Exemple #1
	def reduce(self, comm):
		res = self.copy()
		res.rhs[:]     = utils.allreduce(self.rhs, comm)
		res.hdiv[:]    = utils.allreduce(self.hdiv, comm)
		res.wfilter[:] = utils.allreduce(self.wfilter, comm)
		res.ids        = comm.allreduce(list(res.ids))
		return res
Exemple #2
 def reduce(self, comm):
     res = self.copy()
     res.rhs[:] = utils.allreduce(self.rhs, comm)
     res.hdiv[:] = utils.allreduce(self.hdiv, comm)
     res.wfilter[:] = utils.allreduce(self.wfilter, comm)
     res.ids = comm.allreduce(list(res.ids))
     return res
Exemple #3
 def calc_b(self):
     res = self.dof.unzip(np.zeros(self.dof.n))
     for work in self.workspaces:
         wmap = np.ascontiguousarray(work.rhs.copy())
         work.pmat.backward(wmap, res)
     res = utils.allreduce(res, self.comm)
     return res
Exemple #4
	def __call__(self, x):
		xmap = self.dof.unzip(x)
		res  = xmap*0
		for info in self.infos:
			t  = [time.time()]
			work  = xmap*info.H
			umap  = info.U.apply(work)
			fmap  = fft.fft(umap+0j, axes=[-2,-1])
			fmap  = info.N.apply(fmap, exp=0.5)
			if info.W is not None:
				fmap = info.W.apply(fmap)
			fmap  = info.N.apply(fmap, exp=0.5)
			umap  = fft.ifft(fmap, umap+0j, axes=[-2,-1], normalize=True).real
			work = enmap.samewcs(info.U.trans(umap, work),work)
			work *= info.H
			t = np.array(t)
			print " %4.2f"*(len(t)-1) % tuple(t[1:]-t[:-1])
			res  += work
		res = utils.allreduce(res,comm)
		return self.dof.zip(res)
Exemple #5
	def calc_b(self):
		res = self.dof.unzip(np.zeros(self.dof.n))
		for work in self.workspaces:
			wmap = np.ascontiguousarray(work.rhs.copy())
			work.pmat.backward(wmap, res)
		res = utils.allreduce(res, self.comm)
		return res
Exemple #6
 def __call__(self, x):
     xmap = self.dof.unzip(x)
     res = xmap * 0
     for info in self.infos:
         t = [time.time()]
         work = xmap * info.H
         umap = info.U.apply(work)
         fmap = fft.fft(umap + 0j, axes=[-2, -1])
         fmap = info.N.apply(fmap, exp=0.5)
         if info.W is not None:
             fmap = info.W.apply(fmap)
         fmap = info.N.apply(fmap, exp=0.5)
         umap = fft.ifft(fmap, umap + 0j, axes=[-2, -1],
         work = enmap.samewcs(info.U.trans(umap, work), work)
         work *= info.H
         t = np.array(t)
         print " %4.2f" * (len(t) - 1) % tuple(t[1:] - t[:-1])
         res += work
     res = utils.allreduce(res, comm)
     return self.dof.zip(res)
Exemple #7
 def A(x):
     map = x[:area.size].reshape(area.shape)
     junk = x[area.size:]
     omap = map * 0
     ojunk = junk * 0
     for scan in scans:
         tod = np.zeros([scan.ndet, scan.nsamp], dtype)
         scan.pmap.forward(tod, map)
         scan.pcut.forward(tod, junk[scan.cut_range[0]:scan.cut_range[1]])
         scan.pcut.backward(tod, ojunk[scan.cut_range[0]:scan.cut_range[1]])
         scan.pmap.backward(tod, omap)
         del tod
     omap = utils.allreduce(omap, comm)
     return np.concatenate([omap.reshape(-1), ojunk], 0)
Exemple #8
	def A(x):
		map  = x[:area.size].reshape(area.shape)
		junk = x[area.size:]
		omap = map*0
		ojunk= junk*0
		for scan in scans:
			tod = np.zeros([scan.ndet,scan.nsamp],dtype)
			scan.pmap.forward(tod, map)
			scan.pcut.forward(tod, junk[scan.cut_range[0]:scan.cut_range[1]])
			scan.pcut.backward(tod, ojunk[scan.cut_range[0]:scan.cut_range[1]])
			scan.pmap.backward(tod, omap)
			del tod
		omap = utils.allreduce(omap, comm)
		return np.concatenate([omap.reshape(-1),ojunk],0)
Exemple #9
	def A(self, x):
		map = self.dof.unzip(x)
		res = map*0
		for work in self.workspaces:
			# This is normall P'N"P. In our case 
			wmap = enmap.zeros(work.geometry.shape, work.geometry.lwcs, work.geometry.dtype)
			work.pmat.forward(wmap, map)
			#wmap[:] = array_ops.matmul(work.hdiv_norm_sqrt, wmap, [0,1])
			wmap *= work.hdiv_norm_sqrt
			ft  = fft.rfft(wmap)
			ft *= work.wfilter
			fft.ifft(ft, wmap, normalize=True)
			wmap *= work.hdiv_norm_sqrt
			# Noise weighting would go here. No weighting for now
			#wmap[:] = array_ops.matmul(np.rollaxis(work.hdiv_norm_sqrt,1), wmap, [0,1])
			work.pmat.backward(wmap, res)
		res = utils.allreduce(res, self.comm)
		return self.dof.zip(res)
Exemple #10
 def A(self, x):
     map = self.dof.unzip(x)
     res = map * 0
     for work in self.workspaces:
         # This is normall P'N"P. In our case
         wmap = enmap.zeros(work.geometry.shape, work.geometry.lwcs,
         work.pmat.forward(wmap, map)
         #wmap[:] = array_ops.matmul(work.hdiv_norm_sqrt, wmap, [0,1])
         wmap *= work.hdiv_norm_sqrt
         ft = fft.rfft(wmap)
         ft *= work.wfilter
         fft.ifft(ft, wmap, normalize=True)
         wmap *= work.hdiv_norm_sqrt
         # Noise weighting would go here. No weighting for now
         #wmap[:] = array_ops.matmul(np.rollaxis(work.hdiv_norm_sqrt,1), wmap, [0,1])
         work.pmat.backward(wmap, res)
     res = utils.allreduce(res, self.comm)
     return self.dof.zip(res)
Exemple #11
def sum(dmap, axis=None):
    """Sum a dmap along the specified axis, or the flattened version if axis is None.
	The result is a Dmap if the pixel axes are not involved in the sum."""
    # Full sum
    if axis is None:
        return dmap.geometry.comm.allreduce(
            np.sum([np.sum(t) for t in dmap.tiles]))
    # Non-pixel sums
    if axis < 0: axis = dmap.ndim + axis
    if axis < dmap.ndim - 2:
        pre = dmap.pre[:axis] + dmap.pre[axis + 1:]
        res = zeros(dmap.geometry.aspre(pre))
        for itile, otile in zip(dmap.tiles, res.tiles):
            otile[:] = np.sum(itile, axis)
        return res
    # Pixel sums: Sum each tile along the specified direction. Then sum tiles
    # that are on the same row/column. Then stack along the remaining row/column
    res = np.zeros(dmap.shape[:axis] + dmap.shape[axis + 1:], dmap.dtype)
    paxis = axis - (dmap.ndim - 2)
    for tile, ind in zip(dmap.tiles, dmap.loc_inds):
        pbox = dmap.geometry.tile_boxes[ind]
        res[..., pbox[0, 1 - paxis]:pbox[1, 1 - paxis]] += np.sum(tile, axis)
    return utils.allreduce(res, dmap.comm)
Exemple #12
     ps = np.abs(ft)**2 / (nsamp * srate)
     del ft
     # Choose a random set of detectors to be examples.
     iex = np.random.permutation(len(ps))[:nex]
     examples[ind] = ps[iex]
     # Want mean and dev between detectors. These can
     # be built from ps and ps**2
     stats[:, ind] = calc_bin_stats(ps, bin_freqs, nsamp, srate)
     n, a, a2 = calc_bin_stats(ps, bin_freqs_status, nsamp, srate)
     del ps
     amean = a / n
     adev = (a2 / n - amean**2)**0.5
     print(id + " " +
           "".join([get_token(me, de) for me, de in zip(amean, adev)]) +
           " %5.2f" % d.apex.pwv)
 tot_stats = utils.allreduce(stats, comm)
 tot_examples = utils.allreduce(examples, comm)
 if comm.rank == 0:
     mask = np.all(tot_stats[0] != 0, 1)
     n, a, a2 = tot_stats[:, mask]
     # Individual statistics
     amean = a / n
     adev = (a2 / n - amean**2)**0.5
     # Overall
     amean_tot = np.sum(a, 0) / np.sum(n, 0)
     adev_tot = np.std(amean, 0)
     with h5py.File(args.ofile, "w") as hfile:
         hfile["bins"] = bin_freqs
         hfile["ps"] = amean
         hfile["dps"] = adev
         hfile["hits"] = n
Exemple #13
    if rhs_tot is None: rhs_tot = rhs
    else: rhs_tot += rhs


