Exemple #1
 def icov_fun(x):
     p = pflat.copy()
     p[:, 2:-3], = dof.unzip(x)
     ptsrc_data.pmat_model(tod, p, d, dir=+1)
     ptsrc_data.nmat_basis(tod, d)
     ptsrc_data.pmat_model(tod, p, d, dir=-1)
     return dof.zip(p[:, 2:-3])
Exemple #2
def estimate_SN(d, fparams, src_groups):
    gmax = max([len(g) for g in src_groups])
    nsrc, ncomp = fparams[:, 2:-3].shape
    SN = np.zeros([nsrc, ncomp])
    for i in range(gmax):
        for c in range(ncomp):
            flat = fparams.copy()
            flat[:, 2:-3] = 0
            for g in src_groups:
                if len(g) <= i: continue
                flat[g[i], c + 2] = fparams[g[i], c + 2]
            # Do all the compatible sources in parallel
            mtod = d.tod.copy()
            ptsrc_data.pmat_model(mtod, flat, d)
            ntod = mtod.copy()
            ptsrc_data.nmat_basis(ntod, d)
            # And then extract S/N for each of them
            for g in src_groups:
                if len(g) <= i: continue
                si = g[i]
                my_sn = 0
                for ri in d.rangesets[d.offsets[si, 0]:d.offsets[si, -1]]:
                    r = d.ranges[ri]
                    my_sn += np.sum(ntod[r[0]:r[1]] * mtod[r[0]:r[1]])
                SN[si, c] = my_sn
    return SN
Exemple #3
def calc_amp_dist(tod, d, params, mask=None):
    if mask is None: mask = params.strong
    if np.sum(mask) == 0:
        return AmpDist(np.zeros([0, 0]), np.zeros([0]), DOF(Arg(mask=mask)))
    # rhs = P'N"d
    tod = tod.astype(dtype, copy=True)
    pflat = params.flat.copy()
    ptsrc_data.nmat_basis(tod, d)
    ptsrc_data.pmat_model(tod, pflat, d, dir=-1)
    rhs = pflat[:, 2:-3].copy()
    dof = DOF(Arg(mask=mask))

    # Set up functional form of icov
    def icov_fun(x):
        p = pflat.copy()
        p[:, 2:-3], = dof.unzip(x)
        ptsrc_data.pmat_model(tod, p, d, dir=+1)
        ptsrc_data.nmat_basis(tod, d)
        ptsrc_data.pmat_model(tod, p, d, dir=-1)
        return dof.zip(p[:, 2:-3])

    # Build A matrix in parallel. When using more than
    # one component, the ndof will be twice the number of sources, so
    # groups must be modified
    dgroups = groups_to_dof(params.groups, dof)
    icov = np.zeros([dof.n, dof.n])
    nmax = max([len(g) for g in dgroups])
    for i in range(nmax):
        # Loop through the elements of the uncorrelated groups in parallel
        u = np.zeros(dof.n)
        u[[g[i] for g in dgroups if len(g) > i]] = 1
        icov_u = icov_fun(u)
        # Extract result into full A
        for g in dgroups:
            if len(g) > i:
                icov[g[i], g] = icov_u[g]
    return AmpDist(icov, dof.zip(rhs), dof)
Exemple #4
 def apply_model(tod, pflat, d, dir=1):
     ptsrc_data.pmat_model(tod, pflat, d, dir=dir)
Exemple #5
def subtract_model(tod, d, fparams):
    mtod = tod.astype(dtype, copy=True)
    p = fparams.copy()
    ptsrc_data.pmat_model(mtod, p, d)
    return tod - mtod
Exemple #6
	def apply_model(tod, pflat, d, dir=1):
		ptsrc_data.pmat_model(tod, pflat, d, dir=dir)