class TestEngine(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.board = Board() def test_isOnBoard(self): self.assertEquals(self.board.on_board([1, 1]), True) def test_isNotOnBoard(self): self.assertEquals(self.board.on_board([1, 9]), False)
def empty_board(): sb = Board() sb.pieces = [ [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None], [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None], ] return sb
def test_init_creates_expected_cardstacks(self, mock_deck): mock_deck.__len__.return_value = 40 mock_deck.card_colors = ('red', 'blue') mock_deck.card_numbers = (1, 2, 2, 3) board = Board(mock_deck) # Check that there's a stack for each color in the deck for color in mock_deck.card_colors: assert isinstance(board.card_stacks[color], CardStack)
def test_init(self): board = Board(None) self.assertEqual(len(board.board), Common.board_size**2) self.assertIsInstance(board.board[0], Rook) self.assertIsInstance(board.board[7 * Common.board_size + 6], Knight) self.assertIsInstance(board.board[6 * Common.board_size + 7], Pawn) self.assertEqual(board.board[6 * Common.board_size + 7].color,
def request_move(self, board, legal, player_num): # 現在の盤面から決まった回数プレイアウトして、一番良い手を返す root_board = Board(board) # game_tree[board_num][pos] = board_numの盤面で手番プレイヤーがposに打ったときに遷移するboardの番号 game_tree = [[-1] * 81 for _ in range(60000)] # win_rate[board_num] = (そのboardに遷移する手を打ったときの勝率, シミュレーションでそのboardにたどり着いた回数) win_rate = [(0, 0)] * 60000 # visited_num[board_num] = そのboardを訪れた回数 visited_num = [0] * 60000 board_count = 1 for _ in range(self.playout_num): # プレイアウトしてrecordを作る now_board = copy.deepcopy(root_board) record = [(-1, -1, player_num)] now_player_num = player_num now_board_num, now_state = 0, 0 random_selected = False while now_state == 0: now_legal = legal if now_board_num == 0 else now_board.legal_moves( record[-1][1]) move = -1 if now_board_num != 0 and ( random_selected or visited_num[now_board_num] < self.THRESHOLD): move = self.random_move(now_legal) random_selected |= True else: if visited_num[now_board_num] == (0 if now_board_num == 0 else self.THRESHOLD): # 展開する for pos in range(81): game_tree[now_board_num][pos] = board_count board_count += 1 move = self.ucb_move(now_board_num, now_legal, game_tree, win_rate) now_board.mark(move, now_player_num) if not random_selected: record.append((now_board_num, move, now_player_num)) now_board_num = game_tree[now_board_num][move] now_player_num = now_player_num ^ 3 now_state = now_board.check_state() # win_rateを更新する visited_num[0] += 1 for board_num, pos, player in record: if board_num < 0: continue next_board_num = game_tree[board_num][pos] visited_num[next_board_num] += 1 win, num = win_rate[next_board_num] win_rate[next_board_num] = ( win + 1, num + 1) if now_state == player else (win, num + 1) return self.best_move(0, legal, game_tree, win_rate)
def test_init_creates_discard_stats(self, mock_deck): mock_deck.__len__.return_value = 40 mock_deck.card_colors = ('red', 'blue') mock_deck.card_numbers = (1, 2, 2, 3) board = Board(mock_deck) # Assert there's a discard pile with a length: assert len(board.discard) == 0 # Assert there's a discard_stats list with one counter per card number for color in mock_deck.card_colors: for number in mock_deck.card_numbers: assert len(board.discard_stats[color]) == len(set(mock_deck.card_numbers))
def __init__(self, host: str, port: int) -> None: self.running = True self.players = [] self.connection_information = (host, port) self.socket_selector = selectors.DefaultSelector() self.server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.server_socket.setblocking(False) self.server_socket.bind(self.connection_information) self.server_socket.listen(2) self.socket_selector.register( self.server_socket, selectors.EVENT_READ, data=self.accept_handler )"Serving on {self.connection_information}") self.board = Board()"Game state initiated")
def __init__(self, players, deck_seed=False): num_players = len(players) if not 2 <= num_players <= 5: raise Exception("There must be between 2 and 5 players") for player in players: if not isinstance(player, Player): raise Exception("All players must inherit from the Player class.") self.colors = ('r', 'y', 'g', 'w', 'b') # TODO: rainbow/mixed/wilds self.numbers = (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5) self.players = players self.deck = Deck(colors=self.colors, numbers=self.numbers, seed=deck_seed) self.player_hands = [[] for _ in range(len(self.players))] self.master_game_state = GameState(Board(self.deck), self.player_hands) self.game_almost_over = None
class GameServer: def __init__(self, host: str, port: int) -> None: self.running = True self.players = [] self.connection_information = (host, port) self.socket_selector = selectors.DefaultSelector() self.server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.server_socket.setblocking(False) self.server_socket.bind(self.connection_information) self.server_socket.listen(2) self.socket_selector.register( self.server_socket, selectors.EVENT_READ, data=self.accept_handler )"Serving on {self.connection_information}") self.board = Board()"Game state initiated") def get_number_of_players(self): return len(self.players) def accept_handler(self, file_obj_socket): client_socket, address = file_obj_socket.accept() client_socket.setblocking(False) peername = client_socket.getpeername() if len(self.players) < 2: client_socket.sendall(b"Success") self.players.append({ "id": Players.P1 if len(self.players) == 0 else Players.P2, "file_obj": file_obj_socket, "socket": client_socket })"Connection from {peername}") self.socket_selector.register( client_socket, selectors.EVENT_READ, data=self.receive_handler ) else:"Rejecting connection from {peername}") client_socket.sendall(b"Full server") client_socket.close() def receive_handler(self, file_obj_socket): data = file_obj_socket.recv(9) if data: self.data_received(file_obj_socket, data) else:"Disconnect from {file_obj_socket.getpeername()}") self.socket_selector.unregister(file_obj_socket) for player in self.players: if player["file_obj"] is file_obj_socket: del player file_obj_socket.close() def data_received(self, file_obj_socket, data): message: str = data.decode("utf-8")"Received from {file_obj_socket.getpeername()}: {message}") command = message[:3] if command == "mov": from_coord = message[4:6] to_coord = message[7:9] result = self.board.move(*cn(from_coord, to_coord)) if result is False: # move piece to origin position in client reverse_message: bytes = str.encode(f"mov:{to_coord},{from_coord}") file_obj_socket.sendall(reverse_message) else: for player in self.players: if player["socket"] is not file_obj_socket: player["socket"].sendall(data) last_piece_removed = self.board.get_last_piece_removed() if last_piece_removed is not None: char_coord: str = nc(last_piece_removed) rm_message: bytes = str.encode(f"rmv:{char_coord},__") for player in self.players: player["socket"].sendall(rm_message) last_piece_king = self.board.get_last_piece_king() if last_piece_king is not None: char_coord: str = nc(last_piece_king) king_message: bytes = str.encode(f"kin:{char_coord},__") for player in self.players: player["socket"].sendall(king_message) elif command == "ptn": winner = self.board.game_winner() if winner is not None: for player in self.players: if player["id"] is winner: player["socket"].sendall(b"win:__,__") else: player["socket"].sendall(b"los:__,__") else: self.board.next_turn() file_obj_socket.sendall(b"ntn:__,__") for player in self.players: if player["socket"] is not file_obj_socket: player["socket"].sendall(b"ytn:__,__") else: logger.error(f"Unknown command {message}") def main_loop(self): try: while self.running: events = for key, _ in events: callback = callback(key.fileobj) except KeyboardInterrupt:"Closing server") self.server_socket.close() self.socket_selector.close() def close_server(self): self.running = False
def __init__(self): self._history = [] self._initial_board = Board(self) self._board = self._initial_board
Otherwise return None """ for xy, color in board._b.items(): if color == EMPTY_COLOR: continue str_x, str_y = xy.split(',') x = int(str_x) y = int(str_y) for x_step, y_step in [(1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1)]: if get_others(board._b, x, y, x_step, y_step) == {color}: return color return None if __name__ == '__main__': board = Board(width=COLS, height=ROWS) game_loop_v3(board) """ print_board(board) put_stone(board, 0, 'blue') print_board(board) put_stone(board, 2, 'blue') print_board(board) put_stone(board, 0, 'blue') print_board(board) """
def initial_board(): return Board()
def test_empty_board(self): board = Board.create_empty_board(None) self.assertEqual(len(board.board), Common.board_size ** 2) for field in board.board: self.assertIsNone(field)
def setUp(self): self.board = Board()
def test_empty_board(self): board = Board.create_empty_board(None) self.assertEqual(len(board.board), Common.board_size**2) for field in board.board: self.assertIsNone(field)
class GameController: MAX_MONEY = 1000 def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() # self.player = Player("Daniele", 1000) # self.player2 = Player("peppe", 1000) self.props = ( Prop("Vicolo Corto", 60, 30, 50, 2, 0, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Vicolo Stretto", 60, 30, 50, 2, 0, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Station("Stazione Sud", 60, 200), Prop("Bastioni Gran Sasso", 60, 30, 50, 3, 1, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Viale Vesuvio", 60, 30, 50, 3, 1, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Viale monte rosa", 60, 30, 50, 3, 1, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Via Accademia", 60, 30, 50, 3, 2, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Corso Ateneo", 60, 30, 50, 3, 2, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Piazza Università", 60, 30, 50, 3, 2, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Via Verdi", 60, 30, 50, 3, 3, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Corso Raffaello", 60, 30, 50, 3, 3, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Piazza Dante", 60, 30, 50, 3, 3, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Via Marco Polo", 60, 30, 50, 3, 4, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Corso Magellano", 60, 30, 50, 3, 4, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Largo Colombo", 60, 30, 50, 3, 4, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Largo Colombo", 60, 30, 50, 3, 4, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Largo Colombo", 60, 30, 50, 3, 4, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Largo Colombo", 60, 30, 50, 3, 4, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, 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hotel=60), Prop("Largo Colombo", 60, 30, 50, 3, 4, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Largo Colombo", 60, 30, 50, 3, 4, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Largo Colombo", 60, 30, 50, 3, 4, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), Prop("Largo Colombo", 60, 30, 50, 3, 4, none=5, complete=8, one=10, two=20, three=30, four=50, hotel=60), ) # self.players = [self.player, self.player2] # print(self.player) # print(self.player2) self.board = Board(self.props) def initialize(self): pass def start_game(self): pass def add_player(self, name, color): p = Player(name, GameController.MAX_MONEY, color) self.board.add_player(p)