rhs = utils.allreduce(rhs_tot, comm)

#info = infos[0]
#foo  = rhs*info.H
#enmap.write_map("test1.fits", foo)
#bar  = enmap.samewcs(info.U.apply(foo),foo)
#enmap.write_map("test2.fits", bar)
#foo  = enmap.samewcs(info.U.trans(bar, foo),foo)
#enmap.write_map("test3.fits", foo)

dof = zipper.ArrayZipper(rhs.copy())
A = Amat(dof, infos, comm)
cg = enlib.cg.CG(A, dof.zip(rhs))
Exemple #14
			if col_major: array_dets = array_dets.reshape(nrow,ncol).T.reshape(-1)
			det_unit   = nrow if col_major else ncol
			areas      = mapmaking.PhaseMap.zeros(patterns, array_dets, res=res, det_unit=det_unit, dtype=dtype)
			signal     = mapmaking.SignalPhase(active_scans, areas, mypids, comm, name=effname, ofmt=param["ofmt"], output=param["output"]=="yes")
		elif param["type"] == "noiserect":
			ashape, awcs = enmap.read_map_geometry(get_map_path(param["value"]))
			leftright = int(param["leftright"]) > 0
			# Drift is in degrees per hour, but we want it per second
			drift = float(param["drift"])/3600
			area = enmap.zeros((args.ncomp*(1+leftright),)+ashape[-2:], awcs, dtype)
			# Find the duration of each tod. We need this for the y offsets
			nactive = utils.allgather(np.array(len(active_scans)), comm)
			offs    = utils.cumsum(nactive, endpoint=True)
			durs    = np.zeros(np.sum(nactive))
			for i, scan in enumerate(active_scans): durs[offs[comm.rank]+i] = scan.nsamp/scan.srate
			durs    = utils.allreduce(durs, comm)
			ys      = utils.cumsum(durs)*drift
			my_ys   = ys[offs[comm.rank]:offs[comm.rank+1]]
			# That was surprisingly cumbersome
			signal  = mapmaking.SignalNoiseRect(active_scans, area, drift, my_ys, comm, name=effname, mode=param["mode"], ofmt=param["ofmt"], output=param["output"]=="yes")
		elif param["type"] == "srcsamp":
			if param["srcs"] == "none": srcs = None
			else: srcs = pointsrcs.read(param["srcs"])
			minamp = float(param["minamp"])
			if "mask" in param: m = enmap.read_map(param["mask"]).astype(dtype)
			else: m = None
			signal = mapmaking.SignalSrcSamp(active_scans, dtype=dtype, comm=comm,
					srcs=srcs, amplim=minamp, mask=m)
			signal_srcsamp = signal
			raise ValueError("Unrecognized signal type '%s'" % param["type"])
Exemple #15
            scan.Nbd = scan.noise_bar.apply(tod.copy())
        if args.method == "cg":
            tmp = np.zeros(scan.pcut.njunk, dtype)
            scan.pcut.backward(tod, tmp)
            scan.pmap.backward(tod, cg_rhs)
    except errors.DataMissing as e:
        print "Skipping %s (%s)" % (id, str(e))
    print "Read %s" % id

if args.precompute:
    for lam in prec_NNjunk:
        prec_NNmap[lam] = utils.allreduce(prec_NNmap[lam], comm)
        prec_NNjunk[lam] = np.concatenate(prec_NNjunk[lam])

if args.method == "cg":
    cg_rhs = utils.allreduce(cg_rhs, comm)
    cg_rjunk = np.concatenate(cg_rjunk)
    if comm.rank == 0:
        enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/map_rhs.fits", cg_rhs)
    with h5py.File(args.odir + "/cut_rhs_%02d.hdf" % comm.rank, "w") as hfile:
        hfile["data"] = cg_rjunk

