Exemple #1
def processText(ctagsLang, text, sortAlphabetically):
    ctagsPath = core.config()['Navigator']['CtagsPath']
    langArg = '--language-force={}'.format(ctagsLang)

    # \t is used as separator in ctags output. Avoid \t in tags text to simplify parsing
    # encode to utf8
    data = text.replace('\t', '    ').encode('utf8')

    with _namedTemp() as tempFile:
        tempFile.close()  # Windows compatibility

            stdout = gco.get_console_output([ctagsPath,
                                             '-f', '-', '-u', '--fields=nKs', langArg, tempFile.name])[0]
        except OSError as ex:
            raise FailedException('Failed to execute ctags console utility "{}": {}\n'
                                  .format(ctagsPath, str(ex)) +
                                  'Go to Settings -> Settings -> Navigator to set path to ctags')

    tags = _parseTags(ctagsLang, stdout)

    if sortAlphabetically:
        return _sortTagsAlphabetically(tags)
        return tags
Exemple #2
    def _processSync(self, language, filePath):
        conf = core.config()['Lint']['Python']
        ignored = ','.join(conf['IgnoredMessages'].split())
            stdout = get_console_output([
                '--ignore={}'.format(ignored), filePath
        except OSError:

        result = {}

        for line in stdout.splitlines():
            match = self._PARSER_REG_EXP.match(line)
            if match:
                filePath = match.group(1)
                lineNumber = match.group(2)
                rest = match.group(4)

                msgId, msgText = rest.lstrip().split(' ', 1)

                lineIndex = int(lineNumber) - 1
                msgType = self._msgType(msgId)

                if msgType is not None:  # not ignored
                    if lineIndex not in result:
                        result[lineIndex] = (msgType, rest)

        return result
Exemple #3
    def _processSync(self, language, filePath):
        conf = core.config()['Lint']['Python']
        ignored = ','.join(conf['IgnoredMessages'].split())
            stdout = get_console_output([conf['Path'],
        except OSError:

        result = {}

        for line in stdout.splitlines():
            match = self._PARSER_REG_EXP.match(line)
            if match:
                filePath = match.group(1)
                lineNumber = match.group(2)
                rest = match.group(4)

                msgId, msgText = rest.lstrip().split(' ', 1)

                lineIndex = int(lineNumber) - 1
                msgType = self._msgType(msgId)

                if msgType is not None:  # not ignored
                    if lineIndex not in result:
                        result[lineIndex] = (msgType, rest)

        return result
Exemple #4
    def _processSync(self, language, filePath):
        conf = core.config()['Lint']['Python']
        ignored = ','.join(conf['IgnoredMessages'].split())
            stdout = get_console_output([conf['Path'],
        except OSError:

        result = {}

        for line in stdout.splitlines():
            match = self._PARSER_REG_EXP.match(line)
            if match:
                filePath = match.group(1)
                lineNumber = match.group(2)
                columnNumber = match.group(3)
                rest = match.group(4)

                msgId, msgText = rest.lstrip().split(' ', 1)

                lineIndex = int(lineNumber) - 1
                # Per comments on _MSG_ID_CONVERTOR, mark PEP8 E9 errors as errors. All
                # other PEP8 errors are shown as warnings.
                if msgId.startswith('E9'):
                    msgType = Qutepart.LINT_ERROR
                    msgType = self._MSG_ID_CONVERTOR[msgId[0]]
                if msgType is not None:  # not ignored
                    if lineIndex not in result:
                        result[lineIndex] = (msgType, rest)

        return result
Exemple #5
def processText(ctagsLang, text, sortAlphabetically):
    ctagsPath = core.config()['Navigator']['CtagsPath']
    langArg = '--language-force={}'.format(ctagsLang)

