Exemple #1
def advertise_to_DNS(unique_id):
  Advertise unique_id to the zenodotus DNS server. We strip away whatever that
  follows the NAME_SERVER part of the unique_id. For instance, if our unique_id
  is abc.NAME_SERVER:1234@xyz, then we only advertise abc.NAME_SERVER.

  # IP that maps to the unique_id
  myip = emulcomm.getmyip()

  # Extract the part of unique_id up to the name server,
  # i.e. xyz.zenodotus.washington.edu, and discard whatever that follows
  name_server_pos = unique_id.find(NAME_SERVER)
  if name_server_pos > -1:
    unique_id = unique_id[0 : name_server_pos + len(NAME_SERVER)]
    raise Exception("Invalid unique_id format: '" + str(unique_id) + "'")

  advertise_success = False
  # We keep trying until successful advertisement (Fix for Ticket #956)
  while not advertise_success:
      advertise_announce(unique_id, myip, DNS_CACHE_TTL)
      servicelogger.log("[INFO]: Advertised " + str(unique_id) + " which maps to " + myip)
      advertise_success = True
    except Exception, error:
      if 'announce error' in str(error):
        # We can confidently drop the exception here. The advertisement service
        # can sometimes be flaky, yet it can guarantee advertisement of our
        # key-value pair on at least one of the three components. Thus, we are
        # printing the error message as a warning here.
        advertise_success = True
        advertise_success = False
def start_accepter():
  global accepter_thread
  global affix_enabled
  global affix_stack_string

  # do this until we get the accepter started...
  while True:

    if not node_reset_config['reset_accepter'] and is_accepter_started():
      # we're done, return the name!
      return myname_port
      # Just use getmyip(), this is the default behavior and will work if we have preferences set
      # We only want to call getmyip() once, rather than in the loop since this potentially avoids
      # rebuilding the allowed IP cache for each possible port
      bind_ip = emulcomm.getmyip()
      # Attempt to have the nodemanager listen on an available port.
      # Once it is able to listen, create a new thread and pass it the socket.
      # That new thread will be responsible for handling all of the incoming connections.     
      for portindex in range(len(configuration['ports'])):
        possibleport = configuration['ports'][portindex]
          # There are two possible implementations available here:
          # 1) Use a raw (python) socket, and so we can have a timeout, as per ticket #881
          # 2) Use a repy socket, but then possibly leak many connections.
          # Check to see if AFFIX is enabled.
            affix_enabled_lookup = advertise_lookup(enable_affix_key)[-1]
            servicelogger.log("affix_enabled_lookup is " + str(affix_enabled_lookup))
            # Now we check if the last entry is True or False.
            if affix_enabled_lookup == 'True':
              affix_stack_string = advertise_lookup(affix_service_key)[-1]
              affix_enabled = True
              servicelogger.log("[INFO]: Current advertised Affix string: " + str(affix_stack_string))
              affix_enabled = False
          except (AdvertiseError, TimeoutError), e:
            servicelogger.log("Trying to look up Affix enabled threw " + str(type(e)) + " " + str(e))
            affix_enabled = False
            # Raise error on debug mode.
            if DEBUG_MODE:
          except ValueError:
            servicelogger.log("Trying to look up Affix enabled threw " + str(type(e)) + " " + str(e))
            affix_enabled = False
            # Raise error on debug mode.
            if DEBUG_MODE:
          except IndexError:
            servicelogger.log("Trying to look up Affix enabled threw " + str(type(e)) + " " + str(e))
            # This will occur if the advertise server returns an empty list.
            affix_enabled = False
            # Raise error on debug mode.
            if DEBUG_MODE:
          # If AFFIX is enabled, then we use AFFIX to open up a tcpserversocket.
          if affix_enabled:
            # Here we are going to use a for loop to find a second available port
            # for us to use for the LegacyAffix. Since the LegacyAffix opens up two
            # tcpserversocket, it needs two available ports. The first for a normal
            # repy listenforconnection call, the second for affix enabled 
            # listenforconnection call.
            # We keep track of how many times we failed to listen with the Affix
            # framework. If we exceed 3, we default to Repy V2 API. Note that we
            # will try three times with each port, if we are unable to connect
            # with legacy Repy V2 API as well.
            fail_affix_count = 0
            error_list = []

            for affixportindex in range(portindex+1, len(configuration['ports'])):
              affixport = configuration['ports'][affixportindex]