# Build div, which we need in both cases
div = enmap.zeros((ncomp, ) + area.shape, area.wcs, dtype)
for i in range(ncomp):
    work = div[0] * 0
    work[i] = 1
		print fbin
		f1,f2 = [min(nfreq-1,int(i*fmax/dfreq/nbin)) for i in [fbin,fbin+1]]
		fsub  = ft[:,f1:f2]
		cov   = array_ops.measure_cov(fsub)
		std   = np.diag(cov)**0.5
		corr  = cov / std[:,None] / std[None,:]
		myrhs = project_mat(pix, template, corr)
		mydiv = project_mat(pix, template)
		return fbin, myrhs, mydiv
	def collect(args):
		fbin, myrhs, mydiv = args
		rhs[fbin] += myrhs
		div[fbin] += mydiv
	p = multiprocessing.Pool(args.nmulti)
	for fbin in range(nbin):
		p.apply_async(handle_bin, [fbin], callback=collect)
	del ft

# Collect the results
if comm.rank == 0: print "Reducing"
rhs = enmap.samewcs(utils.allreduce(rhs, comm), rhs)
div = enmap.samewcs(utils.allreduce(div, comm), div)
with utils.nowarn():
	map = rhs/div

if comm.rank == 0:
	print "Writing"
	enmap.write_map(args.ofile, map)
Exemple #17
			if col_major: array_dets = array_dets.reshape(nrow,ncol).T.reshape(-1)
			det_unit   = nrow if col_major else ncol
			areas      = mapmaking.PhaseMap.zeros(patterns, array_dets, res=res, det_unit=det_unit, dtype=dtype)
			signal     = mapmaking.SignalPhase(active_scans, areas, mypids, comm, name=effname, ofmt=param["ofmt"], output=param["output"]=="yes")
		elif param["type"] == "noiserect":
			ashape, awcs = enmap.read_map_geometry(param["value"])
			leftright = int(param["leftright"]) > 0
			# Drift is in degrees per hour, but we want it per second
			drift = float(param["drift"])/3600
			area = enmap.zeros((args.ncomp*(1+leftright),)+ashape[-2:], awcs, dtype)
			# Find the duration of each tod. We need this for the y offsets
			nactive = utils.allgather(np.array(len(active_scans)), comm)
			offs    = utils.cumsum(nactive, endpoint=True)
			durs    = np.zeros(np.sum(nactive))
			for i, scan in enumerate(active_scans): durs[offs[comm.rank]+i] = scan.nsamp/scan.srate
			durs    = utils.allreduce(durs, comm)
			ys      = utils.cumsum(durs)*drift
			my_ys   = ys[offs[comm.rank]:offs[comm.rank+1]]
			# That was surprisingly cumbersome
			signal  = mapmaking.SignalNoiseRect(active_scans, area, drift, my_ys, comm, name=effname, mode=param["mode"], ofmt=param["ofmt"], output=param["output"]=="yes")
		elif param["type"] == "srcsamp":
			if param["srcs"] == "none": srcs = None
			else: srcs = pointsrcs.read(param["srcs"])
			minamp = float(param["minamp"])
			signal = mapmaking.SignalSrcSamp(active_scans, dtype=dtype, comm=comm,
					srcs=srcs, amplim=minamp)
			signal_srcsamp = signal
			raise ValueError("Unrecognized signal type '%s'" % param["type"])
		# Hack. Special source handling for some signals
		if white_src_handler and param["type"] in ["map","dmap","fmap","fdmap"]:
Exemple #18
    pmap.backward(tod, osig)
    # Also do the fiducial noise model
    tod[:] = 1
    nmat.apply_window(tod, winsize)
    nmat.apply_window(tod, winsize)
    pcut.backward(tod, junk)
    pmap.backward(tod, odiv)
    # Collect some statistics
    sig_all[ind] = np.sum(vars) * d.nsamp
    sig_med[ind] = np.median(vars) * d.ndet * d.nsamp
    div_all[ind] = np.sum(tod)
    div_med[ind] = np.median(np.sum(tod, 1)) * d.ndet

# Collect result
osig[:] = utils.allreduce(osig, comm)
odiv[:] = utils.allreduce(odiv, comm)
sig_all = utils.allreduce(sig_all, comm)
sig_med = utils.allreduce(sig_med, comm)
div_all = utils.allreduce(div_all, comm)
div_med = utils.allreduce(div_med, comm)

if comm.rank == 0:
    enmap.write_map(root + "sig.fits", osig[0])
    enmap.write_map(root + "div.fits", odiv[0])
    with open(root + "stats.txt", "w") as f:
        for ind, id in enumerate(ids):
                "%s %15.7e %15.7e %15.7e %15.7e\n" %
                (id, sig_all[ind], sig_med[ind], div_all[ind], div_med[ind]))
Exemple #19
               (ci + 1, len(chunks), len(chunk), ids[chunk[0]]))
        myinds = np.arange(len(chunk))[comm.rank::comm.size]
        myinds, myscans = scanutils.read_scans(
        myinds = np.array(myinds, int)
        # Find the cost and bbox of each successful tod
        costs = np.zeros(len(chunk), int)
        boxes = np.zeros([len(chunk), 2, 2], np.float)
        for ind, scan in zip(myinds, myscans):
            costs[ind] = scan.ndet * scan.nsamp
            boxes[ind] = scanutils.calc_sky_bbox_scan(scan, sys)
        costs = utils.allreduce(costs, comm)
        boxes = utils.allreduce(boxes, comm)
        # Disqualify empty scans
        bad = costs == 0
        L.info("Rejected %d bad tods" % (np.sum(bad)))
        inds = np.where(~bad)[0]
        costs, boxes = costs[~bad], boxes[~bad]
        ntod = len(inds)

        if ntod == 0:
            L.info("Chunk %d has no tods. Skipping" % (ci + 1))

