def formatoption(block, width):
    desc = " ".join(map(str.strip, block["lines"]))
    colwidth = encoding.colwidth(block["optstr"])
    usablewidth = width - 1
    hanging = block["optstrwidth"]
    initindent = "%s%s  " % (block["optstr"], " " * ((hanging - colwidth)))
    hangindent = " " * (encoding.colwidth(initindent) + 1)
    return " %s\n" % (util.wrap(desc, usablewidth, initindent=initindent, hangindent=hangindent))
Exemple #2
def formatoption(block, width):
    desc = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines']))
    colwidth = encoding.colwidth(block['optstr'])
    usablewidth = width - 1
    hanging = block['optstrwidth']
    initindent = '%s%s  ' % (block['optstr'], ' ' * ((hanging - colwidth)))
    hangindent = ' ' * (encoding.colwidth(initindent) + 1)
    return ' %s\n' % (util.wrap(
        desc, usablewidth, initindent=initindent, hangindent=hangindent))
Exemple #3
def formatoption(block, width):
    desc = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines']))
    colwidth = encoding.colwidth(block['optstr'])
    usablewidth = width - 1
    hanging = block['optstrwidth']
    initindent = '%s%s  ' % (block['optstr'], ' ' * ((hanging - colwidth)))
    hangindent = ' ' * (encoding.colwidth(initindent) + 1)
    return ' %s\n' % (util.wrap(desc, usablewidth,
Exemple #4
def updateoptionlists(blocks):
    i = 0
    while i < len(blocks):
        if blocks[i]['type'] != 'option':
            i += 1

        optstrwidth = 0
        j = i
        while j < len(blocks) and blocks[j]['type'] == 'option':
            m = _optionre.match(blocks[j]['lines'][0])

            shortoption =
            group3 =
            longoption = group3[2:].strip()
            desc =
            longoptionarg =
            blocks[j]['lines'][0] = desc

            noshortop = ''
            if not shortoption:
                noshortop = '   '

            opt = "%s%s" %   (shortoption and "-%s " % shortoption or '',
                            ("%s--%s %s") % (noshortop, longoption,
            opt = opt.rstrip()
            blocks[j]['optstr'] = opt
            optstrwidth = max(optstrwidth, encoding.colwidth(opt))
            j += 1

        for block in blocks[i:j]:
            block['optstrwidth'] = optstrwidth
        i = j + 1
    return blocks
Exemple #5
def updateoptionlists(blocks):
    i = 0
    while i < len(blocks):
        if blocks[i]['type'] != 'option':
            i += 1

        optstrwidth = 0
        j = i
        while j < len(blocks) and blocks[j]['type'] == 'option':
            m = _optionre.match(blocks[j]['lines'][0])

            shortoption =
            group3 =
            longoption = group3[2:].strip()
            desc =
            longoptionarg =
            blocks[j]['lines'][0] = desc

            noshortop = ''
            if not shortoption:
                noshortop = '   '

            opt = "%s%s" % (shortoption and "-%s " % shortoption or '',
                            ("%s--%s %s") %
                            (noshortop, longoption, longoptionarg))
            opt = opt.rstrip()
            blocks[j]['optstr'] = opt
            optstrwidth = max(optstrwidth, encoding.colwidth(opt))
            j += 1

        for block in blocks[i:j]:
            block['optstrwidth'] = optstrwidth
        i = j + 1
    return blocks
Exemple #6
def maketable(data, indent=0, header=False):
    '''Generate an RST table for the given table data'''

    widths = [max(encoding.colwidth(e) for e in c) for c in zip(*data)]
    indent = ' ' * indent
    div = indent + ' '.join('=' * w for w in widths) + '\n'

    out = [div]
    for row in data:
        l = []
        for w, v in zip(widths, row):
            pad = ' ' * (w - encoding.colwidth(v))
            l.append(v + pad)
        out.append(indent + ' '.join(l) + "\n")
    if header and len(data) > 1:
        out.insert(2, div)
    return ''.join(out)
Exemple #7
def maketable(data, indent=0, header=False):
    '''Generate an RST table for the given table data'''

    widths = [max(encoding.colwidth(e) for e in c) for c in zip(*data)]
    indent = ' ' * indent
    div = indent + ' '.join('=' * w for w in widths) + '\n'