    # \t is used as separator in ctags output. Avoid \t in tags text to simplify parsing
    # encode to utf8
    data = text.replace('\t', '    ').encode('utf8')

    with _namedTemp() as tempFile:
        tempFile.close()  # Windows compatibility

            stdout = gco.get_console_output([
                ctagsPath, '-f', '-', '-u', '--fields=nKs', langArg,
        except OSError as ex:
            raise FailedException(
                'Failed to execute ctags console utility "{}": {}\n'.format(
                    ctagsPath, str(ex)) +
                'Go to Settings -> Settings -> Navigator to set path to ctags')

    tags = _parseTags(ctagsLang, stdout)

    if sortAlphabetically:
        return _sortTagsAlphabetically(tags)
        return tags
Exemple #6
    def _processSync(self, language, filePath):
        conf = core.config()['Lint']['Python']
        ignored = ','.join(conf['IgnoredMessages'].split())
            stdout = get_console_output([
                '--ignore={}'.format(ignored), filePath
        except OSError:

        result = {}

        for line in stdout.splitlines():
            match = self._PARSER_REG_EXP.match(line)
            if match:
                filePath = match.group(1)
                lineNumber = match.group(2)
                columnNumber = match.group(3)
                rest = match.group(4)

                msgId, msgText = rest.lstrip().split(' ', 1)

                lineIndex = int(lineNumber) - 1
                # Per comments on _MSG_ID_CONVERTOR, mark PEP8 E9 errors as errors. All other PEP8 errors are shown as warnings.
                if msgId.startswith('E9'):
                    msgType = Qutepart.LINT_ERROR
                    msgType = self._MSG_ID_CONVERTOR[msgId[0]]
                if msgType is not None:  # not ignored
                    if lineIndex not in result:
                        result[lineIndex] = (msgType, rest)

        return result
Exemple #7
    def _processSync(self, language, filePath):
        conf = core.config()["Lint"]["Python"]
        ignored = ",".join(conf["IgnoredMessages"].split())
            stdout = get_console_output(
        except OSError:

        result = {}

        for line in stdout.splitlines():
            match = self._PARSER_REG_EXP.match(line)
            if match:
                filePath = match.group(1)
                lineNumber = match.group(2)
                columnNumber = match.group(3)
                rest = match.group(4)

                msgId, msgText = rest.lstrip().split(" ", 1)

                lineIndex = int(lineNumber) - 1
                msgType = self._msgType(msgId)

                if msgType is not None:  # not ignored
                    if lineIndex not in result:
                        result[lineIndex] = (msgType, rest)

        return result
Exemple #8
def _getFlake8Version(path):
    """Get pylint version as tuple of integer items.

    Raise OSError if not found
          ValueError if failed to parse
    stdout = get_console_output([path, '--version'])[0]
        versionLine = stdout.splitlines()[0]
    except IndexError:  # empty output
        raise ValueError()
    version = versionLine.split()[0]
    return [int(num) for num in version.split('.')]
Exemple #9
def _getFlake8Version(path):
    """Get pylint version as tuple of integer items.

    Raise OSError if not found
          ValueError if failed to parse
    stdout = get_console_output([path, '--version'])[0]
        versionLine = stdout.splitlines()[0]
    except IndexError:  # empty output
        raise ValueError()
    version = versionLine.split()[0]
    return [int(num)
            for num in version.split('.')]
Exemple #10
    def _updateExecuteError(self, path):
        """ Check if pylint is installed.

        Return None if OK or textual error
            stdout, stderr = gco.get_console_output(path, ['--version'])
        except OSError as ex:
            self.lExecuteError.setText('Failed to execute ctags: {}'.format(ex))
            if 'Exuberant Ctags' in stdout:
                self.lExecuteError.setText('ctags is found!')
            elif 'GNU Emacs' in stdout:
                self.lExecuteError.setText('You are trying to use etags from the Emacs package, but it is not supported. Use Exuberant Ctags.')
Exemple #11
def _getPylintVersion(path):
    """Get pylint version as tuple of integer items.

    Raise OSError if not found
          ValueError if failed to parse
    stdout, stderr = get_console_output(path, ['--version'])
        versionLine = [line \
                            for line in stdout.splitlines() \
                                if line.startswith('pylint')][0]
        version = versionLine.split()[1].rstrip(',')
    except IndexError:  # incorrect version string
        raise ValueError()
    return [int(num) \
                for num in version.split('.')]
Exemple #12
    def _updateExecuteError(self, path):
        """ Check if pylint is installed.