        # Redistribute
        if not use_dmap:
            myinds = scanutils.distribute_scans2(inds, costs, comm)
Exemple #20
    bad = itheta >= ntheta
    itheta[bad] = 2 * ntheta - itheta[bad] - 1 - atpole
    iphi[bad] = iphi[bad] + nphi / 2
    bad = itheta < 0
    itheta[bad] = -itheta[bad] - 1 + atpole
    iphi[bad] = iphi[bad] + nphi / 2
    iphi %= nphi
    #theta = theta + np.arange(nring)*360./nring
    #for i in range(nring):
    #	print "%4d %7.3f %4d %4d" % (i, theta[i], itheta[i], ntheta)
    omap[..., itheta, iphi] += m[..., 0]
    hits[itheta, iphi] += 1
    # Copy over poles
    if atpole:
        for t in [0, ntheta - 1]:
            i = np.where(itheta == t)[0]
            omap[..., itheta[i], (iphi[i] + nphi / 2) % nphi] += m[..., i, 0]
            hits[itheta[i], (iphi[i] + nphi / 2) % nphi] += 1

omap = utils.allreduce(omap, comm)
hits = utils.allreduce(hits, comm)
omap /= np.maximum(1, hits)
omap.wcs = owcs

if not args.individual:
    omap = np.mean(omap, 0)

if comm.rank == 0:
    enmap.write_map(args.ofile, omap)
Exemple #21
		ft_b /= norm
		nsamp = bin[1]-bin[0]-delay
		if ft_b.size == 0: continue
		cov_b  = array_ops.measure_cov(ft_b, delay)
		var_b  = np.diag(cov_b)
		corr_b = cov_b / var_b[:,None]**0.5 / var_b[None,:]**0.5
		mask = np.isfinite(corr_b)
		corr_b[~mask] = 0
		for di, det in enumerate(d.dets):
			corr[bi,det,d.dets] += corr_b[di]*nsamp
			hits[bi,det,d.dets] += mask[di]*nsamp
			var[bi,d.dets] += var_b*nsamp*norm
	del ft

if comm.rank == 0: print "Reducing"
corr = utils.allreduce(corr, comm)
print "B", np.sum(corr**2)
hits = utils.allreduce(hits, comm)
var  = utils.allreduce(var,  comm)

if comm.rank == 0:
	# Reduce to hit subset
	mask = np.diag(np.sum(hits,0))>0
	print np.sum(mask)
	corr = corr[:,mask][:,:,mask]
	print "C", np.sum(corr**2)
	hits = hits[:,mask][:,:,mask]
	var  = var[:,mask]
	pos  = pos[mask]
	dets = np.where(mask)
	# Normalize
Exemple #22
        ft_b /= norm
        nsamp = bin[1] - bin[0] - delay
        if ft_b.size == 0: continue
        cov_b = array_ops.measure_cov(ft_b, delay)
        var_b = np.diag(cov_b)
        corr_b = cov_b / var_b[:, None]**0.5 / var_b[None, :]**0.5
        mask = np.isfinite(corr_b)
        corr_b[~mask] = 0
        for di, det in enumerate(d.dets):
            corr[bi, det, d.dets] += corr_b[di] * nsamp
            hits[bi, det, d.dets] += mask[di] * nsamp
            var[bi, d.dets] += var_b * nsamp * norm
    del ft

if comm.rank == 0: print "Reducing"
corr = utils.allreduce(corr, comm)
print "B", np.sum(corr**2)
hits = utils.allreduce(hits, comm)
var = utils.allreduce(var, comm)

if comm.rank == 0:
    # Reduce to hit subset
    mask = np.diag(np.sum(hits, 0)) > 0
    print np.sum(mask)
    corr = corr[:, mask][:, :, mask]
    print "C", np.sum(corr**2)
    hits = hits[:, mask][:, :, mask]
    var = var[:, mask]
    pos = pos[mask]
    dets = np.where(mask)
    # Normalize
Exemple #23
			scan.Nbd = scan.noise_bar.apply(tod.copy())
		if args.method == "cg":
			tmp = np.zeros(scan.pcut.njunk,dtype)
			scan.pcut.backward(tod, tmp)
			scan.pmap.backward(tod, cg_rhs)
	except errors.DataMissing as e:
		print "Skipping %s (%s)" % (id, e.message)
	print "Read %s" % id

if args.precompute:
	for lam in prec_NNjunk:
		prec_NNmap[lam]  = utils.allreduce(prec_NNmap[lam], comm)
		prec_NNjunk[lam] = np.concatenate(prec_NNjunk[lam])

if args.method == "cg":
	cg_rhs = utils.allreduce(cg_rhs, comm)
	cg_rjunk = np.concatenate(cg_rjunk)
	if comm.rank == 0:
		enmap.write_map(args.odir + "/map_rhs.fits", cg_rhs)
	with h5py.File(args.odir + "/cut_rhs_%02d.hdf" % comm.rank, "w") as hfile:
		hfile["data"] = cg_rjunk

# Build div, which we need in both cases
div  = enmap.zeros((ncomp,)+area.shape,area.wcs,dtype)
for i in range(ncomp):
	work    = div[0]*0
	work[i] = 1
Exemple #24
	junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk, dtype=dtype)
	pcut.backward(tod, junk)
	pmap.backward(tod, osig)
	# Also do the fiducial noise model
	tod[:] = 1
	nmat.apply_window(tod, winsize)
	nmat.apply_window(tod, winsize)
	pcut.backward(tod, junk)
	pmap.backward(tod, odiv)
	# Collect some statistics
	sig_all[ind] = np.sum(vars)*d.nsamp
	sig_med[ind] = np.median(vars)*d.ndet*d.nsamp
	div_all[ind] = np.sum(tod)
	div_med[ind] = np.median(np.sum(tod,1))*d.ndet