    out = [div]
    for row in data:
        l = []
        for w, v in zip(widths, row):
            pad = ' ' * (w - encoding.colwidth(v))
            l.append(v + pad)
        out.append(indent + ' '.join(l) + "\n")
    if header and len(data) > 1:
        out.insert(2, div)
    return ''.join(out)
Exemple #8
def maketable(data, indent=0, header=False):
    '''Generate an RST table for the given table data as a list of lines'''

    widths = [max(encoding.colwidth(e) for e in c) for c in zip(*data)]
    indent = ' ' * indent
    div = indent + ' '.join('=' * w for w in widths) + '\n'

    out = [div]
    for row in data:
        l = []
        for w, v in zip(widths, row):
            if '\n' in v:
                # only remove line breaks and indentation, long lines are
                # handled by the next tool
                v = ' '.join(e.lstrip() for e in v.split('\n'))
            pad = ' ' * (w - encoding.colwidth(v))
            l.append(v + pad)
        out.append(indent + ' '.join(l) + "\n")
    if header and len(data) > 1:
        out.insert(2, div)
    return out
Exemple #9
def maketable(data, indent=0, header=False):
    '''Generate an RST table for the given table data as a list of lines'''

    widths = [max(encoding.colwidth(e) for e in c) for c in zip(*data)]
    indent = ' ' * indent
    div = indent + ' '.join('=' * w for w in widths) + '\n'

    out = [div]
    for row in data:
        l = []
        for w, v in zip(widths, row):
            if '\n' in v:
                # only remove line breaks and indentation, long lines are
                # handled by the next tool
                v = ' '.join(e.lstrip() for e in v.split('\n'))
            pad = ' ' * (w - encoding.colwidth(v))
            l.append(v + pad)
        out.append(indent + ' '.join(l) + "\n")
    if header and len(data) > 1:
        out.insert(2, div)
    return out
Exemple #10
def findsections(blocks):
    """Finds sections.

    The blocks must have a 'type' field, i.e., they should have been
    run through findliteralblocks first.
    for block in blocks:
        # Searching for a block that looks like this:
        # +------------------------------+
        # | Section title                |
        # | -------------                |
        # +------------------------------+
        if (block['type'] == 'paragraph' and len(block['lines']) == 2 and
                encoding.colwidth(block['lines'][0]) == len(block['lines'][1])
                and _sectionre.match(block['lines'][1])):
            block['underline'] = block['lines'][1][0]
            block['type'] = 'section'
            del block['lines'][1]
    return blocks
Exemple #11
def findsections(blocks):
    """Finds sections.

    The blocks must have a 'type' field, i.e., they should have been
    run through findliteralblocks first.
    for block in blocks:
        # Searching for a block that looks like this:
        # +------------------------------+
        # | Section title                |
        # | -------------                |
        # +------------------------------+
        if (block['type'] == 'paragraph' and
            len(block['lines']) == 2 and
            encoding.colwidth(block['lines'][0]) == len(block['lines'][1]) and
            block['underline'] = block['lines'][1][0]
            block['type'] = 'section'
            del block['lines'][1]
    return blocks
def updateoptionlists(blocks):
    i = 0
    while i < len(blocks):
        if blocks[i]["type"] != "option":
            i += 1

        optstrwidth = 0
        j = i
        while j < len(blocks) and blocks[j]["type"] == "option":
            m = _optionre.match(blocks[j]["lines"][0])

            shortoption =
            group3 =
            longoption = group3[2:].strip()
            desc =
            longoptionarg =
            blocks[j]["lines"][0] = desc

            noshortop = ""
            if not shortoption:
                noshortop = "   "

            opt = "%s%s" % (
                shortoption and "-%s " % shortoption or "",
                ("%s--%s %s") % (noshortop, longoption, longoptionarg),
            opt = opt.rstrip()
            blocks[j]["optstr"] = opt
            optstrwidth = max(optstrwidth, encoding.colwidth(opt))
            j += 1

        for block in blocks[i:j]:
            block["optstrwidth"] = optstrwidth
        i = j + 1
    return blocks
Exemple #13
def formatblock(block, width):
    """Format a block according to width."""
    if width <= 0:
        width = 78
    indent = ' ' * block['indent']
    if block['type'] == 'admonition':
        admonition = _admonitiontitles[block['admonitiontitle']]
        hang = len(block['lines'][-1]) - len(block['lines'][-1].lstrip())