              # Assign the nodemanager name to be the nodekey. We replace any whitespace in the
              # name and append zenodotus tag at the end.
              mypubkey = rsa_publickey_to_string(configuration['publickey']).replace(" ", "")
              myname = sha_hexhash(mypubkey) + '.zenodotus.poly.edu'
              myname_port = myname + ":" + str(possibleport)

              # Announce my Zenodotus name
              # XXX Save the handle, modify the announcement when my address changes!
              advertisepipe.add_to_pipe(myname, getmyip())

              affix_legacy_string = "(CoordinationAffix)(LegacyAffix," + myname + "," + str(affixport) + ",0," 
              affix_legacy_string += "(CoordinationAffix)" + affix_stack_string + ")"
              affix_object = AffixStackInterface(affix_legacy_string)

              # Now that we have found the Affix string and have created the AffixStackInterface
              # object, we will try to open up a listening tcp socket. If we fail to do so
              # 3 times, we will default to legacy Repy V2 socket.
                serversocket = affix_object.listenforconnection(myname, possibleport)
                servicelogger.log("[INFO]Started accepter thread with Affix string: " + affix_legacy_string)
              except (AddressBindingError, AlreadyListeningError, DuplicateTupleError), e:

                  "Failed to open listening socket with Affix on port: " + 
                  str(affixport) + ". Found error: " + str(e))

                fail_affix_count += 1
                error_list.append((type(e), str(e)))

                # If we fail more than 2 times, we will stop attempting to try listening
                # on a socket with the Affix framework.
                if fail_affix_count > 2:
                  servicelogger.log("Failed to open socket using Affix after three attemps." +
                                    "Now resuming with legacy Repy socket. Errors were: " + 
                  serversocket = timeout_listenforconnection(bind_ip, possibleport, 10)
                  # assign the nodemanager name
                  myname_port = str(bind_ip) + ":" + str(possibleport)
              except Exception, e:
                servicelogger.log("[ERROR] Found Listenforconnection had exception: " + str(e))

            # If AFFIX is not enabled, then we open up a normal tcpserversocket.
            # For now, we'll use the second method.
            serversocket = timeout_listenforconnection(bind_ip, possibleport,10)
            # assign the nodemanager name
            myname_port = str(bind_ip) + ":" + str(possibleport)
          # If there is no error, we were able to successfully start listening.
          # Create the thread, and start it up!
          accepter = nmconnectionmanager.AccepterThread(serversocket)
          # Now that we created an accepter, let's use it!          

          # MOSHE: Is this thread safe!?          
          # Now that waitforconn has been called, unset the accepter reset flag
          node_reset_config['reset_accepter'] = False
      except Exception,e:
        exception_traceback_string = traceback.format_exc()
        servicelogger.log("[ERROR]: The following error occured when " \
                            + "modifying the crontab for the new 2009 " \
                            + "seattle crontab entry: " \
                            + exception_traceback_string)

  # get the external IP address...
  myip = None
  while True:
      # Try to find our external IP.
      myip = emulcomm.getmyip()
    except Exception, e: # Replace with InternetConnectivityError ?
      # If we aren't connected to the internet, emulcomm.getmyip() raises this:
      if len(e.args) >= 1 and e.args[0] == "Cannot detect a connection to the Internet.":
        # So we try again.
        # It wasn't emulcomm.getmyip()'s exception. re-raise.
      # We succeeded in getting our external IP. Leave the loop.

  vesseldict = nmrequesthandler.initialize(myip, configuration['publickey'], version)
Exemple #4
    # with Affix-enabled calls.
    # Use the node's publickey to generate a name for our node.
    mypubkey = rsa_publickey_to_string(configuration['publickey']).replace(
        " ", "")
    affix_stack_name = sha_hexhash(mypubkey)

        '(CoordinationAffix)(MakeMeHearAffix)(NamingAndResolverAffix,' +
        affix_stack_name + ')')