# Collect result
osig[:] = utils.allreduce(osig, comm)
odiv[:] = utils.allreduce(odiv, comm)
sig_all = utils.allreduce(sig_all, comm)
sig_med = utils.allreduce(sig_med, comm)
div_all = utils.allreduce(div_all, comm)
div_med = utils.allreduce(div_med, comm)

if comm.rank == 0:
	enmap.write_map(root + "sig.fits", osig[0])
	enmap.write_map(root + "div.fits", odiv[0])
	with open(root + "stats.txt", "w") as f:
		for ind, id in enumerate(ids):
			f.write("%s %15.7e %15.7e %15.7e %15.7e\n" % (id, sig_all[ind], sig_med[ind], div_all[ind], div_med[ind]))
Exemple #25
     if nseg < 1:
         print "Skipped %s: To short tod" % id
     tod = d.tod[:, :nseg * seg_size]
     stat = np.zeros([2, nstat, ndet, nseg], dtype=dtype)
     for si in range(nstat):
         sub = tod.reshape(ndet, nseg, -1, nmed, nrms[si])
         rmss = np.median(np.std(sub, -1), -1)
         stat[0, si] = np.mean(rmss, -1)
         stat[1, si] = np.std(rmss, -1)
     lens[i] = nseg
     del d, tod, sub
 # Collect everybody's lengths
 lens = utils.allreduce(lens, comm)
 offs = utils.cumsum(lens, endpoint=True)
 # Allocate output stat buffer. This is a bit inefficient, since
 # only really the root should need to do this. But the stat arrays
 # aren't that big.
 stats = np.zeros([2, nstat, ndet, offs[-1]], dtype=dtype)
 for li, gi in enumerate(myinds):
     stats[:, :, :, offs[gi]:offs[gi + 1]] = mystats[li]
 del mystats
 stats = utils.allreduce(stats, comm)
 # And output
 if comm.rank == 0:
     print "Writing %s" % ofile
     with h5py.File(ofile, "w") as hfile:
         hfile["stats"] = stats
         hfile["lens"] = lens
Exemple #26
		if nseg < 1:
			print "Skipped %s: To short tod" % id
		tod   = d.tod[:,:nseg*seg_size]
		stat  = np.zeros([2,nstat,ndet,nseg],dtype=dtype)
		for si in range(nstat):
			sub  = tod.reshape(ndet,nseg,-1,nmed,nrms[si])
			rmss = np.median(np.std(sub,-1),-1)
			stat[0,si] = np.mean(rmss,-1)
			stat[1,si] = np.std(rmss,-1)
		lens[i] = nseg
		del d, tod, sub
	# Collect everybody's lengths
	lens = utils.allreduce(lens, comm)
	offs = utils.cumsum(lens, endpoint=True)
	# Allocate output stat buffer. This is a bit inefficient, since
	# only really the root should need to do this. But the stat arrays
	# aren't that big.
	stats = np.zeros([2,nstat,ndet,offs[-1]],dtype=dtype)
	for li, gi in enumerate(myinds):
		stats[:,:,:,offs[gi]:offs[gi+1]] = mystats[li]
	del mystats
	stats = utils.allreduce(stats, comm)
	# And output
	if comm.rank == 0:
		print "Writing %s" % ofile
		with h5py.File(ofile, "w") as hfile:
			hfile["stats"]= stats
			hfile["lens"] = lens
Exemple #27
     tspecs[0, i] = np.median(dhigh, 0)
     tspecs[1, i] = np.percentile(dhigh, 15.86553, 0)
     tspecs[2, i] = np.percentile(dhigh, 84.13447, 0)
     tspecs[3, i] = np.min(dhigh, 0)
     tspecs[4, i] = np.max(dhigh, 0)
     del ps
     # Normalize ft in bins, since we want correlations
     for di in range(d.ndet):
         ft[di] /= (dhigh[di]**0.5)[binds]
     # Average correlation in bin
     sps = np.abs(np.sum(ft, 0))**2
     tcorrs[i] = (bin(sps, args.nbin) - d.ndet) / (d.ndet**2 - d.ndet)
     del sps, ft, d
 # Ok, we've gone through all the data in our chunk
 with bench.show("Reduce"):
     dspecs = utils.allreduce(dspecs, comm)
     dzooms = utils.allreduce(dzooms, comm)
     tspecs = utils.allreduce(tspecs, comm)
     tcorrs = utils.allreduce(tcorrs, comm)
 ofile = prefix + "specs%03d.hdf" % chunk
 if comm.rank == 0:
     # Get rid of empty tods
     good = np.where(np.any(dspecs > 0, (1, 2)))[0]
     if len(good) == 0:
         print "No usable tods in chunk!"
     dspecs = dspecs[good]
     dzooms = dzooms[good]
     tspecs = tspecs[:, good]
     tcorrs = tcorrs[good]
     chunk_ids = ids[good + ind1]
Exemple #28
        scan = actscan.ACTScan(entry)
        if scan.ndet == 0 or scan.nsamp == 0:
            raise errors.DataMissing("Tod contains no valid data")
    except errors.DataMissing as e:
        L.debug("Skipped %s (%s)" % (str(id), e.message))
    scan = scan[:, ::config.get("downsample")]
    L.debug("Processing %s" % str(id))

    pmap = pmat.PmatMap(scan, hits)
    pcut = pmat.PmatCut(scan)
    tod = np.full([scan.ndet, scan.nsamp], 1, dtype=dtype)
    junk = np.zeros(pcut.njunk, dtype=dtype)
    pcut.backward(tod, junk)
    pmap.backward(tod, hits)
hits = hits[0]

