Exemple #1
 def parse(self, e):
     c = QtCore.QPointF(*map(self.parseUnit, (e.attrib.get('cx', 0),
                                              e.attrib.get('cy', 0))))
     rx, ry = map(self.parseUnit, (e.attrib.get('rx', 0),
                                   e.attrib.get('ry', 0)))
     self.addEllipse(c, rx, ry)
Exemple #2
    def _job_changed(self, change):
        """ Recreate an instance of of the plot using the current settings 
        if self._blocked:

        if change['name'] == 'copies':
            self._desired_copies = self.copies

        model = QtGui.QPainterPath()

        if not self.path:

        path = self._create_copy()

        # Update size
        bbox = path.boundingRect()
        self.size = [bbox.width(), bbox.height()]

        # Create copies
        c = 0
        points = self._copy_positions_iter(path)

        if self.auto_copies:
            self.stack_size = self._compute_stack_sizes(path)
            if self.stack_size[0]:
                copies_left = self.copies % self.stack_size[0]
                if copies_left:  # not a full stack
                    with self.events_suppressed():
                        self.copies = self._desired_copies

        while c < self.copies:
            x, y = next(points)
            model.addPath(path * QtGui.QTransform.fromTranslate(x, -y))
            c += 1

        # Create weedline
        if self.plot_weedline:
            self._add_weedline(model, self.plot_weedline_padding)

        # Move to 0,0
        bbox = model.boundingRect()
        p = bbox.bottomLeft()
        tx, ty = -p.x(), -p.y()

        # Center or set to padding
        tx += ((self.material.width() - bbox.width()) /
               2.0 if self.align_center[0] else self.material.padding_left)
        ty += (-(self.material.height() - bbox.height()) /
               2.0 if self.align_center[1] else -self.material.padding_bottom)

        t = QtGui.QTransform.fromTranslate(tx, ty)

        model = model * t

        end_point = (QtCore.QPointF(
            0, -self.feed_after + model.boundingRect().top())
                     if self.feed_to_end else QtCore.QPointF(0, 0))

        # Set new model
        self.model = model  #.simplified()
Exemple #3
    def process(self, model):
        """  Process the path model of a job and return each command
        within the job.

            model: QPainterPath
                The path to process

            generator: A list or generator object that yields each command
             to invoke on the device and the distance moved. In the format
             (distance, cmd, args, kwargs)

        config = self.config

        # Previous point
        _p = QtCore.QPointF(self.origin[0], self.origin[1])

        # Do a final translation since Qt's y axis is reversed from svg's
        # It should now be a bbox of (x=0, y=0, width, height)
        # this creates a copy
        model = model * QtGui.QTransform.fromScale(1, -1)

        # Determine if interpolation should be used
        skip_interpolation = (self.connection.always_spools or config.spooled
                              or not config.interpolate)

        # speed = distance/seconds
        # So distance/speed = seconds to wait
        step_size = config.step_size
        if not skip_interpolation and step_size <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Cannot have a step size <= 0!")
            # Apply device filters
            for f in self.filters:
                log.debug(" filter | Running {} on model".format(f))
                model = f.apply_to_model(model, job=self)

            # Since Qt's toSubpathPolygons converts curves without accepting
            # a parameter to set the minimum distance between points on the
            # curve, we need to prescale by a "quality factor" before
            # converting then undo the scaling to effectively adjust the
            # number of points on a curve.
            m = QtGui.QTransform.fromScale(
                config.quality_factor, config.quality_factor)
            # Some versions of Qt seem to require a value in toSubpathPolygons
            polypath = model.toSubpathPolygons(m)

            if config.quality_factor != 1:
                # Undo the prescaling, if the quality_factor > 1 the curve
                # quality will be improved.
                m_inv = QtGui.QTransform.fromScale(
                    1/config.quality_factor, 1/config.quality_factor)
                polypath = list(map(m_inv.map, polypath))

            # Apply device filters to polypath
            for f in self.filters:
                log.debug(" filter | Running {} on polypath".format(f))
                polypath = f.apply_to_polypath(polypath)

            for path in polypath:

                #: And then each point within the path
                #: this is a polygon
                for i, p in enumerate(path):

                    #: Head state
                    # 0 move, 1 cut
                    z = 0 if i == 0 else 1

                    #: Make a subpath
                    subpath = QtGui.QPainterPath()

