Exemple #1
 def process_add(self, **kwargs): # We don't specify the args explicitly since we are using wtforms here.
     form = GroupAddForm(request_params())
     if form.validate():
         group = groups.create(name=form.name.data)
         auditlog.log(auditlog.CODE_CONTENT_ADD, target=group)
         notify_entity_activity(group, 'created')
         raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/group/list')
         return render("group/add.html", {'form': form})
Exemple #2
 def createGroup(self, name):
     Create a new group with specified name.
     :param name: The new group name.
     :type name: str
     :return: The created group object.
     :rtype: dict
     group = groups.create(name)
     auditlog.log(auditlog.CODE_CONTENT_ADD, target=group)
     return group.to_dict()
Exemple #3
 def from_structure(self, structure):
     Populates the SQLAlchemy model from a python dictionary of the database structure.
     session = meta.Session()
         for resource_s in structure['resources']:
             log.debug("Importing: {0!r}".format(resource_s))
             # First build up a list of group_ids for this resource that will correspond to groups
             # in *this* database.
             group_ids = []
             for gname in resource_s['groups']:
                 group = groups.get_by_name(gname, assert_exists=False)
                 if not group:
                     group = groups.create(gname)
                     log.info("Created group: {0!r}".format(group))
                     log.info("Found existing group: {0!r}".format(group))
             # First we should see if there is a match for the id and name; we can't rely on name alone since
             # there is no guarantee of name uniqueness (even with a group)
             resource = None
             resource_candidate = resources.get(resource_s['id'], assert_exists=False)
             if resource_candidate and resource_candidate.name == resource_s['name']:
                 resource = resource_candidate 
                 # If we find a matching resource (by name) and there is only one then we'll use that.
                     resource = resources.get_by_name(resource_s['name'], assert_single=True, assert_exists=True)
                 except MultipleResultsFound:
                     log.info("Multiple resource matched name {0!r}, will create a new one.".format(resource_s['name']))
                 except exc.NoSuchEntity:
                     log.debug("No resource found matching name: {0!r}".format(resource_s['name']))
             resource_attribs = ('name', 'addr', 'description', 'notes', 'tags')
             resource_attribs_update = dict([(k,v) for (k,v) in resource_s.items() if k in resource_attribs])
             if resource:
                 (resource, modified) = resources.modify(resource.id, group_ids=group_ids, **resource_attribs_update)
                 # (yes, we are overwriting 'resource' var with new copy returned from this method)
                 log.info("Updating existing resource: {0!r} (modified: {1!r})".format(resource, modified))
                 if modified and modified != ['group_ids']:
                     if not self.force:
                         raise RuntimeError("Refusing to modify existing resource attributes {0!r} on {1!r} (use 'force' to override this).".format(modified, resource))
                         log.warning("Overwriting resource attributes {0!r} on {1!r}".format(modified, resource))
                 # We will just assume that we need to create the resource.  Yes, it's possible it'll match an existing
                 # one, but better to build a merge tool than end up silently merging things that are not the same.
                 resource = resources.create(group_ids=group_ids, **resource_attribs_update)
                 log.info("Created new resource: {0!r}".format(resource))
             # Add the passwords
             for password_s in resource_s['passwords']:
                 password_attribs = ('username', 'description', 'password', 'tags')
                 password_attribs_update = dict([(k,v) for (k,v) in password_s.items() if k in password_attribs])
                 # Look for a matching password.  We do know that this is unique.
                 password = passwords.get_for_resource(password_s['username'], password_s['resource_id'], assert_exists=False)
                 if password:
                     (password, modified) = passwords.modify(password_id=password.id, **password_attribs_update)
                     # (Yeah, we overwrite password object.)
                     log.info("Updating existing password: {0!r} (modified: {1!r})".format(password, modified))
                     non_pw_modified = set(modified) - set(['password'])
                     if not modified:
                         log.debug("Password row not modified.")
                         log.debug("Password modified: {0!r}".format(modified))
                     # If anything changed other than password, we need to ensure that force=true
                     if non_pw_modified:
                         if not self.force:
                             raise RuntimeError("Refusing to modify existing password attributes {0!r} on {1!r} (use 'force' to override this).".format(non_pw_modified, password))
                             log.warning("Overwriting password attributes {0!r} on {1!r}".format(non_pw_modified, password))
                     password = passwords.create(resource_id=resource.id, **password_attribs_update)
                     log.info("Creating new password: {0!r}".format(password))
             # This probably isn't necessary as all the DAO methods should also flush session, but might as well.