# Collect result
hits[:] = utils.allreduce(hits, comm)
# Undo effect of downsampling
hits *= config.get("downsample")

# And write it
if comm.rank == 0:
    enmap.write_map(root + "hits.fits", hits)

Exemple #29
	bad = itheta >= ntheta
	itheta[bad] = 2*ntheta - itheta[bad] - 1 - atpole
	iphi  [bad] = iphi[bad] + nphi/2
	bad = itheta < 0
	itheta[bad] = -itheta[bad] -1 + atpole
	iphi  [bad] = iphi[bad] + nphi/2
	iphi %= nphi
	#theta = theta + np.arange(nring)*360./nring
	#for i in range(nring):
	#	print "%4d %7.3f %4d %4d" % (i, theta[i], itheta[i], ntheta)
	omap[...,itheta,iphi] += m[...,0]
	hits[itheta,iphi] += 1
	# Copy over poles
	if atpole:
		for t in [0,ntheta-1]:
			i = np.where(itheta == t)[0]
			omap[...,itheta[i],(iphi[i]+nphi/2)%nphi] += m[...,i,0]
			hits[itheta[i],(iphi[i]+nphi/2)%nphi] += 1

omap = utils.allreduce(omap, comm)
hits = utils.allreduce(hits, comm)
omap /= np.maximum(1,hits)
omap.wcs = owcs

if not args.individual:
	omap = np.mean(omap,0)

if comm.rank == 0:
	enmap.write_map(args.ofile, omap)
Exemple #30
    id = ids[ind]
    entry = filedb.data[id]
        d = actdata.read(entry, ["boresight", "tconst", "cut", "cut_noiseest"])
        d = actdata.calibrate(d, exclude=["autocut"])
        if d.ndet == 0 or d.nsamp == 0: raise errors.DataMissing("no data")
    except errors.DataMissing as e:
        L.debug("Skipped %s (%s)" % (ids[ind], str(e)))
    # Reorder from az,el to el,az
    boxes[ind] = [
        np.min(d.boresight[2:0:-1], 1),
        np.max(d.boresight[2:0:-1], 1)
    L.info("%5d: %s" % (ind, id))
boxes = utils.allreduce(boxes, comm_world)

# Prune null boxes
usable = np.all(boxes != 0, (1, 2))
moo = ids[usable]
cow = boxes[usable]

ids, boxes = ids[usable], boxes[usable]

pattern_ids = utils.label_unique(boxes, axes=(1, 2), atol=tol)
npattern = np.max(pattern_ids) + 1
pboxes = np.array([
    utils.bounding_box(boxes[pattern_ids == pid]) for pid in xrange(npattern)
pscans = [np.where(pattern_ids == pid)[0] for pid in xrange(npattern)]
Exemple #31
L.info("Detecting scanning patterns")
boxes = np.zeros([len(ids),2,2])
for ind in range(comm_world.rank, len(ids), comm_world.size):
	id    = ids[ind]
	entry = filedb.data[id]
		d = actdata.read(entry, ["boresight","tconst","cut","cut_noiseest"])
		d = actdata.calibrate(d, exclude=["autocut"])
		if d.ndet == 0 or d.nsamp == 0: raise errors.DataMissing("no data")
	except errors.DataMissing as e:
		L.debug("Skipped %s (%s)" % (ids[ind], e.message))
	# Reorder from az,el to el,az
	boxes[ind] = [np.min(d.boresight[2:0:-1],1),np.max(d.boresight[2:0:-1],1)]
	L.info("%5d: %s" % (ind, id))
boxes = utils.allreduce(boxes, comm_world)

# Prune null boxes
usable = np.all(boxes!=0,(1,2))
moo = ids[usable]
cow = boxes[usable]

ids, boxes = ids[usable], boxes[usable]

pattern_ids = utils.label_unique(boxes, axes=(1,2), atol=tol)
npattern = np.max(pattern_ids)+1
pboxes = np.array([utils.bounding_box(boxes[pattern_ids==pid]) for pid in xrange(npattern)])
pscans = [np.where(pattern_ids==pid)[0] for pid in xrange(npattern)]

L.info("Found %d scanning patterns" % npattern)
Exemple #32
		ft    = fft.rfft(d.tod)
		del d.tod
		ps    = np.abs(ft)**2/(nsamp*srate)
		del ft
		# Choose a random set of detectors to be examples.
		iex = np.random.permutation(len(ps))[:nex]
		examples[ind] = ps[iex]
		# Want mean and dev between detectors. These can
		# be built from ps and ps**2
		stats[:,ind] = calc_bin_stats(ps, bin_freqs, nsamp, srate)
		n, a, a2 = calc_bin_stats(ps, bin_freqs_status, nsamp, srate)
		del ps
		amean = a/n
		adev  = (a2/n - amean**2)**0.5
		print(id + " " + "".join([get_token(me,de) for me,de in zip(amean,adev)]) + " %5.2f" % d.apex.pwv)
	tot_stats = utils.allreduce(stats, comm)
	tot_examples = utils.allreduce(examples, comm)
	if comm.rank == 0:
		mask = np.all(tot_stats[0] != 0, 1)
		n, a, a2 = tot_stats[:,mask]
		# Individual statistics
		amean = a/n
		adev  = (a2/n - amean**2)**0.5
		# Overall
		amean_tot = np.sum(a,0)/np.sum(n,0)
		adev_tot  = np.std(amean,0)
		with h5py.File(args.ofile, "w") as hfile:
			hfile["bins"]= bin_freqs
			hfile["ps"]  = amean
			hfile["dps"] = adev
			hfile["hits"]= n
Exemple #33
		tspecs[0,i] = np.median(dhigh,0)
		tspecs[1,i] = np.percentile(dhigh,15.86553,0)
		tspecs[2,i] = np.percentile(dhigh,84.13447,0)
		tspecs[3,i] = np.min(dhigh,0)
		tspecs[4,i] = np.max(dhigh,0)
		del ps
		# Normalize ft in bins, since we want correlations
		for di in range(d.ndet):
			ft[di] /= (dhigh[di]**0.5)[binds]
		# Average correlation in bin
		sps = np.abs(np.sum(ft,0))**2
		tcorrs[i] = (bin(sps, args.nbin)-d.ndet)/(d.ndet**2-d.ndet)
		del sps, ft, d
	# Ok, we've gone through all the data in our chunk
	with bench.show("Reduce"):
		dspecs = utils.allreduce(dspecs, comm)
		dzooms = utils.allreduce(dzooms, comm)
		tspecs = utils.allreduce(tspecs, comm)
		tcorrs = utils.allreduce(tcorrs, comm)
		srates = utils.allreduce(srates, comm)
		mce_fsamps = utils.allreduce(mce_fsamps, comm)
		mce_params = utils.allreduce(mce_params, comm)
	ofile  = prefix + "specs%03d.hdf" % chunk
	if comm.rank == 0:
		# Get rid of empty tods
		good   = np.where(np.any(dspecs>0,(1,2)))[0]
		if len(good) == 0:
			print "No usable tods in chunk!"
		dspecs = dspecs[good]
		dzooms = dzooms[good]
Exemple #34
	# Apply weight to rhs
	if W is not None:
		iH  = 1/np.maximum(H,np.max(H)*1e-2)
		urhs= U.apply(rhs*iH)
		ft  = fft.fft(urhs+0j, axes=[-2,-1])
		ft  = W.apply(ft)
		urhs= fft.ifft(ft, urhs+0j, axes=[-2,-1], normalize=True).real
		rhs = U.trans(urhs, rhs)*H
	if rhs_tot is None: rhs_tot = rhs
	else: rhs_tot += rhs


