/htmlexample.html", { "info": self.info })

	def get_response(self, request, vrec):
		return HttpResponseRedirect("/")

# Form Submission Code

from emailverification.utils import send_email_verification

axn = MyAction()
axn.info = "This is a sentence passed in through a template context variable."

send_email_verification(to_addr, None, axn)

    axn.email = email
    axn.password = password

    # If we trust the email address --- because we trust the provider --- we can
    # create the account immediately.
    if provider and "trust_email" in providers.providers[
            provider] and providers.providers[provider][
                "trust_email"] and "email" in profile and email == profile[
        return axn.finish(request)

    # Check that the email address is valid by sending an email and delaying registration.

    request.goal = {"goal": "register-emailcheck"}

    send_email_verification(email, None, axn)

    return render_to_response('registration/registration_check_inbox.html', {
        "email": email,
        "site_name": APP_NICE_SHORT_NAME,

class RegisterUserAction:
    username = None
    email = None
    password = None
    provider = None
    uid = None
    auth_token = None
    def email_body(self):
        return """Please follow this link:



    def email_body(self):
        return """Please follow this link:



    def email_html_template(self):
        return ("emailverification/htmlexample.html", {"info": self.info})

    def get_response(self, request, vrec):
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/")

# Form Submission Code

from emailverification.utils import send_email_verification

axn = MyAction()
axn.info = "This is a sentence passed in through a template context variable."

send_email_verification(to_addr, None, axn)
Exemple #16
def change_email_address(user, newaddress):
	axn = ChangeEmailAddressAction()
	axn.user = user
	axn.newemail = newaddress
	send_email_verification(newaddress, None, axn)