        defindent = indent + hang * ' '
        text = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines']))
        return '%s\n%s' % (
            indent + admonition,
                text, width=width, initindent=defindent, hangindent=defindent))
    if block['type'] == 'margin':
        return ''
    if block['type'] == 'literal':
        indent += '  '
        return indent + ('\n' + indent).join(block['lines'])
    if block['type'] == 'section':
        underline = encoding.colwidth(block['lines'][0]) * block['underline']
        return "%s%s\n%s%s" % (indent, block['lines'][0], indent, underline)
    if block['type'] == 'definition':
        term = indent + block['lines'][0]
        hang = len(block['lines'][-1]) - len(block['lines'][-1].lstrip())
        defindent = indent + hang * ' '
        text = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines'][1:]))
        return '%s\n%s' % (
                text, width=width, initindent=defindent, hangindent=defindent))
    subindent = indent
    if block['type'] == 'bullet':
        if block['lines'][0].startswith('| '):
            # Remove bullet for line blocks and add no extra
            # indention.
            block['lines'][0] = block['lines'][0][2:]
            m = _bulletre.match(block['lines'][0])
            subindent = indent + m.end() * ' '
    elif block['type'] == 'field':
        keywidth = block['keywidth']
        key = block['key']

        subindent = indent + _fieldwidth * ' '
        if len(key) + 2 > _fieldwidth:
            # key too large, use full line width
            key = key.ljust(width)
        elif keywidth + 2 < _fieldwidth:
            # all keys are small, add only two spaces
            key = key.ljust(keywidth + 2)
            subindent = indent + (keywidth + 2) * ' '
            # mixed sizes, use fieldwidth for this one
            key = key.ljust(_fieldwidth)
        block['lines'][0] = key + block['lines'][0]
    elif block['type'] == 'option':
        m = _optionre.match(block['lines'][0])
        option, arg, rest = m.groups()
        subindent = indent + (len(option) + len(arg)) * ' '

    text = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines']))
    return util.wrap(text,
Exemple #14
def formatblock(block, width):
    """Format a block according to width."""
    if width <= 0:
        width = 78
    indent = ' ' * block['indent']
    if block['type'] == 'admonition':
        admonition = _admonitiontitles[block['admonitiontitle']]
        if not block['lines']:
            return indent + admonition + '\n'
        hang = len(block['lines'][-1]) - len(block['lines'][-1].lstrip())

        defindent = indent + hang * ' '
        text = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines']))
        return '%s\n%s\n' % (
            indent + admonition,
                text, width=width, initindent=defindent, hangindent=defindent))
    if block['type'] == 'margin':
        return '\n'
    if block['type'] == 'literal':
        indent += '  '
        return indent + ('\n' + indent).join(block['lines']) + '\n'
    if block['type'] == 'section':
        underline = encoding.colwidth(block['lines'][0]) * block['underline']
        return "%s%s\n%s%s\n" % (indent, block['lines'][0], indent, underline)
    if block['type'] == 'table':
        table = block['table']
        # compute column widths
        widths = [max([encoding.colwidth(e) for e in c]) for c in zip(*table)]
        text = ''
        span = sum(widths) + len(widths) - 1
        indent = ' ' * block['indent']
        hang = ' ' * (len(indent) + span - widths[-1])

        for row in table:
            l = []
            for w, v in zip(widths, row):
                pad = ' ' * (w - encoding.colwidth(v))
                l.append(v + pad)
            l = ' '.join(l)
            l = util.wrap(l, width=width, initindent=indent, hangindent=hang)
            if not text and block['header']:
                text = l + '\n' + indent + '-' * (min(width, span)) + '\n'
                text += l + "\n"
        return text
    if block['type'] == 'definition':
        term = indent + block['lines'][0]
        hang = len(block['lines'][-1]) - len(block['lines'][-1].lstrip())
        defindent = indent + hang * ' '
        text = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines'][1:]))
        return '%s\n%s\n' % (
                text, width=width, initindent=defindent, hangindent=defindent))
    subindent = indent
    if block['type'] == 'bullet':
        if block['lines'][0].startswith('| '):
            # Remove bullet for line blocks and add no extra
            # indention.
            block['lines'][0] = block['lines'][0][2:]
            m = _bulletre.match(block['lines'][0])
            subindent = indent + m.end() * ' '
    elif block['type'] == 'field':
        key = block['key']
        subindent = indent + _fieldwidth * ' '
        if len(key) + 2 > _fieldwidth:
            # key too large, use full line width
            key = key.ljust(width)
            # key fits within field width
            key = key.ljust(_fieldwidth)
        block['lines'][0] = key + block['lines'][0]
    elif block['type'] == 'option':
        return formatoption(block, width)