    # get the external IP address...
    myip = None
    while True:
            # Try to find our external IP.
            myip = emulcomm.getmyip()
        except Exception, e:  # Replace with InternetConnectivityError ?
            # If we aren't connected to the internet, emulcomm.getmyip() raises this:
            if len(e.args) >= 1 and e.args[
                    0] == "Cannot detect a connection to the Internet.":
                # So we try again.
                # It wasn't emulcomm.getmyip()'s exception. re-raise.
            # We succeeded in getting our external IP. Leave the loop.

    vesseldict = nmrequesthandler.initialize(myip, configuration['publickey'],
def start_accepter():
  global accepter_thread
  global affix_enabled
  global affix_stack_string

  # do this until we get the accepter started...
  while True:

    if not node_reset_config['reset_accepter'] and is_accepter_started():
      # we're done, return the name!
      return myname
      # Just use getmyip(), this is the default behavior and will work if we have preferences set
      # We only want to call getmyip() once, rather than in the loop since this potentially avoids
      # rebuilding the allowed IP cache for each possible port
      bind_ip = emulcomm.getmyip()
      # Attempt to have the nodemanager listen on an available port.
      # Once it is able to listen, create a new thread and pass it the socket.
      # That new thread will be responsible for handling all of the incoming connections.     
      for portindex in range(len(configuration['ports'])):
        possibleport = configuration['ports'][portindex]
          # There are two possible implementations available here:
          # 1) Use a raw (python) socket, and so we can have a timeout, as per ticket #881
          # 2) Use a repy socket, but then possibly leak many connections.
          # Check to see if AFFIX is enabled.
            affix_enabled_lookup = advertise_lookup(enable_affix_key)[-1]
            # Now we check if the last entry is True or False.
            if affix_enabled_lookup == 'True':
              affix_stack_string = advertise_lookup(affix_service_key)[-1]
              affix_enabled = True
              affix_enabled = False
          except AdvertiseError:
            affix_enabled = False
          except ValueError:
            affix_enabled = False
          except IndexError:
            # This will occur if the advertise server returns an empty list.
            affix_enabled = False

          # If AFFIX is enabled, then we use AFFIX to open up a tcpserversocket.
          if affix_enabled:
            # Here we are going to use a for loop to find a second available port
            # for us to use for the LegacyShim. Since the LegacyShim opens up two
            # tcpserversocket, it needs two available ports. The first for a normal
            # repy listenforconnection call, the second for shim enabled 
            # listenforconnection call.
            for shimportindex in range(portindex+1, len(configuration['ports'])):
              shimport = configuration['ports'][shimportindex]
              affix_legacy_string = "(LegacyShim," + str(shimport) + ",0)" + affix_stack_string
              affix_object = ShimStackInterface(affix_legacy_string)
              serversocket = affix_object.listenforconnection(bind_ip, possibleport)
              servicelogger.log("[INFO]Started accepter thread with Affix string: " + affix_legacy_string)
              # This is the case if we weren't able to find any port to listen on
              # With the legacy shim.
              raise ShimError("Unable to create create tcpserversocket with shims using port:" + str(possibleport))

            # If AFFIX is not enabled, then we open up a normal tcpserversocket.
            # For now, we'll use the second method.
            serversocket = listenforconnection(bind_ip, possibleport)
          # If there is no error, we were able to successfully start listening.
          # Create the thread, and start it up!
          accepter = nmconnectionmanager.AccepterThread(serversocket)
          # Now that we created an accepter, let's use it!          

          # MOSHE: Is this thread safe!?          
          # Now that waitforconn has been called, unset the accepter reset flag
          node_reset_config['reset_accepter'] = False
        except Exception, e:
          # print bind_ip, port, e
          servicelogger.log("[ERROR]: when calling listenforconnection for the connection_handler: " + str(e))
          # assign the nodemanager name
          myname = str(bind_ip) + ":" + str(possibleport)

        servicelogger.log("[ERROR]: cannot find a port for recvmess")
#connect to server
lind_test_server.connect_syscall(clientsockfd, '', 50300)

#send each test with some delay, so that server processes each test cleanly.
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd, "A" * 100, 0)
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd, "A" * 100, 0)
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd, "A" * 100, 0)
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd, "A" * 50, 0)


lind_test_server.connect_syscall(clientsockfd2, emulcomm.getmyip(), 50300)