rhs = utils.allreduce(rhs_tot, comm)

#info = infos[0]
#foo  = rhs*info.H
#enmap.write_map("test1.fits", foo)
#bar  = enmap.samewcs(info.U.apply(foo),foo)
#enmap.write_map("test2.fits", bar)
#foo  = enmap.samewcs(info.U.trans(bar, foo),foo)
#enmap.write_map("test3.fits", foo)

dof = zipper.ArrayZipper(rhs.copy())
A   = Amat(dof, infos, comm)
cg  = enlib.cg.CG(A, dof.zip(rhs))
Exemple #35
def fastweight(shape,
               array_rad=0.7 * utils.degree,
               daz=0.5 * utils.degree,
    # Get the boresight bounds for each TOD
    ntod = len(db)
    mids = np.array([db.data["t"], db.data["az"], db.data["el"]])
    widths = np.array([db.data["dur"], db.data["waz"], db.data["wel"]])
    box = np.array([mids - widths / 2, mids + widths / 2])
    box[:, 1:] *= utils.degree
    ndets = db.data["ndet"]
    # Set up our output map
    omap = enmap.zeros(shape, wcs, dtype)
    # Sky horizontal period in pixels
    nphi = np.abs(utils.nint(360 / wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]))
    # Loop through chunks
    nchunk = (ntod + chunk_size - 1) / chunk_size
    if comm: rank, size = comm.rank, comm.size
    else: rank, size = 0, 1
    for chunk in range(rank, nchunk, size):
        i1 = chunk * chunk_size
        i2 = min((chunk + 1) * chunk_size, ntod)
        # Split the hits into horizontal pixel ranges
        pix_ranges, weights = [], []
        with bench.mark("get"):
            for i in range(i1, i2):
                ndet_eff = ndets[i] if weight == "det" else 1000.0
                pr, w = get_pix_ranges(shape,
                                       box[:, :, i],
                if pr is None: continue
            if len(pix_ranges) == 0: continue
            pix_ranges = np.concatenate(pix_ranges, 0)
            weights = np.concatenate(weights, 0)
        with bench.mark("add"):
            add_weight(omap, pix_ranges, weights, nphi)
        if verbose:
            print "%4d %4d %7.4f %7.4f" % (chunk, comm.rank,
    if comm:
        omap = utils.allreduce(omap, comm)
    # Change unit from seconds per pixel to seconds per square acmin
    if normalize:
        pixarea = omap.pixsizemap() / utils.arcmin**2
        omap /= pixarea
    omap[~np.isfinite(omap)] = 0
    if array_rad:
        omap = smooth_tophat(omap, array_rad)
    omap[omap < 1e-6] = 0
    return omap
Exemple #36
        myspec = np.mean(nmat.iD, 1)
        inspec += myspec * np.sum(myhits)  # weight in total avg
        bins = nmat.bins
        srate = d.srate
        site = dict(d.site)
        speed = np.median(
            np.abs(d.boresight[1:, 1] -
                   d.boresight[:-1, 1])[::10]) / utils.degree * d.srate
        offsets[d.dets] += d.offsets[:, 2:0:-1]
        det_hit[d.dets] += 1
        nscan += 1
        del myhits, d

    # Ok, we're done with all tods for this pattern. Collect our
    # result.
    rhs = utils.allreduce(rhs, comm)
    hits = utils.allreduce(hits, comm)
    inspec = utils.allreduce(inspec, comm) / np.sum(hits)
    srate = comm.allreduce(srate, op=mpi.MAX)
    speed = comm.allreduce(speed, op=mpi.MAX)
    site = [w for w in comm.allgather(site) if len(w) > 0][0]
    nscan = comm.allreduce(nscan)
    det_hit = utils.allreduce(det_hit, comm)
    offsets = utils.allreduce(offsets, comm)
    offsets[det_hit > 0] /= det_hit[det_hit > 0][:, None]

    # Reduce to our actual set of detectors
    dets = np.where(det_hit > 0)[0]
    offsets = offsets[dets]
    det_hit = det_hit[dets]
    ndet = len(dets)
Exemple #37
	res = enmap.ifft(enmap.fft(map)*np.conj(enmap.fft(kernel))).real
	return res

nphi = np.abs(utils.nint(360/wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]))
for chunk in range(comm.rank, nchunk, comm.size):
	i1 = chunk*csize
	i2 = min((chunk+1)*csize, ntod)
	# Split the hits into horizontal pixel ranges
	pix_ranges, weights = [], []
	with bench.mark("get"):
		for i in range(i1,i2):
			pr, w = get_pix_ranges(shape, wcs, box[:,:,i], daz, nt, azdown=args.azdown, ndet=ndets[i])
		pix_ranges = np.concatenate(pix_ranges, 0)
		weights    = np.concatenate(weights, 0)
	with bench.mark("add"):
		add_weight(omap, pix_ranges, weights, nphi)
	print "%4d %4d %7.4f %7.4f" % (chunk, comm.rank, bench.stats.get("get"), bench.stats.get("add"))

