def DoAltHandler(self, event): """Tk callback: Handle Alt+key events.""" key = event.keysym if len(key) != 1 or key not in empDb.pathDirections: return # Put the key into the input window. self.Root.focus_lastfor().insert('insert', key) # Find the new location. range = self.cen.getSect() sect1 = empDb.directionToSector((range[0], range[2]), key) sect2 = empDb.directionToSector((range[1], range[3]), key) # Change the censor window. self.cen.SetSect((sect1[0], sect2[0], sect1[1], sect2[1])) # Ouch - something massive is also attached to these keys.. Must # "break" to prevent cpu hogging.. return "break"
def receive(self): args ='args') if not args: coords = () else: try: coords = map(empParse.str2Coords, string.split(args)) except ValueError: viewer.Error("Bad coords.") pos = [] start = coords[0] pos.append(coords[0]) for i in range(1, len(coords)): path = empPath.best_path(coords[i - 1], coords[i]) if path is None: viewer.Error("Path could not be completed.") return for i in path.directions: start = empDb.directionToSector(start, i) pos.append(start) coords = pos apply(, tuple(coords))
def receive(self): args ='args') if not args: coords = () else: try: coords = map(empParse.str2Coords, string.split(args)) except ValueError: viewer.Error("Bad coords.") pos = [] start = coords[0] pos.append(coords[0]) for i in range(1, len(coords)): path = empPath.best_path(coords[i-1], coords[i]) if path is None: viewer.Error("Path could not be completed.") return for i in path.directions: start = empDb.directionToSector(start, i) pos.append(start) coords = pos apply(, tuple(coords))
def redraw(self, total=1): if not total and not empDb.updateDB.has_key('SECTOR'): # Nothing changed. return # Remove any existing path. sectors = self.sectors if len(sectors) < 2: self.lblVar.set("Select sectors with the right mouse button.\n") return sDB = empDb.megaDB['SECTOR'] try: quantity = empCmd.getMoveQuantity(self.Quantity.get(), self.commodity, sectors) except ValueError: msg = "Enter a valid quantity.\n" self.pathList = [] quantity = 0 else: first = sectors[0] last = sectors[-1] msg = "Move %d %s: (%d,%d has %s) (%d,%d has %s)\n" % ( quantity, self.commodity, first[0], first[1], sDB[first].get( self.commodity, "??"), last[0], last[1], sDB[last].get( self.commodity, "??")) reverse = quantity < 0 if reverse: sectors = list(sectors) sectors.reverse() quantity = -quantity start = sectors[0] sectorList = [start] newPathList = [] for i in range(1, len(sectors)): last = sectors[i - 1] path = empPath.best_path(last, sectors[i]) color = "black" newPathList.append([last]) if path is None: # No path between the two sectors. color = "red" start = sectors[i] newPathList[-1].append(start) newmob = "??" ## return else: # Calculate new mobility. db = sDB[last] newmob = int( math.floor((db.get('mob', 0) - empSector.move_weight(db, self.commodity) * path.cost * quantity))) if newmob < 0: color = "yellow" # Turn path into list of sector coordinates. for i in path.directions: start = empDb.directionToSector(start, i) sectorList.append(start) newPathList[-1].append(start) # Update text description. msg = msg + "%d,%d=>%s " % (last[0], last[1], newmob) # Draw path apply(, tuple(newPathList[-1]), {"fill": color}) if reverse: newPathList.reverse() self.pathList = newPathList ## apply(, tuple(sectorList), {"color":color}) msg = msg + "%d,%d " % sectors[-1] self.lblVar.set(msg)
def redraw(self, total=1): if not total and not empDb.updateDB.has_key('SECTOR'): # Nothing changed. return # Remove any existing path. sectors = self.sectors if len(sectors) < 2: self.lblVar.set("Select sectors with the right mouse button.\n") return sDB = empDb.megaDB['SECTOR'] try: quantity = empCmd.getMoveQuantity(self.Quantity.get(), self.commodity, sectors) except ValueError: msg = "Enter a valid quantity.\n" self.pathList = [] quantity = 0 else: first = sectors[0] last = sectors[-1] msg = "Move %d %s: (%d,%d has %s) (%d,%d has %s)\n" % ( quantity, self.commodity, first[0], first[1], sDB[first].get(self.commodity, "??"), last[0], last[1], sDB[last].get(self.commodity, "??")) reverse = quantity < 0 if reverse: sectors = list(sectors) sectors.reverse() quantity = -quantity start = sectors[0] sectorList = [start] newPathList = [] for i in range(1, len(sectors)): last = sectors[i-1] path = empPath.best_path(last, sectors[i]) color = "black" newPathList.append([last]) if path is None: # No path between the two sectors. color = "red" start = sectors[i] newPathList[-1].append(start) newmob = "??" ## return else: # Calculate new mobility. db = sDB[last] newmob = int(math.floor( (db.get('mob', 0) - empSector.move_weight(db, self.commodity) * path.cost*quantity))) if newmob < 0: color = "yellow" # Turn path into list of sector coordinates. for i in path.directions: start = empDb.directionToSector(start, i) sectorList.append(start) newPathList[-1].append(start) # Update text description. msg = msg + "%d,%d=>%s " % (last[0], last[1], newmob) # Draw path apply(, tuple(newPathList[-1]), {"fill":color}) if reverse: newPathList.reverse() self.pathList = newPathList ## apply(, tuple(sectorList), {"color":color}) msg = msg + "%d,%d " % sectors[-1] self.lblVar.set(msg)