def _resolve_conflicts(self, conf): # Overrides if conf_has_op(conf, 'rwindow'): conf.max_cache = 0 # rwindow randomly shifts traces, so we cannot cache these traces during training # Sanity checks if conf.refset and not conf_has_op(conf, 'align'): raise EMMAConfException("Refset specified, but no align action") if conf.key_low >= conf.key_high: raise EMMAConfException("key_low should be < key_high") if self.dataset_val is not None and str( == str( raise EMMAConfException( "Validation set should never be the same as the training set.") if conf_has_op(conf, 'keyplot'): if not conf_has_op( conf, 'groupkeys' ): # Transparently add a groupkeys op, which is required for keyplot conf.actions = conf.actions[0:-1] + [Action('groupkeys') ] + conf.actions[-1:] if conf_has_op(conf, 'corrtrain'): if conf.loss_type == 'softmax_crossentropy' and conf.key_high - conf.key_low != 1: raise EMMAConfException( "Softmax crossentropy with multiple key bytes is currently not supported" )
def __perform_plot(emma, *params): trace_sets_to_get = max( int(emma.conf.plot_num_traces / emma.dataset.traces_per_set), 1) em_result = submit_task(, # Op emma.dataset.trace_set_paths[0:trace_sets_to_get], emma.conf, keep_trace_sets=True, keep_scores=False, # Op parameters remote=emma.conf.remote, message="Performing actions") visualizations.plot_trace_sets( em_result.reference_signal, em_result.trace_sets, params=params, no_reference_plot=emma.conf.plot_no_reference, num_traces=emma.conf.plot_num_traces, title=emma.conf.plot_title, xlabel=emma.conf.plot_xlabel, ylabel=emma.conf.plot_ylabel, colorbar_label=emma.conf.plot_colorbar_label, time_domain=(not (conf_has_op(emma.conf, 'spec') or conf_has_op(emma.conf, 'fft'))) or emma.conf.plot_force_timedomain, sample_rate=1.0)
def __perform_keyplot(emma, message="Grouping keys..."): if emma.conf.remote: async_result = parallel_work(emma.dataset.trace_set_paths, emma.conf) em_result = wait_until_completion(async_result, message=message) else: em_result =, emma.conf) em_result = ops.merge(em_result, emma.conf) visualizations.plot_keyplot( em_result.means, time_domain=(not (conf_has_op(emma.conf, 'spec') or conf_has_op(emma.conf, 'fft'))) or emma.conf.plot_force_timedomain, sample_rate=1.0, show=True)
def __perform_keyplot(emma, message="Grouping keys..."): for subkey in range(emma.conf.key_low, emma.conf.key_high): emma.conf.subkey = subkey # Set in conf, so the workers know which subkey to attack if emma.conf.remote: async_result = parallel_work(emma.dataset.trace_set_paths, emma.conf) em_result = wait_until_completion(async_result, message=message) else: em_result =, emma.conf) em_result = ops.merge(em_result, emma.conf) visualizations.plot_keyplot( em_result.means, time_domain=(not (conf_has_op(emma.conf, 'spec') or conf_has_op(emma.conf, 'fft'))) or emma.conf.plot_force_timedomain, sample_rate=1.0, show=True)
def merge(self, to_merge, conf): if type(to_merge) is EMResult: to_merge = [to_merge] # Is it useful to merge? if len(to_merge) >= 1: result = EMResult( # If we are attacking, merge the correlations # TODO this can be cleaned up if conf_has_op(conf, 'attack') or conf_has_op( conf, 'memattack') or conf_has_op(conf, 'spattack'): # Get size of correlations shape = to_merge[ 0].correlations._n.shape # TODO fixme init hetzelfde als in attack # Init result result.correlations = CorrelationList(shape) # Start merging for m in to_merge: result.correlations.merge(m.correlations) elif conf_has_op( conf, 'dattack' ): # TODO just check for presence of to_merge.distances instead of doing this shape = to_merge[0].distances._n.shape result.distances = DistanceList(shape) for m in to_merge: result.distances.merge(m.distances) elif conf_has_op(conf, 'pattack'): shape = to_merge[0].probabilities.shape result.probabilities = np.zeros(shape) for m in to_merge: result.probabilities += m.probabilities elif conf_has_op(conf, 'keyplot'): result.means = {} tmp = defaultdict(lambda: []) for m in to_merge: for key, mean_traces in m.means.items(): tmp[key].extend(mean_traces) for key, mean_traces in tmp.items(): all_traces = np.array(mean_traces) print("Merging %d traces for subkey value %s" % (all_traces.shape[0], key)) result.means[key] = np.mean(all_traces, axis=0) # Clean up tasks if conf.remote: for m in to_merge: logger.warning("Deleting %s" % m.task_id) app.AsyncResult(m.task_id).forget() return result else: return None
def _setup(self, emma_conf): """ Get a list of relative trace set paths for the dataset identifier and retrieve a reference signal for the entire dataset. Example trace set paths: em-arduino/trace1.npy em-arduino/trace2.npy ... em-arduino/tracen.npy Where trace1.npy is loaded as the reference signal. At a later time, the relative paths need to be resolved to absolute paths on the workers. """ settings = configparser.RawConfigParser()'settings.conf') self.root = settings.get("Datasets", "datasets_path") # Assign trace set paths if self.format == "cw": # .npy path = join(self.root, self.trace_set_paths = sorted([ join(, f) for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f)) and '_traces.npy' in f ]) elif self.format == "sigmf": # .meta self.trace_set_paths = None raise NotImplementedError elif self.format == "gnuradio": # .cfile self.trace_set_paths = None raise NotImplementedError elif self.format == "ascad": # ASCAD .h5 # Hack to force split between validation and training set in ASCAD validation_set = join( self.root, 'ASCAD/ASCAD_data/ASCAD_databases/%s.h5-val' % training_set = join( self.root, 'ASCAD/ASCAD_data/ASCAD_databases/%s.h5-train' % # Make sure we never use training set when attacking or classifying if emma_conf is not None and ( conf_has_op(emma_conf, 'attack') or conf_has_op(emma_conf, 'classify') or conf_has_op(emma_conf, 'dattack') or conf_has_op(emma_conf, 'spattack') or conf_has_op(emma_conf, 'pattack')): self.trace_set_paths = [validation_set] else: self.trace_set_paths = [validation_set, training_set] else: raise Exception("Unknown input format '%s'" % self.format) assert (len(self.trace_set_paths) > 0) # Assign reference signal reference_trace_set = emio.get_trace_set(join(self.root, self.trace_set_paths[0]), self.format, ignore_malformed=False, remote=False) self.traces_per_set = len(reference_trace_set.traces) self.reference_signal = reference_trace_set.traces[ self.reference_index].signal