# Combine weights
omap = utils.allreduce(omap, comm)

# Change unit from seconds per pixel to seconds per square acmin
if comm.rank == 0:
	pixarea = omap.pixsizemap() / utils.arcmin**2
	omap   /= pixarea
	omap    = smooth_tophat(omap, rad)
	omap[omap<1e-3] = 0
	enmap.write_map(args.omap, omap)
     tspecs[0, i] = np.median(dhigh, 0)
     tspecs[1, i] = np.percentile(dhigh, 15.86553, 0)
     tspecs[2, i] = np.percentile(dhigh, 84.13447, 0)
     tspecs[3, i] = np.min(dhigh, 0)
     tspecs[4, i] = np.max(dhigh, 0)
     del ps
     # Normalize ft in bins, since we want correlations
     for di in range(d.ndet):
         ft[di] /= (dhigh[di]**0.5)[binds]
     # Average correlation in bin
     sps = np.abs(np.sum(ft, 0))**2
     tcorrs[i] = (bin(sps, args.nbin) - d.ndet) / (d.ndet**2 - d.ndet)
     del sps, ft, d
 # Ok, we've gone through all the data in our chunk
 with bench.show("Reduce"):
     dspecs = utils.allreduce(dspecs, comm)
     dzooms = utils.allreduce(dzooms, comm)
     tspecs = utils.allreduce(tspecs, comm)
     tcorrs = utils.allreduce(tcorrs, comm)
     srates = utils.allreduce(srates, comm)
     nhits = utils.allreduce(nhits, comm)
     mce_fsamps = utils.allreduce(mce_fsamps, comm)
     mce_params = utils.allreduce(mce_params, comm)
 ofile = prefix + "specs%03d.hdf" % chunk
 if comm.rank == 0:
     # Get rid of empty tods
     good = np.where(np.any(dspecs > 0, (1, 2)))[0]
     if len(good) == 0:
         print "No usable tods in chunk!"
     dspecs = dspecs[good]
        fsub = ft[:, f1:f2]
        cov = array_ops.measure_cov(fsub)
        std = np.diag(cov)**0.5
        corr = cov / std[:, None] / std[None, :]
        myrhs = project_mat(pix, template, corr)
        mydiv = project_mat(pix, template)
        return fbin, myrhs, mydiv

    def collect(args):
        fbin, myrhs, mydiv = args
        rhs[fbin] += myrhs
        div[fbin] += mydiv

    p = multiprocessing.Pool(args.nmulti)
    for fbin in range(nbin):
        p.apply_async(handle_bin, [fbin], callback=collect)
    del ft

# Collect the results
if comm.rank == 0: print "Reducing"
rhs = enmap.samewcs(utils.allreduce(rhs, comm), rhs)
div = enmap.samewcs(utils.allreduce(div, comm), div)
with utils.nowarn():
    map = rhs / div

if comm.rank == 0:
    print "Writing"
    enmap.write_map(args.ofile, map)
Exemple #40
        if args.full_stats:
            for i in range(2):
                stats[si, d.dets, i + 0] = rms_raw[:, i]
                stats[si, d.dets, i + 2] = rms_dec[:, i]
        ratio = rms_dec[:, 1] / rms_dec[:, 0]
        sens = rms_dec**-2
        med_sens = np.median(sens, 0)
        cuts[si, d.dets] = (
            (ratio > rate[0]) & (ratio < rate[1]) &
            (np.all(sens < med_sens[None, :] * args.max_sens, 1))) + 1
    except Exception as e:
        print "Unexpected error " + id + " " + e.message + " skipping"

print "Reducing"
# Reduce everything
cuts = utils.allreduce(cuts, comm)
if args.full_stats:
    stats = utils.allreduce(stats, comm)
print "Reduced"

if comm.rank == 0:
    if args.full_stats:
        # Output full stats
        with h5py.File(args.odir + "/stats.hdf", "w") as ofile:
            ofile["stats"] = stats
            ofile["ids"] = ids
    # Output cuts as accept file
    with open(args.odir + "/accept.txt", "w") as ofile:
        for id, icut in zip(ids, cuts):
            ofile.write("%s %3d:" % (id, np.sum(icut == 2)))
            for det, dcut in enumerate(icut):
Exemple #41
		rms_dec = np.array([np.mean(ps[:,b[0]:b[1]],1) for b in inds]).T**0.5

		if args.full_stats:
			for i in range(2):
				stats[si,d.dets,i+0] = rms_raw[:,i]
				stats[si,d.dets,i+2] = rms_dec[:,i]
		ratio = rms_dec[:,1]/rms_dec[:,0]
		sens  = rms_dec**-2
		med_sens = np.median(sens, 0)
		cuts[si,d.dets] = ((ratio>rate[0])&(ratio<rate[1])&(np.all(sens<med_sens[None,:]*args.max_sens,1)))+1
	except Exception as e:
		print "Unexpected error " + id + " " + e.message + " skipping"

print "Reducing"
# Reduce everything
cuts = utils.allreduce(cuts, comm)
if args.full_stats:
	stats = utils.allreduce(stats, comm)
print "Reduced"

if comm.rank == 0:
	if args.full_stats:
		# Output full stats
		with h5py.File(args.odir + "/stats.hdf", "w") as ofile:
			ofile["stats"] = stats
			ofile["ids"]   = ids
	# Output cuts as accept file
	with open(args.odir + "/accept.txt", "w") as ofile:
		for id, icut in zip(ids, cuts):
			ofile.write("%s %3d:" % (id, np.sum(icut==2)))
			for det, dcut in enumerate(icut):