Exemple #1
def estimate_atmosphere(tod, region_cut, srate, fknee, alpha):
    model = gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod, region_cut, inplace=False)
    ft = fft.rfft(model)
    freq = fft.rfftfreq(model.shape[-1]) * srate
    flt = 1 / (1 + (freq / fknee)**alpha)
    ft *= flt
    fft.ifft(ft, model, normalize=True)
    return model
Exemple #2
def estimate_atmosphere(tod, region_cut, srate, fknee, alpha):
	model = gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod, region_cut, inplace=False)
	ft   = fft.rfft(model)
	freq = fft.rfftfreq(model.shape[-1])*srate
	flt  = 1/(1+(freq/fknee)**alpha)
	ft  *= flt
	fft.ifft(ft, model, normalize=True)
	return model
Exemple #3
	with bench.show("ivar"):
		tod  = d.tod
		del d.tod
		tod -= np.mean(tod,1)[:,None]
		tod  = tod.astype(dtype)
		diff = tod[:,1:]-tod[:,:-1]
		diff = diff[:,:diff.shape[-1]/csize*csize].reshape(d.ndet,-1,csize)
		ivar = 1/(np.median(np.mean(diff**2,-1),-1)/2**0.5)
		del diff
	# Generate planet cut
	with bench.show("planet cut"):
		planet_cut = cuts.avoidance_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset, d.site,
				args.planet, R)
	# Subtract atmospheric model
	with bench.show("atm model"):
		model= gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod, planet_cut, inplace=False)
	# Estimate noise level
	asens = np.sum(ivar)**-0.5 / d.srate**0.5
	print asens
	with bench.show("smooth"):
		ft   = fft.rfft(model)
		freq = fft.rfftfreq(model.shape[-1])*d.srate
		flt  = 1/(1+(freq/model_fknee)**model_alpha)
		ft  *= flt
		fft.ifft(ft, model, normalize=True)
		del ft, flt, freq
	with bench.show("atm subtract"):
		tod -= model
		del model
		tod  = tod.astype(dtype, copy=False)
	# Should now be reasonably clean of correlated noise.
Exemple #4
        rhs = enmap.zeros((ncomp, ) + shape, area.wcs, dtype)
        div = enmap.zeros((ncomp, ncomp) + shape, area.wcs, dtype)
        hits = enmap.zeros((ncomp, ncomp) + shape, area.wcs, dtype)
        junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk, dtype)
    # Generate planet cut.
    with bench.show("planet cut"):
        planet_cut = cuts.avoidance_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset, d.site,
                                        args.planet, R)

    if args.sim:
        if args.noiseless: tod_orig = tod.copy()
        with bench.show("inject"):
            pmap.forward(tod, area)
    # Compute atmospheric model
    with bench.show("atm model"):
        model = smooth(gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod, planet_cut, inplace=False),
    if args.sim and args.noiseless:
        model -= smooth(
            gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod_orig, planet_cut, inplace=False),
        tod -= tod_orig
        del tod_orig
    with bench.show("atm subtract"):
        tod -= model
        del model
        tod = tod.astype(dtype, copy=False)
    # Should now be reasonably clean of correlated noise.
    # Proceed to make simple binned map
    with bench.show("rhs"):
        tod *= ivar[:, None]
Exemple #5
def calc_model_joneig(tod, cut, srate=400):
    return smooth(gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod, cut, inplace=False), srate)
Exemple #6
	with bench.show("ivar"):
		tod  = d.tod
		del d.tod
		tod -= np.mean(tod,1)[:,None]
		tod  = tod.astype(dtype)
		diff = tod[:,1:]-tod[:,:-1]
		diff = diff[:,:diff.shape[-1]//csize*csize].reshape(d.ndet,-1,csize)
		ivar = 1/(np.median(np.mean(diff**2,-1),-1)/2**0.5)
		del diff
	# Generate planet cut
	with bench.show("planet cut"):
		planet_cut = cuts.avoidance_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset, d.site,
				args.planet, R)
	# Subtract atmospheric model
	with bench.show("atm model"):
		model= gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod, planet_cut, inplace=False)
	# Estimate noise level
	asens = np.sum(ivar)**-0.5 / d.srate**0.5
	with bench.show("smooth"):
		ft   = fft.rfft(model)
		freq = fft.rfftfreq(model.shape[-1])*d.srate
		flt  = 1/(1+(freq/model_fknee)**model_alpha)
		ft  *= flt
		fft.ifft(ft, model, normalize=True)
		del ft, flt, freq
	with bench.show("atm subtract"):
		tod -= model
		del model
		tod  = tod.astype(dtype, copy=False)
	# Should now be reasonably clean of correlated noise, so we can from now on use
Exemple #7
def calc_model_joneig(tod, cut, srate=400):
	return smooth(gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod, cut, inplace=False), srate)
Exemple #8
		pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, area, sys=sys)
		pcut = pmat.PmatCut(scan)
		rhs  = enmap.zeros((ncomp,)+shape, area.wcs, dtype)
		div  = enmap.zeros((ncomp,ncomp)+shape, area.wcs, dtype)
		junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk, dtype)
	# Generate planet cut
	with bench.show("planet cut"):
		planet_cut = cuts.avoidance_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset, d.site,
				args.planet, R)
	if args.sim:
		if args.noiseless: tod_orig = tod.copy()
		with bench.show("inject"):
			pmap.forward(tod, area)
	# Compute atmospheric model
	with bench.show("atm model"):
		model  = smooth(gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod,      planet_cut, inplace=False), d.srate)
	if args.sim and args.noiseless:
		model -= smooth(gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod_orig, planet_cut, inplace=False), d.srate)
		tod   -= tod_orig
		del tod_orig
	with bench.show("atm subtract"):
		tod -= model
		del model
		tod  = tod.astype(dtype, copy=False)
	# Should now be reasonably clean of correlated noise.
	# Proceed to make simple binned map
	with bench.show("rhs"):
		tod *= ivar[:,None]
		pcut.backward(tod, junk)
		pmap.backward(tod, rhs)
	with bench.show("hits"):
Exemple #9
        if bleh:
            sim_rhs = np.zeros(len(inject_params))
            sim_div = np.zeros(len(inject_params))

        for si, scan in zip(myinds, myscans):
            L.debug("Processing %s" % scan.id)
            # Read the tod
            tod = scan.get_samples().astype(dtype)
            tod = utils.deslope(tod)

            if args.mapsub:
                # Subtract the reference map. If the reference map is not source free,
                # then this could reintroduce strong point sources that were cut earlier.
                # To avoid this we do another round of gapfilling
                signal.forward(scan, tod, refmap, tmul=1, mmul=-1)
                gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod, scan.cut, inplace=True)

            # Inject simulated signal if requested
            if args.inject:
                dmjd = scan.mjd0 - mjd0
                earth_pos = -ephemeris.ephem_vec("Sun", scan.mjd0)[:, 0]
                # Set the position and amplitude uK of each simulated source
                sim_srcs = np.zeros([len(inject_params), 8])
                # TODO: inject and analyze with no displacement to see if interpolation is the
                # cause of the low bias in amplitude.
                sim_srcs[:, :2] = inject_params[:, 1::-1] * utils.degree
                if not args.static:
                    sim_srcs[:, :2] = planet9.displace_pos(
                        sim_srcs[:, :2].T, earth_pos, inject_params.T[2],
                        inject_params.T[4:2:-1] * ym * dmjd).T
                #print "params", inject_params[:,5]