Exemple #1
	def _optimize(self, acquisition: Acquisition , context_manager: ContextManager) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
		See AcquisitionOptimizerBase._optimizer for parameter descriptions.

		Optimize an acqusition function using a GA

		# initialize population of strings
		random_design = RandomDesign(self.space)
		population = random_design.get_samples(self.population_size)
		# clac fitness for current population
		fitness_pop = acquisition.evaluate(population)
		standardized_fitness_pop = fitness_pop / sum(fitness_pop)
		# initialize best location and score so far
		X_max = population[np.argmax(fitness_pop)].reshape(-1,1) 
		acq_max = np.max(fitness_pop).reshape(-1,1) 
		_log.info("Starting local optimization of acquisition function {}".format(type(acquisition)))
		for step in range(self.num_evolutions):
			_log.info("Performing evolution step {}".format(step))
			# evolve populations
			population = self._evolve(population,standardized_fitness_pop)
			# recalc fitness
			fitness_pop = acquisition.evaluate(population)
			standardized_fitness_pop = fitness_pop / sum(fitness_pop)
			# update best location and score (if found better solution)
			acq_pop_max = np.max(fitness_pop)
			_log.info("best acqusition score in the new population".format(acq_pop_max))
			if acq_pop_max > acq_max[0][0]:
				acq_max[0][0] = acq_pop_max
				X_max[0] = population[np.argmax(fitness_pop)]
		# if dynamic then keep running (stop when no improvement over most recent 10 iterations)
		stop = False
		while not stop:
			_log.info("Performing evolution step {}".format(step))
			# evolve populations
			population = self._evolve(population,standardized_fitness_pop)
			# recalc fitness
			fitness_pop = acquisition.evaluate(population)
			standardized_fitness_pop = fitness_pop / sum(fitness_pop)
			# update best location and score (if found better solution)
			acq_pop_max = np.max(fitness_pop)
			_log.info("best acqusition score in the new population".format(acq_pop_max))
			if acq_pop_max > acq_max[0][0]:
				acq_max[0][0] = acq_pop_max
				X_max[0] = population[np.argmax(fitness_pop)]
			if acq_max[0][0]==max(iteration_bests[:-10]):
			# also stop if ran for 100 evolutions in total
			if i==100:

		# return best solution from the whole optimization
		return X_max, acq_max
    def _optimize(self, acquisition: Acquisition, context_manager: ContextManager) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        Implementation of abstract method.
        Taking into account gradients if acquisition supports them.
        See AcquisitionOptimizerBase._optimizer for parameter descriptions.
        See class docstring for implementation details.
        x_min, fx_min = None, None
        for i in range(self.batch_size):
            x_min_i, fx_min_i = super()._optimize(acquisition, context_manager)

            if x_min is None:
                x_min, fx_min = x_min_i, fx_min_i
                x_min, fx_min = np.concatenate((x_min, x_min_i), axis=1), fx_min + fx_min_i
        return x_min, fx_min
Exemple #3
    def _optimize(self, acquisition: Acquisition, context_manager: ContextManager) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        Implementation of abstract method.
        Taking into account gradients if acquisition supports them.

        See AcquisitionOptimizerBase._optimizer for parameter descriptions.
        See class docstring for implementation details.

        # Take negative of acquisition function because they are to be maximised and the optimizers minimise
        f = lambda x: -acquisition.evaluate(x)

        # Context validation
        if len(context_manager.contextfree_space.parameters) == 0:
            _log.warning("All parameters are fixed through context")
            x = np.array(context_manager.context_values)[None, :]
            return x, f(x)

        if acquisition.has_gradients:
            def f_df(x):
                f_value, df_value = acquisition.evaluate_with_gradients(x)
                return -f_value, -df_value
            f_df = None

        optimizer = self._get_optimizer(context_manager)
        anchor_points_generator = ObjectiveAnchorPointsGenerator(self.space, acquisition, self.num_anchor_points)

        # Select the anchor points (with context)
        anchor_points = anchor_points_generator.get(num_anchor=1, context_manager=context_manager)

        _log.info("Starting gradient-based optimization of acquisition function {}".format(type(acquisition)))
        optimized_points = []
        for a in anchor_points:
            optimized_point = apply_optimizer(optimizer, a, space=self.space, f=f, df=None, f_df=f_df,

        x_min, fx_min = min(optimized_points, key=lambda t: t[1])
        return x_min, -fx_min