                    #: Update the last point
                    _p = p

                    #: Total length
                    l = subpath.length()

                    #: If the device does not support streaming
                    #: the path interpolation is skipped entirely
                    if skip_interpolation:
                        x, y = p.x(), p.y()
                        yield (l, self.move, ([x, y, z],), {})

                    #: Where we are within the subpath
                    d = 0

                    #: Interpolate path in steps of dl and ensure we get
                    #: _p and p (t=0 and t=1)
                    #: This allows us to cancel mid point
                    while d <= l:
                        #: Now set d to the next point by step_size
                        #: if the end of the path is less than the step size
                        #: use the minimum of the two
                        dl = min(l-d, step_size)

                        #: Now find the point at the given step size
                        #: the first point d=0 so t=0, the last point d=l so t=1
                        t = subpath.percentAtLength(d)
                        sp = subpath.pointAtPercent(t)
                        #if d == l:
                        #    break  #: Um don't we want to send the last point??

                        x, y = sp.x(), sp.y()
                        yield (dl, self.move, ([x, y, z],), {})

                        #: When we reached the end but instead of breaking above
                        #: with a d < l we do it here to ensure we get the last
                        #: point
                        if d == l:
                            #: We reached the end

                        #: Add step size
                        d += dl

            #: Make sure we get the endpoint
            ep = model.currentPosition()
            x, y = ep.x(), ep.y()
            yield (0, self.move, ([x, y, 0],), {})
        except Exception as e:
            log.error("device | processing error: {}".format(
            raise e
Exemple #4
    def process(self, model):
        """  Process the path model of a job and return each command
        within the job.
            model: QPainterPath
                The path to process
            generator: A list or generator object that yields each command
             to invoke on the device and the distance moved. In the format
             (distance, cmd, args, kwargs)
        config = self.config

        #: Previous point
        _p = QtCore.QPointF(self.origin[0], self.origin[1])

        #: Do a final translation since Qt's y axis is reversed
        t = QtGui.QTransform.fromScale(1, -1)
        model = model * t

        #: Determine if interpolation should be used
        skip_interpolation = (self.connection.always_spools or config.spooled
                              or not config.interpolate)

        # speed = distance/seconds
        # So distance/speed = seconds to wait
        step_size = config.step_size
        if not skip_interpolation and step_size <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Cannot have a step size <= 0!")
            #: Some versions of Qt seem to require a value in toSubpathPolygons
            m = QtGui.QTransform.fromScale(1, 1)
            for path in model.toSubpathPolygons(m):

                #: And then each point within the path
                #: this is a polygon
                for i, p in enumerate(path):

                    #: Head state
                    # 0 move, 1 cut
                    z = 0 if i == 0 else 1

                    #: Make a subpath
                    subpath = QtGui.QPainterPath()

                    #: Update the last point
                    _p = p

                    #: Total length
                    l = subpath.length()

                    #: If the device does not support streaming
                    #: the path interpolation is skipped entirely
                    if skip_interpolation:
                        x, y = p.x(), p.y()
                        yield (l, self.move, ([x, y, z], ), {})

                    #: Where we are within the subpath
                    d = 0

                    #: Interpolate path in steps of dl and ensure we get
                    #: _p and p (t=0 and t=1)
                    #: This allows us to cancel mid point
                    while d <= l:
                        #: Now set d to the next point by step_size
                        #: if the end of the path is less than the step size
                        #: use the minimum of the two
                        dl = min(l - d, step_size)

                        #: Now find the point at the given step size
                        #: the first point d=0 so t=0, the last point d=l so t=1
                        t = subpath.percentAtLength(d)
                        sp = subpath.pointAtPercent(t)
                        #if d == l:
                        #    break  #: Um don't we want to send the last point??

                        #: -y because Qt's axis is from top to bottom not bottom
                        #: to top
                        x, y = sp.x(), sp.y()
                        yield (dl, self.move, ([x, y, z], ), {})

                        #: When we reached the end but instead of breaking above
                        #: with a d < l we do it here to ensure we get the last
                        #: point
                        if d == l:
                            #: We reached the end

                        #: Add step size
                        d += dl

            #: Make sure we get the endpoint
            ep = model.currentPosition()
            yield (0, self.move, ([ep.x(), ep.y(), 0], ), {})
        except Exception as e:
            log.error("device | processing error: {}".format(e))
            raise e