#send each test with some delay, so that server processes each test cleanly.
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd2, "A" * 100, 0)
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd2, "A" * 100, 0)
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd2, "A" * 100, 0)
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd2, "A" * 50, 0)

#close the client & server sockets...
Exemple #7
def start_accepter():
    global accepter_thread
    global affix_enabled
    global affix_stack_string
    global zenodotus_advertise_handle

    # do this until we get the accepter started...
    while True:

        if not node_reset_config['reset_accepter'] and is_accepter_started():
            # we're done, return the name!
            return myname_port

            # If we came here because a reset was initiated, kill the old
            # accepter thread server socket before starting a new one.
                    "Closed previous accepter thread server socket.")
                # There was no accepter_thread, or it couldn't .close_serversocket().
                # No problem -- this means nothing will be in the way of the new
                # serversocket.

            # Similarly, stop advertising my old Zenodotus name (if any),
            # ignoring potential errors.

            # Just use getmyip(), this is the default behavior and will work if we have preferences set
            # We only want to call getmyip() once, rather than in the loop since this potentially avoids
            # rebuilding the allowed IP cache for each possible port
            bind_ip = emulcomm.getmyip()

            # Attempt to have the nodemanager listen on an available port.
            # Once it is able to listen, create a new thread and pass it the socket.
            # That new thread will be responsible for handling all of the incoming connections.
            for portindex in range(len(configuration['ports'])):
                possibleport = configuration['ports'][portindex]
                    # There are two possible implementations available here:
                    # 1) Use a raw (python) socket, and so we can have a timeout, as per ticket #881
                    # 2) Use a repy socket, but then possibly leak many connections.

                    # Check to see if AFFIX is enabled.
                        affix_enabled_lookup = advertise_lookup(
                        servicelogger.log("affix_enabled_lookup is " +
                        # Now we check if the last entry is True or False.
                        if affix_enabled_lookup == 'True':
                            affix_stack_string = advertise_lookup(
                            affix_enabled = True
                                "[INFO]: Current advertised Affix string: " +
                            affix_enabled = False
                    except (AdvertiseError, TimeoutError), e:
                            "Trying to look up Affix enabled threw " +
                            str(type(e)) + " " + str(e))
                        affix_enabled = False
                        # Raise error on debug mode.
                        if DEBUG_MODE:
                    except ValueError:
                            "Trying to look up Affix enabled threw " +
                            str(type(e)) + " " + str(e))
                        affix_enabled = False
                        # Raise error on debug mode.
                        if DEBUG_MODE:
                    except IndexError:
                            "Trying to look up Affix enabled threw " +
                            str(type(e)) + " " + str(e))
                        # This will occur if the advertise server returns an empty list.
                        affix_enabled = False
                        # Raise error on debug mode.
                        if DEBUG_MODE:

                    # If AFFIX is enabled, then we use AFFIX to open up a tcpserversocket.
                    if affix_enabled:
                        # Here we are going to use a for loop to find a second available port
                        # for us to use for the LegacyAffix. Since the LegacyAffix opens up two
                        # tcpserversocket, it needs two available ports. The first for a normal
                        # repy listenforconnection call, the second for affix enabled
                        # listenforconnection call.

                        # We keep track of how many times we failed to listen with the Affix
                        # framework. If we exceed 3, we default to Repy V2 API. Note that we
                        # will try three times with each port, if we are unable to connect
                        # with legacy Repy V2 API as well.
                        fail_affix_count = 0
                        error_list = []

                        for affixportindex in range(
                                portindex + 1, len(configuration['ports'])):
                            affixport = configuration['ports'][affixportindex]

                            # Assign the nodemanager name to be the nodekey. We replace any whitespace in the
                            # name and append zenodotus tag at the end.
                            mypubkey = rsa_publickey_to_string(
                                configuration['publickey']).replace(" ", "")
                            myname = sha_hexhash(
                                mypubkey) + '.zenodotus.poly.edu'
                            myname_port = myname + ":" + str(possibleport)

                            # Announce my (new) Zenodotus name
                            zenodotus_advertise_handle = advertisepipe.add_to_pipe(
                                myname, getmyip())

