def display(img,app,title="EMAN2 image"): if len(img)==1 : img=img[0] w=EMImageWidget(data=img,old=None,app=app) w.setWindowTitle(title) try: if file_exists(title): w.set_file_name(title) except: pass app.show_specific(w) try: w.optimally_resize() except: pass return w
def main(): usage = "Generate training set for tomogram segmentation. Please run this program from the GUI in" #print usage parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) #parser.add_header(name="tmpheader", help='temp label', title="### This program is NOT avaliable yet... ###", row=0, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=2, mode="box,seg,set") #### boxing #### parser.add_argument("--boxing", action="store_true", help="Boxing particles.", default=False, guitype='boolbox', row=4, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1, mode='box[True]') parser.add_pos_argument( name="micrographs", help="List the file to process with e2boxer here.", default="", guitype='filebox', browser="EMRawDataTable(withmodal=True,startpath=\"rawtomograms\")", row=1, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=3, mode="box") parser.add_argument("--boxsize", "-B", type=int, help="Box size in pixels", default=-1, guitype='intbox', row=3, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=3, mode="box") #### segment #### #parser.add_header(name="instruction", help='instruction', title="### Mark the target features white ###", row=0, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=2, mode="seg") parser.add_argument("--segment", action="store_true", help="Segment particles.", default=False, guitype='boolbox', row=4, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1, mode='seg[True]') parser.add_pos_argument(name="particles", help="Particle file.", default="", guitype='filebox', browser="EMParticlesTable(withmodal=True)", row=1, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=3, mode="seg") parser.add_argument( "--output", type=str, help= "output file name. Default is the input particle file name plus _seg.hdf", default=None, guitype='strbox', row=3, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=3, mode="seg") #### build set #### parser.add_argument("--buildset", action="store_true", help="Segment particles.", default=False, guitype='boolbox', row=7, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1, mode='set[True]') parser.add_argument("--particles_raw", type=str, help="Input raw particle file", default=None, guitype='filebox', browser="EMParticlesTable(withmodal=True)", row=1, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=3, mode="set") parser.add_argument("--particles_label", type=str, help="Input labels for particle file", default=None, guitype='filebox', browser="EMParticlesTable(withmodal=True)", row=2, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=3, mode="set") parser.add_argument("--boxes_negative", type=str, help="Input boxes of negative samples", default=None, guitype='filebox', browser="EMParticlesTable(withmodal=True)", row=3, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=3, mode="set") parser.add_argument( "--ncopy", type=int, help= "Number of copies for NEGATIVE samples. (number of copies of particles is calculated accordingly) ", default=10, guitype='intbox', row=5, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1, mode="set") parser.add_argument( "--trainset_output", type=str, help= "output file name of the training set.Default is the input particle file name plus _trainset.hdf", default=None, guitype='strbox', row=4, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=3, mode="set") parser.add_argument("--zthick", type=int, help="Thickness in z ", default=0, guitype='intbox', row=5, col=1, rowspan=1, colspan=1, mode="set") parser.add_argument( "--validset", type=float, help="Propotion of particles in validation set. Default is 0.2 ", default=0.0, guitype='floatbox', row=7, col=1, rowspan=1, colspan=1, mode="set") ################## parser.add_argument( "--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID", default=-1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() logid = E2init(sys.argv) #### boxing ### if options.boxing: db = js_open_dict(EMBOXERBASE_DB) cache_box_size = True if options.boxsize == -1: cache_box_size = False options.boxsize = db.setdefault("box_size", 64) application = EMApp() module = EMBoxerModule(args, options.boxsize) module.show_interfaces() application.execute(logid) #### segment ### if options.segment: filename = args[0] if options.output == None: options.output = filename[:-4] + "_seg.hdf" app = EMApp() img = EMData.read_images(filename) #print img[0]["mean"] w = EMImageWidget(data=img, old=None, app=app, force_2d=True) #w = EMWidgetFromFile(filename,application=app,force_2d=True) w.setWindowTitle(base_name(filename)) w.show_inspector(1) ins = w.get_inspector() ins.mmtab.setCurrentIndex(5) ins.dtpenv.setText('100') w.set_mouse_mode(5) app.show_specific(w) app.exec_() try: os.remove(options.output) except: pass for e in img: e.process_inplace("threshold.belowtozero", {"minval": 99}) e.process_inplace("threshold.binary", {"value": 1}) e.write_image(options.output, -1) #### build set ### if options.buildset: tomo_in = options.particles_raw seg_in = options.particles_label neg_in = options.boxes_negative if tomo_in and neg_in and seg_in: n_ptcl = EMUtil.get_image_count(tomo_in) n_neg = EMUtil.get_image_count(neg_in) if options.trainset_output == None: options.trainset_output = tomo_in[:-4] + "_trainset.hdf" p_copy = options.ncopy * n_neg / n_ptcl else: p_copy = options.ncopy try: os.remove(options.trainset_output) except: pass print( "making {} copies for particles, and {} copies for negative samples" .format(p_copy, options.ncopy)) imgs = [] if tomo_in and seg_in: n_ptcl = EMUtil.get_image_count(tomo_in) for i in range(n_ptcl): #t=EMData(tomo_in,i) t = get_box(tomo_in, i, options.zthick) if t == None: continue s = EMData(seg_in, i) for c in range(p_copy): tr = Transform() rd = random.random() * 360 tr.set_rotation({"type": "2d", "alpha": rd}) e = t.process("xform", {"transform": tr}) #e.process_inplace("normalize") imgs.append(e) #e.write_image(options.trainset_output,-1) e = s.process("xform", {"transform": tr}) #e.write_image(options.trainset_output,-1) imgs.append(e) ngood = len(imgs) if neg_in: s = EMData(neg_in, 0) s.to_zero() n_neg = EMUtil.get_image_count(neg_in) for i in range(n_neg): t = get_box(neg_in, i, options.zthick) if t == None: continue for c in range(options.ncopy): tr = Transform() rd = random.random() * 360 tr.set_rotation({"type": "2d", "alpha": rd}) e = t.process("xform", {"transform": tr}) #e.process_inplace("normalize") #e.write_image(options.trainset_output,-1) imgs.append(e) e = s.process("xform", {"transform": tr}) #e.write_image(options.trainset_output,-1) imgs.append(e) print("Shuffling particles...") ### randomize n = len(imgs) #n=EMUtil.get_image_count(options.trainset_output) idx = range(int((ngood / 2) * (1 - options.validset))) + range( (ngood / 2), int(n / 2 * (1 - options.validset))) random.shuffle(idx) for i in idx: imgs[i * 2]["valid_set"] = 0 imgs[i * 2].write_image(options.trainset_output, -1) imgs[i * 2 + 1]["valid_set"] = 0 imgs[i * 2 + 1].write_image(options.trainset_output, -1) idx = range(int( (ngood / 2) * (1 - options.validset)), ngood / 2) + range( int(n / 2 * (1 - options.validset)), n / 2) random.shuffle(idx) for i in idx: imgs[i * 2]["valid_set"] = 1 imgs[i * 2].write_image(options.trainset_output, -1) imgs[i * 2 + 1]["valid_set"] = 1 imgs[i * 2 + 1].write_image(options.trainset_output, -1) #e=EMData(options.trainset_output,i*2) #e.process_inplace("normalize") #e.write_image(tmpfile,-1) #e=EMData(options.trainset_output,i*2+1) #e.write_image(tmpfile,-1) #shutil.move(tmpfile,options.trainset_output) print("Generate a training set of {:d} samples.".format(n / 2)) print("Done") E2end(logid)