        Return None if OK or textual error
            stdout, stderr = gco.get_console_output([path, '--version'])
        except OSError as ex:
                'Failed to execute ctags: {}'.format(ex))
            if 'Exuberant Ctags' in stdout:
                self.lExecuteError.setText('ctags is found!')
            elif 'GNU Emacs' in stdout:
                    'You are trying to use etags from the Emacs package, but it is not supported. Use Exuberant Ctags.'
Exemple #13
    def _processSync(self, language, filePath):
            stderr, stdout = get_console_output(core.config()['Lint']['Python']['Path'],
        except OSError:

        result = {}

        for line in stderr.splitlines():
            if line.startswith('enkilint:'):
                _, lineNumber, msgId, msgText = line.split(':', 3)

                lineIndex = int(lineNumber) - 1
                msgType = self._MSG_ID_CONVERTOR[msgId[0]]
                if msgType is not None:  # not ignored
                    result[lineIndex] = (msgType, msgText)

        return result
Exemple #14
def _getSphinxVersion(path):
    """Return the Sphinx version as a list of integer items.

    Raise OSError if not found, or
          ValueError if failed to parse.
    stdout, stderr = get_console_output([path, "--version"])
    # Command "Sphinx-build --version" will only output sphinx version info.
    # Typical output looks like: ``Sphinx (sphinx-build) 1.2.3`` or
    # ``Sphinx v1.2.3``
    # But the problem is sometimes version info goes to stdout(version 1.2.3),
    # while sometimes it goes to stderr(version 1.1.3). Thus combining stdout
    # and stderr is necessary.
    out = stdout + "\n" + stderr
    for line in out.split("\n"):
        if line.startswith("Sphinx"):
            # Split on space, take the last segment, if it starts with character
            # 'v', strip the 'v'. Then split on dot. returning the version as a
            # tuple.
            version = line.split(" ")[-1]
            version = version[1:] if version.startswith("v") else version
            return [int(num) for num in version.split(".")]
    raise ValueError
Exemple #15
def _getSphinxVersion(path):
    """Return the Sphinx version as a list of integer items.

    Raise OSError if not found, or
          ValueError if failed to parse.
    stdout, stderr = get_console_output([path, "--version"])
    # Command "Sphinx-build --version" will only output sphinx version info.
    # Typical output looks like: ``Sphinx (sphinx-build) 1.2.3`` or
    # ``Sphinx v1.2.3``
    # But the problem is sometimes version info goes to stdout(version 1.2.3),
    # while sometimes it goes to stderr(version 1.1.3). Thus combining stdout
    # and stderr is necessary.
    out = stdout + '\n' + stderr
    for line in out.split('\n'):
        if line.startswith("Sphinx"):
            # Split on space, take the last segment, if it starts with character
            # 'v', strip the 'v'. Then split on dot. returning the version as a
            # tuple.
            version = line.split(' ')[-1]
            version = version[1:] if version.startswith('v') else version
            return [int(num) for num in version.split('.')]
    raise ValueError
Exemple #16
def _getSphinxVersion(path):
    """Return the Sphinx version as a list of integer items.

    Raise OSError if not found, or
          ValueError if failed to parse.
    stdout, stderr = get_console_output([path, "--version"])
    # The command "sphinx-build --version" will only output sphinx version info. Typical output looks like:
    # - ``Sphinx (sphinx-build) 1.2.3``
    # - ``Sphinx v1.2.3``
    # - ``sphinx-build 1.7.0``.
    # Sometimes version info goes to stdout (version 1.2.3), while sometimes it goes to stderr (version 1.1.3). Thus combining stdout and stderr is necessary.
    out = stdout + '\n' + stderr
    for line in out.split('\n'):
        if line.lower().startswith("sphinx"):
            # Split on space, take the last segment, if it starts with character
            # 'v', strip the 'v'. Then split on a period, returning the version as a tuple.
            version = line.split(' ')[-1]
            version = version[1:] if version.startswith('v') else version
            return [int(num) for num in version.split('.')]
    raise ValueError