    text = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines']))
    return util.wrap(
        text, width=width, initindent=indent, hangindent=subindent) + '\n'
def formatblock(block, width):
    """Format a block according to width."""
    if width <= 0:
        width = 78
    indent = " " * block["indent"]
    if block["type"] == "admonition":
        admonition = _admonitiontitles[block["admonitiontitle"]]
        hang = len(block["lines"][-1]) - len(block["lines"][-1].lstrip())

        defindent = indent + hang * " "
        text = " ".join(map(str.strip, block["lines"]))
        return "%s\n%s\n" % (
            indent + admonition,
            util.wrap(text, width=width, initindent=defindent, hangindent=defindent),
    if block["type"] == "margin":
        return "\n"
    if block["type"] == "literal":
        indent += "  "
        return indent + ("\n" + indent).join(block["lines"]) + "\n"
    if block["type"] == "section":
        underline = encoding.colwidth(block["lines"][0]) * block["underline"]
        return "%s%s\n%s%s\n" % (indent, block["lines"][0], indent, underline)
    if block["type"] == "table":
        table = block["table"]
        # compute column widths
        widths = [max([encoding.colwidth(e) for e in c]) for c in zip(*table)]
        text = ""
        span = sum(widths) + len(widths) - 1
        indent = " " * block["indent"]
        hang = " " * (len(indent) + span - widths[-1])

        for row in table:
            l = []
            for w, v in zip(widths, row):
                pad = " " * (w - encoding.colwidth(v))
                l.append(v + pad)
            l = " ".join(l)
            l = util.wrap(l, width=width, initindent=indent, hangindent=hang)
            if not text and block["header"]:
                text = l + "\n" + indent + "-" * (min(width, span)) + "\n"
                text += l + "\n"
        return text
    if block["type"] == "definition":
        term = indent + block["lines"][0]
        hang = len(block["lines"][-1]) - len(block["lines"][-1].lstrip())
        defindent = indent + hang * " "
        text = " ".join(map(str.strip, block["lines"][1:]))
        return "%s\n%s\n" % (term, util.wrap(text, width=width, initindent=defindent, hangindent=defindent))
    subindent = indent
    if block["type"] == "bullet":
        if block["lines"][0].startswith("| "):
            # Remove bullet for line blocks and add no extra
            # indention.
            block["lines"][0] = block["lines"][0][2:]
            m = _bulletre.match(block["lines"][0])
            subindent = indent + m.end() * " "
    elif block["type"] == "field":
        keywidth = block["keywidth"]
        key = block["key"]

        subindent = indent + _fieldwidth * " "
        if len(key) + 2 > _fieldwidth:
            # key too large, use full line width
            key = key.ljust(width)
        elif keywidth + 2 < _fieldwidth:
            # all keys are small, add only two spaces
            key = key.ljust(keywidth + 2)
            subindent = indent + (keywidth + 2) * " "
            # mixed sizes, use fieldwidth for this one
            key = key.ljust(_fieldwidth)
        block["lines"][0] = key + block["lines"][0]
    elif block["type"] == "option":
        return formatoption(block, width)

    text = " ".join(map(str.strip, block["lines"]))
    return util.wrap(text, width=width, initindent=indent, hangindent=subindent) + "\n"
Exemple #16
def subsubsubsection(s):
    return "%s\n%s\n\n" % (s, "." * encoding.colwidth(s))
Exemple #17
def section(s):
    return "%s\n%s\n\n" % (s, "\"" * encoding.colwidth(s))
Exemple #18
def section(s):
    return "%s\n%s\n\n" % (s, "\"" * encoding.colwidth(s))
Exemple #19
def subsubsubsection(s):
    return "%s\n%s\n\n" % (s, "." * encoding.colwidth(s))
Exemple #20
def formatblock(block, width):
    """Format a block according to width."""
    if width <= 0:
        width = 78
    indent = ' ' * block['indent']
    if block['type'] == 'admonition':
        admonition = _admonitiontitles[block['admonitiontitle']]
        hang = len(block['lines'][-1]) - len(block['lines'][-1].lstrip())