                            affix_legacy_string = "(CoordinationAffix)(LegacyAffix," + myname + "," + str(
                                affixport) + ",0,"
                            affix_legacy_string += "(CoordinationAffix)" + affix_stack_string + ")"
                            affix_object = AffixStackInterface(

                            # Now that we have found the Affix string and have created the AffixStackInterface
                            # object, we will try to open up a listening tcp socket. If we fail to do so
                            # 3 times, we will default to legacy Repy V2 socket.
                                serversocket = affix_object.listenforconnection(
                                    myname, possibleport)
                                    "[INFO]Started accepter thread with Affix string: "
                                    + affix_legacy_string)
                            except (AddressBindingError, AlreadyListeningError,
                                    DuplicateTupleError), e:

                                    "Failed to open listening socket with Affix on port: "
                                    + str(affixport) + ". Found error: " +

                                fail_affix_count += 1
                                error_list.append((type(e), str(e)))

                                # If we fail more than 2 times, we will stop attempting to try listening
                                # on a socket with the Affix framework.
                                if fail_affix_count > 2:
                                        "Failed to open socket using Affix after three attemps."
                                        "Now resuming with legacy Repy socket. Errors were: "
                                        + str(error_list))
                                    serversocket = timeout_listenforconnection(
                                        bind_ip, possibleport, 10)
                                    # assign the nodemanager name
                                    myname_port = str(bind_ip) + ":" + str(
                            except Exception, e:
                                    "[ERROR] Found Listenforconnection had exception: "
                                    + str(e))

                        # If AFFIX is not enabled, then we open up a normal tcpserversocket.
                        # For now, we'll use the second method.
                        serversocket = timeout_listenforconnection(
                            bind_ip, possibleport, 10)
                        # assign the nodemanager name
                        myname_port = str(bind_ip) + ":" + str(possibleport)
                    # If there is no error, we were able to successfully start listening.
                    # Create the thread, and start it up!
                    accepter = nmconnectionmanager.AccepterThread(serversocket)

                    # Now that we created an accepter, let's use it!

                    # MOSHE: Is this thread safe!?
                    # Now that waitforconn has been called, unset the accepter reset flag
                    node_reset_config['reset_accepter'] = False
Exemple #8
    use_nat = True
  # do this until we get the accepter started...
  while True:

    if is_accepter_started():
      # we're done, return the name!
      return myname

      # Just use getmyip(), this is the default behavior and will work if we have preferences set
      # We only want to call getmyip() once, rather than in the loop since this potentially avoids
      # rebuilding the allowed IP cache for each possible port
      bind_ip = emulcomm.getmyip()
      for possibleport in configuration['ports']:
          if use_nat:
            # use the sha hash of the nodes public key with the vessel
            # number as an id for this node
            unique_id = rsa_publickey_to_string(configuration['publickey'])
            unique_id = sha_hexhash(unique_id)
            unique_id = unique_id+str(configuration['service_vessel'])
            servicelogger.log("[INFO]: Trying NAT wait")
            nat_waitforconn(unique_id, possibleport,

          # do a local waitforconn (not using a forowarder)
Exemple #9
def main():
  global configuration

  if not FOREGROUND:
    # Background ourselves.

  # Check if we are running in testmode.
  if TEST_NM:
    nodemanager_pid = os.getpid()
    servicelogger.log("[INFO]: Running nodemanager in test mode on port 1224, "+
                      "pid %s." % str(nodemanager_pid))
    nodeman_pid_file = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'nodemanager.pid'), 'w')
    # Write out the pid of the nodemanager process that we started to a file.
    # This is only done if the nodemanager was started in test mode.

    # ensure that only one instance is running at a time...
    gotlock = runonce.getprocesslock("seattlenodemanager")

    if gotlock == True:
      # I got the lock.   All is well...
      if gotlock:
        servicelogger.log("[ERROR]:Another node manager process (pid: " + str(gotlock) + 
                        ") is running")
        servicelogger.log("[ERROR]:Another node manager process is running")

  servicelogger.log('[INFO]: This is Seattle release "' + version + "'") 

  # Feature add for #1031: Log information about the system in the nm log...
  servicelogger.log('[INFO]:platform.python_version(): "' + 
  servicelogger.log('[INFO]:platform.platform(): "' + 

  # uname on Android only yields 'Linux', let's be more specific.
    import android
    servicelogger.log('[INFO]:platform.uname(): Android / "' + 
  except ImportError:
    servicelogger.log('[INFO]:platform.uname(): "'+str(platform.uname())+'"')

  # I'll grab the necessary information first...
  servicelogger.log("[INFO]:Loading config")
  # BUG: Do this better?   Is this the right way to engineer this?
  configuration = persist.restore_object("nodeman.cfg")

  # If Seattle is not installed, the nodemanager will have no vesseldict
  # and an incomplete config. Log this problem and exit.
    if configuration["seattle_installed"] is not True:
      servicelogger.log("[ERROR]:Seattle is not installed. Run the Seattle installer to create the required configuration files before starting the nodemanager. Exiting.")
  except KeyError:
    # There isn't even a "seattle_installed" entry in this dict!?
    servicelogger.log("[ERROR]:The nodemanager configuration, nodeman.cfg, is corrupt. Exiting.")
  # Armon: initialize the network restrictions
  # Enable Affix and overload various Repy network API calls 
  # with Affix-enabled calls.
  # Use the node's publickey to generate a name for our node.
  mypubkey = rsa_publickey_to_string(configuration['publickey']).replace(" ", "")
  affix_stack_name = sha_hexhash(mypubkey)

  enable_affix('(CoordinationAffix)(MakeMeHearAffix)(NamingAndResolverAffix,' + 
      affix_stack_name + ')')

  # get the external IP address...
  myip = None
  while True:
      # Try to find our external IP.
      myip = emulcomm.getmyip()
    except Exception, e: # Replace with InternetConnectivityError ?
      # If we aren't connected to the internet, emulcomm.getmyip() raises this:
      if len(e.args) >= 1 and e.args[0] == "Cannot detect a connection to the Internet.":
        # So we try again.
        # It wasn't emulcomm.getmyip()'s exception. re-raise.
      # We succeeded in getting our external IP. Leave the loop.
Exemple #10
  mypubkey = rsa_publickey_to_string(configuration['publickey']).replace(" ", "")
  my_zeno_name = sha_hexhash(mypubkey) + '.zenodotus.poly.edu'

  # Check to see if Affix is enabled. If it is, we use the affix_object
  # that is returned.
  affix_enabled, affix_object, affix_legacy_string = check_and_create_affix_object(my_zeno_name)

  # If AFFIX is enabled, then we use AFFIX to open up a tcpserversocket.
  if affix_enabled:
    # Assign the nodemanager name to be the nodekey. We replace any whitespace in the
    # name and append zenodotus tag at the end.
    # Announce my (new) Zenodotus name
    zenodotus_advertise_handle = advertisepipe.add_to_pipe(my_zeno_name, emulcomm.getmyip())
    # Now that we have found the Affix string and have created the AffixStackInterface
    # object, we will try to open up a listening tcp socket. If we get an error, we
    # fall back to using legacy Repy API.
      serversocket = affix_object.listenforconnection(my_zeno_name, localport)
      servicelogger.log("[INFO]Started accepter thread with Affix string: " + affix_legacy_string)
    except (AddressBindingError, AlreadyListeningError, DuplicateTupleError):
      servicelogger.log("Failed to open listening socket with Affix on port: " + 
        str(localport) + ". Found error: " + str(e) + ". Trying legacy connection.")
      return old_timeout_listenforconnection(localip, localport, 10)
      # If we did not receive any error, we need to overwrite getmyip() with 
      # the new address.
      global getmyip
lind_test_server.connect_syscall(clientsockfd, '', 50300)

#send each test with some delay, so that server processes each test cleanly.
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd, "A" * 100, 0)
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd, "A" * 100, 0)
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd, "A" * 100, 0)
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd, "A" * 50, 0)


lind_test_server.connect_syscall(clientsockfd2, emulcomm.getmyip(), 50300)

#send each test with some delay, so that server processes each test cleanly.
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd2, "A" * 100, 0)
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd2, "A" * 100, 0)
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd2, "A" * 100, 0)
lind_test_server.send_syscall(clientsockfd2, "A" * 50, 0)

#close the client & server sockets...  