        defindent = indent + hang * ' '
        text = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines']))
        return '%s\n%s\n' % (indent + admonition,
                             util.wrap(text, width=width,
    if block['type'] == 'margin':
        return '\n'
    if block['type'] == 'literal':
        indent += '  '
        return indent + ('\n' + indent).join(block['lines']) + '\n'
    if block['type'] == 'section':
        underline = encoding.colwidth(block['lines'][0]) * block['underline']
        return "%s%s\n%s%s\n" % (indent, block['lines'][0],indent, underline)
    if block['type'] == 'table':
        table = block['table']
        # compute column widths
        widths = [max([encoding.colwidth(e) for e in c]) for c in zip(*table)]
        text = ''
        span = sum(widths) + len(widths) - 1
        indent = ' ' * block['indent']
        hang = ' ' * (len(indent) + span - widths[-1])

        for row in table:
            l = []
            for w, v in zip(widths, row):
                pad = ' ' * (w - encoding.colwidth(v))
                l.append(v + pad)
            l = ' '.join(l)
            l = util.wrap(l, width=width, initindent=indent, hangindent=hang)
            if not text and block['header']:
                text = l + '\n' + indent + '-' * (min(width, span)) + '\n'
                text += l + "\n"
        return text
    if block['type'] == 'definition':
        term = indent + block['lines'][0]
        hang = len(block['lines'][-1]) - len(block['lines'][-1].lstrip())
        defindent = indent + hang * ' '
        text = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines'][1:]))
        return '%s\n%s\n' % (term, util.wrap(text, width=width,
    subindent = indent
    if block['type'] == 'bullet':
        if block['lines'][0].startswith('| '):
            # Remove bullet for line blocks and add no extra
            # indention.
            block['lines'][0] = block['lines'][0][2:]
            m = _bulletre.match(block['lines'][0])
            subindent = indent + m.end() * ' '
    elif block['type'] == 'field':
        key = block['key']
        subindent = indent + _fieldwidth * ' '
        if len(key) + 2 > _fieldwidth:
            # key too large, use full line width
            key = key.ljust(width)
            # key fits within field width
            key = key.ljust(_fieldwidth)
        block['lines'][0] = key + block['lines'][0]
    elif block['type'] == 'option':
        return formatoption(block, width)

    text = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines']))
    return util.wrap(text, width=width,
                     hangindent=subindent) + '\n'
Exemple #21
def formatblock(block, width):
    """Format a block according to width."""
    if width <= 0:
        width = 78
    indent = ' ' * block['indent']
    if block['type'] == 'admonition':
        admonition = _admonitiontitles[block['admonitiontitle']]
        hang = len(block['lines'][-1]) - len(block['lines'][-1].lstrip())

        defindent = indent + hang * ' '
        text = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines']))
        return '%s\n%s' % (indent + admonition, util.wrap(text, width=width,
    if block['type'] == 'margin':
        return ''
    if block['type'] == 'literal':
        indent += '  '
        return indent + ('\n' + indent).join(block['lines'])
    if block['type'] == 'section':
        underline = encoding.colwidth(block['lines'][0]) * block['underline']
        return "%s%s\n%s%s" % (indent, block['lines'][0],indent, underline)
    if block['type'] == 'definition':
        term = indent + block['lines'][0]
        hang = len(block['lines'][-1]) - len(block['lines'][-1].lstrip())
        defindent = indent + hang * ' '
        text = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines'][1:]))
        return '%s\n%s' % (term, util.wrap(text, width=width,
    subindent = indent
    if block['type'] == 'bullet':
        if block['lines'][0].startswith('| '):
            # Remove bullet for line blocks and add no extra
            # indention.
            block['lines'][0] = block['lines'][0][2:]
            m = _bulletre.match(block['lines'][0])
            subindent = indent + m.end() * ' '
    elif block['type'] == 'field':
        keywidth = block['keywidth']
        key = block['key']

        subindent = indent + _fieldwidth * ' '
        if len(key) + 2 > _fieldwidth:
            # key too large, use full line width
            key = key.ljust(width)
        elif keywidth + 2 < _fieldwidth:
            # all keys are small, add only two spaces
            key = key.ljust(keywidth + 2)
            subindent = indent + (keywidth + 2) * ' '
            # mixed sizes, use fieldwidth for this one
            key = key.ljust(_fieldwidth)
        block['lines'][0] = key + block['lines'][0]
    elif block['type'] == 'option':
        return formatoption(block, width)

    text = ' '.join(map(str.strip, block['lines']))
    return util.wrap(text, width=width,